Central Australian Tourism Industry

Last Updated: 21 May 2021
Pages: 5 Views: 356

Modernization and pursuit of convenience, luxury, comfort and ease is sought after in this present world of 6 billion people. Privacy on a holiday means a lot of free time for tourists to enjoy on an island whether it is in Caribbean or in Hawaii. According to UNEP tourism industry generates economic benefits to both host and home countries. Promoting respective countries as tourist destinations is an ideal program for developing economy.

Australia is recognized as one of the best destination for tourists around the world. Domestic tourism of Australia earned a revenue of $6. 1 billion only from Sydney tourism expenditure in the year 2003. 2004/05 tourism contributed $33 billion in GDP to the Australian economy. The new Tourism Research Australia report indicates that regional Australia which excludes eight capital cities and the Gold Coast, were accounted for $28 billion from domestic tourism in the year 2003.

Domestic tourism in Australia accounted for 76 per cent whereas 63 per cent was contributed by household sector of consumers in the year 2004/05. This clearly indicates that domestic tourism is very important for Australian economy. In the recent times, Australia domestic tourism declined as there is a change in consumer behavior pattern. Factors that are affecting domestic tourism are such that Australians are traveling less and very small portion of household income is allocated to tourism.

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Both domestic travel and domestic visitor is in decline by 8 percent for the year 2006. Some of the other factors are airline bombings, attacks and threats in airports are severely affecting tourism business in Australia. Domestic tourism is important for rural and regional activities of Australia. Economic factors are those which help Australia to draw foreign sources of direct investments, tourism industry ecotourism, domestic tourism, long-haul inbound, short-haul outbound, indigenous tourism and food and wine industry.

Economic factors help the country to energize and strengthen the sources of investments to keep the country’s economy in an up trend. Whereas Australia per se is a beautiful country with bountiful natural resources and is holiday and touring spot for Asians, Americans and Europeans. There is also rapid development in real estate properties in cities such as Brisbane and Perth offering excellent returns on investment. There are several foreign companies operating in Australia as a hub for inviting investments.

Among all the developed nations, Australia emerged as a low cost base country while indicating strong and consistent GDP growth, which is higher than UK, Germany and France apart from maintaining stable interest rates, currency exchange rates, rising employment levels and low rate of inflation. Unemployment rate in Australia is only 5 per cent and the country receives thousands of applications for migration and also for seeking jobs. The standards of living and life style in Australia is very high and many individuals seek entry into the country to lead a luxury life in Australia.

The above stated facts support tourism industry such that beginning from aviation, till food and industry are benefiting the economy of Australia which in a way can be encouraged in a constant persuasion of government and private business policies to boost the growth of tourism sector in Australia. Social factors include life style of men and women, environment of education system and how the country receives and visitors and immigrants. Australia is an important destination for overseas students from all parts of the world.

Australian universities are the best in the world which provide education as a disciplinary measure apart from a strong emphasis on practice of perfect educational system. There are best universities, colleges and schools for shaping the lives and characters of students and this is also a source of economy for Australian Government as the universities charge an exorbitant sums of revenue for seeking admission into Australian colleges and schools. University of Adelaide has a social research institute offering various segments for research in politics, community, labor relations, environment, law and order and employment.

Other universities include pilot training, engineering in various groups, aviation, computers, electronics, communications etc. This system of overseas education helps Australia to energize tourism sector while offering and facilitating multi-cultural, globally competitive and an ethical environment for students. This will further strengthen low cost air carriers, hotel industry, apparel and garment sector, FMCG as students take admission on a continuous basis for residing in Australia in order to complete education.

Australian Government maintains and exercises discipline and a methodical system in every sector which is why the people of Australia are the most happiest in terms of standard of living. Even in sports, Cricketers of Australia are considered as the best who have won the recent Worldcup in Cricket. Aussies cricket play on the ground is never missed when it is on live in television channels. Australia is also famous for golf play and rugby. Australia is surrounded by its genuine beauty and carries mountains, green pastures, and sea waters.

Tourists often visit Australia to take the pleasure of nature and luxury and comfort of hotels and air travel industry. The neighbor countries such as New Zealand are also encouraged to take frequent tours to Australia. Demographically, Australia continues to gain recognition as natural resource country with rich agriculture systems and in terms of industrial and manufacturing sector. Australia maintains excellent industrial relations with Asia, Europe and United States maintaining trade balances in international market.

Australia has large poor of skilled and unskilled workforce in manufacturing industry, hotel industry, pharmaceutical and health care industry and hospitality and tourism industry. The opportunities of job are wide and still being open up in the new areas as several industrial and communal services are commencing operations in Australia. There is a growing requirement of support workers, social workers, childcare workers and workers to care for aged people in community service sector.

In the industrial sector, opportunities are available in food production, animal husbandry, wine and agriculture. South Australia Mid North ESF Network proposes a plan for three years i. e. 2006-2009 in the areas of developing skilled workforce, capacity to manage life and work, partnering with key industries such as schools, local communities and governments and further to utilize data research, analysis with effective consultation of experts to promote new areas of development to reduce unemployment, create new career and job opportunities and in offering better value for money.

In the recent National Conference for future tourism (2005) there were four themes on which the discussions were based.  The conference also believes that there is a scope for sustainable development, competitive advantage and for marketing along with strategic alliance of partnerships. There are also few challenges that Australia is confronted with such as prices of fuel/oil, the effect of instability around the world and further product and infrastructure development in regional areas of Australia. Global warming is also an issue for Australia for forecasting its prospects of tourism and development. The major advantages for Australia that influence people around the world are importantly, the natural beauty of Australia, the culture and cordial people, stable and safe country and the unique experience of stay offered by Australia.

Association is promoting and working constantly to the growth and development of Tourism in Australia. A range of services for tourists in giving guidance of tourism and travel information, currency exchange, accommodation, available means of transportation, shopping guide and a complete directory information of Australia. There are such other service oriented tourist organizations in Australia which assist tourists for safe travel and security purposes.

Australian Government has been encouraging such organizations as the main source of GDP is drawn from tourism and also it also helps in development of infrastructure of Australia. The mannerisms and behavior pattern of residents is very friendly while the Australian English language is also very modern and attracts tourists to visit Australia often.


  1. Books Tadashi Nakishima (1996) Down with the cities Accessed 12 May 2007 Web sites Economic impacts of a tourism Accessed 12 May 2007 http://www. uneptie. org/pc/tourism/sust-tourism/economic. htm
  2. Economic factors in Australia Accessed 18 May 2007 http://www. propertyshowrooms. com/australia/property/investment/australia-investment-economic-factors. asp
  3. Facts, figures and reports Accessed 12 May 2007 http://www. tourism. australia. com/Research. asp? sub=0297
  4. Fourth National conference, Tourism futures (2005) Accessed 18 May 2007 http://www. tourismfutures. com. au/conference%20communique. pdf Tourism info Accessed 12 May 2007

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Central Australian Tourism Industry. (2018, Jan 26). Retrieved from https://phdessay.com/central-australian-tourism-industry/

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