Essays on Nigeria

Essays on Nigeria

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Stationery Supply Proposal

Description XXX Nigeria Limited requires an a prompt and economical supply of general office stationery and related materials. Intellect Resources Limited is committed to supply books and general office stationery to XXX Nigeria limited in a prompt and cost effective manner to avoid unnecessary delays …

Words 248
Pages 1
Insecurity in Nigeria

Underlying the quest for national security in Nigeria is the issue of political morality, which focuses on the question of defining the relationship between the state and the various groups in the society. Political morality properly construed seeks to establish and sustain the essential conditions …

Words 638
Pages 3
Brief History of Education in Nigeria

As they say Rome was not built in a day. Same applies to education system of Nigeria. In Nigeria education has been filtered and iterated than any other developing Nation around the world. Nigeria had witnessed the brief tradition of education system and was developed …

Words 4999
Pages 19
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History of Guidiance and Counselling in Nigeria

What’s the historical development of guidance and counselling in Nigeria? African nations are in a hurry to educate citizens in order to modernize and enhance their social, economic and political development. The concept of guidance and counseling, although relatively new in Africa has been embraced …

HistoryHuman NatureNigeria
Words 647
Pages 3
Critical Expose of the Effects of 1914 Amalgamation on Nigeria

Chinua Achebe citing an Igbo proverb in his “There was a country” tells us that a man who does not know where the rain started to beat him cannot say where he dried his body. The rain that beat Nigeria began more than a decade …

CitizenshipColonialismEssay ExamplesNigeria
Words 1333
Pages 5
Feasibility Report for a Fast Food Restaurant

FEASIBILITY REPORT FOR A FAST FOOD RESTAURANT PREAMBLE:We have taken out time to write this report for several reasons among which are: [pic] This project serves as part of the “private-sector participation initiative” drive embarked by our company [pic] Our desire to make you reconsider …

Words 2426
Pages 9
Consequences of Ethnicity in Nigeria

Nigeria is by far the most populated of Africa’s countries, with more than one-seventh of the continent’s people. The people belong to many different ethnic groups. These groups give the country a rich culture, but they also pose major challenges to nation building. Ethnic strife has plagued Nigeria since …

Words 2161
Pages 8
The Other Side of Truth Summary

The story begins in Nigeria, with the death of Femi and Sade’s mother. She was killed byagents of the corrupt government, the “Brass Buttons”, to force Folarin Solaja, thechildren’s father, to stop writing for Speak , an uncensored newspaper. The children thenhave to flee the …

Words 956
Pages 4
The Telephone Conversation by Wole Soyinka Essay

The Nigerian dramatist Wole Soyinka ( born 1935 ) was one of the few African authors to denounce the motto of Negritude as a tool of autarchy. He besides was the first black African to be awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. Wole Soyinka was …

Words 2269
Pages 9
Helon Habila’s Waiting For An Angel

Helon Habila developed his talent for writing when he took up Literature in the University of Jos. Being a gifted prose fiction writer and poet; he was given the MUSON poetry prize award in the year 2000. Before going to Lagos to work for Hint …

Essay ExamplesNigeria
Words 109
Pages 1
The role of central bank in the development of capital market

CHAPTER TWO 1.Introduction The role of the Nigerian Capital Market in raising or mobilising medium to long term funds for both micro and macro development sub-sectors have been commendable in recent times. The main institutions in the capital market include – the Securities and Exchange …

Words 7305
Pages 27
The Peak Milk Brand

The art of storytelling is one of total universality. Stories transcend time, place and, ethnic origin and creed. Storytelling permeates all cultures, communities, and tribes. Stories carry meaning which are traditionally passed down in order for intrinsic cultural and fundamental values to survive. Likewise, most …

Words 1176
Pages 5
International Business Strategy of Royal Dutch Shell

Royal Dutch Shell was created in February 1907, from a merger of Royal Dutch Petroleum Company of Netherlands (60%) and Shell Transport and Trading Company Ltd, United Kingdom (40%), for oil and gas explorations globally. The company currently operates in more than 90 countries, with …

Business strategyEnergyNigeriaPetroleumStrategy
Words 626
Pages 3
Polytechnic Education

In recent times, the discrimination of polytechnic education in Nigeria in the area of employment and even in admission has always created panic among polytechnic graduates and the youths in general. Various questions have been raised by students in the polytechnics and other similar institutions …

Words 230
Pages 1
Prospects and Problems of Snails Production in Nigeria

Introduction Nigeria’s economic recovery programmes have necessitated a radical shift from total dependence on government for job to self-employment. One such attractive area for self-employment is snail rearing. It is a great money-spinning business that can provide a substantial source of protein to complement Nigerian …

Words 1647
Pages 6
Application of Ict in Library

Application of ICT in Libraries URL: http://unllib. unl. edu/LPP/anunobi-edoka. htm Use of ICT Facilities for Serials Functions in Southern Nigeria Federal University Libraries Chinwe V. Anunobi Ph. D Digital Librarian Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka, Nigeria Benson E. Edoka Professor Department of Library and Information Science …

Words 5302
Pages 20
Graduate Unemployment in Nigeria: Causes, Effects and Remedies

Abstract This paper examines the causes of unemployment in Nigeria as well as the consequences and implications of graduate unemployment in Nigeria. The paper also provides useful suggestions and recommendations on how to curb graduates in Nigeria. The paper adopts empirical analysis to examine the …

Words 2085
Pages 8
Ethno Religious Crisis in Nigeria: Causes and Remedy.

Introduction Nigeria is no doubt a populous nation of over 88 million (1991 population census) but as at now Nigeria’s population is estimated to be above 120 million people of diverse ethnic groups and many religions. Its people are differently distributed in the 36 states …

Words 4416
Pages 17
Biblical Principles And Fiscal Policy

Biblical principles that deal with Fiscal and Monetary policy clearly spell out the expectations of a believer: the love of money is the root of all evils’. Give that which belongs to Caesar unto him, and that which belongs to God unto Him. This teaches …

Fiscal PolicyJusticeMacroeconomicsNigeriaTax
Words 82
Pages 1
Venus of Willendorf: the Image of Beauty and Survival

Venus of Willendorf: The Image of Beauty and Survival The Venus of Willendorf illustrates the characteristics of a woman in a utopian society because her figure demonstrates a society in which there is a stable food supply, and her most feminine features, breasts, hips and …

Words 1231
Pages 5
Unemployment Causes And Solutions In Nigeria

The chairman of the Subsidy Reinvestment and Employment Programme (Sure-P), Dr. Christopher Kolade, has bemoaned the rising rate of unemployment in the country, saying that no fewer than 40 million Nigerians are without jobs. Even before Dr. Kolade spoke, Nigerians were already aware of the …

Words 84
Pages 1
Agricultural economics

Agriculture is defined as “the cultivation of land for the purpose of producing food for man, feed for animal and fibre or raw material for industrial companies. It also includes the processing marketing of crops. In other words, it embraces all activities involved in the …

Words 84
Pages 1
Human Resource Development and Workers Commitment in Nigeria

Introduction The focus of this paper is to examine the role of human resource development and workers commitment in organization in particular and in Nigeria as a whole. For the purpose of this study, the concept of human resource development and manpower development will be …

Words 4482
Pages 17
The Problems Surrounding Tribalism in Africa

Tribalism is the attitude and practice of harboring such a strong feeling of loyalty or bonds to one’s tribe that one excludes or even demonizes those ‘others’ who do not belong to that group” (Nothwehr, 2008, p. 5). Tribalism thus prompts one to have a …

Words 1272
Pages 5
Road Safety In Nigeria Health And Social Care Essay

Public policy refers to the action or inactivity of the authorities on an issue ( s ) ( Thomas 2001 cited in Buse et al 2005 ) . It sets hierarchy by transporting out the picks of those with the bid of authorization in the …

HealthNigeriaRoad AccidentsSafety
Words 3569
Pages 13
Western Colonialism and Capitalism

A lot of negative effects caused by Western colonialism and capitalism in the third world countries that have contributed to their current political and economic crises have been discussed; however, the main objective of this presentation is to discuss the progressive role played by Western …

Words 2956
Pages 11
Urban Social Issues Concerning Tourism in PNG

This purpose of the research is to find out does squatter settlers is an impediment to tourism growth in Madang town. The social issues and problems arising in Madang town are always in relation to rising settlers (e. g. wagol, admin compound and govstoa). There …

CrimeNigeriaReputationSocial IssuesTourism
Words 1348
Pages 5
The Construction Industry in Nigeria

In Nigeria, like most developing countries, the construction industry plays a role in meeting the needs of infrastructural and economic activities of the country. According to Olowo-Okere (1988) the construction industry accounts for about 60 percent of the Nation’s capital investment and 30 percent of …

Construction IndustryInfrastructureNigeriaTax
Words 673
Pages 3
Effect of Rapid Urbanization on Housing

THE IMPACT OF RAPID URBANIZATION ON HOUSING DEVELOPMENT IN NIGERIA FROM 1950 -2010 (Focus on urban developments and housing problems case study: Lagos) Urbanization according to Aluko O. E is rather subjective and can be given various interpretations. However in this concept it can be …

Words 2136
Pages 8
Analysis of Nigeria Bottling Company Value Chain.

Nigeria bottling company produce, sell and distribute a range of non-alcoholic beverages including four of the world’s best selling brands: Coca-Cola, Coca-Cola light, Fanta and Sprite. In addition, nbc product portfolio includes a variety of other sparkling and still beverages including: – fruit juice drinks …

CompanyNigeriaValue Chain
Words 95
Pages 1
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Nigeria, an African country on the Gulf of Guinea, has many natural landmarks and wildlife reserves. Protected areas such as Cross River National Park and Yankari National Park have waterfalls, dense rainforest, savanna and rare primate habitats. One of the most recognizable sites is Zuma Rock, a 725m-tall monolith outside the capital of Abuja that’s pictured on the national currency. ― Google

206.1 million (2020)




Nigerian naira


Muhammadu Buhari

Official language






In 2020, life expectancy at birth for Nigeria was 55.02 years. Life expectancy at birth of Nigeria increased from 41.39 years in 1971 to 55.02 years in 2020 growing at an average annual rate of 0.58%.

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  • Lagos
  • Abuja
  • Africa
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Frequently asked questions

How To Write A Term Paper In Nigeria
A term paper is a research paper written by students over an academic term, accounting for a large part of a grade. Term papers are generally intended to describe an event, a concept, or argue a point. A term paper is a written original work discussing a topic in detail, usually several typed pages in length and is often due at the end of a semester.
How To Write An Argumentative Essay In Nigeria
When writing an argumentative essay, it is important to first select a topic that can be argued. For example, you could select a topic such as The Death Penalty in Nigeria is Unjust" or "The Government Should Do More to Combat Corruption." Once you have selected a topic, you will need to gather evidence to support your argument. This evidence can come in the form of statistics, expert opinions, or personal anecdotes. Once you have gathered your evidence, you will need to present it in a logical and persuasive manner. In order to do this, you will need to make sure your essay is well-organized and flows smoothly. Additionally, you will need to be sure to refute any counterarguments that your reader may bring up. By following these tips, you can learn how to write an effective and persuasive argumentative essay in Nigeria."

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