Essays on Pharmaceutical Industry

Essays on Pharmaceutical Industry

Feeling stuck when writing an essay on Pharmaceutical Industry? If you are unable to get started on your task and need some inspiration, then you are in the right place. Pharmaceutical Industry essays require a range of skills including understanding, interpretation and analysis, planning, research and writing. To write an effective essay on Pharmaceutical Industry, you need to examine the question, understand its focus and needs, obtain information and evidence through research, then build a clear and organized answer. Browse our samples and select the most compelling topic as an example for your own!

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We've found 109 essays on Pharmaceutical Industry

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Swot Analysis in Pharmaceutical Industry Critique Essay

History of SWOT In the 1960’s and 70’s, Albert Humphrey is said to have developed this strategic planning tool using data from the top companies in America at the time. A SWOT Analysis looks at the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that are relevant to …

Pharmaceutical IndustrySwot Analysis
Words 4427
Pages 17
Companies Pfizer and Warner-Lambert

The year 2000 saw the two fastest growing pharmaceutical companies Pfizer and Warner-Lambert, enter into a merger where Pfizer acquired Warner-Lambert Pharmaceutical Company. Pfizer is a global pharmaceutical company that is based in the US and has activities in the pharmaceuticals, consumer healthcare and animal …

BusinessDrugsPharmaceutical Industry
Words 1610
Pages 6
Industry Analysis of Pharmaceutical Industry in Bangladesh

Industry Analysis of Pharmaceutical Industry in Bangladesh In Bangladesh the pharmaceutical sector is one of the most developed hi-tech sectors which is contributing in the country’s economy. After the promulgation of Drug Control Ordinance – 1982, the development of this sector was accelerated. The professional …

BangladeshPharmaceutical Industry
Words 8762
Pages 32
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The Acquisition Between Merck and Schering-Plough

On March 9, 2009, Merck & Co., Inc. and Schering-Plough Corporation announced that their Boards of Directors have unanimously approved a definitive merger agreement under which Merck and Schering-Plough will combine, under the name Merck in a stock and cash transaction. As the two companies’ …

BusinessCorporationsPharmaceutical Industry
Words 692
Pages 3
Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd

MISSION STATEMENT Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd (BPL) is a leading manufacturer of pharmaceutical formulations and Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) in Bangladesh. With decades of contract manufacturing experience with global MNCs, skilled manpower and proven formulation capabilities, the company has been building a visible and growing presence …

BusinessOrganizationPharmaceutical Industry
Words 3729
Pages 14
Pfizer-Pharmacia Merger

Problem statement: Pfizer, Inc. announced the acquisition of the company Pharmacia, Corp. In the months leading up to the merging of the two companies, there were issues with the employees of Pharmacia. The announcement of 2. 5 billion in cost savings as a result of …

BusinessHuman NaturePharmaceutical Industry
Words 754
Pages 3
Pharmaceutical industry

The purpose of this manual Is to guide undergraduate and postgraduate students In the Department of Business Administration at university of Asia Pacific (PAP) in writing up their internship report. It will also be used as a standard with which students will comply in preparing …

Pharmaceutical IndustryUniversity
Words 1655
Pages 7
Rivalry in the pharmaceutical industry

However, according to Infor, a global provider of enterprise business solutions to select manufacturing and distribution industries such as GSK, to survive in this competitive industry, pharmaceutical companies must cost effectively manage traditional production variables such as raw materials, formulas, inventories and production scheduling to …

MicroeconomicsPharmaceutical Industry
Words 514
Pages 2
Business Communication Critique Essay

Business Communication Assignment Submitted By: Ajit Kumar K (F-214) Amit Gupta (Ph. D 10/03) Manoranjan Kumar (F-179) Indushree Gokak (F-106) Sumedha Agarwal (Ph. D 10/01) Nishant Verma(F-182) Ajit Kumar K (F-214) Amit Gupta (Ph. D 10/03) Manoranjan Kumar (F-179) Indushree Gokak (F-106) Sumedha Agarwal (Ph. …

BusinessCommunicationPharmaceutical Industry
Words 8718
Pages 32
The Merger of Ranbaxy and Daiichi

A Report on Ranbaxy-Daiichi Deal Introduction Daiichi Sankyo bought Ranbaxy for $4.6 billion in June 2008. This report studies the implications of the merger between Ranbaxy and Daiichi Sankyo, from an intellectual property as well as a market point of view. There are many critical …

BusinessPharmaceutical IndustryPharmacy
Words 937
Pages 4
Ethics in the Pharmaceutical Industry

They have bad ways of advertising and marketing their products. They are sometimes caught up in cases involved with environmental problems due to their ways disposing waste material. They are known to have the most devious methods of testing their drugs. They are also known …

AdvertisingMedicinePharmaceutical IndustryPharmacy
Words 262
Pages 1
The Importance of the Pharmaceutical Industry

Explain the importance of the pharmaceutical industry in the late 19th and 20th centuries and it’s effect on the treatment of illness. (9marks) During the late 19th and 20th century many apothecaries (pharmacists) and herbalists were transforming family shops into chains of pharmacies (Boots). This …

BiologyDrugsMedicinePharmaceutical IndustryPharmacy
Words 400
Pages 2
Ranbaxy Laboratories

| Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd. | | “Personally, I feel that companies who constantly innovate to provide better products and services and who can offer superior value propositions to the consumer are the ones likely to command more respect globally than others” Malvinder Mohan Singh, former …

Competitive AdvantageInnovationPharmaceutical Industry
Words 6813
Pages 25
Bristol Myers Squibb

Bristol Myers Squibb was formed in 1887 when McLaren Bristol and John Ripley Myers bought the Clinton pharmaceutical Company in Clinton New York. In 1900 Bristol-Myers broke through into the black — it has remained there ever since. In 1924, gross profits topped $1 million …

Corporate GovernanceDrugsPharmaceutical Industry
Words 93
Pages 1
Frame Analysis of Merck

The events that Merck encountered in the early 1990s have brought the company under intense economic and political pressure. Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) lowered the prices of drugs since they gained more control over drug prices and alone accounted for 75% of drug purchases. Generic …

BusinessPharmaceutical IndustryReputation
Words 1232
Pages 5
Pharmaceutical Companies

Questions for Review 1. Pharmaceutical companies do have a responsibility to distribute drugs at a low cost in developing and poorer countries. Africa’s GDP, and per capita income is very low so they cannot afford to buy top-quality medicines. One main argument for this approach …

Health CareIntellectual PropertyPharmaceutical Industry
Words 303
Pages 2
Merck Pharma Case Analysis

Beginning as a small scale manufacturer of chemical in the United States, Merck Research Labs (MRL) became the top notch research institution in the pharmaceutical industry by World War II. By attracting the top talent in chemistry, biology, and pharmacology, MRL emerged as the leader …

HealthPharmaceutical IndustryPharmacy
Words 904
Pages 4
Pharmaceutical Industry: Profit Over Ethics and Patient Safety

The twenty-first century has seen pharmaceutical companies grow in unprecedented size and strength. Due to the unprecedented growth the larger pharmaceutical companies have gained leverage and power in the prescription drug industry, but they lack innovation to market and they seek ways to help the …

EthicsMoralityPharmaceutical Industry
Words 96
Pages 1
Merck’s Use of Information Technology in Sustaining Long-term Advantage in Pharmaceuticals

Pharmaceuticals: Merck Sustaining Long-term Advantage Through Information Technology Hiroshi Amari Working Paper No. 161 Working Paper Series Center on Japanese Economy and Business Columbia Business School December 1998 Columbia-Yale Project: Use of Software to Achieve Competitive Advantage PHARMACEUTICALS: MERCK Sustaining Long-term Advantage Through Information Technology …

BiotechnologyPharmaceutical IndustryStrategic Management
Words 9136
Pages 34
Working Capital and Profitability: In Indian Pharmaceutical Industry

Introduction: The working capital management plays an important role, for success or failure of Firm in business because of its effect on firms’ profitability as well on liquidity. Working capital management is about the management of current assets and current liabilities, in such a way …

CapitalPharmaceutical IndustryWorking Capital
Words 4018
Pages 15
Sequential and Complementary Innovation: The Role of Patents and Imitation

Innovation is widely recognized having sequential and complementary nature, especially in research-oriented industries. Gort and Klepper (1982) found that on an average 19 sequential improvements occurred to 23 major innovations and there were many more uncounted improvements. Analysis has revealed that most of the productivity …

InnovationOrganizationPharmaceutical Industry
Words 676
Pages 3
Global Pharmaceutical Industry

Introduction According to Hunter s. Thomas “you can turn your back on person, but never turn your back on a drug, especially when it’s waving a razor sharp hunting. ” The global pharmaceutical industry had done tremendous contribution to mankind, but now pharmaceutical companies are …

CompetitionPharmaceutical Industry
Words 2805
Pages 11
Pharmaceutical Industry and E. Merck Ag

Historical background of the business Today Merck & Co, Inc. is one of the most recognizable companies in the pharmaceutical industry. When asked about Merck, most people think that it is and always has been a US company. However, the company’s history can be traced …

DrugsMedicinePharmaceutical IndustryPharmacy
Words 3914
Pages 15
Development of the Global Pharmaceutical Industry

Using appropriate theory, critically analyse the macro-environmental factors that have influenced the development of the global pharmaceutical industry during the period covered by the case study. Macro environmental factors upon which the Pharmaceutical industry has endured are in their very nature extensive and wide-ranging; they exist …

InnovationMacroeconomicsPharmaceutical Industry
Words 919
Pages 4
Committee of Permanent Representatives

Mount a defence of the actions taken by multinational pharmaceutical companies to maintain and uphold their intellectual property rights (IPRs) in the international economy in recent years. Pharmaceuticals invest a lot of money to research and develop new vaccine and drugs. They therefore require intellectual property …

Intellectual PropertyInventionPharmaceutical Industry
Words 1211
Pages 5
AIDS and the pharmaceutical industry

The virus is present in blood and all body fluids and is known to be spread through exchange of fluids from an infected person to another person through sexual intercourse sharing of needles or even through embryonic fluid from a mother to an unborn foetus. …

BiologyEpidemiologyInfectionMedicinePharmaceutical Industry
Words 45
Pages 1
Attention-deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Pharmaceutical Industry

Pharmaceuticalization can be defined as the “process by which social, behavioural or bodily conditions are treated or deemed to be in need of treatment, with medical drugs by doctors or patients” (Abraham 2010:604). According to Abraham (2010), pharmaceuticalization is currently on an upward spiral and …

DiseaseMedicinePharmaceutical Industry
Words 822
Pages 3
Why So Expensive

College is said to be some of the best years of your life. The parties, the freedom, and the new experience help you find new friends, hopefully a career and yourself, but rising college cost are having young adults stressing instead of enjoying the college …

Essay ExamplesMoneyPharmaceutical Industry
Words 896
Pages 4
Answers to lectures 5, 7, 8

Answer to Lecture 5 – Health Plan Operations In the article released by Healthcare Price, Cost and Utilization Benchmarks entitled ‘Study Reveals Best Practice In Plan Administrations’, it was stated how Sherlock Company conducted a very innovative study on more than 1,700 statistical data of …

AdvertisingMedicinePharmaceutical Industry
Words 1062
Pages 4
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The pharmaceutical industry discovers, develops, produces, and markets drugs or pharmaceutical drugs for use as medications to be administered to patients, with the aim to cure them, vaccinate them, or alleviate symptoms. Pharmaceutical companies may deal in generic or brand medications and medical devices.


The pharmaceutical (Pharma) industry has diverse roles on offer to those with training in the life sciences, pharmaceutical sciences and chemistry. Key areas include clinical research, clinical trials, regulatory affairs, drug development, drug safety, business development and medical affairs.

Pharmaceutical companies

  • Pfizer
  • Novartis
  • GlaxoSmithKline
  • Sanofi
  • Merck & Co.

Pharma CEO

  • Kenneth C. Frazier
  • Alex Gorsky
  • Leonard Schleifer
  • Pascal Soriot
  • Emma Walmsley

Frequently asked questions

How would you describe the pharmaceutical industry?
The pharmaceutical industry is an important sector of the healthcare industry that is responsible for the development, manufacturing, and marketing of medications. The sector is highly regulated, and companies must adhere to strict safety and efficacy standards set by government agencies in order to bring their products to market.The industry is constantly evolving, as new medical breakthroughs are made and new treatments are developed. This means that there is always a need for new pharmaceutical products, which provides opportunities for companies to bring innovative new drugs to market.The global pharmaceutical market is estimated to be worth over $1 trillion, and it is expected to grow in the coming years. The industry is highly competitive, and companies must continually invest in research and development in order to stay ahead of the curve.The pharmaceutical industry plays a vital role in the healthcare system, and it is an important driver of the economy. The sector provides employment for millions of people around the world, and it contributes to the advancement of medical science.
Why is pharmaceutical industry important?
Pharmaceutical companies play a vital role in developing and bringing to market new medications and treatments that can improve the lives of patients around the world. In addition to discovering and developing new drugs, pharmaceutical companies also invest heavily in research and development to ensure that their products are safe and effective.The pharmaceutical industry is also an important driver of economic growth, creating jobs and generating tax revenue. In the United States, the pharmaceutical industry supports nearly 4 million jobs and contributes more than $800 billion to the economy each year.The work of pharmaceutical companies is essential to the health and well-being of people around the globe, and the industry plays a vital role in the economy.
What is the impact of the pharmaceutical industry?
The pharmaceutical industry plays a vital role in our society. It is responsible for the development and production of medicines that help to treat and prevent disease. The industry is also a major contributor to the economy, generating billions of dollars in revenue each year.The impact of the pharmaceutical industry can be seen in many areas of our lives. The medicines that the industry produces have helped to save millions of lives and improve the quality of life for billions of people. The industry’s research and development efforts have led to the development of new treatments for a range of conditions, including cancer, HIV/AIDS, and Alzheimer’s disease.The pharmaceutical industry is also a major employer, providing jobs for millions of people around the world. In addition, the industry’s products and services have a ripple effect throughout the economy, benefiting other industries such as transportation, packaging, and distribution.
What is the objective of pharmaceutical industry?
The pharmaceutical industry's objective is to discover, develop, manufacture, and market drugs that improve human health. The industry is also responsible for ensuring that these drugs are safe and effective.

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