Saatchi Nine
Saatchi Gallery is now hosting an Art Showdown, which is an online competitive event that allows artists to upload images of their work and make them available to an online voting audience. Those who would like to enter must be registered members of Saatchi online or of the Stuart Artist group. However, registration is easy, free, and readily available on the site. Once registered, Showdown accepts one image from each artist every period beginning on Monday at 9 a. m. until the following Sunday evening at 6 p. m. —a one-week period.
During the time the work is uploaded to the site, all visitors will be free to view and vote on the quality of the work. Each visitor is permitted only one vote for each work, but may vote on as many works as is preferred. The voting is done on a scale of one (1) to ten (10). Once the scores are tallied for the first week in each period, the two artists with the highest scores are given the chance to compete against each other for additional votes for the period of another week. These two remaining artists go head to head, vying for a chance to enter for the final prize of 1000.
The competition continues for twelve rounds, after each of which, one winner is selected. The final knock out round has the twelve finalists going head to head in a bid for the ?1000 prize, yet Saatchi’s support does not end there. This coveted prize will not be the only benefit of the competition, as the runner up is also granted the sum of ?750. And even further benefits exist, as all the artists who enter gain the exposure that comes with having your work viewed on the site that welcomes thousands of visitors on a regular basis.
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Street Art The Saatchi Art Gallery caters to artists of all kinds, and evidence of this exists in its commitment to the work of street artists. The gallery accepts work from a wide range of non-traditional artists, such as tattoo and graffiti artists, mural painters, performers, and others who discover unknown or unrecognized pieces. Saatchi allows these artists to upload their work in the form of photos or even videos—any or all the methods that capture the true essence of the meaning and conceptualization they would like to convey.
The use of the video-upload feature is particularly convenient for performing artists, who are also encouraged to promote their work on the Saatchi Gallery Site. This features is open even to street dancers, many of whom the gallery recognises as having attained a remarkable level of proficiency at their art despite the lack of formal training. Artists ready to upload are encouraged to register on the site for a free membership, which gives them all the privileges that Saatchi members worldwide possess.
However, those who prefer to are also allowed to register as visitors and still gain the benefit of having their works displayed on the international artistic website. When art files are uploaded, visitors to the site are able not only to view the works, but also to select their ten favourites, which are ultimately showcased in a special area on the site. The exposure that this Saatchi Gallery facility affords to young street artists is immeasurable, as the gallery makes these works available to millions of viewers around the world.
This considerably broadens the artistic scope of these street artists and ultimately brightens their prospects. Photography The Saatchi Gallery’s artistic versatility dictates its open attitude toward art, and this attitude is present in its welcoming posture toward the work of photographers around the world. The gallery opens its doors to photographers who have been widely unrecognised in their circles and provides a source of promotion and exposure to these young, talented persons. This offer is inclusive of photo artists from countries all around the world.
At Saatchi Online, artistic photographers are encouraged to upload their photographs and place them on display for the millions of potential art enthusiasts on the internet. Images must be uploaded as jpg files and the sizes of these files should be below 2MB. This opportunity given free of charge by Saatchi not only allows these photographers to increase their standing as renowned artists, but it also allows them to enter into the professional artistic realm by making (or arranging for) commission-free online sales.
Photographers are also free to create their own profile package online. Therefore, not only do viewers and potential buyers get the chance to review a wide range of their works (as many as eight pieces are accepted), but they are also able to offer the public significant information about themselves and their art. In addition to the services mentioned, Saatchi also allows the photographers to get messages from those interested in their art—such as viewers, fellow photographers, and even potential buyers.
Therefore, this improves the artists’ ability to network in this scene where fellow artists, a potential source of inspiration, may be difficult to find. The Saatchi service to photographers may therefore be considered an ultimate method of artist promotion. Museum Saatchi Gallery represents the one of the world’s most modern museums of art and is a refreshing addition as one that was made specifically for those who enjoy art in all its styles and types.
It caters to the desires and needs of a wide range of art lovers, from students needing to be exposed to the different genres represented in art to young artists needing a place to exhibit their work. It aids in the development of young talent and deepens (formal and informal) students’ appreciation of the contemporary aesthetic depicted in the work and ideologies of contemporary artists. Yet, the museum also extends its influence and aid into the realm of non-traditional art, such as fashion designing and the performing arts.
In fact, these artists are supported not just in procuring them an audience for their work, but also in facilitating the purchase of art pieces via the Saatchi interface, which eliminates the middle-man and renders the compensation over to the appropriate artist commission free. The resources available on the Saatchi website are many, as it houses the Stuart Museum that is specifically designated for student artists or recent graduates as a place where they are free to upload their work for public viewing, critiquing, and feedback.
Saatchi Gallery’s gift to the artistic public is valuable in that it offers a new generation of artists and art lovers access to the cutting edge of creativity. However, it allows for the personal and professional growth of the young artist too, by giving them the opportunity to interact with the public in colloquy, conference, as well as business settings. Therefore, through the resources provided by this gallery, students become more cultured in their exposure to contemporary art, and young creative people gain valuable, professional skills that will last them a lifetime.
Colleges and universities will find the Saatchi Gallery a very valuable resource to boost the appreciation and renown of their art, fashion and performing arts departments. Saatchi caters to these institutions on an international scale, and provides them the impetus and exposure they need in order to present their departments to the public as a progressive arm of the institution. The Saatchi Gallery caters specifically to the effort to market these institutions by welcoming posts and sample work from the students and faculty, allowing these parties to showcase their work on the internationally recognised website.
Representatives of each university are empowered to upload material in the form of photos, videos or scanned art work to the site as a method of drawing attention to the abilities of their students and the expertise of the faculty that grooms them. On the Saatchi Gallery website, colleges and universities have the freedom to highlight the achievements of their faculty members as well as the unique talents of their students. Yet they may also offer descriptions of their artistic programs, give information about their institutions’ location, and even provide links to their websites.
The gallery is a supreme marketing tool because it provides a hub to which thousands of prospective students (and other persons interested in art) come to do research and locate educational institutions in which they may be groomed in the arts. It also provides critics with a method of gauging the artistic talents of a wide range of students without the need to travel, and therefore may afford your institution the recognition it would not otherwise have had.
It also gives colleges and universities the chance of being recognised in an international gallery without incurring any expenses—as registration on the Saatchi Gallery’s site is always free of charge. Gallery The Saatchi Gallery is an international collection of the works by artists ranging from amateur to professional levels, and it is an indispensable resource both to the user who is serious about the study of art and to the casual art lover. To the serious student of the arts, it provides a wealth of information about contemporary art techniques, artists, and the direction in which art is and has been moving.
The gallery hosts the work of hundreds of artists in and around the United Kingdom as well as across the world. It especially caters to the works of new artists and of those seasoned artists whose works have gained little or no attention in the past, providing insight into their techniques and inspirations. Ultimately, as a result of their exhibition of their work in the Saatchi Gallery, many of these new artists are offered the opportunity to conduct showings in galleries locally or internationally.
The gallery’s new home, located at (PLACE ADDRESS HERE) is of a stylish and modern architectural design that heralds the museum-quality work of the artists hosted within. This twenty-year-old gallery has grown over the years to accommodate approximately 600,000 annual visitors and 1000 annual school visits. It collaborates with the media to facilitate and host a wide variety of shows that put even more effort into showcasing the work of these talented artists.
These shows have benefited from the input of such media houses as The Evening Standard, The Observer, and Time Out. This has led to a vast increase in the viewing audience in Britain, around Europe, and even to increases in international visits. This is the kind of public awareness for which Saatchi regularly campaigns on behalf of the artists whose works are hosted within the gallery. It represents a truly contemporary, businesslike, and professional approach to art promotion that brings artists and viewers together in a productive fashion.
Galleries The resource that the Saatchi Gallery provides to other art galleries around the world is invaluable. To those who own galleries and are highly interested in the contemporary art scene, the Saatchi Gallery provides the exposure and the information necessary to create and maintain a high profile gallery. Rather than compete with galleries around the world, Saatchi collaborates with them to provide them with international recognition on the global art market.
The gallery allows other gallery directors to provide information about their art shop on the Saatchi website and also to provide links to their galleries via the Saatchi website. Since Saatchi caters to a growing international viewing audience of potentially millions of persons, all those viewers immediately become potential clients of the galleries that choose to be hosted on the Saatchi site. Saatchi hosts links to the most prestigious galleries around the world, and facilitates the creation of sub-galleries for schools, colleges, and other artistic institutions.
In fact, it caters to a wide variety of schools (primary to university level) and to the public at large, so that its collection is the largest available on the internet. Being a gallery itself, Saatchi also hosts the works of individual artists. The Stuart Museum, for instance, is a gallery hosted under the aegis of the Saatchi brand, which houses the work of students and recent graduates of artistic colleges and universities. Plus, Saatchi takes it one step further than brick-and-mortar art galleries by allowing artists to sell their work online free of commission.
The gallery is therefore a large and all-inclusive contemporary art hub that provides the viewing public with a link to the widest variety of art and art galleries that currently exists on the internet. Chat Live Interaction becomes easier now on the Saatchi Gallery website, as the site’s interface allows for real-time conversation between artists and their viewers. Saatchi uses an instant messaging feature that facilitates interaction between art lovers and their favourite artists through its Chat Live feature, and this occurs in a manner that encourages the artistic collaboration of the art community.
Artists from a variety of backgrounds and even in different nations can meet one-on-one with those persons who appreciate their work and gain live feedback and critiques of their art. The Chat Live feature also allows for discussion of artistic themes that have the potential to lead to a deeper public understanding of the concepts embedded within the works of art displayed in the Saatchi online gallery. Saatchi even allows group chats, and access to the chat feature and chat rooms can be obtained via a very brief registration formality accessible at http://www. aatchi-gallery. co. uk/chatlive/. This Chat Live feature is useful beyond its ability to bring art lovers together for leisure and collaborative purposes. It also presents a valuable marketing tool to those persons who want to gain direct and specific feedback concerning the interests of real people who love and follow art. Representatives of galleries and museums may register or sign in as guests to gain access to the ideas and suggestions of the large viewing and membership audience on the Saatchi website. They may also use the resource to plan and promote artistic events.
Members of the press or other interested persons may also sign in to conduct formal or informal interviews of artists in an effort to promote the love and continued creation of art as a whole. The endless possibilities that exist with this invaluable Chat Live tool made available on the Saatchi website will no doubt facilitate the production of beautiful art for future generations. Portfolio The Saatchi Gallery online portfolio is a special resource provided to schools at the primary and high levels that are interested in boosting the confidence and promoting the talents of their artistically inclined students.
The art teacher or the school’s artistic representative is given the opportunity to create detailed profiles for their schools and thereby to promote the artistic endeavours of the school as evidence of the school’s diverse educational curriculum. Along with the school’s profile, the portfolio allows institution representatives to call attention to the work of its talented students by uploading samples of these works along with biographical profiles of the students responsible for the pieces.
The institutions are also encouraged to upload notices and descriptions of upcoming and past artistic events that demonstrate the school’s commitment to the arts. The Saatchi Portfolio is therefore a strong marketing tool that promotes the educational institution on a grand artistic scale. However, the Saatchi Gallery goes further to promote and encourage the talent of these young and promising artists. It puts on regular competitions that generate prizes of great value to the future career of these individuals.
Winners and runners up are given cash for use in purchasing art supplies, including computers, to enhance their potential as artists. The winning schools are also given monetary compensation to be used to equip their art departments, making them more conducive to the learning and practice of art. The Saatchi portfolio resource is performed as a community service gesture whose purpose is to return benefits to the institutions that gave many successful artists support in the past. The Portfolio also exists to secure the future of art by encouraging the youth in artistic endeavours.
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Saatchi Nine. (2017, May 08). Retrieved from
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