Essays on Contract Law

Essays on Contract Law

We've found 574 essays on Contract Law

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Vicarious Liability Critical Essay

Acknowledgment I would take this opportunity to thank the people who helped me in making this project which has been a learning experience. In that endeavor, first and foremost I would express my gratitude toward my professor of Law of Torts Ms. Manjula Batra. Her …

Words 3976
Pages 15
Modes of Acceptance

An acceptance must be communicated for it to be effective and valid. The mental assent of both parties is not required but the external manifestation should exist. The acceptor must dos something in order to notify his acceptance. For example, he should communicate his acceptance …

Common LawContractLaw
Words 4123
Pages 15
Discount and Hawkins

Discount and Hawkins Case Case Synopsis The subject matter of the case is presented as a negotiation between a real estate developer, Hawkins, and a possible anchor tenant, Discount Marketplace. Both parties are represented by professional negotiators: Myra Hart is representing the Hawkins Company and …

Words 1054
Pages 4
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A Critical Study on the Contributions of Sir Henry Maine

Whereas Savings and his followers invoke history in the name of tradition, custom and nation against the belief n conscious and rational law making, the second movement, which one might call philosophical histories, develops a definite legal philosophy from the evolution of history.  The exponents …

ContractEssay ExamplesJustice
Words 3593
Pages 14
International Management – Supreme Canning Company

Was the chairman of the US company wrong for not having found out In advance about Japanese business practice? Not seek information Yes it was wrong for not having found out in advance about Japanese business practice. The tomato market In US has not been …

Words 856
Pages 4
Business Law. Hire Purchase

Sam is a successful second-hand dealer. He decides to reward his staff buys buying a fridge and a microwave oven for their use. He wants to enter into a hire purchase agreement to help him finance the two goods. Advise Sam whether these goods will …

Business LawContractGoodsHire Purchase
Words 1826
Pages 7
Notes of Commercial Law

Contracts (C3, pg 58) Nature of contract – Legal relationship consisting of the right and promises constituting an agreement between the parties that give each party a legal duty to the other and also the right to seek for breach of those duties. Consensus ad …

Words 1859
Pages 7
The Impact of the Activities of Quacks on the Practice of Real Estate

INTRODUCTION Background to the Study The notion of professionalism is based upon a practitioner in whatever vocational field to serve not only his client but also the society at large. This implies the need to maintain a high degree of ethical responsibility and conduct, because …

ContractEssay ExamplesJustice
Words 10084
Pages 37
Understanding Employment Responsibilities and Rights in Health Social Care

Understanding Employment Responsibilities and Rights in Health Social Care or Children’s and Young People’s Settings Know the statutory responsibilities and rights of employees and employers within own area of work List the aspects of employment covered by law. Almost every aspect of employment is covered …

Words 1626
Pages 6
The Motives for Holding Inventory Explained

In the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season, retailers stock their inventory with dozens of Christmas items in anticipation of the holiday rush. When Christmas has passed, the store is left with Christmas items that did not sell. To make room for the next …

ChristmasContractInventory ManagementRetail
Words 510
Pages 2
Ap Euro Calendar Dbq

Explain the reasons for the adoption of a new calendar in revolutionary France and analyze reactions to it in the period 1789 to 1806. The adoption of the revolutionary calendar to replace the Gregorian calendar took place on November 24, 1793 by the National Convention. …

Words 998
Pages 4
Balfour vs. Balfour Case Study


Case StudyContractJustice
Words 1801
Pages 7
Contract Scenario

Recently, Danny Davidson sold a family home to his friends Paul and Priscilla Peterson whereby entering into a $250,000 verbal agreement for the purchase of new home. However, Danny neglected to tell Paul and Priscilla about Ned the neighbor and the emerging dispute pertaining to …

ContractEssay ExamplesJusticeMediation
Words 76
Pages 1
Compare the Rights and Responsibilities of Employers and Employees

When I spoke to the employer of the local paper shop, he told me that he shares many different rights and responsibilities with his employee’s and they are the Health and Safety act and the Conditions of Employment. The Health and Safety act sets out …

Words 258
Pages 1
A comparison of english and german contract law

Contracts are part and parcel of our daily activities; they are basically agreements that people make, a fulfillment of which will benefit the two parties. The most common contracts that people make are either implied or oral. They may not have a legal binding where …

Words 56
Pages 1
Law of Contract

The issue is whether the transfer of house is acceptable and valid under Sec 26 of CA 1950. The law applicable are Sec 26 of CA has stated that agreement made without consideration is void. According to Sec 2(d) of CA, consideration is an act …

AdoptionContractContract LawJustice
Words 752
Pages 3
Misrepresentation Case

A misrepresentation is distinct from a statement of opinion which may render a valid contract void or voidable. There is a difference between innocent, negligent and fraudulent misrepresentations. An innocent misrepresentation would affect a contract. A negligent misrepresentation may result in liability for negligence; whereas, …

Business LawContractJustice
Words 1705
Pages 7
Bat Case Report

Executive Summary BAT is a technology that sells financial software to individuals and organizations. BAT’s success had attracted a number of competitors. BAT differentiated itself by committing to free tech support for the life of the product. BAT started its call center operations in 1987 …

Words 1096
Pages 4
Remedies – Contracts Act 1950

REMEDIES • method by which an injured party enforces a right or corrects a loss. It will depend on the nature of breach and the result will be differ between parties. The remedies available for breach of contract are: 1) RESCISSION • An equitable remedy …

Words 1700
Pages 7
Van Den Berghs Ltd V Clark

Introduction In Malaysia, the Income Tax Act 1967 Section 3 sets the scope of income tax provided that income accrued in or derived from Malaysia would be tax. However, S3B of the Act specifically provides that income derived by an offshore company in respect of …

ContractEssay ExamplesTax
Words 720
Pages 3
Business Law. TUTORIAL 2 1: Ali and Abu

TUTORIAL 2 1. Ali and Abu were neighbours. Ali had to go to Singapore for a business seminar. Before he left, he told Abu “Please look after my house”. After two weeks of being away, Ali’s house caught fire and Abu could only save a …

Business LawContractJustice
Words 1367
Pages 5
Certificate of making good defects,c.d.m, latent defects

* Under 2005 The Certificate Of Practical J.C.T. Completion has far making effects upon the rights and duties of all concerned within the contract these include the beginning of the defects liability period which normally lasts for 6 months.Possession of the site returns to the …

ContractEssay ExamplesInsuranceJustice
Words 683
Pages 3
Feed R&D or Farm It Out Cases

Case 1 Feed R&D or Farm It Out? The predicament that RLK Media is facing is losing their market share in the products that they manufacture and sell, without a new product to offer its customers and with the very competitive pace that the other …

Words 1701
Pages 7
Cost Management Test Questions & Suggested Solutions

Management Test Questions & Suggested Solutions by L. Muralidharan, FCA, Grad. CWA Question 1 Bharata Ltd is considering proposals for design changes in one of a range of soft toys. The proposals are as follows: Eliminate some of the decorative stitching from the toy. Use …

Words 7034
Pages 26
Japanese Bribe Case Study

Background of the Case 1976 Former Japanese Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka was arrested on charges of taking bribes amounting to $1. 8 Million Dollars from Lockheed Aircraft Company. Tanaka’s secretary and several other government officials were arrested together with former Prime Minister Tanaka. Takeo Miki …

BriberyCase StudyContract
Words 1577
Pages 6
Consensus Ad Idem

EROSION OF CONSENSUS AD IDEM This work is to discuss about the erosion of “consensus ad idem” or called as “meeting of the minds”, to get to know about this we have to know about “Contract” where in which the “consensus ad idem” plays a …

ContractEssay ExamplesJustice
Words 1446
Pages 6
Negotiable and Nonnegotiable Instrument

Question 1 Distinguish between a negotiable and nonnegotiable instrument. Be explicit. Negotiable instruments such as contracts are usually commercial in nature. These forms of negotiable instruments have requirements which abide with the provisions of the revised Article 3 of the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC). Under …

ContractEssay ExamplesJusticeMoney
Words 2056
Pages 8
Conflict on a Trading Floor

Conflict on a Trading Floor The case describes the ethical dilemma occurred in FirstAmerica Bank. The sales department of the bank was preparing a 700 mln. USD loan contract for one of the bank’s former client: Poseidon Cruise Lines. Poseidon intended to order a large …

Words 733
Pages 3
Summary Ben Carson Story

According to the movie, Ben Carson grew up from the poor family with his mother is non-education. She is only a maid in the rich man’s house. One day during cleaning his house, Ben’s mother learned that reading a book is better than spending the …

Words 290
Pages 2
Shariah Issues in Islamic Banking : Bay Al-Inah, Tawarruq and Wa’d

Abstract The rising of the Islamic banking and finance industry is a direct response to the growing awareness amongst Muslim regarding the need of alternative financial products and services that is complied with the teaching of Islam. To be specifically, the demand is based on …

Words 3959
Pages 15

Frequently asked questions

What is a contract essay?
A contract essay is an essay that discusses the formation and enforcement of contracts. The essay may discuss the different types of contracts, the elements of a contract, or the enforcement of contracts. The essay may also discuss the remedies for breach of contract.
Why is contract law so important?
There are a few reasons contract law is so important. First, contracts are the basis for most business transactions. Without a contract, it would be very difficult to buy or sell goods and services. Second, contract law protects the rights of both parties to a contract. Each party knows what they are supposed to do, and if they don't do it, they can be held liable. Lastly, contract law ensures that both parties live up to their end of the bargain. If one party doesn't hold up their end, the other party can take legal action.
What do you mean by law of contract?
A contract is an agreement between two or more people that creates an obligation to do, or not do, something. The law of contract is the body of law that governs the formation, performance, and enforcement of contracts.
What are the 3 main rules in contract law?
The three main rules in contract law are offer, acceptance, and consideration.An offer is an expression of willingness to enter into a contract, made with the intention of creating a legally binding agreement. An offer must be clear and unambiguous, and must be made with the intention of creating a contract.Acceptance is the act of agreeing to the terms of an offer. Acceptance must be absolute and unconditional, and must be made in accordance with the terms of the offer. Consideration is something of value given by one party to another in exchange for an agreement to enter into a contract. Consideration must be sufficient, but need not be equal, to the value of the promise made in the contract.

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