A Study of The Cultivation Theory in Relation to the Negative Perception of Islam in Society

Last Updated: 19 Apr 2023
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For as long as media has been a popularized forum for individuals to gain understandings and perceptions of the world, it has misused its power. Media, often times distorts the reality of things, to define their ideas and personal interests. This is done, so individuals feel a certain way about an event, or group of people as well. This is somewhat utilized as mind control, I say this because these reports manipulate the certain feelings and acceptance levels we have towards policies or individual groups as well (Saeed, 2007). Although, the media is extremely essential to everyday life, we should collectively conduct our own research prior to forming an opinion based on mediated news.

One of the most significant ways in which the media distorts the truth, is their representation of Muslims and Islam as well. Despite popular belief, this is occurring in more than one country. Although, America is certainly most to blame for such inaccurate portrayals (Poudret, 2016). British entities have put forth much effort to make citizens fear Muslims as well (Saeed, 2007).

Islamophobia, in short is the extreme fear of Islam. The media started these portrayals of Islam directly following the incidents of 9/11 (Poudret, 2016). These instances are highly unethical, because they stereotype individuals prior to getting to know them. Not to mention, that rules and belief systems should be consistent. If one person is deemed a terrorist for mass shootings or bombings, all cases should be treated equally.

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Although, much debate over this arises, because even before such times, negative connotations were surfacing regarding Muslims as terrorist. After such event of 9/11, America was changed and so were its people. With such horrific acts, was born a new foreign policy. The war on terrorism began, and is still present in today times. As we can certainly see with the Trump administration. The results of this war are quite troubling, because the United States cannot win this battle alone. From a domestic front, these effects can still be felt today, especially when traveling, vocalization of security efforts proposed by the government, or speak of borders alike (Poudret, 2016).

Although, 9/11 brought upon most of these media distortions of Islam, it certainly isn't the only fuel feeding the fire. ISIS has also been a platform that the media uses. Both instances are factual in nature, but the media exaggerates the truth from audiences. In the current elections, for instances, the Middle East were popular topics of interest for both Hilary and Trump alike. Each discussed their plans on how to combat ISIS and limit their control and power in the United States. Many bad outcomes can surface due to these misrepresentations of Muslims, one being the treatment of Muslims. It is one thing to fear terrorist groups such as ISIS, but it is another to scapegoat all Muslims to be terrorists (Fujimura, 2016).

According to Fujimura (2016): "Many of my interviewees claimed that the media is playing a huge role of negatively affecting people's perception on Muslims. When they were asked how the recent terrorism and the emergence of ISIS have influenced the way people view Islam and Muslim students, one interview participant said, “They have influenced people negatively, because of massive amounts of media attention that is focused on Muslim terrorists, people have started to rather subconsciously relate Muslims with terrorists" (Fujimura, p. 2, 2016). This quote shows that even if such events or terrorist are true, it by no means that all members of the group should be associated with the actions of a few.

There has been much debate as to why the government and other entities want us to fear Islam. However, the most obvious would be that it creates money for military action. People will be more inclined to donate money to such efforts if they fear for their lives. Not to mention, that throughout history, the finger has been pointed at someone. Islam just happens to be the one blamed. In modern times, especially more recently, gun violence has been at an all time high. What the media does is claim that these American shooters have mental disorders that takes the blame all of them for their actions. However, whenever a Muslim does this, despite mental issues or not, they and every other Muslim are deemed terrorists (McLaughlim, 2015).

Amongst the several appropriate theories that could be utilized for Islamophobia, I have chosen cultivation theory. This theory has numerous titles, such as cultivation hypothesis or analysis. Posited by George Gerbner in the mid-1960's. This theory was discovered while trying to understand media effects, moreso, whether watching television influenced individuals' ideas and perceptions of normal everyday life. It was proven by this conducted research, that television without a doubt affects beliefs of those who watch it, especially if they are watching it religiously.

High frequency viewers reveled to have difficulties in deciphering the truth in mediated events, because they thought all news is truthful in nature. Which, in return, high frequency viewers have a distorted image of the world itself, one that is more malice and violent in nature. The individuals in such categories believe so, due to internal and external factors. Internalized credibility is freely given to such newscast stations (Mass Communication Theory, 2013).

High frequency viewers do not understand why such groups would lie to them about the situation of the world, thus following each story and not questioning anything at all. An example of externalized factoring occurs from communication with likeminded individuals. Because let's face it, many people engage in this type of behavior, millions tune into news stations as a daily routine, and trust these governmental entities to determine the truth for them. Such viewers are said to 'cultivate' their attitudes to the belief that a world defined by media, is a real representation of the actual world. Many problematic situations can arise from belief without factualized proof, as results have shown in many areas.

Rather than learning first handedly about an experience or group of individuals, this group will base all interpretations and beliefs on the presented information available on television, radio, or computerized medias (Mass Communication Theory, 2013). Not only are such systems of media unfair, but unethical in nature. These beliefs and portrayals allow for the mistreating of individuals that fall into negative representations.

Cultivation theory is very applicable to Islamophobia, and helps in understanding the complexity and extent of such issues. As stated above, 9/11 and ISIS are real events and situations, however, these groups involved in massacres and terroristic acts are in no way the actuality of Islam. These individuals are defined as extremists, they interpret the Quran in unimaginable ways, they are manipulative and will stop at nothing. Religious motives are what they claim, but the Quran never gives commands such as these. The word Islam translates to peace, and peace is a main principle or characteristic of this religion. Through distortion and untruthful exaggerations, many individuals in these high frequency viewing groups have ultimately brought an ugly image of Islam.

Millions of people watch the news during various times of the day. Americans, have numerous channels dedicated to such efforts, which create a higher likelihood of avid watchers. These patterns allocate brainwashing and manipulation of citizens (Gilliam Iyengar, 2000). Which helps explain, why more people fear Islam in America, or moreso, why this country is the most associated with Islamophobia, despite numerous others being involved. One principle that makes America different in their Islamophobia compared to other countries like Britain, and Germany, is that they are not strictly focused on vocalization, rather implementation as well.

During Trumps rule, he placed a ban on many Middle Eastern countries, which effected many people. Such bans made it impossible for students, families, and refugees to enter back into the United States. Many Muslims face prejudice and abuse from Americans while being in this country. This is due to the medias misrepresentations. Cultivation's theory help explains why Islamophobia exists.

As described above, Islamophobia is the extreme and irrational fear of Islam. It rose after the devastating events of 9/11, however tension between the United States and Middle East occurred long before that. Many deaths have arisen from such tragedies; however, peace has never been even a suggestion when combating such issues. Although, 9/11 happened nearly 16 years ago, these events will be infamous for an eternity. ISIS bombings and suicide acts are also a part of how Islamophobia is persisting in media throughout the United States, and other countries alike.

ISIS is an extremist group, who is not based on Islam's teachings despite popular belief. Islamophobia is a direct result of frequent television and media viewing. Without such outlets, Americans and other nationalities would not hear and see falsified reflections of Islam. Many Muslims in America have contributed significantly to the country, whether it be in the form of finances (provided by SACM), or individual acts of kindness(volunteering), these stories will never be aired. Only the cases of a few extremists will ever be broadcasted.

Cultivation's theory posits that the amount of time spent watching television is a direct reflection of the belief in the projected worldly views of such. The more one watches television programs, the harder it is to decipher the truth of the situations and individuals being discussed on such forums. Research and personal experience should determine one's views, not television shows that falsify information. I feel when understanding such issues, a dynamic approach is most suitable. Cultivated attitudes are the efforts of several influences. Whether it be individual, mediated, or family centered, each play a specific role when trying to understand cultivation theory (Mass Communication Theory, 2013).

Being that most of Islamophobia stems from mediated sources, such as television, cultivation theory exists within its motivation. As briefed upon above, many American's tune in for morning, evening, and nightly news. News is a way of life here, many rely on it as a source of credible information, however, it is far from that. As Cultivation theory posits, the most time spent watching news, the more brainwashed viewers become. This is because, these individuals begin to believe everything as fact, without little evidence provided.

The news will take a story of a Muslim man killing 4 people, and turn it into a story of terrorism. However, that same news will take a story of an American killing 30 people, and turn it into a story of mental illness and sympathy. It is an unjust system, where two murderers receive different titles and sentences alike. It is highly unethical, because social justice does not proceed. Many Muslims are not receiving the same opportunities and allocation to the pursuit of happiness when this happens. This is due to discrimination, scapegoating, and prejudices placed on these individuals.

The cultivation theory also claims, that high frequency viewers judge groups without having personal experiences to go off (Mass Communication Theory,2013). Some statistical information regarding the number of Muslims was presented by Pew Research Organization. Last year (2017), there was estimated to be some 3-4.5 million Muslims of all ages present in the United States, this equates to some 1.1% (Lipka,2017). Any person whom is logically thinking, would certainly know that if all Muslim's were in fact terrorists, the United States would seize to exits, since there are nearly 4 million of them residing in the United States.

The media, never portrays these facts in their mediated stances. Nor do they reveal the true malice of ISIS towards Islam based countries such as Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq. ISIS has collectively killed more people in these countries than any region in the United States (O'Connor, 2017). Most people who hate Islam or Muslims have little knowledge of the true motives of ISIS or their attacks on Middle Eastern countries. While most Islamophobics have no personal experiences of Muslims or bad incidents with them either. Islamophobia is primarily the fault of media, and the cultivation theory reveals such correlations of the two.

If individuals were not so glued to television, they would realize the truth of the matter. Which is that not all Muslims are terrorists, and Islam means peace. Not to mention, they would be more inclined to get to know said individuals before making quick and irrational judgments. Increased amounts of television exposure can lead to brain washing, as well as many other physical and mental disabilities.

In such cases, however, I feel that television is not the only one to blame, because people can decipher, to a degree falsified information from factualized cases. Just because exaggerated representations of Islam are presented, does not disqualify all the cases of murder and dishonesty of other nationalities. Despite the several other groups who commit similar crimes as ISIS, they are never deemed terrorists. We see this time and time again, and the media's unethical choices really harm Muslims more than they will never know.

Although, I knew a lot about such cases as this, being Muslim and all, I have also learned insight into these communication theories as well. I was unaware of the cultivation theory prior to this research. However, I feel it can help explain many other situations as well. Television and media are used extensively throughout the world, and it is understandable the huge impact they have on viewers. By understanding such impacts, we can begin to see why certain groups are oppressed and treated badly.

Muslims all over the United States are facing abuse, both mental and physical abuse due to Islamophobia. I have also realized, that although, to some degree these issues are caused by the media, people cannot entirely blame media for their actions. As human beings, we have knowledge of what is right and what is wrong. Although, such ethics are dependent on several factors such as location, culture, and religion, we can all agree that purposely treating someone bad, is not right under any circumstances. It was revealed in the article by Lipka, that nearly half of Americans fear Muslims (Lipka, 2017). This fear is installed by the tragic news broadcasts presented by media stations. Most of these people have never even encountered a Muslim, so therefore the fear is irrational.

Collectively, as a whole, people need to make several realizations. One of which, is that we are all human, and we all have similar goals in this world. Diversity is a unique concept, and we should learn to embrace it. Often times, we let others make our decisions for us, as we have seen in this analysis. How can anyone place so much trust in news reporters, when in all actuality, most are run by the same owners. There are many reasons that governments of the United States want citizens to fear Islam. The main one being a strategy to earn money towards military action. If there was little threat from Islam, most people would not be geared towards donating money towards such expenses.

It is highly unethical to judge an individual or group of people based on the actions of a few. There are good and bad people in every race, gender, and religion. Muslims all over the world are experiencing high degrees of prejudices, and that is unacceptable. Even personally, I have experienced such issues. No one should have to be held responsible for the actions of another person, We should all be held accountable for our own decisions and choices.

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A Study of The Cultivation Theory in Relation to the Negative Perception of Islam in Society. (2023, Apr 19). Retrieved from https://phdessay.com/a-study-of-the-cultivation-theory-in-relation-to-the-negative-perception-of-islam-in-society/

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