A Baby’s Development in the First Nine Months

Category: Developments, Parenting
Last Updated: 20 Jun 2022
Pages: 5 Views: 793

Child Name: Harlow 1. How does your baby’s eating, sleeping and motor development compare to the typical developmental patterns in the first 9 months? p. 102 – p. 109 a. 5 points for describing VC’s behavior in each of at least two domains and referring to what might be expected at these ages. (10 points) Based on the pediatricians report, Harlow is able to digest new foods well, so the doctor recommends that Harlow eat a variety of foods from the family dinner (ground up). The American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Academy of Family Physicians suggest that babies can start solids at around 6 months, although they aren’t needed to until 9 – 12 months” (p. 100). Therefor, my virtual child Harlow is coming along very well with her eating development. Harlow is also keeping up pretty well with her sleeping patterns. She is following the typical guidelines of a 9-month year old with trying to sleep through the whole night and napping during the day. Harlow readily adapted to the new people and situations in the pediatrician's office.

She made eye contact, smiled at them, and vocalized to them quite a bit. Harlow has strong emotional reactions and has difficulty soothing her back down. The doctor advises patience in dealing with Harlow's emotions. Harlow's motor skills are typical for age: crawling, sitting up, and standing up, but not walking yet. “ These initial efforts are he forerunners of crawling, in which babies coordinate the motions of their arms and legs and propel themselves forward. Crawling appears to typically between 8-10 months”. So far Harlow’s progress is on point to how her sensory motor skills should be at this age. . At 8 months of age was your child an “easy”, “slow to warm up”, or “difficult” baby in terms of Thomas and Chess’s classic temperamental categories? On what do you base this judgment? p. 145 b. 5 points for explaining the category, and 5 points for a supporting observation on VC’s behavior (10 points) At 8 months Harlow I would say Harlow would be considered and “Easy Baby”, Thomas and Chess describes this profile as easy babies have a positive disposition. Their body functions operate regularly, and they are adaptable.

They are generally positive, showing curiosity about new situations, and their emotions are moderate or low in intensity (p. 140) Harlow definitely fits in this 40% of infants. Harlow is always happy and very curio with toys, people, and reactions. She tends to show moderate easing up to low intensity as well. Set #2: - VC at 19 mos - choose 2 of 3 questions (35 points max) 4. Describe and give examples of changes in your child’s exploratory or problem solving behavior from 8 through 18 months and categorize them according to Piagetian and information processing theories. p. 114 – p. 120 a. points for describing an improvement or a qualitatively new behavior and 5 points for explaining it using a specific Piagetian or information processing concept to classify the child’s behavior (10 points) At 8 months, my childs substage was Secondary circular reactions. During this period, my child took major strides in shifting their cognitive horizons beyond herself, and begun to act outside the world. For example instead of just picking up a toy, she began using buttons, or using the toy in the correct form and purpose it was created. At 18 months, my child moved on to Beginnings of thoughts stage.

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This stage Piaget argued is the only stage that infants can imagine where objects that they cannot see might be. My child was able to start plotting things in her head. 6. Is your child delayed or advanced in any area of development according to the 19-month developmental examiner’s report? Based on what you have studied, do you think this is most likely a result of specific biological or environmental factors? 5 point for describing an area of delay or advancement, 5 points for a hypothesis and 5 points for evidence regarding biological or environmental factors from the lecture or readings (15 points)

I feel that my child is advanced according to the 19 month development examiners report. I feel that it has a lot to do with biological factors. As my child grew older she became way more aware of things and more curious. This led her to go through all the 19 stages and succeed to the next stage. First she started using her mouth to touch things, then started using her hands and figuring out exactly what the object was made to do, then figured out where the object may go if it fell or it was set under a blanket, she ad the understanding that the object wasn’t gone, but instead it just was placed under something she couldn’t see. Set #3 – VC at 30 mos - choose 3 of 4 questions (40 points max) 7. Describe your child’s communication and language development in the first 30 months. Is your child developing at a typical or atypical rate? a. 5 points for a general description of his/her language development and 5 points for discussing specific evidence of either normal or atypical development (10 points)

In the first 30 months, my child’s communication and language development is very well. Around 2-3 months until the age of one, Harlow was making speech like but meaningless sounds. After five months she her babbling expanded, and by 14 months she was saying her very first words. Around 19 months, Harlow was able to use short sentences. The only thing Harlow lacks in she has a small problem with underextension with words, for instance “blankie”. These are all very clear clarifications that Harlow is on a good and on track level for her language and communication. . Have there been any environmental events in your child’s first 2 1/2 years that you think might have influenced his or her behavior? On what do you base your hypotheses? a. 5 points for each of two environmental events – be sure to explain how you think they influenced your child (10 points) Two environmental events that that may have influences my childs behavior would be, Me not paying enough attention to Harlow. I think this influenced her in not being able to trust me or others like she should.

Now Harlow sees the word as being harsh and unfriendly, this leads her to have difficulties forming close bonds with others. ( trust verus mistrstrust stage). Since I have encouraged Harlow to explore and be free in safe boundries, she has developed great independence ( autonomy versus shame and doubt stage). 10. Analyze your own parenting philosophy and practices. What principles from learning or social learning theory, Bowlby, Ainsworth, Piaget, Vygotsky, information processing theory, neuroscience or other theories do you appear to have relied on in making your parenting hoices or interpreting your child’s behavior? Include three principles and identify one or more theorists who espoused these principles in your answer. a. 5 points for discussing an example from your parenting that fits a concept or principle from each of three theories you select from the list above (15 points) I noticed 3 main theories from the list above that I have used as a parent. 1. ) Ainsworth Strange Situation and Patterns of attachment- I followed and would say has developed Harlow into having an ambivalent attchement pattern.

This is a style of attchament in which children display a comnination of positive and negative reactions to their mothers; they show great distress when the mother leaves, but upon the return they may simultaneously seek close contact but also hit a kick her. 2. ) Classical Conditioning – I have found that Harlow stops crying when I pick her up becuae she has learned to associate being picked up with subsequent feeding. Pavlov discovered this theory y, repeatedly pairing two stimuli, such as the sound of a bell and the arrival of meat , he could make hungry dogs learn to respond not only when the meat was presented, but even when the bell was sounded without the meat. (p. 86) 3. ) Erikson’s Theory of Psychosocial development- this is a theory that considers how individuals come to understand themselves and the meaning of others- and their own- behavior. My child developed that autonomy-versus-shame-and-doubt-stage because around the age 18 months to 3 years, I gave my child freedom to explore, and she developed independence from this.

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A Baby’s Development in the First Nine Months. (2017, Jan 14). Retrieved from https://phdessay.com/a-babys-development-in-the-first-nine-months/

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