Interview with a preschool teacher
She was able to give me more Insight on what Is deed to be done to become a teacher and what Is required of her. The person that I interviewed was Ashley Humphreys. She is a lead teacher and the administrator of the united Local Head Start Preschool program that is operated by the Community Action Agency of Columbian County. This is her first year teaching with the program. Before she could become a teacher had to get her Bachelor degree and her preschool license. She graduated from Kent State University in May of 2013.
While she was working on her degree she had to do student teaching. She was able to complete it at the following schools: South Range in kindergarten, Southern Local in kindergarten, and United Education Service Center Preschool. Along with having to get her degree Ashley is required to have twenty hours per year in continuing education hours. She also is required to be certified in CPRM and first aid. Ashley has a lot of duties for being the lead teacher and administrator.
As a lead teacher her duties include: making lessons plans weekly, maintaining contact with parents, keeping the children's file updated, entering notes into Teaching Strategies Gold (TTS), riding the bus to either pick up or drop off students, and much more. Administrator requires her to keep all the staff files up to date, maintain safety logs, maintain ratios at all time and much more. A normal day for Ashley would be arriving to school by seven every day. Her While waiting for the students to arrive Ashley is getting everything ready for the day ahead.
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She would either getting things ready for small groups, get the music ready for the day or she might be cleaning up anything that might be still laying around from the day before. Once her eighteen students arrive at eight A. M. She lets them play with table toys for about ten to fifteen minutes. Breakfast is served at eight fifteen. Once the children are done eating breakfast the children go to centers and are called to brush their teeth while they are playing in center. Once centers are done the children come to the carpet and then do music and the calendar.
Once the students have completed those activities they go to small groups. This is where Ashley has each group set up and they are set up to help meet the individuals needs of each child. The individual's needs are indicated on the lesson plans. After small groups the children go back to the carpet and Ashley or her assistant will read a book o the children or have a group discussion over the project they are working on. Lunch will be served then gross motor and then it is time to say goodbye for the day.
Ashley loves working with the children. She loves that she can enhance the lives of the children. She enjoys her co-workers. She loves that she has co-workers that think on the same page. It makes it easier when planning activities for the children. Even though Ashley loves her Job there are things about her Job that she dislikes. There are several things that she dislikes about her Job. One of the things she dislikes is owe the laws are changing and it is hard to keep up with the changes.
She also dislikes that she is having a hard time find a Job, in a Public school, within her hometown or close to her home. If she would be able to get into a public school she is finding out that her pay rate could be based on test scores. If her class would get lower score on state testing then she could get a pay cut. The only thing that Ashley dislikes about working for Head Start is they pay you very low for all the work they require from you. There are not enough hours in the day to complete everything they sky of you.
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Interview with a preschool teacher. (2017, Nov 16). Retrieved from
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