Gun Control Essay Examples and Research Papers

Gun Control Essay Examples and Research Papers

Gun control in the US

The USA is a unique country that allows its citizens to have guns. Gun Control in the USA has an ambiguous position among the citizens of the country. On the one hand, as a means of self-preservation, owning a firearm is very useful and is one of the security measures. On the other hand, the right to have weapons allows you to increase crime, executions, robberies, etc.

Violence has been a recurrently breaking news on the top headlines in all media, whether it is through television, social sites, magazines or newspaper. Gun control has been high a controversial issue in the United State, where we should go in depth about this serious matter.

Gun control is a broad title where there is a limitation of selling, buying, using, storing or carrying firearms in right way. It is the true topic to grab people’s attention and can be a debate on where the university trustees of this university should really implement the strict rules and regulations to gun control.School and colleges should be the place where the students and the educators should feel safe for learning environment. Gun education programs and evaluation of safe gun technology can help to decrease the risk of violence in schools, colleges and community.

The issue of the gun control is not only about liking of disliking it. It is more about concluding the effectiveness of the controls and exercising through strict and strong regulations.: University Students, board member and staffs are the one who are primary and secondary audience. They are the one who is going to be affected by the decision. School and colleges should be the place where the students and the educators should feel safe for learning environment not the place where they fear of being killed by gun violence.

Key Reasons for Gun Control

  • Weapons - the main mass means for killing
  • The easiest way to commit suicide
  • Crime rate increase
  • Increased poaching
  • The development of corruption and mafia groups

How to write an argumentative essay about Gun Control?

Gun Control is one of the most popular college essay writing topics. Below we give the main steps in writing an ideal argumentative essay, with which the whole process will be quick and understandable.

  1. Explain "What is Gun Control". The essay begins with the definition of Gun Control. This may be a passage from the dictionary or your immediate reasoned opinion of what it is and for what?
  2. Explore the issue - Need to explore the benefits and dangers of Gun Control. Give examples of the position of citizens and your personal. Gather statistics over several years about Gun Control. How many people in America own weapons at home, how many citizens are positive about this, and how many are against it.
  3. Draw conclusions - Having collected all the statistics of crime, suicide, violence, which can be the reason for insufficient Gun Control, weighing the pros and cons - make conclusions. Create your personal opinion and describe it in an essay.

Example of Writing plan


Attention Getter: Today when you look on the news its mostly bad because of multiple mass shootings within the United States. Most people believe that the government should enforce stronger gun laws, do you? Credibility Statement: Although most people believe that the government should enforce stronger gun laws, I however do not believe that this is the best thing to do.


  • I. According to "Gun Control Laws: Should the United States Adopt Stronger Gun Control Laws?"" Issues & Controversies
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Gun control is the set of laws or policies that regulate the manufacture, sale, transfer, possession, modification, or use of firearms by civilians. Most countries have a restrictive firearm guiding policy, with only a few legislations being categorized as permissive.

Frequently asked questions

What is the gun control?
The gun control is the regulation of the manufacture, sale, possession, and use of firearms by civilians. It is typically imposed by governments in order to reduce gun violence and crime. Gun control laws and policies vary widely from country to country.
How to write gun control essay?
There are a few things to consider when writing a gun control essay. The most important thing is to be aware of the different arguments surrounding gun control. For example, some people believe that gun control is necessary in order to reduce crime, while others believe that it infringes on their right to bear arms. It is important to be familiar with both sides of the issue in order to write a well-rounded essay.Another thing to consider is the tone of the essay. A gun control essay can be serious or light-hearted, but it should always be respectful. It is also important to back up any claims made in the essay with evidence. This could include statistics on gun violence or personal stories about how gun control has affected someone's life.Finally, it is important to proofread the essay before submitting it. This will ensure that there are no grammar or spelling errors. It will also give the essay a more professional appearance.
How to start gun control essay?
It depends on what type of gun control essay you are writing and your personal opinion on the issue. However, there are a few things to keep in mind when starting your essay.First, it is important to make sure that you have a clear thesis statement that takes a stance on the issue of gun control. Without a thesis statement, your essay will lack direction and focus.Second, it is important to back up your thesis statement with evidence. This can be done by presenting statistics on gun violence, discussing case studies of gun control laws that have been implemented in other countries, and using logic and reason to support your argument.Third, it is important to consider the other side of the argument when writing your gun control essay. What are the arguments for gun control, and how do they counter your own arguments? By considering both sides of the issue, you will be able to write a more well-rounded and persuasive essay.Finally, it is important to remember that a gun control essay is not an argument for or against gun ownership. Instead, it should be a balanced and fair discussion of the pros and cons of gun control.
Why Guns Should Not Be Allowed On College Campuses
There are many reasons why guns should not be allowed on college campuses. Guns are a major safety hazard and could easily be used to harm or kill someone. They can also be used to intimidate or threaten people, which can create a very dangerous and stressful environment for students and faculty. Additionally, guns can be very disruptive to the learning process and can make it difficult for students to focus on their studies. Allowing guns on college campuses would also make it more difficult for campus police to keep everyone safe and could lead to more accidental shootings.

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