Essays on Public Relations

Essays on Public Relations

Feeling stuck when writing an essay on Public Relations? If you are unable to get started on your task and need some inspiration, then you are in the right place. Public Relations essays require a range of skills including understanding, interpretation and analysis, planning, research and writing. To write an effective essay on Public Relations, you need to examine the question, understand its focus and needs, obtain information and evidence through research, then build a clear and organized answer. Browse our samples and select the most compelling topic as an example for your own!

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We've found 101 essays on Public Relations

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Essay topics


The Relationship Between Journalism and Public Relations

The relationship between journalism and public relations has been described as tumultuous. Hitchcock (2012) says there is a shifting dynamic between the two and has found that journalists are starting to become more and more reliant on public relations ‘(PR)’, while Jackson (2009) says that …

JournalJournalismPublic Relations
Words 1826
Pages 7
Critical analysis of a PR campaign

Abstract The value of the public relations campaign has become a topic of substantial debate. This essay assesses the role of the process and the value it has in today’s business world. With the evidence presented showing that there can be value found in a …

AdvertisingPublic RelationsSocial Media
Words 2495
Pages 10
Marketing strategies and public relations of hotel Burj Al-Arab Dubai

Abstract The twenty first century has been the age of advance technology, information and communication systems. So, in this age of travel and tourism has been simplified due to the advances in communication technology. The trends related to travel and tourism has increased significantly. Change …

HotelMarketingPublic Relations
Words 3524
Pages 13
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Personality, Personality Development, Spheres, Public Relations

The free dictionary the visible aspect of one’s character as it impresses others: He has a pleasing personality. the sum total of the physical, mental, emotional, and social characteristics of an individual. the organized pattern of behavioral characteristics of the individual. the quality of being …

Personality DevelopmentPublic Relations
Words 945
Pages 4
Wal-Mart’s Public Relations Problems

Public relation is a fundamental tool for any organization in maintaining a good image and also for it to achieve its full potential. This is why companies must always strive to employ the best public relations practices to avoid negative image or public relation related …

Public RelationsRetailWalmart
Words 656
Pages 3
Nike: Public Relations

This paper talks about Nike, a successful company in the durables, clothes and sportswear world dealing with very high sales and a hugely earned household name. This paper takes on a public relation perspective by claiming that Nike’s workers and factory staff is not kept …

AbusePublic Relations
Words 624
Pages 3
Corporate Social Responsibility As A Public Relations

Nowadays, corporate responsibility is turning out to be one of the most prominent issues in the international arena. It has also become a research priority in the field of public relations, considering its importance in the said industry for decades. It is because of this …

Corporate Social ResponsibilityPublic RelationsResponsibility
Words 1104
Pages 5
On balance, do you think Google has a serious public relations problem?

On balance, do you think Google has a serious public relations problem? I believe Google does not have a serious public relations problem because of two reasons; first, Google has reconciled with many companies or organizations even if they have litigations, second, Google fires excellent …

AdvertisingEntrepreneurshipGoogleInternetPublic Relations
Words 82
Pages 1
Apple Incorporation and Public Relations

A company carries out public relations in order to have a good public image concerning its operations, products and services. Due to the current stiff competition in the contemporary business arena, many companies have emulated different strategies in order to out do their competitors in …

CorporationCorporationsPublic Relations
Words 1470
Pages 6
Yellow Ribbon Project

PR Assignment 1 Background Sheet: Generating Yellow Ribbon Project Campaign Awareness 1. About the Organization: Singapore Prison Services Singapore Prison Services (SPS) is a division of the Singapore Police Force that concentrates on the care and rehabilitation of prisoners who have committed social or criminal …

CrimeNewsPublic Relations
Words 2226
Pages 9
Public Relations Interview

Kaiser Permanente is an integrated managed care consortium based located in Oakland, California. Kaiser Permanente evolved from industrial health care programs for construction, shipyard, and steel mill workers for the Kaiser industrial companies during the late 1930s and 1940s (“Kaiser Permanente,” 2013, para. 1). Kaiser …

HospitalPublic Relations
Words 66
Pages 1
Public Relations and Corporate Citizenship

Nowadays, corporate responsibility is turning out to be one of the most prominent issues in the international arena. It has also become a research priority in the field of public relations, considering its importance in the said industry for decades. It is because of this …

CitizenshipGovernancePublic RelationsSocietySustainability
Words 85
Pages 1
Public Relations and Social Media

Figure 1: BDI Logo An essay on the Black Dog Institute’s use of social media for public relations purposes. Major Assessment: How is social media being used by not-for-profit organisations for PR purposes? Choose one not-for-profit organisation operating in Australia and discuss – with reference …

FacebookPublic RelationsReputationSocial MediaYoutube
Words 1694
Pages 7
Public Relations The best choice of career for adventurous people

Public relations is the art and social science of analyzing trends, predicting their consequences, counseling organization’s leadership and implementing planned programs of action which will serve both the organization and the public interest (Davis). Among the expertise that are within the field of public relations, …

CareerPublic Relations
Words 1772
Pages 7
Political PR essay

This practice is useful to inform customers, investors, employees and stakeholders about the products and the political changes and its relevant information. Advertising is part of Public relation Practices through which the message is conveyed about the product to the customer. In media, the mark …

DemocracyPhilosophyPublic Relations
Words 2414
Pages 9
Successful Public Relations Campaigns

Successful public relations campaigns no longer have to stop at billboards, store greeters and newspapers. In this age of social networking, media and technology, there are numerous opportunities to explore various methods of implementing effective public relations campaigns and a variety of companies have been …

AdvertisingPublic Relations
Words 725
Pages 3
Being a leader

Since my childhood I am self motivated and committed to my work, due to my family background. My grandfather taught me a lot about discipline. I learned work ethics from my father in the first place through his attitude with colleagues at work and at …

PersonalPublic Relations
Words 91
Pages 1
Tactical Transparency In The Public Relations Commerce Essay

In the post-Enron, blog-ridden universe we live in, transparence is a construct push on public dealingss practicians. Our stakeholders accept genuineness as the edifice block of organization-public relationships. As the first line of defence for any organisation, it is the occupation of these professionals to …

AdvertisingCommercePublic Relations
Words 4260
Pages 16
6 Common Mistakes of DIY Public Relations

As a public relations expert, I’ll let you in on a little secret — you can do it yourself.I can, naturally, also explain why you should not do it on your own. Frankly, there are many, many good reasons not to. Like most things you …

NewsPublic Relations
Words 1226
Pages 5
Walt Disney Press Releases: The Language of Public Relations

Walt Disney Press Releases: The Language of Public Relations Two press releases from the Walt Disney Company were reviewed to understand how important the language used and presentation of news helped this Fortune 500 company gain competitive advantage through increased brand awareness.  Walt Disney is …

LanguagePublic RelationsWalt Disney
Words 974
Pages 4
Promotional Mix: Public Relations Campaign

Objective To stimulate PB awareness by participating with Make a Wish Foundation by donating a portion of sales from the PB holiday accessories line. Budget The PB holiday (value) line donations for the Make a Wish Foundation will be supported by a budget of $500,000 …

AdvertisingPublic RelationsSales
Words 85
Pages 1
Global Public Relations Trends

PR as we know it is taking on new trends and PR practitioners are taking on a new meaning. In order to meet the current needs and demands of the global market, PR is venturing off into different specialties. On a greater scale, technology is …

AdvertisingPovertyPublic Relations
Words 1165
Pages 5
Business: Public Relations and Press Release

The website is The sender is JPMorgan Chase’s public relations and communications department. Looking at the variety and richness of messages heralding the successes and profitability of the bank, it is obvious that the message is intended for a variety of stakeholders like investors, …

Public Relations
Words 70
Pages 1
Role of Public Relations in the Re Establishment

DEDICATION I dedicate this project to the Almighty God for His infinite mercies throughout this programme. I also dedicate this work to my lovely parents Chief and Chief (Mrs. ) A. O. Awobamise who have always been there for me financially and morally, may the …

AdvertisingPublic RelationsReputation
Words 8787
Pages 32
The Development of Public Relations in Indonesia

The Republic of Indonesia comprises five major islands: Java, Claimant, Sumatra, Sulkies, and Papua. Some other islands are Manual, Anus Teenager, and Bali. There are approximately 17,000 small islands comprise the Indonesian archipelago that stretches along the Equator extending more than 4,800 km. With more …

IndonesiaPublic RelationsReligion
Words 394
Pages 2
Theoretically Applied Practices Of Public Relations Commerce Essay

McElreath statesthat all public dealingss ( PR ) plan consists of a broad assortment of function and maps ( 1997, p.161 ) . Theoretically, PR is a relatively new subject which converges modern direction, communalisation, administrative technology, sociology, societal psychological science and other scientific disciplines. …

AdvertisingCommerceMotivationPublic Relations
Words 2612
Pages 10
The Reason To Choose Public Relations Career

What is the best career for you to enter after college? When such a question is posed, one has to think critically on how to answer it. One takes into consideration that there are so many options available the ‘best’ part comes in when the …

EthosLogosPublic Relations
Words 112
Pages 1
Sexual Harrassement vs. Public Relations

Sexual Harassment can be a huge distraction and could destroy a businesses work environment. The effects are damaging to an organization and do not only affect the individual being harassed but also fellow employees, the harasser, and the organization. Sexual harassment is when someone uses …

HarassmentPublic Relations
Words 2810
Pages 11
Public Relations Professionals and Educators

As Michael Winkleman described, public relations professionals and educators are currently engaged in a vigorous discussion of the role of ethics within the profession and the means by which ethics can be taught to both public relations students and professionals. According to Winkleman, the rise …

AutonomyMoralityPublic Relations
Words 3032
Pages 12
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Public relations is the practice of managing and disseminating information from an individual or an organization to the public in order to affect their public perception. Public relations and publicity differ in that PR is controlled internally, whereas publicity is not controlled and contributed by external parties.

Frequently asked questions

What is public relation essay?
Public relations is the strategic management of communication between an organization and its publics. It is the art and science of creating and maintaining relationships between an organization and its key stakeholders for the purpose of enhancing the organization's reputation and achieving its objectives.Public relations is about managing communication between an organization and its various publics. It is about understanding what the publics want and need to know, and then providing that information in a way that is both timely and accurate. It is also about managing the relationships between an organization and its publics, in order to enhance the organization's reputation and achieve its objectives.Public relations is a strategic management function that helps organizations build and maintain positive relationships with their key stakeholders. It is an important part of an organization's overall marketing and communications strategy.Public relations can be used to build relationships with customers, employees, shareholders, media, and other key stakeholders. It can also be used to manage crisis situations and protect an organization's reputation.An effective public relations strategy takes into account the needs and concerns of all of an organization's stakeholders. It also takes into account the organization's objectives, and the resources available to the organization to achieve its objectives.A public relations strategy should be flexible and adaptable, as the needs of the organization and its stakeholders can change over time. It should also be reviewed and updated on a regular basis to ensure that it is still relevant and effective.
How do you write a PR essay?
First, you need to introduce your topic and explain why it is important or interesting. Next, you need to provide some background information on the topic to help your reader understand what you will be discussing. Finally, you need to present your argument or point of view on the topic in a clear and concise manner. Be sure to support your argument with evidence and examples, and conclude your essay by summarizing your main points.
What is the main purpose of public relations?
The main purpose of public relations is to build and maintain a positive reputation for an organization. This can be done through various activities, such as media relations, crisis management, and event planning. Public relations can also help an organization to reach its target audience, and to promote its products or services.
What is Public Relation explain?
Public Relations is the management function that identifies, establishes and maintains mutually beneficial relationships between an organisation and the various publics on whom its success or failure depends.There are four main types of publics that an organisation needs to manage:1. The financial community – shareholders, investors, analysts, rating agencies etc.2. The media – journalists, bloggers, social media influencers etc.3. The employees – current and potential4. The general public – customers, prospects, partners, suppliers, citizens etc.An effective Public Relations function will work to build and maintain relationships with all of these groups, in order to create a positive perceptions of the organisation and its activities.Public Relations activities can include everything from media relations and crisis management, to employee communications and community relations.

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