Muslim Press during the War of Independence of 1857 and Aftermath This disintegration of Mughal Empire started after the demise of the emperor aourangzeb, to which several causes are ascribed which are at present out of out study. Form journalistic point of viuew , we …
Change in consumption pattern in India since the 1950s due to the effects of liberalization, globalization and demographics changes . Since 1950 the global economy has nearly quintupled. The American Dream has become a model for most developing nations. With the critical rise in Indian …
In this modern day and age, many countries are moving towards globalization. With the current changes and improvement in technology, people easily share and exchange goods, products and services for economic and social development. A lot of opportunities are given to many people so they …
Executive Summary McDonald’s is a signature restaurant chain serving 58 million customers each day all over the world through its 31000 restaurants in 119 countries. This report views the various internal and external factors affecting the McDonald’s prior to that the report gives a brief …
India is a multi-cultural, multi-racial, multi-lingual and multi-ethnic society. It is a land of diversity. People of different creeds, customs, cultures and traditions live here. They have their different festivals, manners and lifestyle. Their religions and beliefs are also different. Despite all these, there are …
Introduction This essay concentrates on the economic situation prevailing in India. In the later half of the twentieth century, after its independence, India has made remarkable progress in industrial, academic, medical, agriculture and the IT sector. India, with a population of over 1.095 billion which …
What are we to make of Gandhi’s life? How should we judge this homespun-wearing politician-saint, the man who brought down an empire by preaching brotherhood and nonviolence? At the very end, with his beloved India reaping its own destruction, Gandhi considered himself a failure. But …
A project ReportOnCASE STUDY OF FDI IN INDIA VS CHINASubmitted toMrs. Smita KashiramkaByRamya Singh2010B3A2613PIn Fulfilment ofStudy oriented ProjectBIRLA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCE, PILANI30th November 2012| | | | | | | Abstract The report begins with the FDI definition and FDI reference with respect …
Ever since the inception of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ambitious “Digital India” campaign in 2015, several initiatives have been made to spread digital literacy across the country across various categories.Several efforts have been made to enable Indians access government schemes and services electronically. Renowned Indian …
The current 1 5th Lok Sabha will complete its constitutional term on May 31 , 2014 By constitutional requirement, elections to the Lok Sabha must be held at most every five years or whenever parliament is dissolved by the president. The previous election, to the …
Pakistan-Table A – Chronology of Important Events Pakistan Index Period Description ANCIENT EMPIRES ca. 2500-1600 B. C. Indus Valley culture ca. 1500-500 B. C. Migrations of Indo-Aryan- speaking tribes; the Vedic Age. ca. 563-483 B. C. Life of Siddartha Gautama–the Buddha; founding of Buddhism. ca. …
Globalization describes a process by which regional economies, societies, and cultures have become integrated through a global network of communication, transportation, and trade. The term is sometimes used to refer specifically to economic globalization: the integration of national economies into the international economy through trade, …
Since the French Revolution, the idea of self-determination has spread all around the world, unifying peoples inside nations, starting new revolutions, erasing empires, freeing colonies and scaring modern states. There are few models explaining the emergence of nationalism and the definitions of this phenomenon vary …
Indus Valley Civilization. The earliest traces of civilization in the Indian subcontinent are to be found in places along, or close, to the Indus river. Excavations first conducted in 1921-22, in the ancient cities of Harappa and Mohenjodaro, both now in Pakistan, pointed to a …
Guided Reading Chapter 13 Terms: 1. Tropics- Areas with high humidity and temperatures 2. Monsoons- an overflow of water from rivers 3. Ecosystems- communities of living things within a certain climare 4. Bilad al-sudan- West African Jewish communities who were connected to known Jewish communities …
Over the old ages, together with a spreading of environmental consciousness, there has been a alteration in the traditionally-held perceptual experience that there is a tradeoff between environmental quality and economic growing as people have come to believe that the two are need fully complementary. …
foreign capital implies funds that are raised from foreign investors for investment purposes in development projects of a host country. Any investment flowing from one country to another country is foreign investment. This concept came in 1950s when many capital deficient countries resorted to foreign …
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, known as Mahatma, or ‘Great Soul’ was a successful leader who managed to cause major political change in countries that experienced an abundance of racial discrimination and cultural inferiority. The two most signi? cantly effected countries that experienced direct positive empowerment because …
Section 1: A Scramble For Africa • European nations needed to fuel industrial production • Competed for new markets for goods and took huge interest in Africa • Imperialism- Seizure of a country or territory by a stronger country o Occurred throughout most of Africa …
Adenoidal Payday was convinced that India as an independent nation cannot rely upon Western concepts like individualism, democracy, socialism,communism, capitalism etc. And he was of the view that the Indian polity after independence has been raised upon these superficial Western foundations and not rooted in …
In 1600, the British East India Company was established, and in 1858, The India Act allowed for power to be transferred to the British government. The British Government never had complete control, but it certainly had power. The Partition of India happened on August 14th, …
Make in India was launched by the Government of India on 25th September 2014 to encourage companies to manufacture in India. A lot has been said already about the Make in India Initiative started under the guidance of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The campaign was …
Technology has enabled disruptive ideas to invade our day-to-day life. Today we are able to order a cab/pizza/plumber/groceries by just swiping our mobiles today. Despite the abundance of startups that exist, government and VC networks have constantly stressed on the need for disruptive ideas that …
When Indians greet, they say to each other “Namascar” or “Namaste”, which means approximately “I salute you God.” It is customary to fold the palms of his chest and bow. Tourists are usually greeted with “Hello” and waved or said “Good afternoon \ evening.” India …
Several themes have been identified in the film “Khamosh Pani”, all speaking about the society and politics of Pakistan and the influence of the partition on the two. The concept goes from discussing the refugee movements to Zia’s Islamization and the religious intolerance to position …
I had a very humble and non-existent beginning before accidently and fortunately stumbling upon my destiny – investment banking!Hailing from a typical middleclass, service mindset family background from Rajasthan and having lost my paltry paid job of Rs 1,400/- per month as a shop floor …
In this study, some jobs in solid waste direction in India will be discussed every bit good as the attempts made by the authorities and the occupants of India to assist cut down the jobs in pull offing the solid waste generated by the occupants. …
Urbanization is a socio-economic process by which an increasing proportion of the population of an area becomes concentrated into the towns and cities. The term is also defined as the level of population concentration in urban areas. The proc ess of urbanization increases both the …
Ram Charan, the world-renowned business advisor, author and speaker, who first stepped into the world of entrepreneurship from his family shoe shop in a small town in northern India says 2016 is seeing a very different India.Charan who visited after more than a year says “a wave …
Dear Citizens, on this important day on the eve of 55th Republic Day of India, I am indeed happy to greet all the billion citizens of our country including those living abroad. I also greet the members of the armed forces and paramilitary forces who …
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Ram Nath Kovind
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