Admission to a Doctorate of Psychology

Category: Admissions, Psychology
Last Updated: 07 Dec 2022
Essay type: Admission
Pages: 4 Views: 183

If necessity is regarded as the mother of invention, I consider necessity as the driving force that inspires and awakens us to be a man for others. We fail to open the doors of our hearts and listen to the woes of those in need due to our inability to decide on the things that we can do to improve the lives of people around us.

Our reluctance to extend any assistance may also be a result of our failure to consider the value of the things that we are capable of doing. Life is not solely dependent on the material resources that we can give. The act of extending our selfless love, time, talents, skills and other resources are too valuable to ignore.

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One of my renowned accomplishments manifested my organization skills, self-confidence, ability to work under pressure and meet challenges, and to remain optimistic in achieving a goal.

While I was in the Marine Corps, I was tasked to be the Pay Chief. Although the position requires a person to have at least ten years of work experience, I was trusted to be the head of the section while working for only two and half years in the military. When I was assigned in the department, I discovered that the pay-roll auditing task was behind by three years.

When a pre-inspection was made in our department, we were informed that there is a need to update the current records to reflect all the payroll transactions that were made during the last three years for 4,000 Marines. Normally, the completion of the task would require three years of forty-five minutes to eight hours of work each day by each person who was assigned in the department.

However, we were only given eighteen months to complete the task. Initially, we all felt that accomplishing the task would require a miracle. However, I managed to motivate my people and to exemplify hope amidst our insurmountable challenge. We all worked overtime and maintained our focus to reach our goal.

At the end of the eighteenth month period, we were able to update the payroll record and meet the expectations of our superiors. My hard work was also rewarded when I was given the Navy and Marine Corps individual achievement medal for going beyond and above the call of duty of the U.S Marine Corps, Navy and U.S. government. This award was usually given as a unit award to most Marines and Sailors.

My weakness is reflected in my inability to extend my patience to people whom I could only talk to over the phone. It is easier for me to settle disputes or to handle people as long as I meet them in person. Although a person may be reserved or silent, one can easily interpret a facial expression or body language.

Unlike in most phone calls that I have handled as a Customer Care for Wyndham Hotel Group, I could only read a person’s feeling through the tone of their voice. In my current job, I deal with owners and managers of hotels. Most of them call and complain about issues that they are already fully aware of based on the information that are posted in the website. Since the owners of the company are practicing transparency, it is my task never to conceal nor withhold any information from the franchise investors.

As a customer care representative, I counsel owners and managers about the hotel’s day to day operation and keep them updated on the current status of the hotel. The job has taught me to understand and empathize with the owners whose main concern is to know where their hard earned money is going and if their investments will yield a good return of investment.

My array of blue and white collar jobs have prepared me to acquire the skills that will allow me to be flexible and compassionate to people who came from all walks of life. It is also in my exposure that made me realize the need to help the men and women in uniform who have risked their lives in fighting for our country.

My passion to be of service is too strong to resist. Hence, I organized my life and decided to take a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology in spite of my lucrative business venture in real estate. After getting my college diploma, I intend to take a Doctorate degree in Clinical Psychology and specialize in the treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome. Since I have directly witnessed the trauma and stress that my uncle has experienced as a result of the war in Vietnam, I can empathize with the soldiers and their families who are also suffering from the effects of their battle in a war zone environment.

When I become a certified Clinical Psychologist, I will enlist in the U.S. Navy and address the need of people who are emotionally and psychologically suffering from the trauma of war and terrorism. Helping our soldiers heal from within will restore them into a life where they can be productive and fully functional in a war-free environment. Restoring the lives of our soldiers has a positive impact in our society in general and to the service members’ families in particular.

When these people have recovered from the trauma and stress of war that are affecting their lives, they will be individuals who are capable of contributing to the growth of our nation. In addition to being able to work and raise their own families, their loved ones will be relieved from the burden of coping with the daily mental and psychological stress of a family member who has experienced the trauma of war.

I believe that my optimism, empathy, determination, logical thinking ability, sensitivity to the needs of others, ability to pay close attention to what people are saying and my ability to cope with pressure and challenges will help me succeed as a clinical psychologist.

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Admission to a Doctorate of Psychology. (2016, Jun 15). Retrieved from

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