Reflection Essay on Leaders Are Born Not Made
Story by John Mulder. (Steven Lewis) accepts the facts that it is true there are born leaders and also attribute the qualities to be good communication, intelligence and winsomeness. But he also argues that there are men and women that became leaders not because they were born to be, but because they were called to lead. He says also that the vitality of an organization and community rest on the largely measured form of identifying and nurturing and even training for leadership.
A mythology example of leadership in America who are born not made in life’s of churches says (Stephen Lewis), National Director of Calling Education in Atlanta, Georgia. “They think it’s between you and God, and only after you receive your personal call does a congregation become involved. What we want to do is to help congregations see that its part of their own calling to raise up a new generation of Leaders. We want them to recognize themselves as communities of call”. (Rev.
Lewis) this initiative is to create an infrastructural of callings and awakening the imaginations of people to recognize their own callings amongst congregations, church judicatories and church related organizations. (Rev. Lewis) reflects on his story of how he became a priest. His entry was delayed after years of obtaining a degree in business school at university of North Carolina at Charlotte and worked in the financial Institutions “Though he recognized the deep calling the whole time” he said.
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Furthermore, he recalls before entering the church he was allowed to put up his paintings, and what he also remembered vividly was (Mrs. Mary Pearson), telling him that “God has his hands on you”. (Rev. Lewis) emphasis that it was not only one person, but the whole community was aware of his calling. He was also encouraged by the community and to him; it had just seemed that the freedom, openness and depth had made that difference. However the need for Calling Congregation Initiative is urgent as many denominations of national offices of vocation in the 1950’s-1960 were abolished stated, (Rev.
Lewis). This easily increased the need for nurturing future leaders and identifying them. Most importantly, (Rev. Lewis), the Calling Congregations Initiative found three crucial methods to develop the vocation care movement: Relationships amongst persons in a vocation This is when a community is able to care for its own and that means they must have being able to explore their own vocation”, (Rev. Lewis) Sense of vocation with communities (Rev. Lewis) states that “We have to help people get beyond the notion of a call as individual thing.
It only happens when one person is bounded to another”. Vocation Stories (Rev. Lewis) also emphasis “ Only by telling your own story do you discover your own vocation, and only by narrating it can you inspire others and awaken them to the fact that they too may have a call”. Thus (Rev. Lewis) tells a story of people in the Calling Congregations Initiative is increasingly moving. Citing an example of a pastor with a large congregation in United Methodist church that preaches about ‘calling”. He planned to issue an altar call on the last Sunday and congregations were alerted.
That day came and the turn over was immensely profounding with an attendance of 467 worshipers and 33 women and men came forward. “If we create the space for calling, if we really ask the deepest questions about life and it’s meaning”, Rev. Lewis says, “We will be amazed at how many people we would find. They will say ‘My life matters’. ’ My congregation matters’. We would find a robust group of people who will come forward”. He says”This program is a contradiction of that narrative of decline, which comes out of a theology of scarcity.
We need to realize that we’ve inherited a theology of abundance. What we’re doing is both a contradiction of and a protest against decline. ” Finally (Rev. Lewis) also adds “We do want to change the world. We do believe the churches are shapers of culture. We can do that and we have done that. We need to start living out of that abundance. ” And, he says, “We know that we can successfully create the connections to build and nurture an ecology in which people can hear God’s call. ” Rev. Stephen Lewis can be reached at slewis@thefund. org, or at 404. 727. 411, or at the Fund for Theological Education, 825 Houston Mill Road, Suite 250, Atlanta, GA 30329. Reference: John Mulder “Leaders are born not made: wrong! ” http://www. resourcingchristianity. org/ ,http://www. resourcingchristianity. org/sites/default/files/transcripts/interv iew/StephenLewis_Leaders_are_born_Interview. pdf ,p1-7. Story by Joanne Graf. Joanne talks about various MYTHS of Leadership in management. Any company that is thinking forward recognizes that for them to achieve their objectives, they need to continue to thrive, grow and achieve their success, which is in the leaders’ hands.
An example of one of the three MYTHS is to empower and develop leaders of various levels in their organizations. It is commonly observed that people either “have what it takes “to be a leader or don’t “. In addition the justification of the existence about whether organizations needs to search for the “right people” also the “right character” about the need to succeed ,this view undercuts it (Joanne). Another interpretation can be that anyone could be an effective leader if people can challenge their selves and other towards pointing a future for a new leadership and not considering previous generated challenges.
People do not need to be rulers for them to be leaders, such instances of limitation are no longer in existence. But rather, people now gain confidence and power to pull through various circumstances or experience by stepping forward as leaders. Leadership could simply be an ordinary individual with the drive and ambition to necessarily deliver utmost action on anything they are doing or want to accomplish. Also when people who show their commitment and are willing to relentlessly achieve what they are doing, they become unstoppable.
MYTH 2. Scarce Effective Leadership. When people people believe that leadership is scarce, they constantly struggle to find a sufficient supply of capable leaders. As real as it may seem, but companies have now transformed to taking the opposite views. This has made company discover that they can empower leadership around the various departments in the company. In this context there is no model to shortage of leadership rather it is what will unleash the untapped energy, commitment and creativity.
Almost all organizations do not make use of the potential that their people can provide. But by shifting the perspective from scarcity to abundance, there is greater ownership, productivity and growth. Another access to building leadership culture is having leaders take responsibility for developing leadership in others throughout the company. This can be developed if leaders share their experience and coach to others in the company, so that leaders can emerge in an environment that fosters leadership (Joanne Graf). MYTH 3.
Real Leaders are effective because of what they know. People think about the world around them in two ways. One is through what they already know, based on past, which includes experience and expertise. The other is through what they don’t know, they seek to find. When seeking break through a leader must challenge what his known and inquire into what is possible beyond that. From what is possible a leader can engage with others to invent how to achieve something new (Joanne Graf). Reference: Joanne Graf “Management” ,”Leaders are born not made and other popular myths”. ttp://www. spe. org/jpt/print/archives/2004/04/JPT2004_04_management. pdf John Adair: (John Adair) encompassed leadership by helping to change perception of management which includes communication, time management and decision making. He also developed the Action Centered Leadership model. He also says though leadership is different from management, but a good leadership will posses management skill. Adair states leadership in three terms of overlapping circles which are represented by team, task and individual.
For a team to work together, they must have in common these three needs: 1. Need to achieve the task 2. Need to be able to manage a groups or team 3. Need for managing persons or individual Also elements found in management like administration and managing resource are not relevant to leadership. But on the other hand, leadership element are also not found in management like committing and inspiring others through owns’ enthusiasm in a task. [pic] Reference: John Adair (2009)”. “Action centered leadership “. http://www. earn-to-be-a-leader. com/john-adair. html Story by Allen J. Huth He admits that leaders and managers are interchangeable. He also defines leadership in one word as “followers. ” Leadership does not have a position in an organization. In addition a manager can be authoritative to subordinate because of the right and power he has to get a job done. But a leader is not because he cannot impose his vision on the followers. The follower can either choose to follow or walk away. In an organization, hers are also informal leadership.
It is the earned right to lead, positively or negatively by the followers. Reference: Allen J. Hult, 2001,”Born to lead or made to manage-We both need”. American Business Advisors,Inc. ,Englewood,Colorado. Conclusion For an individual to generate effective leadership actually depends on the size of challenge and result of the commitment involved. Leadership effectiveness is emerged from bold and drastic commitments, engaging people with challenges and giving people chance to move forward and contribute.
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