Monte Carlo methods are based on the Feynman-Kac. Originally introduced to the option pricing literature in. they have found wide applicability ever since. An excellent survey may be found in, and we shall rely heavily on it here. This technique was introduced in finance by …
Two most notable acquisitions in 2016 till date has been Bayer’s $ 66 billion buy out of Monsanto and Verizon’s $4.83 billion buy out of Yahoo. While these mergers come from seemingly two very different industries, there are some common underlying currents in these mega-corporations. Let’s look …
Ever wonder why social media and blogging are so addictive? We love the feedback. The gratification that comes from knowing we actually did something right — something that caused another person to react in a meaningful way. Even if it’s just a like or a …
Introduction Change is a constant thing and this transpires within world in many ways. As the world becomes more complicated and increasingly intertwined, changes ostensibly far away affect us. Thus, change may sometimes appear to occur frequently and arbitrarily. We are gradually becoming cognizant of …
Introduction Insurance is a social device which help the public to transfer the risk which is integrated part of the human life. It’s been years this term called insurance generated. Now one of the most emerging and greening sector in India is insurance. The needs …
It’s true every sales team has that one rep who crushes every monthly goal, while others struggle and have a tendency to underperform. The 80/20 rule is never truer than in sales. But a strong manager is one who understands what attributes make the all-star …
The growing complexity of the business world has created the increasing need for analytics; “according to a 2009 BusinessWeek Research Services survey, 83% of C-level executives agreed that the importance of using the information to run their businesses has never been greater”(Haag, Cummings, 2012). The …
A lot of women reach a plateau in their career due to taking familial responsibilities or lack of growth at workplace. What does it take to shake up things and start growing again in your 30s?“My promotion is overdue and my annual compensation is 30% …
Strategic Value of Information Technology – CRM / Analytics Waze- Analytics Proposition 1. waze currently gathers the following data on its clients: GPS data – where users are and when, the application learns the users driving routes in order to give them the best personalized …
“In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place to oblige to control itself” (James Madison). This statement from James Madison came from The Federalist paper …
The company Bloomberg is a privately held financial software, news, and data company. Primarily, Bloomberg is about the access, report, analysis and distribution of the highest quality data, news and analytics, faster and more accurate than any other organization. According to Bloomberg’s official website, “In …
With the growing complexity and sophistication of the marketing function, marketers need to choose the right set of marketing technology based on a marketing maturity model. Peter Drucker once elevated the marketing function in his quote, “The business enterprise has two – and only two …
The American Dream. This is what most every American wants. To have wealth and prosperity. In the book Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller, Willy Loman in pursuing this dream through all means. Willy Loman, a man in his 500s has worked hard all …
The systematic study of quantitative properties, phenomena and their relationship is known as quantitative research (Morgan, 1998, pp. 362). Quantitative methods collect information concerned with numbers and things that are measurable. (more…)
According to Parahoo (2006, p.375), data analysis is “an integrated part of the research design”, which is a way of appreciating the data before presenting them in an understandable manner. While Authors(De Vos, 2005:333; Neuman, 2006:16) describes data analysis as a way in which the …
Introduction This work presents a critical evaluation of the research article entitled, ‘How traumatic is breast cancerPost-traumatic stress symptoms (PTSS) and risk factors for severe PTSS at 3 and 15 months after surgery in a nationwide cohort of Danish women treated for primary breast cancer’, …
Lab – Data Analysis and Data Modeling in Visio Overview In this lab, we will learn to draw with Microsoft Visio the ERD’s we created in class. Learning Objectives Upon completion of this learning unit you should be able to: ? Understand the concept of …
Prepare a preliminary analysis plan for this study. Which variables do you want frequencies on? Why? The initial stage of the data correlation and analysis would be the proper coding of the data and entry into an appropriate software database. For this case study, the …
Nowadays the volume of data has grown massively due to the evolution of technology. Smartphones, social media, and the Internet of things are the most important factors in the occurrence of big data. The most challenging part is that the data is present in a …
Control Charts Control Charts are use to distinguishes between specializes or common-cause of variation that Is present In a process. There are two basic types of control charts:- Variables Quantitative data (Measured) Attributes Qualitative data (Counted) Variable Control Charts Use actual measurements for charting Types:- …
The aim of primary research is to make known something previously unknown to human beings and to advance human knowledge by making it more certain or better fitting; the aim is discovery (Elias, 1986). Kerlinger (1970) uses more technical language to define it as: The …
The title is specific and concise, it is representative of the research report. From the title the focus of the study is understood including what was studied, who was studied, and where the study took place. It is also accurate and unambiguous. The title also …
This concept is up-growing one as the current data storage pattern utilized by the companies is not as productive as plotted. It is refers to following type of data 1) Traditional Enterprise Data: which includes customer related data ERP, CRM, web transaction 2) Machine Generated …
Introduction My aim it to find out the different types of liquids are more or less viscous than each other and why. Some liquids flow more easily than others do. For example, honey is very “thick” and flows very slowly. Water is thin and flows …
The correlation only indicates the degree and direction of the relationship between two variables. It does not, necessarily connote a cause-effect relationship. Even when there are grounds to believe the causal relationship exits, correlation does not tell us which variable is the cause and which, …
From the Scatterplot of Revenue vs. Circulation, it can be seen that the variance of the dependent variable, Revenue, is increasing. This is a violation of the Gauss-Markov condition of constant variance in the error terms. Also, since a linear relationship seems appropriate, transformation of …
This chapter of a thesis commences a brief statement and enumerating the main topics that are to be covered in it; namely; 1) Research Design; 2) Sources of Data (Locale of the Study and Population/Sampling); 3) Instrumentation and Data Collection; and 4) Tools for Data …
To analyze the time series data, a statistical software (STATA) was used. In time series data analysis important required condition is stationarity of the data set. To test whether the time series is stationary or not, the two tests are used; the ADF (Augmented Dickey …
A company’s ability to address job satisfaction questions could involve employee satisfaction surveys, normative data, and open forums. Each measurement of job satisfaction can trigger a company’s progress by analyzing their employee’s mindsets through surveys. Job satisfaction can include pleasant wages, employee compensation, and benefits. …
Daphnia died on day seven in trial two. In a pH of five the Daphnia survived for six day s In trial one and six days in trial two. Len the pH of twelve the Daphnia survived for five days in trial one and in …
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