Review Writing: Free Examples

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We've found 562 essays on Review
A Critical Analysis of the Play Noises Off by Michael Frayn

Noises Off On April 2, I viewed the play “Noises Off” by Michael Frayn. This play was presented at the Erie Playhouse, which is located on west 10th street, very close to Gannon’s Campus. This play was different from other performances I have attended in …

Words 775
Pages 3
An Examination of the Gods and Holy Places in Taoism

Taoism was created on 142 C.E., the religion is most practiced in China and is one of the major religions in China. A total of 12 million people practice the religion worldwide. For my portion of the project I will be discussing the deities and …

Words 991
Pages 4
A Comparison of Different Creation Theories

Throughout history, there has been various interpretations in order to understand the way that life and the universe was constructed. Some base their beliefs off of reasoning and scientific evidence and others base their beliefs on spiritual forces.”So when the woman saw that the tree …

Words 1108
Pages 5
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Analysis of the Numerous Benefits of Monogamy

Monogamy is a form of relationship or mating system whereby a maleor female remains with a single partner during their lifetime, often entering intoa custom of marriage. Conversely, polygamy is the practice of marrying multiple spouses (Emlen and Oring, 1977). Monogamy is considered to be …

Words 1049
Pages 4
Description of the physical activity game Goodbye Karen

Group Game MDA Draft #2 Goodbye, Karen! is a physical game that requires players to use their stamina and endurance to successfully complete the objectives. Before beginning the game, two obstacle courses with the three exact same events must be set up (one obstacle course …

Words 1170
Pages 5
A Review of the Application of Integrated Marketing Communications

Introduction The notion of integrated marketing communications (IMC) is not new although it has become popular in recent times (Pickton D., and Broderick A. 2005). While the marketing concept, more often than not, has always focused on consumer needs, the practice of IMC has truly …

CommunicationIntegrated Marketing CommunicationMarketing Communication
Words 4917
Pages 18
Central Park Five Documentary Review

After watching this documentary numerous of times, I truly understand and feel the pain that every African American women and men endured and went through while getting wrongful accused by the Criminal Justice System. Not only did this film bring me closer than I’ve ever …

DocumentaryNew York
Words 551
Pages 3
Review of Previous Leadership Studies

The literature on leadership is vast and it has several definitions. Leadership can be defined as a process where a leader influences subordinates behavior in order to achieve organizational goals. According to (Wren, 1995) Leadership is complex phenomena. Leaders are those who influence the group …

Words 2416
Pages 9
Free Human Resources Literature Review

1. Literature Review 1.1 Human Resource Management In a rapid competitive business environment, the procedures of outlining the role, function and process of Human Resource Management (HRM) within a dynamic and uncertain environment are ongoing for many decades. In the early 1980s numerous books and …

HumanHuman ResourcesLiterature
Words 3667
Pages 14
Literature Review on Breast Reconstructive Surgery

Introduction Research is from the French word “research” which literally means to investigate thoroughly. It is a process of systematic enquiry into a particular subject (phenomenon) which intends to create new knowledge and is governed by scientific principles (Cormack 1996). The department of health (DOH) …

Words 5414
Pages 20
Exploring Literature Review and it Significance to Present Health and Social Care

Chapter One Introduction The aim of this assignment is to undertake a secondary research in exploring literature review and it significance to present health and social care. Clinical question will be formulated with rationale given for choice of topic by undertaking an extensive review of …

Words 6442
Pages 24
Review of Maritime Transport

Introduction Sea transport is the backbone of international trade and globalization, carrying more than 80% of the volume of world merchandise trade. In 2007 the volume of international maritime transport increased by 4,8% compared with the 2006 year and reached 8.02 billion tons. For comparison, …

Words 1820
Pages 7
Strategic Review of Associated Business Consultants and their use of IT

Introduction Over the years businesses have become extra reliant on technology and moreover throughout the current economic climate as there is a huge importance for a business to keep up to date technology. Competition is driving companies to become more efficient and effective through the …

Words 2076
Pages 8
A review of theEuropean Union’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP): how efficient is this policy?

ABSTRACT This dissertation evaluates the European Union’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) to determine whether it is an effective and viable way of achieving allocation and redistribution of resources efficiently. It examines the current overall performance of this policy and its effect on international trade. To …

AgricultureEuropean UnionMicroeconomicsTrade
Words 9758
Pages 36
Literature review on entrepreneurial finance

Introduction – Research Proposal Although it appears to be contentious whether availability of finance impacts on entrepreneurial entry to markets (Kim et al., 2006, p. 5), it is likely to be a critical factor in determining the early success or failure of any new start-up …

Words 1698
Pages 7
Efficient Market Hypothesis and its Strengths and Limitations in the Current Financial Crisis

1 Introduction Since Fama (1970) published his paper “Efficient capital markets: A review of theory and empirical work” summarized the basic Efficient Market hypothesis (henceforth EMH) content and the tests based on it, the economics professors has never stopped to debate on it. According to …

Words 2902
Pages 11
How to Write a Systematic Review

This guide deals with how to write a systematic review. Systematic reviews have become popular over the last 20 years or so, particularly in health and healthcare related areas. Systematic Literature Review, sometimes known as systematic reviews, are associated with evidence-based healthcare practice, the idea …

How To Write An Essay
Words 891
Pages 4
literature review on children in care who have been put into transracial placements

Academic writing on race, identity and child placements have contributed little to debates surrounding trans-racial placements. The history of this debate – still reverberating, has been explored at length throughout this research project. The purpose of this research is to provide a critical account of …

Words 14593
Pages 54
Evaluation of the UK Tax System and the Proposals of the Mirrlees Review

Abstract The first part of this paper assesses the canons of taxation, generally acknowledged as the benchmark for good tax systems, in order to determine its critical elements and to evaluate the extent to which the taxation system for small businesses in the UK conforms …

Words 1746
Pages 7
Marketing Mix – Literature Review and Company Example

Marketers develop strategies for each of these components to facilitate mutually satisfying exchanges with a target market. (Lamb et al, 2009). Each or all of the components are variable and may be fine tuned, depending on external and internal influences, to achieve the best blend …

Words 4662
Pages 17
Review on Characteristics of a Good Parent According to North American Culture

A person who loves his or her children unconditionally Children need a lot of attention, time and love. Love is the great motivator to raise a happy child. Love your children no matter what happens even sometimes they may disappoint you, anger you, or even …

American CultureHow to Be Good Parent
Words 1427
Pages 6
Children’s Literature Review

Introduction This literature review explores the contemporary assumptions that underpin the theories and criticisms in children’s literature. Although this genre of literature has fairly recently been made into an academic discipline, it has become an increasingly important area in literary scholarship. Criticism of children’s literature …

Words 3495
Pages 13
A Critical review of Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paulo Freire

Abstract The paper provides a summary and a critique of Freire’s notions in regard to education, philosophy and politics. The review considers how exploitation and oppression affects humanization. It criticizes the “Banking model” of education, and recommends the dialogical approach which can transform individuals. Introduction …

Pedagogy of the OppressedTeaching
Words 1868
Pages 7
Doing Philosophy in the Philippines: Fifty Years Ago and Fifty Years from Now – a Review Journal

Michael Kevin Edgar B. Mangao 1POL3 A Review Journal on Karunungan for Logic Alfredo P. Co Doing Philosophy in the Philippines: Fifty Years Ago and Fifty Years from Now A Review Journal The Article centers on the flourish of Philosophy in the Philippines, how it …

Words 1080
Pages 4
Everyman-a Medieval Play Review

Everyman is a play which was written to express the importance of morality, to whoever read it or experienced it being performed on stage. Some scholars say that it was written sometime in the late 1400’s, while others insist that it is a translation of …

Words 2932
Pages 11
Book Review: Heartland the Darkest Hour

My book was Heartland the Darkest Hour. It was written by Lauren Brooke and was 152 pages long. This book was about a girl named Amy who tries to prove to everyone that she can be as good as a professional horse racer. Throughout the …

Book Review
Words 429
Pages 2
Film Review: Boys Don’t Cry

Boys Don’t Cry is a movie examining the life of the late Teena Brandon. It is an intense movie that follows her journey to self-discovery and essentially her passing. Boys Don’t Cry not only explores how difficult it is to be queer but also what …

Movie Review
Words 1412
Pages 6
Comparative Academic Review

Introduction The aspects of psychiatric treatment of patients have been widely discussed in the academic literature on the subject in the last several decades. In two separate studies, Christina Katsakou et el. (2010) and Jelena Jankovic et. al (2011) trace the practical implications of treatment …

Words 2349
Pages 9
Article Review: System Development Life Cycle

In the article, Angel Tate summarizes the System Development, and the purpose of the System Development Life Cycle is to identify information that technology needs from a business but also to help meet the business needs. There are seven stages to this process first off …

Words 189
Pages 1
Air Force One Movie Review

Air Force one is movie released way back in 1997. It is about how a president was able to save himself, family, and allies from the people who hijacked his plane. In the world of terrorism, the USA president, James Marshall portrayed by Harrison Ford, …

Air ForceMovie Review
Words 521
Pages 2

What is a Review Essay?

A review essay is a type of academic writing that critically evaluates a particular work, such as a book, article, movie, or performance. It involves analyzing and providing an informed opinion on the work's strengths, weaknesses, and overall effectiveness. Review essays typically require a careful examination of the work's content, style, and structure, as well as an understanding of the context in which it was created.

A review essay typically includes an introduction that provides background information on the work and the author or creator. The body of the essay includes an analysis of the work's content, highlighting important themes, ideas, and arguments. The essay may also evaluate the work's style, structure, and use of language, as well as its relevance and importance in the broader context of the field or topic.

In addition to evaluating the work, a review essay may also compare it to other works in the same genre or by the same author, or examine how it fits into a particular literary or artistic tradition. The conclusion of the essay summarizes the key points of the analysis and offers a final evaluation of the work.

Review essays are commonly assigned in literature, film studies, music, art, and other humanities courses, as well as in journalism and media studies. They are also frequently published in academic journals, newspapers, and magazines.

How Do You Write a Review Essay?

Here are the general steps to follow when writing a review essay:

  1. Introduction: Begin by introducing the work being reviewed and provide some background information, including the author, title, and publication information.

  2. Summary: Provide a brief summary of the work being reviewed, highlighting its main points and arguments. Be sure to avoid giving away any major plot twists or spoilers.

  3. Analysis: Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the work, providing evidence and examples to support your points. Consider the author's use of language, style, and tone, as well as the work's themes and messages.

  4. Evaluation: Provide an overall evaluation of the work, including its relevance and importance to its genre and/or topic. Consider how the work compares to others in its field, and whether it contributes anything new or noteworthy.

  5. Conclusion: Conclude the essay by summarizing your main points and restating your evaluation of the work. Avoid introducing new information or arguments in the conclusion.

It is important to note that the structure and organization of a review essay may vary depending on the type of work being reviewed and the requirements of the assignment. Additionally, it is important to maintain a critical and objective tone throughout the essay, avoiding personal biases or opinions that may detract from the review's credibility.

Review Essay Outline

A review essay typically follows a specific format and structure. Here's a basic outline that you can use for a review essay:

  1. Introduction The introduction should provide an overview of the topic you'll be reviewing, the author or creator of the work you'll be reviewing, and your thesis statement. Your thesis should state your opinion about the work and what you hope to achieve in the review.

  2. Summary Provide a brief summary of the work you're reviewing. This summary should be concise and provide enough information for readers to understand the work if they haven't read or seen it themselves.

  3. Analysis In the analysis section, you should provide a critical evaluation of the work you're reviewing. This can include discussion of the work's strengths and weaknesses, its relevance or significance, and its impact on the field or on society.

  4. Discussion Use this section to discuss the broader implications of the work. You might consider its historical context, its impact on popular culture, or its place in the larger canon of literature or art. This section should connect your analysis to larger issues and ideas.

  5. Conclusion In your conclusion, summarize your main points and restate your thesis. End with a final evaluation of the work and a discussion of its lasting impact or relevance.

  6. References Include a reference list of all sources you cited or consulted during your review.

It's important to note that this outline is just a guide, and the structure of your review essay may vary depending on the type of work you're reviewing and the specific assignment guidelines provided by your instructor.

Popular Topics For a Review Essays

Review essays can cover a wide range of topics and subjects, depending on the context and purpose of the review. Here are some popular topics for review essays:

  1. Book reviews: analyzing and critiquing literature, including fiction, non-fiction, and poetry.
  2. Film reviews: analyzing and critiquing movies, including narrative structure, visual elements, and themes.
  3. Music reviews: analyzing and critiquing albums, songs, and live performances, including musical structure, lyrics, and cultural significance.
  4. Art reviews: analyzing and critiquing visual art, including painting, sculpture, and photography, and exploring themes and symbolism.
  5. Product reviews: analyzing and critiquing consumer products, including electronics, appliances, and beauty products, and evaluating their effectiveness and value.
  6. Restaurant reviews: analyzing and critiquing the quality of food, service, and ambiance of restaurants, and evaluating their overall dining experience.
  7. Travel reviews: analyzing and critiquing destinations, accommodations, and activities, and providing insights for other travelers.
  8. Academic literature reviews: summarizing and analyzing existing research in a particular field, and identifying gaps in the literature for further study.

Frequently asked questions

How do you write a review essay?
On writing the review…Reviews should include concise statements of the subject matter, problems, or issues to which the books are directed.Essays should include brief summaries of the authors' major arguments and conclusions and a discussion of the manner in which they developed their conclusions.
What's a review essay?
Review essays are critical reviews of at least 2 (usually 3 or 4) readings covered in the course.The purpose of these essays is to allow students to show that they understand the arguments or main points of several readings and can analyze them in a coherent, integrated, and thematic fashion.
How do you introduce a review in an essay?
The introduction of your review should accomplish three things:Introduce your topic. It may sound redundant to "introduce" your topic in the introduction, but often times writer's fail to do so.State your topic's relevance.Reveal your thesis to the reader.
How do you start an essay in first-person?
Writing first-person essays requires the use of first-person pronouns such as “I,” “me,” and “we.” This differs from the third-person point of view—which requires the use of third-person pronouns like “he,” “her,” or “them”—and the second-person point of view—which employs second-person pronouns like “you” and “yours.”
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