1. Shrimps cultivation has been found to have an impact on the socio-economic and the environment through many studies conducted all over the world. Studies in India showed shrimp cultivation to cost nearly two times the annual earnings of those regions. Moreover the process of …
The People’s Republic of Bangladesh, also known as Bangladesh, is one of the youngest nations historically. Established in 1971, the country has undergone various battles to win its independence, including those to fight for its religion and its language. At present, Bangladesh is one of …
In the twenty-first century when we are fighting with tonss of challenges, which are necessary to do certain being of life in the universe. If we think overall, the current planetary issues are nutrient, energy, recession, International Political issue, Climate alteration, Nuclear Missile trial, Fight …
Microcredit programs have provided a hugely positive impact on third world and developing nations where employment opportunities are limited due to the collapsed and limited economies of these countries. What microcredit programs entail is the issuance of small loans to individuals who would not normally …
Small-scale fish farming in Bangladesh Introduction For many people in Bangladesh small-scale fish farming is an important opportunity to generate income and is a significant nutritional source providing protein-rich food all year round. It comprises of a range of options that can be adapted to …
Introduction A classical dilemma that is associated with international business ethics is the tension between standards of behaviour that companies are used to in their main country of operations, and the different standards that exist in the foreign countries that host their overseas operations (Singer, …
It is now that our political leaders and decisions have made up for what they were accounted for and have provided the back-bone of America today. Our government is what establishes America’s decisions. Although some consequences can be made from what their previous aspects were, …
Currently, there are approximately 5000 manufacturing units with a 4. Million work force (Wisped 2012). Bangladesh does not have any natural advantage to flourish in ARM sector except cheap labor (Islam 2012). Undoubtedly, the dedicated work force with relatively low wages is the key driving …
“Direct Foreign Investment in Bangladesh- Challenges and Prospect” Introduction: This is era of globalization, here all of the country are linked together. Thereby we get different opportunity to be benefited from beyond the country. DFI (direct Foreign investment) is one of them. It is a …
Bangladesh came to today’s shape through a long history of political evolution. Bengal was probably the wealthiest part of the subcontinent up till the 16th century. The area’s early history featured a succession of Indian empires, internal squabbling, and a tussle between Hinduism and Buddhism …
Introduction Unemployment is a great concern in Bangladesh. Every year hundreds of thousands student are coming out from college and university. Though it is one of the major responsibilities of the Government to provide job to those young generation but the Government is failed to …
“ War Criminals are still in this country just because of political unrest and corruption” ‘The flag of independent Bangladesh flies at the front side of the car of war criminals (? ) of 1971.. ‘(Manik 2008). It’s the most hatred truth now-a days like …
“Sitting in Limbo” is a play written by Dawn Penso and Judith Hepburn who are both Jamaican nationals living in London, the play was directed by Jo-Ann McCabe. “Sitting in Limbo” was held at the University of the West Indies Cave Hill Campus, Errol Barrow …
CellBazaar, Burgeoning Mobile Marketplace of Bangladesh Abstract CellBazaar, MIT Media Lab project, is the biggest mobile based online marketplace in Bangladesh. It is nothing but a platform that contains the information of its customers who are willing to sell their products or services and buyers …
We are very pleased to submit this term paper on “Operations of Bank management in Bangladesh. ” as you have authorized us to in this semester. We are honored to prepare this term paper under your guidance since it gave us the opportunity to know …
The ancient region that in 1000 B.C. was called the Vanga, or Banga, Kingdom is considered to be #8 among the poorest and most densely populated countries today. Bangladesh, an independent country with parliamentary democratic government at the head of the state, remains dependent on …
Time complexity is usually calculated in terms of the number of times certain operations are carried out by an algorithm, e. G. , the number of additions or subtractions, the number of multiplications, the number of comparisons made (if statements). Typically, we count the number …
The criticism of microcircuit programs of Nags in Bangladesh A research paper exercised by M. Hoses suicide MS Roll no. 09122453 session: 2012-13 Department of Economics Satiny Kabuki Kaki Unusual Islam University. Email address: hosensiddiquee@gmail. Com Rant Johan Roll no. 09122444 Email address: Acknowledgement It …
Background With the promise of making this country into “Digital Bangladesh” the government of Bangladesh introduced its first notebook to target the segment of the people of Bangladesh who can`t afford to buy a costly big name laptop. Doel is the first Netbook made in …
The policy and practices of the bureaucratic system Is very slow and the attitude is also found not supporting business growth. Frequent policy changes and tax rates are always a problem contributing to discourage invest in the business. The legal process is also found to …
The slump in cotton price from Rs 4,800 per quintal last season to around Rs 4,000 this season has become a blessing in disguise for Panipat-based home textile exporters. It is helping them to contain their input cost by around 5 to 6 per cent. …
White appliance is a foreign company and it’s trying to get in Bangladeshi market. In Bangladesh the average monthly income is about 500 dollar a month which is 35000 in Taka. So the income scale is medium. According to our survey we figured out that …
Yangon Institute of Economics Department of Management Studies MBA Programme Business Plan for POINT footwear manufacturing and distribution Submitted by : Nay Zar Myo Roll No : 36 15th Batch MBA Plan Outline 1. Executive Summary 2. Company Summary 3. Products 4. Market Analysis Summary …
Bangladesh is situated either side of the tropic of cancer. India shares its border with Bangladesh. The three main river flows through Bangladesh are the meghna, the Brahmaputra and the Ganges. The north of Bangladesh is the Himalaya Mountains, the highest mountains in the world. …
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