Unemployment is a big league and critical issue across various countries. One of the major economic problems faced by various countries is unemployment. Getting a job has been getting harder from time to time due to higher jobless rates. Such a condition is far worse and getting more concern by policymakers as well as economists across the years. Both parties are constantly monitoring and evaluating the current situation and taking actions to reduce the gravity of the situation based on the reliability and availability of information and statistics.
According to previous researchers, there are four common factors which affect greatly towards the unemployment rate. Those factors are inflation (INF), GDP growth (GDP), population (POP) and foreign direct investment (FDI). As the unemployment rate of any country does not reflect a healthy sign to the economy, therefore, this study is to figure out determinants majoring on macroeconomic factors that influence the unemployment rate across different countries.
People in today’s competitive market are actively searching for jobs and are mentally prepared for any kind of job provided at any level of wages. These people, if can’t find a job, the problem of unemployment arises. The large population often contributes towards higher unemployment rates within the country due to the lack of absorption capacity of the country. This issue has become an important subject matter for countries in recent decades. Generally, the government aims at the creation of working opportunities with all the available resources in the industries and regularly pays a lot of attention and concern on this issue as unemployment not only affects socio-economic situations of a country but could also lead to high emigration. If residents are unable to get a job in their home country, they attempt to work overseas if there are opportunities offered to them. Thus, the economic growth of a country would greatly be affected. In long-term, issues such as financial problems, crimination, poverty, inequality, standard of living and mentality may occur. While some countries have higher unemployment rates, there are countries that are performing very well. Best practices of such countries, if adopted by others, the overall development across the world can be boosted and hence living conditions can be improved.
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Introduction – A description of the question: “What are the causes of youth unemployment? ” A high employment rate among the people of a nation promotes a spirit of dignity, independence, achievement and innovation – it isn’t only about earning a form of income. In …
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Malaysia has long prided itself as a model of ethnic harmony. There are about 21 million (July 1997) people in Malaysia from diverse races. It can be said that in diversity there is unity because in Malaysia all the races work and live together. The …
When our country goes into a recession and Jobs have to get cut that is out of the individuals control. It isn’t their fault a company has to lay people off due to lack of money. Also you see things like the cost of living …
This paper will discuss the viability of increasing wages to attain higher productivity rates in the workplace. I will argue that implementing a wage increase for current employees will not necessarily result in higher productivity and that productivity is more so a function of innate …
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The violent conflict poses a major threat to political and social stability in the country, and is a major hurdle to Turkey’s accession to the ELI. Turkey is strengthening its ground forces in its campaign against the PACK, and has pressed into action 10,000 soldiers, …
Societies are likely to decline due to corruption, in the passage we read “the soldiers got restless and only the rich could afford to raise an army to fight on Romeos behalf” Here we can notice that, because of corruption which resulted on the lack …
Unemployed graduates have become a cause of concern in Malaysia. The findings of a Graduate Tracer Study in 2006 involving 132 900 graduates from institutions of higher learning all over Malaysia indicated that 30.7% of graduates remained unemployed six months after graduation, while 5.7% were …
In the present age, sports are more and more popular over the world because it is not only a good way to leisure but also can help people to keep fit. So, the most famous sports party the Olympic games become more important in people’s …
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Tesco first launched their international expansion in 1994. After 11 years their sales have grown to contributing 20%(7 billion) of the total turnover has been from overseas sales. The success of Tesco expansion overseas has mainly been down to the strategy of seeking out new …
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Unemployment rates are skyrocketing. According to the Internet, 12% of the U. S. population is unemployed. Unemployment not only effects the lives of the unemployed, but their families and communities too. The stress of unemployment can lead to declines in individual and family well-being and …
Executive summary The gross domestic indicator (GDP) is one of the main indicators used to measure the health of a country’s economy. GDP represents the sum of all goods produces over a specific period of time or in other words it is the size of …
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Minimum wage in Malaysia: need for it and its’ possible effectiveness 1. 0. Introduction Background Information There has been growing debates concerning the minimum wage in Malaysia, with strong opinions from both sides of the arguments. In 1979 edition of their introductory textbook, William B. …
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Date: February 15, 2013 Dr. Mahbub Sarfaraj Department of Management Kabi Nazrul Govt. college Dhaka Subject: Submission of Term Paper . Dear sir, It is a great pleasure and privilege the term titled “Impact Of Globalization In Economic Growth ”. I have really enjoyed to …
Women suffer multiple disadvantages in terms of access to labor markets, and often do not have the same level of freedom as men to choose to work. Gender differences in labor force participation rates and unemployment rates are a persistent feature of global labor markets. …
Youth are the building blocks of a nation. It is a fact that the stronger the youth, the more developed the nation is. The role of the youth in the nation-building occupies the central place. The countries which utilize their youth in the right direction …
The population of Brazil is growing rapidly. If its present rate of growth of 2. 8 percent continues, it will soon become the most populous country in the Western Hemisphere. Although Brazil is rich in natural resources and has significant economic growth, most of the …
Immigration has created our economic instability in the United States. With more immigrants migrating to the U. S every year, our economy is slowly getting worse due to strain on our nation’s budget. The overall population isn’t benefiting to having to provide for more people …
There is a well known issue in corporations when it comes down to downsizing. Corporate downsizing is that act of corporations cutting workers usually by closing whole plants or divisions to increase profits. This practice is often used today and is thought by some to …
The House Behind A Weeping Cherry believe an individual can blame their country for their personal trouble because that country could be a place where people are mistreated by the government. Living in China during the time Of the Cultural Revolution people were persecuted and …
At the end of World War I, totalitarianism began to rise. To keep the countries at peace they created The League Of Nations. It did not execute its duties well, and failed to enforce treaties, and prevent invasions. At the end of the war France …
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