Research Methods for Business

Category: Bank, Data, Internet
Last Updated: 06 Jul 2020
Essay type: Research
Pages: 5 Views: 222

Quantitative research analysis is usually used by natural sciences. Quantitative is predominantly used as a synonym for any data collection technique (such as questionnaire) or data analysis procedures that generates or uses numerical data (Saunders, 2007:145). Quantitative method approach use measurements and observations of collected data. These measurements must be statistically valid. A quantitative approach employs strategies of inquiry such as experiments and surveys and collects data on predetermined instruments that yield statistical data (Creswell, 2002:18).

Put it in more simple way: quantitative method is about numerical, objective data. Qualitative method Qualitative approach refers to data collection technique or data analysis procedures that generates or use non-numerical data. Qualitative therefore can refer to data other than words, such as pictures and video clips (Saunders, 2007:145). Qualitative research is more complicated than quantitative and it uses many different ways for collecting data. Basically the main difference between these two theories is Quantitative research count gathered data, while Qualitative research cares about object meanings and goes in-depth describe the object.

Mixed Method In some cases to answer the research questions it is not enough to use just quantitative or qualitative approach. Researcher may need to combine both methods. It can be a case then large amount of data involved, but it need to reflect on the meaning of the objects and describe them. Data collection, and analytical tools/techniques To gather a data for Internet Banking research the Survey strategy was adopted. It has been decided to design a relevant questionnaire using theoretical framework. The questionnaires were administered by using interview technique.

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The places for questionnaire distribution were chosen in the few locations. Firstly it has been decided to administer questionnaires in university, there participants are mostly students. This decision was made on the opinion that young people are more easily adopting technologies and are more likely to be users of Online Banking facilities. The other part of the questionnaires was administered through some relations contacts (friends of friends). Finally the 40 questionnaires were distributed. Because of the interview technique use the response rate was 100 percent.

However after analysing 8 meaningless questionnaires was excluded from further analysis. The questionnaire was designer using a core framework of research. Seven main points was identified from a framework. From this points seven main parts of questionnaire was designed. The questions in each part reflect theory based aspects previously developed in a core framework of the research. Totally 7 parts of questionnaire was approved. First question was used for the screening purpose to identify is the respondent falling in to the category of Internet Banking users.

Questions were constructed in the simple way, that respondents could easily understand them. Questions are close-ended and contain multiple possibility answers. Totally 11 questions was chosen for the final version of questionnaire. In parts one and two of questionnaire the scales technique was used the respondents needed to tick their agreement level to the statement. The part two and three of the questionnaire are designed to answer objective one. People were asked their opinion about Internet Banking facilities. Part three of the questionnaire is designed to serve objective two of the research.

In that part we find out what services in Online banking use and the frequency of returning to online banking facilities. Finally the last three parts serves objective three. In these parts the scaled multiple answer questions was used. In these questions the issue about draw-backs and problems with Online banking was raised. (See Attachment 3 for questionnaire design) Analysis, results and conclusions Stage1 In the part two and three of the questionnaire we was concerned about consumer perception of Internet Banking by analysing those questions we will meet Objective 1 of the research.

First three questions (statement) were the test to find out does the users aware about what benefits Internet Banking hold to them. In first three questions consumers was asked to show their agreement level for the statements: 'using Online banking facilities makes it easier to execute financial transactions', 'Using online banking allow me to save time and money', 'I like to manage my finances using Internet'. Those statement tests is consumer consider online banking as a useful approach to manage finances. How the level of participants' agreement to each statement been calculated shown in the Figures 1 to 3:

Figure-1: Using Online Banking facilities makes it easier to execute financial transactions From the Figure 19 we can see that about half of the respondents were satisfied with the problem solving process. However with figures not necessary reflect a true situation. It is likely that some of the participants didn't have any problems with Online Banking facilities. But considering just data gathered from the researched sample, we can state that service quality for solving problems are not very good. To meet the objective 3, the data from stage 3 will be summarised.

The researched sample tempted to perceive Internet Banking as a reliable method for managing their financial accounts. Moreover the main issue in the past years - Security, seems to be not playing such a significant role in people decision to use Internet Banking. However the service quality of problems solving process can be improved, to meet the consumer needs. Conclusion This research about Online Banking was conducted to answer the following questions: 1. What consumers think about Internet banking system? 2. For what purpose consumers use Internet Banking? 3. What people think about Online Banking service quality?

For developing answers for these questions, a theory based objectives was introduced: 1. To test people perceptions and attitudes towards the Internet Banking 2. To identify how important Online banking is in people casual life 3. To find out factors that attract, or withdraw people from using online banking To answer question one: 'What consumers think about Internet Banking system? ', the objective one was tested. The examined objective:' To test people perceptions and attitudes towards the Internet Banking' refers to usefulness and ease of use of Internet banking.

It have been identified that Consumers perceive Internet banking as an advantage for easy management of their finance. The consumers have a positive perception towards Internet Banking use. Question two: 'For what purposes consumers use Internet Banking? ', employed objective two to be tested for the right answer. The finding of this test states that Online Banking users use almost all services of the system. But features, such as Making payments and Pay bills are not so frequent as it involve more complex decision process. The Online Banking system plays a significant role in a people real everyday life.

It has been find out that around 70% of consumers use Internet Banking services more than once in a month. Question three: ' What people think about Online Banking service quality? ' . Objective three was used to answer this question. According to the research findings people seem to be changed their negative perception about security of Online Banking services. Moreover users thinks that Internet Banking as a system provide reliable quality service. However some part of users is not completely satisfied with problem solving process.It can depend on service quality weaknesses or not prompt response to users' needs and questions.


Keynote, Market Assessment 2008, Electronic banking, 4th edition Saunders, Lewis, Thornhill, Research Methods for Business Students, 4th edition, 2007, Prentice Hall Z. Liao, T. Cheung, Measuring consumer satisfaction in internet banking: core framework, Communications of ACM, Vol. 51, Issue4, Apr 2008 S. Schensul, J. Schensul, M. LeCompte, Essential Ethnographic Methods: Observations, Interviews, and Questionnaires, 1999, Rowman Altamira

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Research Methods for Business. (2018, Sep 17). Retrieved from

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