A Comparison Between the Religious Practices of Amish and the Mormons

Category: Amish, Culture, Mormon
Last Updated: 18 Apr 2023
Pages: 5 Views: 359

Have you ever heard about The Amish and The Mormons? These are two religious groups residing in America. The Amish are a religious ethnic group, which began in 1693 as a result of a schism in the Swiss Anabaptist church led by Jakob Ammann. Subsequently, the Amish and other religious groups underwent massive religious persecutions for their beliefs. As a result, many religious groups conducted large-scale migrations from Europe to the New World.

The Amish settled in America around 1730, mainly in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania as a result of William Penn's "holy experiment” in religious tolerance. Today, the Amish are spread around twenty-four states Canada and Central America. About 80 percent are located in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Indiana. Joseph Smith founded the Mormon doctrine in the 1820's in upstate New York. Mormons were born in the Protestant environment in the United States in the nineteenth century, where the people were hungry for God and many came to hear itinerant preachers. Churches multiplied, while emerging new pastors. However, there are some differences and similarities between Amish and Mormon in terms such as religious beliefs, education, and lifestyle.

A key difference between the Amish and the Mormons is religion. Amish believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God, and by the Ordnung (the German word for order or discipline), which are a set of unwritten rules that are based in Scripture. Conversely, Mormons have based their doctrine on four basic books: the Bible, the Book of the Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants (135 revelations and other reports, edited by Joseph Smith) and the Pearl of Great Price. In the Mormon doctrine, church services take place every Sunday in a church building.

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In contrast, Amish don't have a formal church building, and the services are held in individual homes on a rotating basis every other Saturday. In Mormon religion, the baptism of the children takes place at the age of 8 years old. This ordinance is very different from the Amish, as they do not baptize their children until they are old enough to make their own decision. This allows them to base their decisions on what they learn of the outside world, and outside of the church rules. "Rumspringa" is the time of growth or running around, comes when young Amish teenagers are between sixteen to twenty-one years old. The baptism into the church would then take place, between the ages of 18-22.

Another important difference is in education. For Amish, education is very important for boys and girls. Amish operate their own schools, with teachers from the Amish community. In contrast to the Mormon schools, where children are sent to regular schools to mingle with all members of the non-Mormon community. Amish education does not include pre-school. In the early years a child must learn the German dialect of the Amish in order to communicate within the family and community. They wait for children to learn English in their school years period. Amish education begins in the first grade and ends in the eighth grade.

According to Powell Albrecht, "The Amish are exempt from state compulsory attendance beyond the eighth grade based on religious principles, the result of a 1972 U.S. Supreme Court ruling"(2). Conversely, Mormons want a non-limited education that includes both high culture and higher education for their descendants. The Church encourages young people in many ways, one being the importance of university study, and a clear example to prove this is Brigham Young University (BYU) that is sponsored by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, or the Mormon Church.

BYU is part of the Church Educational System, which serves more than 1.2 million people around the world, and provides nationally recognized education in an environment that holds the moral principles of the Mormon Church, its sponsor. Unlike a young Amish, whose members must pursue the country life as their ancestors have done, The Church of Mormons believes that education should be related to life and needs to improve life experience.

Mormons value life of the mind and fullness that education adds to the life experience. They are encouraged to appreciate learning and teaching, and recognize that knowledge gives them personal strength; in contrast to the purpose of Amish education, which is limited to only teaching basic skills, the value of hard work, ethical living, and how to be a good member of their community. Amish education never promotes critical thinking and individuality in student life. Their schools provide education in many crafts, and therefore are eligible as vocational education Mormons education promotes art in their schools, where many members become actors, singers, painters, and dancers. In contrast, the Amish, who do not allow this kind of education in their school communities.

As many people are aware, there are significant differences between the Amish and the Mormons in their lifestyle. As a result of their religious beliefs, The Amish, try to separate themselves from outsiders in an effort to avoid temptations and sin, while Mormons don't live in reserved communities. The Amish work in their closed communities, unlike Mormons, who work any place, without restrictions.

The Amish live life stuck in the eighteenth century, as they reject the use of the modern clothing, automobiles, televisions, telephones, and utilities like gas and electricity (they still use oil lamps). They reject these advances in life, which they consider to be evil and threatening to their way of life. In contrast, Mormons enjoy and participate in technology advances. One of the main distinctions in the life of the Amish community is its modesty in dress that is consistent with its simplicity and rejection of modernity and vanity. The families wear clothes made by the women of the community, who must strictly wear dresses in dark tone, wide and skirt, long sleeves, apron and white bonnet.

Men must wear dark colored suits and wide-brimmed hats. Women strictly hide their hair, which collects in the bun in the back of head, and married men should not cut their beard. In contrast the Mormons, who do not dress up in pioneer outfits and are well known for their impeccable way to dress to go to church on Sundays. However, their clothes also should be modest and not revealing. The dress code to attend church, and special occasions for men suit, white shirt, tie and dress shoes.

Women should wear dresses, or skirt, blouse and dress shoes. The children and young people must wear appropriate clothing with the same code as their parents. Since the beginning of the Amish community, tasks are divided. Men work on farms near their house to be aware of their children's development. Women can only be devoted to the work at the house and raising children. Compared with the Mormon couples, which allows both, men and women to work. Either of the two genders may be the supplier or make household tasks and take care children.

Regardless of the differences between the Amish and The Mormons in religion, education and lifestyle, there are similarities between both ethnical groups. The Amish, the culture of love and care for the family is the same as that of the Mormons. In both the Amish and the Mormons cultures, the use of alcohol, cigarettes and drugs are not allowed in their congregations. In the same way, Amish and Mormons are not allowed to marry with people who belong to other religions. Mormon faith divorce is not recommended because families are meant to be together forever, just as Amish belief. Like the Amish, Mormons also teach their children early mutual support, and avoid fights, violence, either physical or verbal, and to support each other as a family.

In conclusion, although the cultures of the Amish and the Mormons have more differences than similarities, it is important to admire the complex diversity of the two religions. Both religions devoted to their own believes.

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A Comparison Between the Religious Practices of Amish and the Mormons. (2023, Apr 18). Retrieved from https://phdessay.com/a-comparison-between-the-religious-practices-of-amish-and-the-mormons/

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