Satire Essays: Free Examples
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Introduction According to the Oxford dictionary, Fascism is “an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization. In general use extreme right-wing, authoritarian, or intolerant views or practices: this is yet another example of health fascism in action. The term Fascism was first …
Consumerism & marketing “There are two ways to get enough: one is to continue to accumulate more and more. The other is to desire less” – G.K. Chesterton If consumerism were a major disease, most Americans would probably find themselves lying in hospital beds helpless …
Humor and Satire In Urdu Literature Taken Gull* & Tableaus Abstract Humor & Satire are an integral part of all forms of literature; & when the tragic part of a drama/story becomes unbearable, humor/satire provide a much needed diversion & relief. This article examines the …
As there are varieties of subjects, themes and art, there are various types of a short story. Some of the types are ancient tales, humor, satire, fantasy, biography, education, local color, and history. Lets us have a glimpse on each one of them in this …
Hilarious Flaws BY Fana-Rashld Karrie Yusefzad English 12 Instructor Wilder 6 November 2013 Whether it is via film, late night television shows, newspapers, comics, or literature, satire is tound virtually everywhere. Satire reminds and teaches us as humans to laugh at ourselves every once In …
Many writers use the environment, political issues, or social issues as inspiration to their work. During romanticism nature imagery was a common occurrence in literature. However does on particular issue effect writers so much that a new literature movement is sprung from it? I pose …
In the political and social satire A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur”s Court, Mark Twain demonstrates his excessive pride and glory in the political, economic, and technological advances of his time by developing an interesting plot in which an 19th century mechanic travels back to …
Bruce Dawe, an Australian poet, has written the poem ‘Genesis’. The poem compares the beginning of school to Adam and Eve’s expulsion from the Garden of Eden, hence the title ‘Genesis’. Dawe has put the context of the poem into a modern day theme. Using …
Animal Farm by George Orwell is a story about a group of animals that rebel to get their freedom. It is a story about a society with excellent ideas for progress, that starts with good management, but eventually becomes corrupt. It is a devastating satire …
Animal Farm The views of communism are not very common today simply because of how impractical they are. The human nature to create hierarchy is a direct contradiction to the views of communist society. Animal Farm is George Orwell’s comment on communism in the form …
The essay “A Modest Proposal” by Jonathan Swift is a brutal satire in which he suggests that poor families should kill their young children and eat them in order to eliminate the growing number of starving citizens. At this time there was extreme poverty and …
Animism was the first Indian poet to catch and voice these trends in his poetry. As a modern poet in India, he started to voice his own thoughts and opinions, his own experiences, which were the experiences of the every man.. In all his creative …
Human Nature: Self-Interest vs. Altruism A debate encompassing human nature has carried on for centuries, and philosophers throughout history have provided a vast inventory of explanations they deem to be sufficient in understanding the perplex idea of human nature. A question commonly debated regarding human …
Many mistake t for only being used as a mean to make mockery and turn a serious situation into a humorous one. It is actually applied to get us thinking and to help us understand the point from which the satirist is coming from. One …
Adventure is an important part of children’s psyche. Children often dream of strange fortunes, great feats, exciting events, long trips, and everything they can be drawn to from the monotony of everyday life. Heroes of adventure stories are mostly sailors, pirates, cowboys and Indians, convicts, …
During Hollywood’s classical period, the seamless style was particularly favored, it championed narrative economy. In other words, films were constructed so that the viewer was not aware of the construction. This practice of effacing a film’s construction actually depends on a complex system of visual …
Synopsis: Young Alex and his gang members (Dim, Pete and Georgie) go on a rampage around the futuristic city in London. In the book what we call evil is actually a form of art to Alex. Alex loves art itself, particularly classical music. To Alex, …
Welcome to the second session of the “Reach to the Future” student conservation conference. The ethical issues reflected in this graphic are representations of humanity’s interaction with nature in two futuristic literary creations; novel “Brave New World,” by Aldous Huxley, 1932, and film “Bladerunner: The …
Andy Diaz “Advice to Youth” The Object of Mark Twain’s article is to point out that the youths of our society are being told to become just like everyone else and that discourages their individuality. He uses sarcasm, so that he can assume the role …
George Orwell had written his novel “Animal Farm” in order to warn his readers for numerous reasons. In many parts of the novel, George Orwell clearly portrayed how ignorance was a very big part as to why the animals were so easily controlled. This In …
Why does Chaucer dwell more on the pardoner’s love of money than on any other aspect of his character? He was not supposed to have worldly procession he is supposed to be a man of God but does not live the life style 2. Imagine …
The impact of media communication on society is interpreted by its audiences based on numerous factors. All in the Family was one of the first sitcoms that displayed bigotry in an open forum. Audiences interpreted the show based on their specific in terms of either …
In the sass, French philosophers such as Roland Farther, Gilles Delude, Jacques Deride, Michel Faculty, and Jean- François Leotard departed from conventional studies in the history of philosophy and Egan to address the epistemological crisis reinforcing Western philosophical thought. Their early scholarship focused on the …
In this essay I will be exploring Twelfth Night and focusing on the extent at which folly is used to create humour. The word folly means “a silly person” or “one who uses folly for the entertainment of others” etc. In William Shakespeare’s comedy, Feste …
Emma by Jane Austen can be described as a social satire of the Regency Age and was first published in 1816. Austen uses the omniscient narrator to immediately introduce the central character, eponymous heroine Emma Woodhouse, in the opening chapter of the novel by describing …
Set in late 18th Century England, Pride and Prejudice depicts the search of women for the ‘inevitable’ husband and of a male dominant society, within which no woman can be considered truly successful without the assistance of a man of ‘good fortune’. Austen addresses the …
The exploration of the human nature, of the mind and of experience, forms the basis for the works of writers like John Donne or Jonathan Swift. Swift fully utilizes the psychological realism as he tries to be as faithful to the nature of human mind …
George Orwell wrote his famous novel Nineteen Eighty-Four between the years 1945 and 1948. Although the title is ‘Nineteen Eighty-Four’, the novel wasn’t meant to be a detailed description of the exact year of 1984 but a critical, futuristic novel. In Orwell’s criticism of a …
The period of Cold War literature dating from the second half of the twentieth century is distinctly seen as a time of enduring relevance; marked with a deep moral questioning of morality and the institution, a heightened sense of paranoia, as well as with a …
Chad Salow 1st hour English 11 February 13th, 2013 Deconstruction of a Cartoon. The form of satire that is portrayed in the cartoon I have chosen is mockery. This form of satire is aimed to make fun of something. The purpose of the cartoon is …
- How To Write A Satire Essay
- How To Write A Satire Essay
- Familiarize Yourself With Satire Essay Examples
- Choose An Area Of Discussion
- What’s The Point?
- Your Audience
- Thesis statement
- Time To Write
- Hyperbole
- Irony
- Allegory
- Understatement
- Metaphor
- Pun
- What Is A Satire Essay Structure?
- Introduction
- Body
- Conclusion
- Satire Essay Examples
- Satire Essay Ideas
- Conclusion
- Satire Essay Topics
- Satire Essays On School
- Satire Essay Topics On Drugs
- Satire Essay Topics On Social Media
- Satire Essay Topics On Dress Code
- Helpful videos about How to Write an Satire Essay
- Main Facts About This Article
How To Write A Satire Essay
Unlike other forms of academic writing that require you to pass your ideas across in a serious, no-nonsense manner, satire essays are a lot different. This style of essay is used to criticize or tease a subject by using jokes as a carrier. The writer often uses hyperboles, ironies, humor, and extreme exaggeration to get their message across. These literary essays are often targeted at political parties, celebrities, or absurd events and are out of place.
It might sound like the easiest form of essay article, but satires are quite tasking to write. As a writer, you have to remain careful in your exaggerations and criticisms to avoid slander or libel, which means you must get all the techniques right. When properly written, a satire will successfully get the message across while humoring the readers at the same time.
How To Write A Satire Essay
If you are looking to write exceptional essays on satire, then certain steps are to be followed. These tips would put you in the right direction. They are:
Familiarize Yourself With Satire Essay Examples
Students think they can breeze through a satire essay just because they are accustomed to other forms of essay articles. There is nothing further from the truth. Satire essays are a different ballgame, and before you start, you have to familiarize yourself with every technique related to it. Find satire essay examples online to see how other satirical writers organized their essays.
Understand the motives behind other satire essays and how each writer had a strong message buried within the humor and jokes. It is important to first develop a strong stand about a particular idea before deciding on a satire.
Choose An Area Of Discussion
What topic most interests you? What area gives you the most concern about the circumstances surrounding it? Before you decide on any satire essay topics, be sure it is something you are most passionate about because you don’t want to get bored and unmotivated halfway into the article.
There are several satire essay topic ideas to choose from, and they are:
- Politics
- Education
- Sex
- Music
- Entertainment
- Environmental issues
- Current events
- Social media
- Human nature
- Marriage
You can watch the news for more information about any of the above areas of study. Because of how controversial these areas are, you will surely get reactions and responses from your audience as everyone has their own different opinions on it.
What’s The Point?
Now that you have gotten an area of concentration, it’s time to ask what the point is and get to it quickly. If you have decided to choose marriage as a point of study in your satire, ask yourself the prevailing issues facing marriage as a National institution, and address it as led by you.
What’s your stand on the issue? Are you in favor or not? Can you make the whole idea ironic? What is the general opinion on this matter? Once you have answered some of these questions, you are well on your way to penning down your satire essay.
Your Audience
Your audience is another important factor to consider before writing an essay. Who are the set of people that will read your essay? Are you typing for professionals? Or for political readers? The masses? Or for students? Be aware that the audience would determine the style your essay would take.
Some audiences call for a formal type of article, some call for a casual style, some call for loads of sarcasm and exaggerated points, while some call for a more serious approach. You can check out more examples of satire essays to know how to use different styles. One of the common mistakes people make is assuming that one size fits all.
Thesis statement
Your thesis must be arguable; it must state a claim or refute a claim about your issue. A thesis must have some chance of being true in order to be debatable. It should not, however, be widely recognized as true; instead, it should be a statement that people can disagree with. It's important to remember that a thesis includes both an observation and an opinion:
observation + opinion (the "why") = thesis
Seeing if your thesis creates a powerful antithesis is an excellent approach to determine how strong it is.
Common thesis pitfalls:
- A thesis in the form of a fragment.
- A thesis that is overly broad.
- A thesis that is phrased as a question. (The thesis is usually derived from the solution to the question.)
- Extraneous information is included in a thesis.
- A thesis that begins with the words "I believe" or "In my opinion."
- A thesis that deals with a tired or cliched topic.
- A thesis that includes phrases that lead to erroneous generalizations (all, none, always, only, everyone, etc.)
Time To Write
By now, you are already equipped with your main points, area of concentration, and an idea of your target audience; it is now time to write. There are so many ways of typing a satire essay that would appeal to almost all types of audiences.
Before choosing a figure of speech, you should know that the ideal narrative for a satire essay is the first person. This would help convey your message clearly as it would be carrying your voice.
Figures of speech you can use to write a satire essay:
This is the use of extreme exaggeration to heighten the effect of the idea on the readers. With this speech, you can easily convey your message by exaggerating one of the features of your target. Example: He’s as tall as a beanpole
The use of irony is universal, and it is a speech where the writer says the opposite of what they mean. It is used for humorous or emphatic effects.
Example: Looking at someone’s frowning face and saying, “Don’t you have one of the loveliest smiles I’ve ever seen.”
A literary piece that can be read to reveal a hidden or contextual meaning. The hidden message could either be political or moral. It is mainly used to subtly criticize another party.
Example: In Animal Farm, written by Orwell, the animals stand for political figures and events even though this was not explicitly stated in the book
This is when a writer tries to portray an event or someone as less important than they are. It is the opposite of exaggeration or embellishments and is used for humor and emphasis.
Example: Seeing an obese person and saying, “He’s not too thin.”
This is when a satire writer tries to compare two dissimilar concepts because they have certain similarities. It is also the application of words to an object of which it’s not applicable.
Example: The moonlight sparkled like sun rays
This is widely used in almost all satire essays. It is when a writer makes a joke by exploiting the different possible meanings of a word or playing with phrases that sound alike but have different meanings.
Example: The cyclist was too tired to win the race
What Is A Satire Essay Structure?
Just like every other article, every essay on satire should follow the standard structure, which is:
- Introduction
- Body
- Conclusion
This should present the statement thesis to help the audience understand what the entire essay is all about. Think of a killer title that would hook the reader at first glance, then the other points can follow. Some people have the opinion that since the essay is a satire, readers would not get bored. This is misleading and very far from the truth. If you don’t captivate your readers and show them what to expect, they will not read further.
The body paragraphs would probably take much time, but make sure your points are arranged in a sequential and effective manner. Find relevant materials that would support your claims so as not to end with a case of slander or libel.
A summary of all the ideas that make up the body. This is where you tell the audience why you took the stance you did and of what importance your points are.
Satire Essay Examples
Satire: High School Students
Texting While Driving Satire
Deforestation Satire Essay
Satire Essay Ideas
There are so many satire topics for essays, and beginners can always check them out to get more ideas on what to write. Here are a few samples:
- How to flunk your exams while having fun doing it
- Why have a best friend when you can have a pet?
- Reasons why school is a complete waste of time
- Famous tips on how to fail your exams
- Why stress when you can just give up?
- How to avoid doing homework and get away with it
- My least favorite sibling
- Why dropping out of internship was the best career decision of my life
No matter what area you choose to focus on when working on a satire, always make sure your essays are well backed with evidence. Above all, make sure you use a captivating style for the audience to keep reading without any iota of boredom. Of what good will your essay be if no one reads it.
Satire Essay Topics
Satire Essays On School
- My School Life Essay
- Factors Affecting Career Preference of Filipino Senior High School Student
- Tardiness: High School and Copyright
- Evaluating the Results of School Administration and Supervision
- Toilet Facilities in All Schools
- Advantages and Disadvantages of Having a Telephone Mast at School
- Colonial Girls School
- Factors Influencing Career Choice Among the Senior High School
- Comprehensive School Counseling Project: A Proposal
Satire Essay Topics On Drugs
- Drug’s, Poverty’s and Beauty’s Effects on Health
- Drug and Alcohol Abuse
- Drug Abuse as a Social Problem
- Music Analysis: Drug Abuse in Music
- Reasons behind Youth’s Engagement to Drug Abuse in the 21st Century
- Drug Abuse as an Ethical Issue
- Drug Abuse & Its Effects on families
- Drug Abuse and Harmful Health Effects
- Spirituality Effect on Drug Abuse Treatment Programs
- Drug Abuse: Awareness Amongst the Youths
Satire Essay Topics On Social Media
- Are social media sites productivity killers?
- Does social media promote radicalization?
- The impact of social media on doing business
- The process of hiring in the age of social media
- Are social networks effective in solving human health or life problems?
- The role of networking in the life of contemporary society
- How social media assists in business development.
- Advantages and disadvantages of using social media at school/college/university, etc.
- Is it possible to cope with social media addiction?
- Social media: the best platform for cyberbullying.
Satire Essay Topics On Dress Code
- Questions the Effectiveness of School Dress Codes
- School Dress Codes
- Dress Code Equality
- Federal Judge Struck down a North Carolina School’s Policy
- Controversy Derives from Differences in Beliefs, Values, and Morals
- Cultural Relativism in an Age of Globalization
- Dress Code Discrimination
- School Systems Nowadays
- Schools Around the United States
- Testing Clothing Standards
Helpful videos about How to Write an Satire Essay
- How to Write a Satire
- What is Satire?: A Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers
- An Ultimate Guide on How to Write an Outstanding and Memorable Satire Essay
Main Facts About This Article
👆Type of Essay |
Satire |
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Intro, Body, And Conclusion |
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Brainstorming, Drafting, Revising, Proofreading |
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