Essays on Confucianism

Essays on Confucianism

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Rizal Life and Works

Introduction Rizal left Europe for Hong Kong, where he lived from November 1891 to June 1892. His reasons for leaving Europe were: life was unbearable in Europe because of his political differences with M.H. del Pilar and other Filipinos in Spain. to be near his …

Words 102
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The Good Life: Perspectives of Buddha and Confucius

There are several definitions of the technical term “good life” and there are countless standards on “how one should live”, however, there are two personalities that teach differently with regards to this. This paper entitled “The Good Life: Perspectives of Buddha and Confucius” intends to …

Words 1581
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Social Structures of Han China and Ancient Rome

During the classical era, Han China and Ancient Rome were the pioneers for the change and the plethora of improvements that took place in civilized societies. The Han Dynasty consisted of persistent regional riots and rebellions against harsh state demands, and Ancient Rome expanded through …

Ancient RomeChinaChristianityConfucianismReligion
Words 106
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Not so Good Earth Analysis

The Not So Good Earth For a while there we had 25-inch Chinese peasant families famishing in comfort on the 25-inch screen and even Uncle Billy whose eyesight’s going fast by hunching up real close to the convex glass could just about make them out–the …

Words 1419
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Buddhism, Confucianism, and Shintoism

The three of the most common religions in Asia are Buddhism, Shintoism, and Confucianism. In many ways, these religions share a number of common traits although they do possess a certain number of distinct differences as well. As such, a clear examination of the similarities …

Words 83
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Compare and Constrast Classical China and Classical India

Though they had some different qualities, Classical China and India were very similar. The complexities of both India and China’s social hierarchy systems were very different. However their religious views and ideas were similar, and they both began to decline but were able to recover …

Words 606
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Cultural Brief of Taiwan

Introduction Political, legal, and technological environment Hofstede’s dimensions Geert Hofstede is a Dutch researcher who identified five dimensions of culture to help understand how and why people from various cultures behave the way they do. The five Hofstede cultural dimensions are power distance, uncertainty avoidance, …

Words 2256
Pages 9
Contemporary issues in Finance

Introduction “How have financial markets reacted to financial-sector reforms after the crisis?” By Schafer et al. is an article in pursuit for the extent to which the financial reforms have been adopted in many countries globally. The global economic crisis caused financial strategists to look …

BankConfucianismContemporary IssuesFinanceMoney
Words 1672
Pages 7
Confucianism and Contemporary Issues

Confucianism and Contemporary Issues This essay will illustrate the history of Confucianism and the background of Master Kong (Confucius) in the early beginnings of the religion. The purpose of the paper is to discuss the common characteristic of Confucianism with other eastern religions, the contemporary …

ConfucianismConfuciusContemporary IssuesReligion
Words 90
Pages 1
How has Confucianism Influenced Economic Growth

A particularly unique factor that has to be taken into account is Confucianism. The interplay between culture and development can help explain how in particular Japan and South Korea, which were relatively closed societies, have risen to attain the status of newly industrialized countries. This …

ChinaConfucianismEconomic GrowthReligion
Words 1274
Pages 5
Contemporary Issues in Organization Leadership

The aim of this report is to resolve questions from the case on UPS victorious leadership skills and the career of Jovita Carranza (Hughes, Ginnett, & Curphy, 2012). What are the major skills Jovita Carranza has demonstrated in her career with UPS that have made …

ConfucianismContemporary IssuesOrganization
Words 732
Pages 3
Vertical Structure of Japanese Society

It promulgates the values of filial piety and harmonious relationship between the universe and oneself. It became the official gulden philosophy during the Outages period and It helped legitimate the Outages Shogun rule through its concepts of “a hierarchical society in accord with nature, of …

Words 387
Pages 2
How to make friends?

Good morning Principal, teachers and fellow students, Welcome all new Form 1 students. This is the first school assembly. It’s our honour to have all come back to our school and to feel the harmonious atmosphere around the school. Form 1 stage is a critical …

Words 980
Pages 4
Confucianism vs Daoism Dbq

Due to Its backgrounds and the reason as to why Confucianism was produced, the religion Idea stresses more on the politics and ethics, Instead of religion and the theoretical world since focusing on such things would simply be a waste of time and energy that …

Words 462
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Confucianism vs Taoism

The Teachings of Confucius versus the Tao Te Ching The teachings of Confucius and the Tao Te Ching are two important schools of thought in China. In Confucius’s Analects, he talks mostly of political and social issues and also speaks about how people must govern …

Words 944
Pages 4
Human Event Essay

1. Point: to argue that a balance of both texts’ strategies are most effective I. Opening [sentences] defines leadership. What makes a good leader. Or a quote from a good leader II. Background on Chinese [historic] In 500 BC, the Chou Dynasty was falling apart …

Words 1218
Pages 5
Contemporary Issues in Information Systems Management

Assignment 1 Due Date: 05 February 2014 1. Analyze the relationships among ethical, social, and political issues that are raised by information systems. [10] 2. (a) Identify the main moral dimensions of an information society and specific principles for conduct that can be used to …

ConfucianismContemporary IssuesInformation SystemsOutsourcingPrivacy
Words 78
Pages 1
A Brief Introduction for Chinese Culture

Cultural background China, as one of the four homes of the world’s earliest civilization, has a recorded history of nearly 4,000 years. Through centuries of migration, merging and development, it has formed a distinctive system of language, writing, philosophy, art and political organization, which came …

ChinaChinese CultureConfucianism
Words 1475
Pages 6
Matteo Ricci: Commemorating his Life and Legacy

The year 1982 was a ‘Ricci-year’: scholarly meetings in different places around the world, from Chicago (US), over Macerata (Italy) to Taibei (Taiwan), commemorated Matteo Ricci’s entry in China. It was exactly four hundred years since his arrival in the Portuguese settlement of Macao in …

Words 4916
Pages 18
Traditional Chinese Culture on the Influence

Traditional Chinese culture on the influence of the enterprise culture construction in China Name: Wang Shuyun (Sophie) Any business, its survival and development with its own cultural conditions and cultural environment are inseparable. Enterprise culture is the basis of survival, the standard of behavior, a …

Chinese CultureConfucianismTaoism
Words 2811
Pages 11
Comparison between China and South Korea

Compare China to Taiwan, South Korea, or Russia (choose 1 or more) and discuss how a democratic transformation could occur, and what the most likely path to demagnification could be? (2000 words) Abstract This essay will compare China to South Korea and discuss how a …

Words 1929
Pages 8
Confucianism in Chinese Business Culture

History of Chinese Business Lecturer: PU Hualin (George PU) PhD in Economics Associate Professor By: FERENDY BUDIANTO (SIMBA 2012) CASING ARGUMENTS: How does Confucius teaching reflect on ancient Chinese business culture and practice and today Chinese business Culture and practices? DUE: 28th November 2012 Introduction …

Words 3149
Pages 12
The Classic of Poetry

The Classic of Poetry is a collection of old Chinese literature that has been rewritten and renamed into the Book of Songs/Odes. (“Norton Anthology of World Literature” 812) This collection of poems seemed to become popular around the beginning of Confucianism. Confucianism is the concept …

Words 924
Pages 4
How does Confucianism and Daoism view women?

To begin with, Confucianism is a religion that is named after the philosopher, Confucius. He was an almost deified and impossibly wise man. He believed that to regain social order, people must act the role that society gave them. The father was to act the …

Words 1140
Pages 5
Beliefs And Practices In China

The three main religions in China – Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism – originated at about the same time and share common beliefs in human goodness and the need to behave kindly and justly. However, they differ in their practices and, more importantly, in how they …

Words 61
Pages 1
Confucianism and Legalism

Confucianism and Legalism Confucianism and Legalism were two philosophies developed by scholars as solutions to a period of disorder in China. Confucianism and Legalism are similar in that both originated during the Chinese Classical Period; however, they are different in government because Confucianism focuses on …

Words 584
Pages 3
Confucious: Lessons From Around the World

Throughout the day, we think about activities we plan to do or learn from the activities that we do, but thinking about the activity does not mean we are also learning about the activity, nor does learning about the activity mean we are thinking about …

ConfucianismLearningStem Cell
Words 908
Pages 4
Confucianism- Religion or Not?

Confucianism- Religion or Not? Religion has always played a key aspect to societies, ancient or not. Whether to unify a group of people, or to provide a common thought to ensure that the civilization not fail, there is no argument as to the importance of …

Words 493
Pages 2
Islam and Confucianism

During the post-classical period, the Islamic and Confucianist “world religions?were based upon the principles of spiritual and intellectual growth. Both valued intelligence and knowledge, and strongly supported education, yet each religion viewed the world and its inhabitants from different vantage points. In Islam, life was …

Words 637
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Organization Development: From the Lenses of Lewin and Confucius

The precept of Organization Development (OD) within two opposite lenses of change presented a distinct view of how different organizations may benefit from the myriad of theories of development change available in the postmodern era. The article basically gave an overview of what to expect …

Words 919
Pages 4
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Confucianism, also known as Ru classicism, is a system of thought and behavior originating in ancient China.


The imperial family and other notables sponsored the publication of morality books that encouraged the practice of Confucian values: respect for parents,loyalty to government, and keeping to one's place in society—farmers should remain farmers, and practice the ethics of farming.


The main idea of Confucianism is the importance of having a good moral character, which can then affect the world around that person through the idea of “cosmic harmony.” If the emperor has moral perfection, his rule will be peaceful and benevolent.


Most Confucian holidays are taken from other religions. They celebrate the Chinese New Year and the Ghost Festival, among others. The two unique Confucian holidays are the Ching Ming Festival and Confucius's Birthday. December 31st is a national day of purification.


4. “The five constant relationships” (五伦) refers to the five fundamental relationships in Confucian philosophy: those between ruler and subject, father and son, elder brother and younger brother, husband and wife, and friend and friend.

Frequently asked questions

What is Confucianism essay?
Confucianism is a system of ethical and philosophical thought originating from the Chinese philosopher Confucius. The core of the system is the idea of filial piety, which dictates that one should respect and care for their elders and ancestors. The system also promotes harmonious relationships within society, and the need to uphold justice.
What is Confucianism summary?
Confucianism is a system of thought based on the teachings of the Chinese philosopher Confucius, who lived from 551-479 BCE. The core of Confucianism is the concept of ren, which denotes a virtuous, humane, and altruistic character. According to Confucianism, the key to creating a harmonious society is to encourage individuals to cultivate ren in their interactions with others.Confucianism has had a profound impact on Chinese culture and society, and continues to be an influential force in East Asia today. The Confucian Classics, a body of texts including the Analects of Confucius, are still studied and revered by many people. Confucian values such as filial piety, respect for elders, and education are still highly esteemed in many East Asian cultures.
What is Confucianism and why is it important?
Confucianism is a system of thought based on the teachings of the Chinese philosopher Confucius. It is a complex system of ethics, morality, and social order that stresses the importance of family, duty, and education. Confucianism has had a profound impact on Chinese culture and society and continues to be an important force in East Asia today.Confucianism teaches that there is a natural order to the universe and that humans must strive to uphold this order. This includes living in harmony with others, acting with virtue, and filial piety (respect for one's elders and ancestors). Confucianism also stresses the importance of education and self-improvement.Confucianism has been criticized for its focus on hierarchy and tradition, but it has also been praised for its emphasis on ethics and morality. Regardless of its detractors, Confucianism has played a significant role in shaping East Asian societies and will continue to do so in the future.
What is the main message of Confucianism?
Confucianism is an ethical and philosophical system that stresses the importance of proper conduct, moral values, and respect for authority. It is based on the teachings of Confucius, a Chinese philosopher who lived in the 6th century BC. Confucianism has had a significant influence on Chinese culture and values and has also been adopted by other East Asian countries.The main message of Confucianism is that individuals should uphold moral values and behave in a manner that is conducive to harmonious relationships. This includes filial piety (respect for one's elders and ancestors), respect for authority, and propriety in one's conduct. Confucians also emphasize the importance of education and self-improvement.

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