Essays on Countries

What a high meaning in one short word - the motherland. And for each person, this word contains in itself something special of its own. Thinking about the motherland, we think about that great, beautiful country in which we were born. we connect the concept of the homeland with the complex and interesting, rich and sometimes tragic history of our native land. We feel proud that we are part of this country, part of this large world.

Love for the homeland is instilled in us from childhood - parents, educators, teachers. From generation to generation, stories about the most important events, outstanding personalities, their exploits and great deeds are transmitted. Therefore, thinking about the homeland, we think about the heroes of the past and the present, and about famous writers, poets, musicians, artists. All this is our history, all this is our homeland.

Our homeland is also the people who surround us in everyday life. People who were born in the same region are always somehow closer to each other, always better able to understand each other, it is easier for them to find a common language and become friends. Because, probably, they have one thing in common - the country in which they were born, and this is already a lot! Is it because people who find themselves in another country are so sincerely glad to meet a fellow countryman - anyone, even a complete stranger, from his native country, hometown, and native places.

But each of us has our own native corner - our own little homeland. This is that city, town or village, that street and that house where we were born, where we took our first steps, said the first word, learned the first joys and first insults. Perhaps, getting older, we will be able to more deeply appreciate, understand and love our large homeland, our country.

Although deep down in our hearts, of course, each of us already has a sincere love for our country. But it seems to me that now it is much closer, more expensive and understandable to us our little homeland - the house of our parents, grandparents.

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My Country My Pride Nepal

“Mother and motherland are greater than heaven.” It is true statement. We are born in this country which is full of natural beauties. We are highly patriot. We love nation more than soul. country is like a heaven for me. My country name is Nepal. …

Words 487
Pages 2
Peace and Order in the Development of the Country

Peace and order is an essential ingredient in maintaining economic development, social order and political stability. A condition of peace and order facilitates the growth of investments, generates more employment opportunities and attracts more tourists. Economic development generally refers to the sustained, concerted actions of …

Words 3859
Pages 15
Contrast Essay about Two Countries

Every country has its own characteristics and a person is recognized by his country. In this modern era, every country is trying to make progress and wants to be best among all other countries. All countries are different in world. There is no country that …

Words 571
Pages 3
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City and Country Life

?If you have two choices, which one will you choose: city life or country life? Some people think that living in a city is more advantageous than living in a country. However, others insist upon the idea that living in a country is unquestionably fascinating. …

Words 101
Pages 1
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Living in the Country

The advantages and disadvantages of living in the country Living in the countryside has a lot of advantages, but also many disadvantages. As the advantage we can consider the fact that the country is less polluted and the traffic isn’t so heavy. You are fit …

Words 458
Pages 2
Which Country Would I Love to Visit?

If I had a chance to visit a foreign country, I would not hesitate to choose South Korea. The main reason why I would choose Korea as my destination is that I want to visit Seoul and Jeju Island. Seoul, the capital of South Korea, …

Words 305
Pages 2
Education as Most Important Factor in Developing Country

Education is the single most important factor in the development of a country. Do you agree? What is actual value of education today? Nowadays, when our world is constantly developing in the area of economics, and other fields there’s a strong growing need in experienced and …

Words 524
Pages 2
What Can I Do to Make This Country a Better Place to Live in?

As A National Discipline Awardee, What Can I Do To Make This Country A Better Place To Live In? Is our country still a better place to live in? If we will to analyze the situations now, there were many incidents that took place in …

Words 287
Pages 2
Should Countries Encourage Tourism?

Nowadays, it is almost a routine, that people every year go to holydays. Often they travel to the places abroad. These places are often very popular and well-known. Even though these places are popular, the countries still promote them and want more people to come. …

Words 363
Pages 2
Communication between countries

Communication between countries has become one of the most important things for country leaders to consider. However, some people think that regular communication can lead to a mixture of culture that may cause culture collapse. Actually, communication between countries cannot be avoided in modern society. …

Words 562
Pages 3
Kelly’s Assignment in Japan Case Answers

Introduction The American and Japanese cultures have been compared in a general context for their contrasting values. In addition, the two cultures have been described as ‘‘polar extremes’’ by Barnlund (1975) as stated by (Khan et al. 2009) , pointing to Japanese being reserved and …

Words 2913
Pages 11
A short analysis of “The Bucket Rider” and “A Country Doctor”

The Bucket Rider This short story, typical of Franz Kafka’s surrealist writing, would bring the reader into some false hopes that the speaker would somehow get through the dilemma or problem he is in, but ends in frustration and despair. Such false hopes that the …

Words 815
Pages 3
Introduction to Japan tourism

Japan is ranked as the 1 lath country that compare to the world to have one of the largest population with over 127 million people. Japan’s capital Tokyo is one of the largest population cities in the world (The World Fastback 2015). Japan preserved cabana, …

Words 2545
Pages 10
Why Do Countries Trade with Each Other

Why do countries trade with each other? Show, using examples, why this may be to do with principle of comparative advantage. Introduction In 1776 Adam Smith stated, “If a foreign country can supply us with a commodity cheaper than we ourselves can make it, better …

Words 1505
Pages 6
Why Did Japan Attack Pearl Harbor?

December 8th 1941 “with confidence in our armed forces – we will gain the inevitable triumph – so help us god” was said by Franklin D. Roosevelt to the Congress to engage in war against Japan. Pearl Harbors’ geographical location led to the bombing of …

CountriesPearl Harbor
Words 84
Pages 1
Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard by Thomas Gray

Thomas Gray was the author behind Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard, which has proven to be a timeless literary piece. Written and published in the 18th century, the said poem generally contemplates on death and morality. However, it does not speak of merely any …

Words 103
Pages 1
Should Rich Countries Help the Poor Countries

Should  rich countries help the poor countries? There is so much debate surrounding the issue of rich countries should help the poor countries. Proponents think that rich countries should help the poor countries because loaning money to developing countries aids can helping them improvement the situation …

Words 1006
Pages 4
Host Country Political and Legal Environment Affect of Airasia

The internal analysis on the company below will answer the question. Resources, Capabilities & Core Competencies Analysis a)Accounting Ratio Analysis In 2004, Air Asia’s earnings margin before interest and taxes (16. 8), return on capital employed (14. 6) and return on equity (37. 7) accounting …

Words 5595
Pages 21
Case Study for North Country Auto

Case Study for North Country Auto, Inc. North Country Auto, Inc. was a franchised dealer and factory-authorized service center for Ford, Saab, and Volkswagen. The company maintains its competitiveness by providing full services to its customers. For customers looking for a car, the North Country …

Case StudyCountries
Words 586
Pages 3
Understanding Strengths And Weaknesses Of International Business In Home Country

International business grew substantially in the second half of the twentieth century, and this growth is likely to continue. The international environment is complex and it is very important for firms to understand this environment and make effective choices in this complex environment (Buckley, 2005). …

CountriesHomeInternational Business
Words 61
Pages 1
Developing Country and Physics

Physics – the study of matter, energy and their interactions – is an international enterprise, which plays a key role in the future progress of humankind. The support of physics education and research in all countries is important because: physics is and exciting intellectual adventure …

Words 57
Pages 1
Talking To My Country by Stan Grant

Talking To My Country by Stan Grant (2016) is an individual account of an Aboriginal man residing in and navigating between two traditions in Australia. It is a personal contemplation on ethnicity, traditions, and nationwide character that is both profoundly thought-provoking, poignant and troubling. It …

Words 2416
Pages 9
Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions 3 Countries

Hofstede’s Dimensions of Culture: An overview of Venezuela, Belgium and Japan International Business In this book, he divides cultures into four basic categories. These categories are individualism, masculinity, dower distance and uncertainty avoidance. Hofstede assigns different cultures a number on a scale between 1 and …

BelgiumCollectivismCountriesCultural DimensionGenderMotivation
Words 7425
Pages 27
Should Developing Countries Concentrate on Improving?

Should developing countries concentrate on improving industrial skills or should they promote education first? As everyone knows that a government represents the people to operate the whole nation and to structure a well-organized system for development, on the other hand, a powerful nation needs a …

Words 514
Pages 2
Differences Between Austria and India

My chosen countries are India and Austria. In this paper I will try to find the similar and dissimilar things of these countries. These two countries are very different. Austria is located in Europe, when India’s location is Asia. First of all I would like …

Words 551
Pages 3
Impact of Globalization on Developing Countries

Globalization is recognized through a number of trends such as growing economic integration and liberalization; trade regulation; convergence of macroeconomic policies; modification of the role and concept of nation state; proliferation of supranational agreements and regulatory bodies; and globalization of information systems. These trends are …

Words 1027
Pages 4
Cultural Dimensions of Two Countries

According to Geert Hofstede there five dimensions of culture. The five dimensions are Power Distance, Individualism or Collectivism, Masculinity-Femininity, Uncertainty Avoidance, and Short or Long-Term Orientation. Power Distance The dimension of Power Distance is the attitude toward the inequalities amongst individuals in a society. Power …

CollectivismCountriesCultural DimensionIndividualism
Words 80
Pages 1
The Impact of Transnational Corporations on Less Economically Developed Countries

A transnational (TNC) corporation is simply a large business organisation which operates and has ownership of assets in more than one country. Most TNCs operate in just a few countries, are involved in manufacturing and services and have their head offices in more developed countries. …

Words 1152
Pages 5
Clayton Industries: Peter Arnell, Country Manager for Italy

Clayton Industries Inc. was founded in 1938 in Milwaukee and became very successful in the United States manufacturing room air conditioners. The company built a strong position in Europe by acquiring four different companies in that continent. The operations between the US and Europe had …

Words 534
Pages 2
Leadership Determines a Country

Claudia Ramirez Parrow Ap Euro P. 4 16 March 2013 Claudia Ramirez Parrow Ap Euro P. 4 16 March 2013 A country needs leadership in order to be successful and to keep peace in order. Some leaders take different routes in which they think would …

Words 337
Pages 2

Frequently asked questions

How do you start a country essay?
A country essay can be written in many different ways. The approach that you take will depend on the purpose of your essay. For example, if you are writing an essay about the history of a particular country, you may want to start by providing an overview of the country's history. If you are writing an essay about the culture of a particular country, you may want to start by describing the country's customs and traditions.Regardless of the approach that you take, there are a few tips that will help you write a successful country essay. First, make sure to do your research. This will help you understand the subject matter and give you a solid foundation to work from. Second, be sure to structure your essay in a clear and logical manner. This will help your readers follow your argument and stay engaged with your writing. Finally, make sure to proofread your essay carefully before submitting it. This will help ensure that your essay is free of errors and that it makes a strong impression on your reader.
How I see my country India essay?
India is my country, and I am proud to be an Indian. India is a land of diversity, with people of different religions, cultures, and languages living together in harmony. India is a land of contrast, with both modern cities and ancient villages. India is a land of opportunity, with a growing economy and a bright future. I am proud of my country and its people, and I am optimistic about India's future.
What would I do for my country essay?
I would do a lot for my country. I would fight for my country. I would work hard to make my country a better place. I would vote for the right candidates. I would stand up for what is right. I would help my fellow citizens. I would obey the laws of my country. I would be a good role model for others.
How can I write about my country India?
You could choose to focus on its history, culture, natural beauty, or any number of other topics.If you are interested in writing about India's history, you could focus on its ancient civilizations, the Mughal Empire, the British Raj, or any other period of interest. If you are interested in culture, you could write about traditional Indian dress, cuisine, music, dance, or any number of other topics. If you are interested in natural beauty, you could write about the Himalayas, the Taj Mahal, the Kerala backwaters, or any other scenic location.No matter what topic you choose to write about, India is sure to offer you a wealth of material to work with. By doing some research and using your imagination, you can create a piece of writing that will give your readers a glimpse into this fascinating country.

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