Charateristics of Business Leadership
Soon after Anita got back to England, her mother introduced me to a young Scotsman named Gordon Rowdier. Their bond was Instant. Together, Anita and Gordon opened first a restaurant, and then a hotel In Alliteration. They married In 1970; they already had a baby and another on the way. The Beginning Anita opened the first The Body Shop on March 26, 1976 in Brighton, on the south coast of England. Anita simply wanted to create a livelihood for herself and her two daughters, while her husband, Gordon, was trekking across the Americas.
Anita had no training or experience and my only business acumen was Cordon's advice to take ales of $300 a week. Nobody talks of entrepreneurship as survival, but that's exactly what It Is and what nurtures creative thinking. Running that first shop taught Anita business is not financial science, it's about trading: buying and selling. It's about creating a product or service so good that people will pay for it. Now 30 years on The Body Shop is a multi local business with over 2,045 stores serving over 77 million customers in 51 different markets in 25 different languages and across 12 time zones.
Anita had no a clue of how they got here! It wasn't only economic necessity that inspired the birth of The Body Shop. Anta's early travels had given her a wealth of experience. Anita had spent time in farming and fishing communities with pre-industrial peoples, and been exposed to body rituals of women from all over the world. Also the frugality that her mother exercised during the war years made me question retail conventions. Why waste a container when you can refill it? And why buy more of something than you can use?
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We behaved as she did in the Second World War, we reused everything, we refilled everything and we recycled all we could. The foundation of The Body Shop's environmental activism was born out of ideas like these. One of Anta's strengths was the empathetic way in which she dealt with her employees, she would meet / approach with all them at one time or another, go to every part of her organization, sit in on meetings, motivate them and empower them to stretch their abilities, so one could agree that Anita Rowdier used the HRS approach to leadership.
This perspective puts emphasis on the 'social interaction' and processes at work. [2] Human relations approach; is a school of management thought based on findings in research carried out by Elton Mayo which emphasizes the importance of such an approach. Husking & Buchanan, (2001). "The hallmark of human-relations theories is the primacy given to organizations as human co-operative systems rather than as mechanical contraptions. Wilson & Responded, (1990). Leadership Style Anita was aware that success is more than a good idea.
It is timing too. The Body Shop arrived Just as Europe was going green'. The Body Shop has always been recognizable by its green color, the only color that we could find to cover the damp, moldy walls of my first shop. Anita opened a second shop within six months, by which time Gordon was back in England. He came up with the idea for 'self-financing' more new stores, which sparked the growth of the franchise network through which The Body Shop spread across the world. The company went public in 1984.
Since then, Anita has been given a whole host of awards, some Anita understood, some she did not and a couple she thought she deserve. Businesses have the power to do well. That's why The Body Shop's Mission Statement opens with the overriding commitment, 'To dedicate our business to the pursuit of social and environmental change. ' We use our stores and our products to help communicate human rights and environmental issues. Adapt to Cultural Differences; discuss how he or she has adapted to cultural differences and how he or she operates the business effectively in global markets.
In initiate met a delegation of Goon people from Nigeria. They were seeking justice and reparations against the giant oil multinational Shell that was ravaging their lands through oil exploration and production. Working with other Mangos, we spokesperson, Ken Sara-Way and 8 other Goon, were executed in 1995 by the Nigerian Government. But our campaign continued and eventually 19 other imprisoned Goon were released. In 1997, after 4 years of unrelenting pressure, Shell issued a revised operating charter committing the company to human rights and sustainable development.
A year later, they launched their 'Profits and Principles' advertising campaign declaring their recognition of the interests of "a much wider group of stakeholders in our business". I like to think we had a hand in getting Shell to think about what it really means to be a corporate citizen"(Anita Rowdier, 1998). Evaluate this business leader's theory of business leadership, management, and methods for motivating individual and group behavior. One key area where business and personal interests naturally combined was through Community Trade.
A trailblazer of fair trade in the cosmetics industry, The Body Shop was the first cosmetics company to develop direct relationships with communities in return for natural ingredients and accessories. Launched over 20 years ago Anita oversaw the programmer, initially under the title of "Trade - Not Aid". Starting with one supplier in India, our Community Trade programmer now operates from Brazil to Zambia across more than 20 countries and provide essential income to over 15,000* people across the globe.
Anita was aware that the trading relationship with The Body Shop were was never going to make the farmers financially rich, but it enabled them to maintain their chosen way of life and through co-operation, achieve autonomy. One example of a Community Trade supplier is Tenanting in Ghana, where Anita and The Body Shop Foundation gave initial help by providing grinding mills and nut cracking plants to help with the extraction of she butter - this for the first time enabled the women of the Tamale region to earn a regular and reliable income, afford schooling, medical care, build and improve their homes.
It has also led to the building of 10* schools and paid for both equipment and teachers, while the area can now also more easily enjoy safe piped water and latrines. In a country where 43%* of the population lives below the World Bank poverty line, and employment opportunities are limited, the story of the Tenanting She Butter Association is an inspiring one. We believe there is only one way to beautiful, nature's way. We've believed this for years and still do.
We constantly seek out wonderful natural ingredients from all four corners of the globe, and we bring you products bursting with effectiveness to enhance your natural beauty. Whilst we're doing this we always strive to protect this beautiful planet and the people who depend on it. We don't do it this way because it's fashionable. We do it because, to us, it's the only way. The Soul of Beauty humor are freely expressed and celebrated. That's the soul of beauty. It's not Just about looking beautiful.
It's about exuding a vibrant attitude to life. Our Incredible Planet Our commitment to seeking and sustaining natural materials and ingredients, and using all our planet's resources wisely, guides our approach to business. We set Hellenizing environmental targets, which we detail in our bi-annual Values Reports. We were one of the first to make a stand against animal testing in the cosmetics industry, and through The Body Shop Foundation, we continue to fund organizations campaigning to end the needless suffering of animals.
The Community of People People are at the heart and soul of our business. We strive to treat all people in a fair and open fashion, to respect and value their integrity. We've never been afraid to champion the vulnerable and the disadvantaged, and we continue to campaign for social Justice and human rights. We take enormous pride in our Community Fair Trade programmer, not Just because we were the first to bring fair trade to our industry, but because of the real difference it makes to the lives of the farmers, producers and their communities.
Discuss how this business leader has made an impact on the world through his or her vision, business, and through other areas (e. G. , philanthropy, environmentalism, etc. ). Consider the following, which is the first sentence of The Body Shop mission statement; "The Body Shop mission statement states that we will operate our business with a strong commitment to the well being of our fellow humans and the reservation of the planet". Anita Rowdier saw the responsibility of businesses as being supportive to the community both locally and globally.
Employees were encouraged to take a half day holiday on the company's expense so as long as it benefited the community. Democracy was encouraged within the organization for example: Encourage staff to ask questions to find better working methods, encourage debate. Always be supportive of new ideas this keeps people interested and innovative. Share prosperity with the staff. Involve them in decision making. Listen to staff suggestions. Make heroes of employees who personify what you want to see. Feel free to employ relatives of existing staff.
Have the staff write a charter that codifies the core values of the organization. Always respond to suggestions and acknowledge them. Managers do not always know best. Break the barriers that isolate work from family. Have 2 way assessments staff to managers and managers to staff. Ask your staff "how can we ennoble your life? ", and "how can we make your spirit sing? " Ensure staff that they are not a lone voice. Allow them to grow. (Bestow, Mission Coach, 2007). The above could explain why the business became so successful; she used the bottom to top approach to drive the organization.
However, if she were to use this framework in another context the results of her success may dominated workforce maybe the ideas would have been too radical. However, because she was the CEO of The Body Shop and the workforce was predominantly female, her autonomy was exacted to the full. Accomplishments The first Community Trade product for The Body Shop, a Footsies Roller, is produced in 1986 by a supplier in southern India. This trade in Footsies Rollers has evolved into the current trade with Teddy Exports in India, one of our key Community Trade suppliers.
By 1990, Just one year after launching in the USA, there are 2,500 applications for a franchise, with demand for The Body Shop products ever-growing, driven by expansion which saw the company trading in 39 countries within Just fourteen years after the opening of the very first shop! In 1990 The Body Shop Foundation is established, a charity which funds human rights and environmental protection groups. The Big Issue paper for homeless people, which began as a The Body Shop Foundation project, is launched in 1991.
By 1998 its success saw The Body Shop Foundation part-funding the launch of The Big Issue stateside, in Los Angles. The New Academy of Business is established in 1995, as an initiative by Anita Rowdier. This innovative management degree, addressing social, environmental and moral issues, is run at The University of Bath, in England. In 1993 The Body Shop launches a high profile international campaign to raise awareness of the plight of the Goon people and their leader Ken Sara-Way. They were being persecuted for protesting against Shell and the Nigerian dictatorship over exploitation in their homeland.
The Body Shop At Home, the direct-selling arm, is launched in the UK in 1994, Canada in 1995, Australia in 1997, and USA in 2001. It has now rolled out in 48 states in the USA and is set to grow even bigger. The Body Shop continues to increase its positive environmental practices. In 2001, The Body Shop I-J region and service- centre head offices in Watershed, switch to Cockatrice, providing them with energy from renewable sources. In addition, a number of The Body Shop stores have now converted to green electricity. Campaign successes include the Against Animal Testing campaign.
The campaign leads to a I-J-wide ban on animal testing of cosmetic products and ingredients in November 1998, and the largest ever petition four million signatures) being delivered to the European Commission in 1996. In 1997, The Body Shop is the first international cosmetics company to sign up to the Humane Cosmetics Standard, supported by leading international animal protection groups. In 1995 and 1997 The Body Shop Values Reports are recognized as trailblazing by United Nations Environmental Programmer and SustainAbility, and ranked highest in their review of International Corporate Environmental Reports.
In 1997, The Body Shop celebrates its 21st birthday with the launch of a new flagship store design, winning the prestigious Retail Week Store Design of the Year Award. To celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1998, The Body Shop launches a Joint worldwide campaign with Amnesty International to highlight the plight of human rights defenders around the world, encouraging customers to 'Make Your Mark' for human rights. This successful campaign saw three million people sign up.
In 1999, The Body Shop creates four new business units in the structure out to the regions. 2001 saw the first The Body Shop customer reward programmer launched in the US. It becomes so popular, it's now in key markets lovably, known as Love Your Body customer programmer with customers rewarded by 10% off their purchases, free gifts and a birthday present, as well as other members- only benefits. In 2001, Anita launched her website www. Anticipation. Com The Body Shop branches into South Africa in June 2001, via New Clicks Holdings as The Body Shop direct franchisee in South Africa.
New Clicks have a strong commitment to corporate social responsibility through its New Clicks Foundation. During 2002, The Body Shop runs a global campaign with Greenback International on promoting renewable energy, which culminates in the presentation of 1. Million customer signatures at the World Summit for Sustainable Development in Johannesburg. We further our commitment to environmental sustainability through investment in renewable energy, funding of energy efficiency projects in the developing world, and incorporating post-consumer recyclable into our packaging.
During 2003 The Body Shop launches a global campaign to raise awareness and funds to help those affected by domestic violence. The Stop Violence In The Home campaign builds on almost a decade of campaigning on the issue in a number of our markets, including Canada, the USA, and West Malaysia. The campaign aims to gaslight the issue, raise money to support the work of groups helping victims of violence, and ensure that customers and employees are provided with information on sources of advice and help.
Anita Rowdier is appointed as a Dame of the British Empire as part of the Queen's Birthday Honors on Saturday 14th June 2003. During 2003 The Body Shop launches in Estonia and Turkey. In 2004 The Body Shop is the first global retailer to Join the Board of the Roundtable for Sustainable Palm Oil, working with Mangos and plantations to protect tropical rainforest's and improve the human rights of workers and indigenous people. In 2005 The Body Shop Joins The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics and is commended by Greenback and the Brainteaser Fund for our responsible chemicals policy.
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Charateristics of Business Leadership. (2018, Jan 27). Retrieved from
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