I would like to thank our honorable teacher for arranging such a good session and allowing me to take this topic for term paper. His special guidance has made it successful to prepare this document. I would like to convey my special gratitude to the …
Transversal Proyect English Atelophobia Why we chose this problem? People too often become victims of Atelophobia in other words ‘fear of imperfection’. But one should always remember that mistakes are eye openers. They add to a person’s experience. Mistakes are very normal. Till the time, …
Though substantial efforts are being made by the NGOs for the purpose of poverty alleviation, many a times these efforts are not adequately effective. The reasons for this ineffectiveness are many namely, lack of information, guideline and trust. To put it another way, there is …
1. Introduction Consumers Association of Bangladesh (CAB), a non-government Non-political and non-profit voluntary organization was founded in February, 1978 at the initiation of some dedicated residents in Dhaka who was imbued with the ideas of consumerism, a movement that already took shape in many advanced …
The consumer industry has grown considerably. The increasing foreign direct investment highlights the growth rate of the Bangladesh economy. Over time there has been structural transformation of the economy with a shift from predominantly agricultural led economy towards industry led economy, the contribution of agriculture …
It is our pleasure to submit this term paper on ” Strategic Management process of Leasing Industries in Bangladesh” , with special emphasis on IDLC(Industrial Development Leasing Company), which you assigned to us as a part of Management course requirement. The report focuses on the …
Meaning of Digital Bangladesh Meaning of Digital Divide This digital revolution has created a brand new economic sector that simply did not exist before. Computers, modern telecommunication and the Internet all reduce communication costs and break down geographical borders. In the developed nations government …
THESIS STATEMENT: Despite the similar unfair treatment towards Balochistan, like Bangladesh; Balochistan is not the same situation as Bangladesh. Ever since Pakistan came into being it has faced numerous challenges, some of which have been crucial to overcome in light of its handicapped economy, and …
To what extent does the Physical Environment of Bangladesh determine its level of development? What efforts could be made to reduce the country’s problems? The aim of this coursework is to investigate how Bangladesh’s Physical environment is affecting the rate of the development of the …
Investigating destination attributes, tourist motivation and travel values of the Bengali community in London to Coxs Bazar, Bangladesh 2. Introduction: Today tourism has been considered as a great phenomenon Involving movement of Industry In the world. In tourism Industry, more than 235 million people employment …
The company has been successfully maintaining Its position by developing the quality of the products, adding new features to the products and also by launching new products in the different segments of the paint and Its peripherals. In this pursuit sales management of Berger wants …
In the context of increased importance of ship breaking activities in Bangladesh, specially contribution to construction & structural development (>80%); and in national economy & employment opportunity for the poor. But indiscriminate and haphazard ship breaking activities in once biodiversity rich coastal area of Sitakunda, …
One Tongue, Brotherhood and Equality Language plays a vital role in shaping and constructing any society, community and also country. Not every country around the world has the same language, but English is considered as the most used international language. That is why in countries …
Though this reticular Issue has somehow reduced the limelight of proposed “Aslant Highway; but It Is something that represents even bigger prospect for Bangladesh as the road connecting 23 countries through proposed Asian Highway network. The proposed deep sea port is also opening up the …
Introduction Introduction Jute is a natural fiber with golden and silky shine and is known well as The Golden Fiber. It is the cheapest vegetable fiber procured from the skin of the plant’s stem. Jute is the second most important vegetable fiber after cotton, in …
Bangladesh has a master guideline for foreign policy from its constitution “friendship with all and malice towards none”. Foreign policy of Bangladesh is one of few sectors that has ever been unreformed since the birth of the nation. Bangladesh is obviously a prospective country of …
Home to one of the world’s most densely populated and poorest regions in the world, South Asia is made up of 8 nations including the islands of Maldives and Sri Lanka located at the southern tip of the region. The region is also one of …
Flooding is a huge problem for the people in Bangladesh and the problems continue to have negative and positive effects on the people, property and land/environment. The negatives of flooding; There are many different types of floods that Bangladesh suffers from and these are; flash …
Compare Floods in LEDC and MEDC I am going to discuss two case studies regarding floods. One of my case studies is of Cocker mouth, this is a town in England exposed to floods this is my case study of an MEDC. My other case …
In this situation, it is important to establish a compatible land administration and management system for establishing a systematic approach for planned land development. Land Information System (LIST) is the most accountable and feasible systematic approach for developing an up-to- date land administration and management. …
Abstract Since the 1980s the export oriented readymade garment (RMG) industry of Bangladesh has experienced an extraordinary evolution: This trend was accompanied by a tremendous rise in the export share from 0. 2% in 1980 to nearly 75% in 1997-98. High concentration on low value-added …
Term Paper on “Climate Change and Bangladesh” Submitted by 1. Quazi Nizam Uddin, ID-5176 2. Kazi Md. Golam Quddus, ID-5168 MBA(F) 4th Batch , Fall semister-2010 Submitted for Mohammad Jahangir Alam Asst Professor , Jahangir Nagar University & South East University Managerial Economics (ECO-5123) South …
The unabated spate of load shedding throughout Pakistan has made life difficult to live in this sizzling summer. The unending energy crisis with power outages for more than 15 hours on daily basis has also dealt a severe blow to the national economy. Resultantly, business …
Tea Industry of Bangladesh Bangladesh is a small tea producing country with 3% of the word’s tea production. Tea is agro based, labor incentive and export oriented sector and plays an important role in the national economy through export earnings, trade balance and employment generation. …
In Bangladesh, Bata started its operation in 1962. The company is one of the largest tax-paying corporate bodies contributing Tk. 1. 2 billion (the year 2009) which represents approximately 70% of tax paid by the entire footwear sector of Bangladesh. Bata is the largest retail …
“Chasing angels or feeling demons, go to mountains” said by Jeffrey Rasley. The word recreation means refreshment of health or spirits by relaxation and enjoyment. In other sense refreshment of one’s mind and body. Pakistan is a God gifted land. There are many breathtaking landscapes …
Overview of Financial system of Bangladesh The financial system of Bangladesh is comprised of three broad fragmented sectors: 1. Formal Sector, 2. Semi-Formal Sector, 3. Informal Sector. The sectors have been categorized in accordance with their degree of regulation. The formal sector includes all regulated …
Karakul Hosing, Professor of the Department of Finance, University of Dacha for his constant supervision, moral support, valuable instruction, & helpful advice during the course of studies & research work. Finally, I am deeply indebted to my family, teachers, & friends whose invaluable support & …
On 26 March, 1971 the independence of Bangladesh was declared and the Liberation War began. The people of then-East Pakistan took part in this war to liberate Bangladesh from the oppression of military leaders of Pakistan. Independence for Bangladesh was gained through a nine-month civil …
[pic] Assignment On Population Problems in bangladesh Submitted To: Halimur R. khan, Ph. D. Professor FBA Eastern University Submitted By: Name |ID | |Dewan Abdullah |101200205 | |Jannatul Ferdaous |101200214 | |Tanzila Afrin | 101200004 | |Shahina Akter |101200211 | Faculty of Business Administration Submission: …
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