Essays on Entrepreneurship

Essays on Entrepreneurship

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4 Ways Chocolate-Chip Cookies Helped an Entrepreneur Become a Better Leader

Usually when you first hear about a entrepreneur it's for what their company has done. When I first heard about , it wasn’t about his business savvy or what he had done; it was about his love for cookies.More specifically, the #cookielife, an oddball movement …

Words 738
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To Be a Real Entrepreneur Quit Nitpicking and Just Get Started

About two years ago, my friend Marcel Benson (Barry) wanted to start a watch company.A lot of people probably thought that was a dumb idea. Watches? The world doesn’t need more watches! But that’s not what Barry thought. He likes watches. He’d always been fascinated with them. He …

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7 Ways You’re Getting Distracted as an Entrepreneur

The entrepreneurial brain is a marvelous and dangerous tool. We tend to think creatively, and quickly, whether it’s in response to solving a problem or as a way to kill time in line at the grocery store. We also aren’t afraid to explore our options, …

Words 846
Pages 4
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The Real Risk of Entrepreneurial Strengths Becoming Addictive Weaknesses

The ancients warned us of tragedy when personal strengths applied in one situation become an Achilles heel in another context. "If men had all they wished, they would be often ruined," warned Aesop.Successful entrepreneurs run the show. Many have a hard time being told what to do, …

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The Tools That 5 Highly Productive Entrepreneurs Use

When I graduated from college, I had no work experience. And that didn't sit too well with the real life that followed. The result? I repeatedly messed up at work or fell behind schedule because I lacked good productivity habits. Before long, I realized I needed help.Related: So …

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Rebranding: What Does It Teach an Entrepreneur!

An acquisition in any business ecosystem garners a lot of attention from media and industry folks. But what happens in the pre and post acquisition/merger phase is something only an entrepreneur and his team can elaborate! One of the most high-profile mergers/deals this year has …

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Identify and discuss how entrepreneurs can impact on the economy

Introduction Definition of entrepreneurship There are a lot of explanations and descriptions of entrepreneurship. Intellectuals and business experts, define entrepreneurship as only the uniting of thoughts, hard work, and modifications to the changing commerce market. It furthermore involves meeting market demands; mainly it portrays the …

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4 Ways to Thrive as an Entrepreneur Outside the Valley

Startup communities around the world are leveling up. The opportunities once found only in prominent startup ecosystems can now be seen everywhere, and savvy entrepreneurs are taking advantage.I’ve experienced this shift first hand. Having moved to Lincoln, Neb., from stints in Hong Kong and Silicon …

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How a Battle with Cancer Kick-Started my Career as an Entrepreneur

As the daughter of a successful mid-life entrepreneur who actually launched his business the year I was born, I believe the entrepreneurial spirit is in my DNA. It just took a bout with cancer to give me the drive to act on it. Working for various companies …

Words 889
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Letter to Local Planning Authorities from an Entrepreneurial Farmer

1.1 Introduction to myself and reason for proposal. My name is MR Michael Christou and I live and work at Moatlow Farm (GR 156 538). Farming in my area is becoming increasingly difficult. This is due to poor soil and the harsh climate. Also I …

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How to Connect Entrepreneurship and Your Dream of Location Independence

Many people hold location independence as one of their highest aspirations — the ability to work from anywhere, make money while you’re traveling and do what you love outside of the confines of an office or much conventional structure.Related: In brief, you're your boss, and the world …

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Types of Entrepreneurship

Types of Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth DOI:10. 1093/acprof:oso/9780199596515. 003. 0004 Abstract and Keywords This chapter is an empirical exploration of types of entrepreneurship and their impact on economic growth in developing and transition countries. It relates indicators of entrepreneurship to average rates of economic growth …

Words 4832
Pages 18
Entrepreneurs, The Time Is Right To Buy A Ready-Possession Flat

Do ready-for-possession or close-to-possession homes make more sense than properties which will be delivered only 2-3 years down the line? There was a time when the answer of most end-users and real estate investors would have been a resounding 'No'. After all, it is common …

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This Is How Entrepreneurs Reacted To Modi’s Demonetized Notes Policy

In a master stroke to combat black money and reduce the counterfeit currency currently in circulation, the Indian government has announced INR500 and INR1000 notes will cease to be legal tender effective midnight of 8 November. Banks were closed on November 9 on account of …

Words 1211
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How To Fight On As An Entrepreneur Despite Illnesses

We all face our own rides. Hopes and dreams, savor our life. Stop being afraid of what could go wrong. Start being positive about what could go right in the first place. Does this sound weird, almost as if you are fighting a battle against …

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How Can Entrepreneurs Offer 360-Degree Solution To Corporates

Executive education & development is critical for any organization but is often overlooked. Quite easily, one can only pin the blame on a ‘fixed mindset’ which assumes failure as an evidence of ‘non-intelligence’. It’s interesting to note that even some of the Fortune 500 companies are …

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Five Mentorship Must Haves in the Entrepreneurial Space

Among all the different qualities that they say an entrepreneur should have (and the list is often unrealistically long!), one that often gets missed out is ‘mentorship’. So why should an entrepreneur have mentoring qualities? When you first launch, the start-up or new initiative is …

Words 771
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The Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship DB

My view of entrepreneurship is that you don’t need to have exceptional skills to be successful when you decide to start a business. All one needs to have is the desire to work in order to achieve his goals. According to my understanding of the …

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How Famous Entrepreneurs Are Spending Election Day

On Election Day, the number-one way you can make a difference is to cast your ballot. But many admired business leaders understand that their duty doesn’t end once they step away from the voting booth.Related: You may be working, trying to work while cable news …

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Succeeding As An Entrepreneur: Here’s How Executive Education Can Help

Qatar is actively diversifying its economy, in line with the Qatar National Vision 2030. Fostering entrepreneurship thus bears promising potential to generate additional businesses, further growth and decrease the dependence on the oil and gas industry. Nevertheless, the survival rates of startups throughout the world ring …

Words 543
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Government entrepreneur

Entrepreneurship is chiefly associated with the private business zone, run solely by an individual or by two. However, Government support becomes vital for them to run their business. Certain beneficial factors must be granted to the individual business owners by the Government, for them to …

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The Indispensable Part Entrepreneurs Play in the Economic Sphere

Entrepreneurs, renowned for their capability to identify unmet needs and their creativity to address them, are the invisible hands that guide economic advancement. Their impacts aren’t confined to birthing novel businesses; they reshape the business landscape, stimulate economic activity, and foster societal evolution. However, the …

Words 414
Pages 2
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Find extra essay topics on Essays on Entrepreneurship by our writers.

Entrepreneurship is the creation or extraction of value. With this definition, entrepreneurship is viewed as change, generally entailing risk beyond what is normally encountered in starting a business, which may include other values than simply economic ones.


Large-scale entrepreneurs emerged in the second half of the 1800s—the Entrepreneurship Era. They built business empires, created enormous wealth, and raised the standard of living for the entire country. Yet success came with a price. Jobs became more specialized—increasing productivity while lowering costs and prices.


It is useful to break the entrepreneurial process into five phases: idea generation, opportunity evaluation, planning, company formation/launch and growth. These phases are summarized in this table, and the Opportunity Evaluation and Planning steps are expanded in greater detail below.


Entrepreneurial strategy is the means through which an organization establishes and re- establishes its fundamental set of relationships with its environment. It is strategy characterized by widespread and more-or-less simultaneous change in the pattern of decisions taken by an organization.


In essence, entrepreneurship is an experience consisting of large numbers of key events such as a first sale, hiring a first employee, losing a big account – events that are processed and made sense of by the entrepreneur.

Entrepreneur industries

  • Startup company
  • Finance
  • Marketing
  • Sales
  • Investment

Entrepreneur books

  • The Lean Startup
  • The 4‑Hour Workweek
  • How to win friends a...
  • Zero to One
  • Rework

Frequently asked questions

What is entrepreneurship in your own words essay?
Entrepreneurship is the process of designing, launching, and running a new business or enterprise. Individuals who are entrepreneurial are often characterized as risk-takers, innovators, and problem-solvers.The concept of entrepreneurship has been around for centuries, but it was not until the late 18th and early 19th centuries that it began to be studied as a separate field of inquiry. The term entrepreneur" was first coined in the early 19th century by French economist Jean-Baptiste Say.Today, entrepreneurship is widely recognized as a critical driver of economic growth and innovation. It is often cited as a key factor in the success of small businesses and start-ups.There are a variety of different approaches to studying entrepreneurship. One common approach is to focus on the individual entrepreneur and try to understand the psychological and social factors that drive them to start a new business.Another approach is to focus on the entrepreneurial process itself, looking at how new businesses are created and how they grow.There is no one single definition of entrepreneurship. However, there are a few key elements that are often cited as being essential to the entrepreneurial process. These elements include creativity, risk-taking, opportunity recognition, and value creation."
What is entrepreneurship and its importance essay?
Entrepreneurship is the process of designing, launching, and running a new business or enterprise. Individuals who are successful in entrepreneurship display many qualities, including creativity, risk-taking, determination, and perseverance.The importance of entrepreneurship cannot be understated. Individuals who are successful in entrepreneurship create new businesses and jobs, drive economic growth, and bring new products and services to market. They are also often innovators and early adopters of new technologies and business models.In today's global economy, entrepreneurship is more important than ever. With the rise of the gig economy and the decline of traditional jobs, more and more people are turning to entrepreneurship to make a living. The ability to start and grow a successful business is becoming increasingly important.Entrepreneurship is also important for social and economic development. Individuals who are successful in entrepreneurship help to create new businesses, jobs, and wealth. They also drive innovation and bring new products and services to market. In doing so, they contribute to the growth of the economy and make the world a better place.
Why is entrepreneurship important in our life?
For one, entrepreneurship allows us to be in control of our own destiny. We are the ones who decide what we want to do and how we want to do it. We are also the ones who decide how successful we want to be.Another reason why entrepreneurship is important is because it allows us to create something new and innovative. We can take our ideas and turn them into reality. We can also help others by providing them with products or services that they need.Lastly, entrepreneurship is important because it allows us to make a difference in the world. We can use our talents and skills to make the world a better place. We can also inspire others to do the same.

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