Proposal Writing: Free Samples

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We've found 131 essays on Proposal
An Examination of the French Economy

France is considered to have one of the top five economies in the world. They also represent about 20% of Europe’s net gross domestic product, ranking alongside Germany. France’s economy specializes in services, with this sector making up approximately 70% of the economy’s value. France …

Words 1442
Pages 6
A Plan to Improve the Public School System

The quality of the American Public School System is deteriorating at an alarming rate. Schools are becoming overcrowded, significant academic subjects are not being taught as often, less amounts of students are graduating, and prominent rules are not being established. Due to these detrimental factors, …

Words 1650
Pages 6
The Case for Learning a Second Language

As the world becomes less and less segregated, and many unique cultures come together, several barriers limit communications and understandings. Amongst these barriers would be the incapacity to speak fluently with one another. Although, it is somewhat unrealistic to learn all languages, even just one …

Words 3976
Pages 15
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Using Networking and Liaison for Senior-Level Employee Recruitment

After the presentation on the need for human resource planning and enhanced strategic role that human resource must play in the organization, it was your wish that the human resource department comes up with a method in which new recruitment and selection of senior level …

Words 955
Pages 4
Paideia Proposal

Paideia is a word that is being used for education in Greek. Paideia means (in ancient Greece) a system of broad cultural education.Paideia Proposal was an Educational Strategy signed in 1982 by Mortimer Adler. It was designed on behalf of Paideia Group. It is a …

CurriculumEssay ExamplesTeacher
Words 902
Pages 4
Sustainable Rural Tourism Development Proposal at Mission Espada in San Antonio

San Antonio is a popular tourist destination, drawing more than 35 million visitors each year. Tourism in San Antonio currently is concentrated in visiting a wide range of tourist attractions which are concentrated within the city limits. The purpose of this study is to diversify …

Words 2912
Pages 11
How to Write a Dissertation Proposal?

Writing your dissertation is likely to be the most challenging piece of writing you will face during your time at college or university, but it doesn’t have to be difficult with all the help that’s currently available. Your first port of call should be your …

How To Write An EssayMarketing
Words 665
Pages 3
Proposal – Corporate Governance failure:Major Bane of nigerian banking crisis.

Abstract The banking sector is among the most vital industries in any economy. There is thus a need for regulatory bodies to prevent any issue that may arise and lead into the collapse of this sector. One of the frameworks that have for a long …

BankingCorporate GovernanceGovernance
Words 4548
Pages 17
Event proposal for Conference & Event Planning at the Roof Gardens, Kensington

Abstract When planning an event which is targeted at a professional body of individuals within the hospitality industry, there are several questions which need to be answered, not least where the best venue to host such an event is likely to be located. In this …

Words 2484
Pages 10
Management Dissertation Proposal Proforma

1. Aims of the Dissertation: The aim of this research is to investigate how postponement as a manufacturing and procurement strategy in supply chain management can add strategic value to a firm’s operations This will be investigated through the following research questions How can a …

Words 2340
Pages 9
Interracial Marriages Proposal

To see a black man and a white woman walking down the street holding hands used to be unheard of. It was a relationship that, for the few who engaged in it, was kept as quiet as possible.During the fifties and sixties, interracial dating was …

Interracial MarriageMarriage
Words 3453
Pages 13
Proposal Argument

Introduction “Platoon… Dismissed! ” said the platoon sergeant. Without skipping a heart beat a platoon of 45 marines responded “Dismissed, I Sir! ” They all took one step back, they smartly raised their right arms with elbows at a 45 degree bend, their fingers joined …

Essay Examples
Words 1045
Pages 4
The product proposal for enhancing and re-designing a chef’s uniform

Abstract The following paper presents a proposal for the project of enhancing and re-designing a chef’s uniform as a product. It summarizes the project proposal providing clear highlights on the ethos of the new available designs, involved technologies and the garment geometry techniques with the …

Words 1054
Pages 4
Proposal- Email Forensics Tracing and Mapping Digital Evidence from IP Address

Introduction Email is a crucial means of communication in modern digital era. It is widely used to communicate personal, business and other sensitive information across the globe in a cost effective manner (Burns, 2006). Communication via email is vulnerable to various kinds of attacks, making …

EmailEvidenceForensic Science
Words 905
Pages 4
Proposal for redesigning the selection and assessment process for Graduate Recvruitment

Introduction The selection procedure of HAL is arduous and outdated, specifically with regards to the initial application process which is poorly run through expensive advertising mechanisms. The initial application is done by way of an initial application form assessed by junior personnel, which may not …

Words 2555
Pages 10
Gym Proposal Allowing More Gym in School

Untied states is known to have the most obsessed people in the world, yet they continue to not do anything about it. In Shrewsbury high school we have Gym 2 days out of a 7 day schedule, and sometimes you can end up not having …

Words 756
Pages 3
Public Health Proposal

Introduction Population growth is one of the major challenges the world is facing at present. The growing population may have significant impacts in health and economy of the country. Hence, it is necessary to address the issues raised in health and economy due to growing …

DiseaseEpidemiologyMedicinePovertyPublic Health
Words 2112
Pages 8
Air Indus Marketing Proposal

Regardless of aviation traumas that reach far into our industry, air travel remains a large and growing industry. In this intensely competitive yet volatile market, Aviation Technology Consultants draws from its aviation expertise to implement a marketing program to expand passenger base, increase revenue passenger …

Words 1142
Pages 5
Management proposal

Abstract The present paper is based on a case study of Top Travel. Inconsistent manager practices in selecting travel clerks and trainees are described. Furthermore, the paper includes a section in which a relevant strategy to improve the selection process is recommended. A job description …

Words 1142
Pages 5
Writing Dissertation Proposal

How to Write your Dissertation Proposal There are certain requirements on how to structure and write your dissertation proposal , including the chapters, number of sources, research development, and literature review. When you first get your dissertation proposal details from your professor, you might be …

Essay Examples
Words 1019
Pages 4
Project Proposal for Cms

Project Proposal for Contact Management System Login Screen for the application On a network, access to databases is dependent upon the number of Users with User ID’s and protected passwords. With the MULTI-USER DATABASE, design data is no longer scattered across the hard disks and …

Essay ExamplesSocial Issues
Words 390
Pages 2
Proposal for sociology

Sexuality Introduction to the paper: In this paper, I will be writing of how the development of media, especially pornography and setting has influenced society’s sexuality. First of all, setting refers to act of sharing or sending sexually explicit Images or words through the use …

Words 699
Pages 3
Proposal for IPS

Current Issues and Challenges for Stakeholders We can identify the stakeholders as the primary users (management, staff and customers) of the Simple Gateway network which are affected by the deferent issues noted in the RFC. The issues and challenges are a. Document Versions Primarily affects …

Essay Examples
Words 648
Pages 3
Speech of Advocacy Rhetorical Situation Proposal

The problem I want to address in the speech is that whether colleges put too much stock in standardized test scores. It’s an actual exgience because colleges are currently relying a lot on standardized test scores as a base for their applications. 1. The teenage …

AdvocacyMy Advocacy
Words 513
Pages 2
Proposal for Innovation Day

Although there are many varieties of daikon, the most common in Japan, the aokubi-daikon, has the shape of a giant carrot, approximately 20 to 35 cm (8 to 14 in) long and 5 to 10 cm (2 to 4 in) in diameter. One of the …

Words 497
Pages 2
Branding Proposal

Done is a small, personally owned public relations agency that specializes in event activations. C-Ad’s strong suits are in image creation, coordinating, promoting and managing public events. The activities that are provided, ensures the client’s target customers to understand and remember their brand without having …

Words 337
Pages 2
Integrated marketing communication proposal

In this paper I will analyze the marketing plan of Research In Motion (RIM), which is one of the most recognizable players within the smartphone industry due to its BlackBerry brand, which captured the world’s attention. From the analysis, we can extract the current position …

CommunicationIntegrated Marketing CommunicationMarketing Communication
Words 3247
Pages 12
Marriage Proposal

A Marriage Proposal (sometimes translated as simply The Proposal) is a one-act farce by Anton Chekhov, written in 1888-1889 and first performed in 1890. It is a fast-paced play of dialogue-based action and situational humour. Characters Stepan Stepanovitch Tschubokov, 70 years old, a landowner Natalia …

Words 2734
Pages 10
A Modest Proposal Critical Essay

Belliveau Patrick A00156136 ANGL 1042 November 7, 2011 As much the same as different “A Modest Proposal” is an unrealistically conceived attempt to find an easy, cheap and fair way to convert the starving children of Ireland into “Sound and useful members of the common …

A Modest Proposal
Words 695
Pages 3
Proposal Emirates Airlines

Proposal Emirates Airlines The Aviation Industry Many analysts like Yeung (1998) argued that the Gulf War, worldwide recession and terrorist attacks had put an end to the growth in the airline industry. For the first time since 1945, air travel had actually declined worldwide. The …

AviationDubaiEmirates Airline
Words 146
Pages 1

How To Write A Proposal Essay

Proposals might be a major part of the business and economic industries, but they are not limited. In education, a proposal essay proposes an idea to the reader and then provides concrete points on why that idea is good or bad. Unlike argumentative, where you are either arguing or persuading to prove your point, in this type of essay, you are gently proposing that idea like a salesperson and subtly trying to get the reader to agree with you.

So many students are scared that they can’t pull this feat off but equipped with the right tips and strategies, there is no way they would not. Writing an exceptional essay requires time and effort, and if a student is willing to put this in, they would see a major difference. Regardless of the type of proposal to be written, they all follow the same standard criteria, which will be discussed below:

Thesis statement

Your thesis must be arguable; it must state a claim or refute a claim about your issue. A thesis must have some chance of being true in order to be debatable. It should not, however, be widely recognized as true; instead, it should be a statement that people can disagree with. It's important to remember that a thesis includes both an observation and an opinion:

observation + opinion (the "why") = thesis

Seeing if your thesis creates a powerful antithesis is an excellent approach to determine how strong it is.

Common thesis pitfalls:

  • A thesis in the form of a fragment.
  • A thesis that is overly broad.
  • A thesis that is phrased as a question. (The thesis is usually derived from the solution to the question.)
  • Extraneous information is included in a thesis.
  • A thesis that begins with the words "I believe" or "In my opinion."
  • A thesis that deals with a tired or cliched topic.
  • A thesis that includes phrases that lead to erroneous generalizations (all, none, always, only, everyone, etc.)

A Proposal Essay Outline

When typing this essay, three major points should be discussed to make for an effective presentation. They make up the perfect proposal essay format, which is:

  • The issue.
  • The plan.
  • The discussion.

The Issue

There are no essays without an outstanding issue; it is the whole point of the article. Before going deep into the proposal, you have to talk extensively about the issue, discuss why it affects everyone, and how it would be better if the issue were exterminated. When the reader understands the problem, they would be more concerned about solving it.

The Plan

Now that the issue has been brought forward and addressed, what are the next steps to take to ensure it is thoroughly squashed? A proposal is like a solution to a problem. The writer tells the readers that despite the obvious enormity of what is before them, there is a way out. Remember, this is not a persuasive essay. You are not trying to argue or persuade, only to provide solutions to an evident problem.

The Discussion

Now that the proposal has been provided, it is time to discuss the matter extensively. There are a lot of solutions to any apparent problem, so why is yours the best? Is yours the most suitable offer?

Are the negatives more than the positives?

Or is it vice-versa? Thoroughly discuss your ideas with confidence, and you might just win.

How To Write An Essay Proposal

Planning an essay is halfway done if you can properly plan the structure. There are four standard ways in which your essay should be structured, and it goes:

  • Introduction
  • Proposal
  • Plan of action.
  • Conclusion


Here, you can present the topic to the reader as gently as possible.  A story hook should be inserted here to keep attention glued to the text for a more captivating intro.

It is always advisable to provide background information on the essay topics before a full description in the body paragraphs. Also, remember to include your statement thesis in the concluding part of the introduction.


There are some common mistakes writers make in this section. Do not elaborate on your proposal at this point; just state it. This part can be left at two or three sentences if you don’t have much to say.

Plan Of Action

Now you can describe. All your points come into play here, and you are allowed to elaborate as much as you like. A basic definition of this term simply is a course to completely solve the problem, a course of action. You need to make sure your plans contain the answers to the question already brewing in the reader’s mind.

From the point they read the introduction, they already have many questions, and this section should answer them thoroughly. Talk about why your solution is the best, and then back it up with strong evidence that would make your proposal essay very easy.


You must have had ample time to state your facts and claims, so do yourself a favor and not restate it in the conclusion. Also, stay away from presenting new ideas to the readers at this time because you would never have enough time to elaborate on them.

However, conclusions should be ended with a call-to-action that would inspire the reader to move into quick implementation of the said plans.

Proposal Essay Examples

  1. Marriage Proposal

Marriage Proposal


  1. A Research Proposal on the International Branding

A Research Proposal on the International Branding


  1. A Modest Proposal Essay

A Modest Proposal Essay

Tips On How To Write A Proposal Essay

As long as rules and guidelines govern a particular task, the chances of excelling are high. Even if it is your first time attempting to write a proposal essay sample, these tips are enough to propel you in the right direction.

Select An Interesting Subject

This is probably the most obvious one. When you have to write a proposal essay, you should pick an idea that largely affects and interests you—the reasons why are numerous and all beneficial. The process of penning down an essay can be tedious and would be a complete bore if there is no ounce of interest. With an exciting idea on hand, you are pushed to do intensive research, and with this, you are more likely to write a better essay.

Support All Claims

When you get so passionate about a particular idea, you might be tempted to go a little off track and just write. However, be certain that every claim you make is supported by a valid fact. This is very imperative in an educated and professional setup. Back every claim with evidence, no matter how trivial it might be. You can check a sample proposal essay to get a rough sketch of the proper way on how this is done.


Ensure your handle of language is top-notch. Avoid casual, formal, lexical, and spelling errors. No matter how small these errors are, they can subtract a great deal from the quality of your paper. Use the right grammar where necessary, and use a dictionary to find more synonyms and avoid the repetitive use of a word.

Proposal Essay Topics

Childhood Obesity Proposal Essays

  1. Research Proposal on Childhood Obesity
  2. Argumentative Essay about Childhood Obesity
  3. Does sugar play a huge role in excessive weight gain in children?
  4. Low carbohydrate diets are the best option in preventing childhood obesity
  5. Children can help themselves towards avoiding childhood obesity
  6. Should obese prone children be forced to live on calorie-counting diets?
  7. What are the major contributory factors to childhood obesity?
  8. Are vegetarian diets the best option for obese children?
  9. Are parents contributing to their children being overweight?
  10. Should gluten-free diets be made compulsory for children?

Business Proposal Essay Topics

  1. Organic Farming Business Proposal
  2. A Business Proposal to Improve Production
  3. Business Strategy of Bahulu Warisan Sdn.
  4. Personal Computer – Business Proposal Essay
  5. Gws Business Stategic Plan Proposal
  6. Business Writing Internal Proposal
  7. Business Proposal for Clear Hear Inc
  8. Business Proposal Checklist essay
  9. Difference Between the Effective and Ineffective Entrepreneur
  10. Free Entrepreneurship Essay Sample

Proposal Essay Topics On Texting And Driving

  1. Dangers of Texting while Driving
  2. Banning phone use while driving will save lives
  3. An Analysis of the Use of Cell Phones While Driving
  4. Banning Texting While Driving Research
  5. Banning Texting while Driving Saves Lives
  6. Texting while driving should be illegal
  7. Texting in Modern Society
  8. The South Dakota Legislature on Texting and Driving
  9. The New Application “Stop Texting and Driving App”
  10. The Unsafe Practice Of Teenage Texting And Driving

Homeless Proposal Essay Topics

  1. Homelessness in America
  2. Poverty and Homelessness in America
  3. Effects of Homelessness and Student Academic Achievement
  4. The Issue of Homelessness
  5. The Causes of Homelessness
  6. How Poverty Affects a Child’s Brain and Education
  7. Unemployment a Major Cause of Homelessness
  8. Mental Disorders Among Homeless Veterans
  9. My Opinion about Homelessness
  10. Homelessness cannot be Solved Overnight


You can find an essay proposal sample for free online; in fact, there’s a whole library of it in the digital space. With this at your disposal, you can read as much as you want and gain knowledge before attempting yours. Remember to follow all the useful tips before starting your project.

Helpful videos about How to Write an Proposal Essay

  1. Proposal Essay Project


  1. How To Write a Research Proposal | Outline, Example, Essay Tips | EssayPro


  1. Writing the Proposal Essay: Introduction


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Frequently asked questions

How do you write a proposal essay?
InstructionsWrite a catchy title. Think of something that will grab the reader's attention and keep them interested.Write the introduction.Provide a resource review.Explain the implementation of your methods.Predict your results.Discuss the potential impact of your results.
What is a good proposal essay topic?
The proposal paper topics about the Societal issues and Social Life in the modern world such as: How effective is safe education? The ways to lift people out of poverty. Different ways to incorporate different cultures into one country.
How do you start a proposal paragraph?
How to write a proposal letterIntroduce yourself and provide background information.State your purpose for the proposal.Define your goals and objectives.Highlight what sets you apart.Briefly discuss the budget and how funds will be used.Finish with a call to action and request a follow-up.
What is an example of a proposal argument?
Perhaps adequate parking is a problem on a college campus. The writer will state the problem and a thesis--an arguable proposal that will solve the problem. The writer will establish the problem with solid numbers. Perhaps the school gives out 1,000 parking permits, but there are only 700 parking spaces on campus.
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