Management and Quality Control

Category: E-commerce, Internet, Retail
Last Updated: 05 Jul 2021
Pages: 4 Views: 333

a. Why chose this co. / what is special or unique about this co? Amazon forms the largest chain of online retailers in books, CDs and other merchandise and demonstrably has satisfied a large number of global customers with its technology and strategy to serve to the globe. It enforces a set of expectations for one to match its business model and satisfaction ration (Chaffey, 2004). Design for instance demonstrably fitted context of use, considered crucial to online success. It was found usability is an important concept, which Amazon has successfully related to navigation, content and layout which is unique for the website.

II. Background on E-commerce Company a. Describe Business Model Amazon have created a virtualized value system through their accelerated ordering, delivery and payment of goods and services, while reducing operating and inventory costs associated with traditional bricks and mortar stores. They have access to global markets, economies of scale and the ability to personalize. The business model followed is business to customer (B2C) and business to business (B2B). b. Describe Revenue Model

Timmers (1998) classifies Amazon's business model as a virtual community, which "helps build customer loyalty and trust through an interplay of virtual and physical realities. Amazon strengthens their association as a virtual store with "shopping trolley technology". Amazon’s revenue is through the various banners and advertisers who pay for putting their products in the webpage. The brokerage model is also followed by them for its products delivery outside. The affiliate model is also in force. c. Describe Marketing Mode Amazon largely follows the affiliate model which enables it to market its company across the globe.

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The various affiliate partners are paid for the number of hits. III. Analysis of Co. Web Site Usability on the web is crucial to achieving loyal and frequent customers; hence we recommend investment in this area. Amazon has strong link affordances. Links are accurate and intuitive. Users are aided in their search and purchases, demonstrating good usability. An animated demo is available for new users and a help section, as recommended by (Nielsen, 1994. ) Amazon's usability is inter-related to content, navigation and page layout, which reveals consistency throughout the site.

Amazon has personalized features with areas "New for you" and "Your store" tailored to user interests and a "Wish list" to track items. These features enhance interaction, user experience and promote "Recognition rather than recall. " Amazon makes assumptions for user errors. Spelling errors in search fields provide the most popular matches, suggesting a constructive solution. Such careful design helps users recognize, diagnose and recover from errors. The back button provides user control and freedom whilst their logo is consistently displayed allowing return to the homepage.

IV. E-Commerce transactions of the firm 1. Security aspects The electronic payment systems are extensively used for making payments. Facilities like PayPal, credit cards, other electronic forms of payment are sued or fetching the right standard for payment. The use of SSL ensures that all the basic features of security are taken care. V. Analysis of engineering principals The web engineering principles offer a disciplined approach to achieving the most competitive website. Engineering principles will ultimately affect profit; costs of bad design are high.

Our client must consider the Quality Requirements and aim to maximize performance in usability, functionality, reliability, efficiency and maintainability. Engineering principles will prevent problems with outdated or irrelevant information, slow response, crashes or security breaches to which web applications are sensitive. Engineering principles will minimize risk; improve quality, maintainability and scalability. (Murugesan) Software Configuration Management and Quality Control should be addressed to maintain standards. Testing will help our client plan, monitor, control and cope with the challenge of their web application.

Amazon makes clear terms of trade and offer warranties/returns policy. They address copyright, patents and trademark protection. VI. Technology advantage Technology is integral to Amazon's sustained competitive advantage. Amazon operates on a client to server basis. Their technology consists of a web browser linked to the Internet, which goes to a web server. The web server is linked to a business process server, which may be linked to a series of other servers such as payments and security servers. As previously mentioned they also use SSL technology to protect e-commerce transactions.

VII. Recommendations and Conclusions a. Strengths and Weaknesses of Co. The strengths are as follows: ù

  • Excel and maintain Customer Relationship Management
  • Attract and enroll new customers.
  • Retain existing customers.
  • Communicate information.
  • Gratify supply and demand.
  • Make the site fun and interesting for users.

Weaknesses are as follows: It does not cater to the Asian markets which is a biggest disadvantage. b. What have you learned? The true use of ecommerce business models and revenue models are seen at large in the Amazon website. c. How will you apply this knowledge?

We can apply this knowledge to focus on the building of better revenue models and business models for enveloping every markets and customer base for larger spread in the world.

References/ Bibliography

  1. Rettie, R. An exploration of flow during Internet Use, (Accessed via Chaffey, 2004, p. 492. ), 2001.
  2. Rindova, V. & Kotha, S. Building Reputation on the Internet: Lessons from Amazon. com and its competitors, 2001.
  3. Sarkar, M. , Butler, B. & Steinfield, C. Intermediaries & Cybermediaries, 1996. Timmers, P. Business Models for Electronic Markets, 1998.

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Management and Quality Control. (2018, Aug 28). Retrieved from

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