Emerging & Trending Tactics in Digital Marketing 2017

Last Updated: 11 Jul 2021
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If the human race did evolve from monkeys, then why are we not evolving now?

While this theory is still under debate one thing we know for sure is that technology is ever changing and ever evolving. In order to stay at pace, the entrepreneurs have to be up to date with technology and have to let go of traditional ways of marketing. According to Hostingfacts , by 2017, there will be more internet traffic than all prior internet years combined. As we say goodbye to 2016 and prepare for the advent of 2017 , here are a few online marketing tactics which are going to be smoking hot for the coming year.

Smartphone Madness

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I'm sure you must have noticed the rage for smartphones among the people around you. Be it in the offices, parking lots, trains , bus or even if you are just walking on the road, you must have seen how everyone is glued to their smartphones. Your customers are always on the go and smartphones have become their new “Idiot Box” , shopping mall, means of banking and a virtual toolbox. The number of smartphones has only been reaching the higher grounds since 2009. The domination of the web by mobile will lead to companies realizing that an app is no longer an option but a necessity, shared by Jeff Bullas in one his articles.The multifunctionality of smartphones has opened infinite doors for the marketers for their potential sales. In order to grab the attention of your customer, your website needs to be mobile ready. If you can deliver

Relevant Content

Content is still going to rule in 2017. According to experts, the only way to get the attention of the consumer is through personalized content. Relevant content triggers the customer and pushes them to subscribe to your email list, builds brand loyalty and encourages them to visit you again. Know your target audience, give them what they are looking for and they will stay with you forever. “The easiest way to turn off your community members is to broadcast the same message across multiple channels. Instead, determine the kind of content that interests the members of your community in a way that is useful to them.”Joe Pulizzi, Founder, Content Marketing Institute

Videos will Dominate

Business decision makers love online video because it gives them the most amount of information in the shortest amount of time.” – Robert Weiss. Video is the most powerful way of connecting and engaging with your customers. The popularity of video marketing has shot up in the past few years and will continue to rise in 2017. According to Tubularinsights, 73% consumers will make a purchase after watching a video.  Businesses should take advantage of this and create and publish videos that can connect them to their target audience and build their brand awareness. You don’t need to be a pro to create compelling videos for your business. Video making tools like VideoBurst are good enough to make high quality ; professional videos to engage your viewers Video marketing is on the rise. If you want to stay ahead of the competition, Video Marketing is your key to success.

Targeted Email

If you thought that email marketing was dead, you need a reality check. Email is age-old digital technology which is here to stay. Email is the most effective channel for driving traffic and conversions even today. It is the most organic way of generating traffic, as only the interested customers would subscribe to your email list and it is your job to keep them happy and engaged. Here is a list of things you can do now to improve your email ROI

Effectiveness of email for sales and marketing

  • 70% of email readers open emails from a brand or company in search of a deal, discount, or coupon. (The Social Habit)
  • Email is 40x more successful at acquiring new clients than either Facebook and Twitter. (McKinsey ; Company)
  • You are 6x more likely to get a click-through from an email campaign than you are from a tweet. (Campaign Monitor)
  • 81% of online shoppers who receive emails based on previous shopping habits were at least somewhat likely to make a purchase as a result of targeted email.

Impact of Social Media

Humans are social animals. We want to belong to each other and this aspect of human behavior makes social media a big hit. The good thing about social media is that it is best source to build good relationships with industry influencers and connect with them. Social media sites like Facebook and Twitter keep on bringing best user engagement practices to gain attention of more people. Be it Facebook’s new emoji styles or Twitter’s #TwitterChats, they are providing simple yet effective ways to stay engaged with the audience. Right here right now while you are reading this blog post, there are new profiles being created on various social networking platforms every 2 seconds. Related article: 

"you don't listen to me because you are always talking on the phone with her."

Social Media has a huge role to play in influencing the shopping behavior. Every marketer should use this pace in the right manner to increase their brand awareness and loyalty.

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Emerging & Trending Tactics in Digital Marketing 2017. (2018, Mar 15). Retrieved from https://phdessay.com/emerging-trending-tactics-in-digital-marketing-2017/

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