Problems and Prospects of Eco Tourism in Jharkhand

Category: India, Tourism
Last Updated: 20 Jun 2022
Pages: 5 Views: 1071

Tourism, the Sun-rise industry of the millennium has emerged as the largest economic activity of the world. Tourism is now recognised as an industry that generates a number of Social and economic benefits. Its importance as an important instrument for economic development and employment generation, particularly in remote and backward areas, has now been well recognised all over the world.

A glimps through the tourism activity in this country, it appears, has been suffering from a very narrow Connotation in the sense that domestic and foreign tourists make a short visit to places of historical, Archaeological and religious importance. Adventure tourism is also being promoted in some parts of the country. It will not be out of place to mention that tourism also offers immense opportunities for economic activities of the local population and thus, can be rightfully treated as an industry with people's participation, Govt.

Support and involvement of NGOs. Much is needed in this area. Eco-tourism is an advanced thought on development of tourism in the natural surroundings of forests, wild animals, local population preserving the scenic beauty of the area and also the cultural background of human population. It may be mentioned here that farming and forests are the two main planks of the cultural ethos of the tribal people of Jharkhand and may be regarded as a positive and helpful human factor.

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The beauty of this concept is the active participation of people inhabiting the area for promoting tourism without degrading the natural surroundings. In this way many income generating activities for the local population will emerge and they will be benefited economically and socially also mixing with the domestic and foreign visitors. ECO Tourism : The Concept :- The term ECO-Tourism was first coined by a Mexican environmentalist Hector Lascurain in 1983. Initially the term was used to describe nature-based travel to relatively Undisturbed natural areas with an emphasis on education.

The concept has, however, developed into a scientific approach to the planning, management and development of sustainable tourism, products and activities. It can be defined as travel to natural attractions that contributes to their conservation, respects the integrity of local communities and respects the integrity of local communities and enhances the tourist's understanding of the natural attraction, its conservation and local community. It is decentralised in nature and seeks to integrate rural development.

According to the world tourism organisation :- "Tourism that involves traveling to relatively undisturbed natural areas with the specified object of studying admiring and enjoying the scenery and its wild plants and animals, as well as any existing cultural aspect (both the Past or the present) found in these areas is defined as ECO-Tourism.

As per the general definition ECO-Tourism is :- (A) Nature Based (Visitors are mainly interested in observing and appreciating nature and traditional cultures in natural areas) (B) Contributes to the Bio-diversity Conservation (C) Supports the well being of local people. D) Involves responsible action by both tourists and local people to minimize negative environmental and Socio-cultural impacts. (E) Requires the lowest possible consumption of non-renewable resources. (F) Stresses local ownership, as well as business opportunities for local people. Potentials of Eco Tourism in Jharkhand Jharkhand, formally a part of united Bihar became the 28th State of Indian federation on the 15th Nov. 2000. The whole State is constituted of 22 Districts, 211 Community Development Blocks, 3744 Panchayats and 33,315 Villages.

The state is extended from roughly 220 N. Lat. to 24037' N. Lat. and 830 15' East longitude to 87010' East longitude with a total area of 79,714 Sq. km. It covers roughly 2. 4% land of total Indian territory. It is Surrounded by Orissa in the South, W. Bengal in the East, Chhattisgarh and MP in the west and Bihar in the North respectively. In a very broad sense, this state forms part of the Chotanagpur plateau and is one of the oldest part of the world. Its geological history starts from pre-Cambrian era when the solidification of the Earth was in process.

This region has witnessed many earth movements, constructions and destructions, Folding and faulting etc due to which the whole region has become tough and Undulating. But this may also be regarded as a free gift of God in the form of different landscapes and a number of water falls with full of scenic and Natural beauty. Actually from Garhwa, Palamu to Singhbhum via Lohardaga, Ranchi, Dist. there is a fault line scarp Zone. The whole area is full of undulations which is ideal for rapids and falls. The general slope of the relief is from west to East.

Almost all the famous water falls of Jharkhand fall on this line like Sukha Dari and Bal Chaura in Dhurki Block, Garhwa Dist, Gursendhu, Hirni, Hundru, Jonha, Dassam, Panchghath etc. in the eastern side of Jharkhand. All these sites have been developed like picnic spots only till date. If some stay arrangements are made available to Tourists there, I think is will be a nice opportunity to stars ET in Jharkhand within a very short period of time. Tropic of cancer passes roughly from Ranchi causing tropical climate throughout the state.

The climate is generally uniform and steady. The temperature is extreme in nature. while in summer it rises up to 470C, in winter it is 180C during day and as low as 80C during Nights. The annual average is, however, 250C. The peak rise in temperature would be in April. In terms of rainfall, on an average the state receives more than 1200 mm per annum with great uncertainty of rainfall. Thus, whole Jharkhand is hot in Summer, cold in winter and prone to heavy rains during the monsoon.

Rock formations are mostly made up of Dharwarian Khondalites in association with unclassified crystalline, Charnockites, Archaean granites and gneisses. Jharkhand is important for mineral resources also and is known as 'Rhur Region of India or 'storehouse of mineral resources of India". By and large, coal is most significant mineral with about 183 mines. Jharia, Chandrapura, Bokaro, Karanpura, Giridih, Hazaribag and Rajmahal are important for coal. The other most significant minerals are mica, bauxite, Iron-ore, chinclay, Fire clay, graphite, copper, Chromite, Tungston, Uranium, Dolomite, Feldspar etc.

Incidentally, the mining and industrial activities also result in disturbing the eco-system of the area and a very consencious effort is needed at various levels to either totally stop the damage or minimise the adverse effects. Eco-Tourism, rightly implemented, may also offer a solution to this problem. The natural vegetation is by and large mixed tropical dry forest in the North and moist deciduous type in the south with over 23 thousand Sq. Km of recorded forests or 29. 27% of its geographical area. The land of Jharkhand boasts of having the best sal forest of Asia in Saranda or one of the best pine forests on the lofty Netarhat Plateau.

The important trees are Jamun, Mango, Jackfruit, Teak, Sal, Sagwan, Palas, Bamboo, Neem, Pipal etc. with numerous flowering and Medicinal plants. These trees are completely dedicated to the welfare of others. No where this tradition has been as best preserved than in Jharkhand - literally meaning "The land of forests. " The beauty and the splendor of the vegetation on this land remains Unmatched even during the hottest summer months when the gregarious flowering of the Palas trees give it the name the flame of the forests.

These forests not only provide the best abode to our most magnificent wild mammals, tiger, elephant and gaur, but to the most enlightened spiritual traditions of Bhagwan Budha, Mahavir, Rabindra Nath Tagore and Birsa Munda, Forest percentage is higher in chatra, Hazaribag, Giridih, Gumla, Lohardaga, Ranchi, Singhbhum, Garhwa and Palamu. As the state is endowed with natural forests, the wildlife habitat too is rich. The important wild animals are wolves, hares, chital, Nilgai, Monkey, Common Langur, Elephant, Tiger, Gaur, Deer and Sambhar etc.

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Problems and Prospects of Eco Tourism in Jharkhand. (2017, Mar 26). Retrieved from

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