Managing Quality in Partnership Working with Service Users
Central College London Module Study Guide G: Managing Quality in Partnership Working Graduate Diploma in Health and Social Care – Level 5 Module G: Managing Quality in Partnership Working The learner will: 1 Understand differing perspectives of quality and partnership working in relation to health and social care services Partnership: empowerment; independence; autonomy; power; informed choice; staff and organisation groups eg statutory, voluntary, private, independent, charitable; service users
Quality: audit; quality control; role of agencies eg Care Quality Commission, NICE; role of staff and users; quality perspectives eg Servqual-Zeithaml, Parasuraman and Berry; technical quality; functional quality http://areas. kenan-flagler. unc. edu/Marketing/FacultyStaff/zeithaml/Selected%20Publications/SERVQUAL-%20A%20Multiple-Item%20Scale%20for%20Measuring%20Consumer%20Perceptions%20of%20Service%20Quality. pdf The learner can: 1. 1 Discuss the philosophy of working in partnership in health and social care 1. Analyse the role of external agencies in setting standards and the impact this has on service quality The learner will: 2 Understand how to promote partnership philosophies and relationships in health and social care services Partnership working: empowerment; theories of collaborative working; informed decision making; confidentiality; professional roles and responsibilities; models of working eg unified, coordinated, coalition and hybrid models; management structures; communication methods; inter-disciplinary and inter-agency working and joint working agreements.
Legislation: current and relevant legislation eg safeguarding, equality, diversity, disability, data protection Organisational practices and policies: current and relevant practices; agreed ways of working; services planning procedures and employment practices for different bodies ie statutory, voluntary, specialist units; risk assessment procedures The learner can: 2. 1 Compare models of partnership working and discuss how differences in working practices and policies affect collaborative working across the sector 2. Evaluate current legislation and organisational practices and policies for partnership working in health and social care The learner will: 3Understand strategies for achieving quality in health and social care services Standards: minimum standards; best practice; benchmarks; performance indicators; charters; codes of practice; legislation eg local, national, European Implementing quality: planning, policies and procedures; target setting; audit; monitoring; review; resources (financial, equipment, personnel, accommodation); communication; information; adapting to change
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Barriers: external (inter-agency interactions, legislation, social policy); internal (risks, resources, organisational structures, interactions between people) The learner can: 3. 1 Explain the standards that exist in health and social care for measuring quality 3. 2 Evaluate different approaches to implementing quality systems 3. 3 Analyse potential barriers to delivery of quality health and social care services The learner will: 4Evaluate the outcomes of partnership working for users of services, professionals and organisations in health and social care services
Outcomes for service users: positive eg improved services, empowerment, autonomy, informed decision making; negative eg neglect, abuse, harm, anger, miscommunication, information overload, confusion, duplication of service provision, disempowerment Outcomes for professionals: positive eg coordinated service provision, professional approach, clear roles and responsibilities, organised communication, preventing mistakes, efficient use of resources; negative eg professional conflict, miscommunication, time wasting, mismanagement of funding
Outcomes for organisations: positive eg coherent approach, shared principles, comprehensive service provision, common working practices, integrated services; negative eg communication breakdown, disjointed service provision, increased costs, loss of shared purpose Barriers to partnership working: lack of understanding of roles and responsibilities; negative attitudes; lack of communication; not sharing information; different priorities; different attitudes and values
Strategies to improve outcomes: communication; information sharing; consultation; negotiation; models of empowerment; collective multi-agency working; dealing with conflict; stakeholder analysis The learner can: 4. 1 Analyse outcomes and barriers for partnership working for users of services, professionals and organisations 4. 2 Describe strategies to improve outcomes for partnership working in health and social care services The learner will: 5 Understand methodologies for evaluating health and social care service quality
Methods for assessing quality: questionnaires; focus groups; structured ans semi-structured interviews; panels, complaints procedures; open forums Perspectives: external eg inspection agencies; internal eg service standards; continuous improvement : mechanisms eg consultation, panels, user managed services The learner can: 5. 1 Analyse methods for evaluating health and social care service quality with regards to external and internal perspectives 5. 2 Discuss the impact that involving users of services in the evaluation process has on service quality ------------------------------------------------- Internal Assessment Guidance – Module D:
Task 1 - Type of evidence: Presentation Assessment criteria: 1. 1, 1. 2, 4. 1, 4. 2 Additional information: Constitutes 30% of module mark Activity Review how a local health or social care provider engages with relevant partners in the delivery of their service, and how this can impact on the quality of the service they provide. You may already be familiar with this health or social care provider and have some knowledge of their approach to partnership and quality standards OR you can choose a provider and analyse their practice based on the information contained: * Within their marketing / promotional material On their website * Within their latest report from the Care Quality Commission (CQC) Please note in order to maintain confidentiality you can only refer to information that is available within the public domain Review their practice and answer the following questions in your presentation: a) How do they work in partnership with: outside agencies; specialist services; service users; professional bodies; voluntary and other organisations? (1. 1) b) How do these partnerships impact the quality of service provided? 1. 2) c) Analyse outcomes and barriers for partnership working with service users within this service (4. 1) d) Describe strategies that could improve outcomes for partnership working within this service (4. 2) You will need to prepare a presentation of approximately 10 minutes duration to illustrate your answers to the questions above. In your presentation you need to include copies of slides and presentation notes and submit a copy to your assessor. Your final slide should list correctly any references used.
Presentation date: Week 3 Task 2 – Type of evidence: Report Assessment criteria: All of 2, 3 and 5. Constitutes 50% of the module mark Additional information: Word limit 1500 words Activity Using information available related to the health or social care provider that was the focus of your presentation for Task 1, submit a report answering the following questions: 1) Identify positive aspects of partnership practice within the service, and discuss how partnership practice could be improved (2. ) 2) Evaluate how relevant legislation is implemented to affect organisational practice related to partnership working (2. 2) 3) Explain at least five standards that exist for measuring quality (3. 1) 4) Identify and evaluate approaches to implementing quality systems (3. 2) 5) Analyse any barriers or potential barriers to delivering a good quality service (3. 3) 6) Analyse methods used for evaluating the quality of the service provided (5. 1) 7) Discuss the impact of any involvement of services users in the evaluation of service quality (5. 2)
In order to promote confidentiality, ensure that you only refer to material and information that is available within the public domain. All sources of evidence should be accurately referenced at the end of your report. Task 3- Essay (500-700 words) . This will constitute 20% of the module mark. Reflect and write an essay which will identify what you have learned from this module to include personal strengths and weaknesses during the learning process. Highlight any need that will require development for the future which would enhance your employability. Submission date: 17/05/2013
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