Analogy Essay Examples

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We've found 94 essays on Analogy

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The Difference Between a Figurative and a Literal Analogy

Literal Analogy makes a direct comparison between objects, people or events. On the other hand, Figurative analogy compares the relationship between objects, people or events. An example of Literal Analogy: A self-defense course made me able to defend myself; it will make you able to …

Words 537
Pages 2
A Beautiful Piece Of Chalk Analogy

A Beautiful Piece Of Chalk Analogy, contradiction, and irony are some of the important rhetorical methods that many authors use to portray their ideas. In “A Piece of Chalk” (1905), G. K. Chesterton demonstrates his adept writing ability in using those methods as a means …

Words 851
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Socrates vs Thrasymachus

Any argument relies upon some fundamental agreement about the issue being discussed. However great the divide in opinion may be, there must exist at least some similarity in the participants’ manner of viewing the issue if a solution is ever to be reached. Book One …

Words 1669
Pages 7
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Paulo Freire’s The Banking Concept of Education

In Paulo Freire”s ‘The “Banking” Concept of Education” the author uses several similes, metaphors and analogies to bring across his main point – the relationship between teachers and students, and the way the teaching process takes place. He feels they way students are taught isn”t …

Words 282
Pages 2
Literal vs. Figurative Blindness

The importance of figurative vision as opposed to literal vision to the influence of an individual is emphasized by the power inner vision yields, even over the power of the gods. Homer first highlights the power of inner sight in the situation of Agamemnon and …

Words 95
Pages 1
Analogy of Nature vs Nurture

The Human Genome Project, which has attracted its fair share of controversy, set out in the early 1990s to map all 25,000 genes of the human genome (“About”). The hope was that such discoveries would provide a roadmap to the specific genes which could “allow …

AnalogyNatureNature Vs Nurture
Words 1720
Pages 7
Thomas Nagel’s: The Absurdity of Life

In this term paper, I will discuss about life, death and the absurdity of life, by showing the different methods of this term paper which are the following the synthesis, analysis, critique and the last one is the conclusion. Personally, I admit that the book …

AnalogyDeathMeaning of Life
Words 105
Pages 1
Osi Analogy Paper

The OSI model is the model developed for computer-to-computer communications over a network. This model breaks down all the functions that occur into seven distinct layers. These layers are, application, presentation, session, transport, network, data link, and the physical layer. Each one encompasses a specific …

Words 548
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How We Listen By Aaron Copland

In his essay How We Listen, Aaron Copland classifies and divides the listening process into three parts: the sensuous place, the expressive plane, and the sheerly musical plane (1074). I believe by this mechanical separation, Copland succeeds in discussing difficult topic, so natural that most …

Words 878
Pages 4
What Is the Main Theme of the Joy Luck Club?

In Amy Tan’s The Joy Luck Club, as in most other existing novels, the titles of each chapter holds a distinct significance in regard to the content of that chapter. It could be argued that Amy Tan selects the words for her titles carefully in …

AnalogyJoy Luck ClubMarriage
Words 2824
Pages 11
Connection of Figurative Language in the Scarlet Ibis

“The Scarlet Ibis”, there is a multitude of figurative language used to underline the theme that is repeated in Naomi Long Midget’s poem “Woman with Flower”, ultimately enlightening the reader with a true moral of don’t be exceedingly prideful and work something before it is …

AnalogyFigurative Language
Words 237
Pages 1
The Gestalt Approach

The Gestalt approach was about how people represent a problem in their own minds, and how solving a problem involves a reorganization or restructuring of this representation. The first central idea of Gestalt problem solving is how a problem is represented in a person’s mind. …

AnalogyEssay ExamplesMetaphysics
Words 965
Pages 4
The Author of Facing It

The way one speaks and acts coming out of war is traumatic not only to the human body but the mind as well. If we the reader didn’t know that the author of “Facing It” Yusef Komunyakaa, was a war veteran, I would guarantee that …

Words 1513
Pages 6
American Flamingo

Who ever thought there could be so much emotion and so many qualities in a flamingo? After reading this poem author Pape expresses his feelings and the beauty in a flamingo by using analogies describing the features and the distinct details to such a simple …

Words 931
Pages 4
An Analogy of a Plan Cell to a Country

An Analogy of a plan cell to a country nucleus/governement/primie minister/parliament house- they are the control centre of the city or cell. They both control what goes on in the city or cell. the nucleus contains all the DNA or important information, of the whole …

Words 395
Pages 2
Style Analysis

Cassidy Carter 3/19/13 Engl 1302- Prof. Evans Style Analysis Firoozeh Dumas’ essay, “The F-Word,” addresses the very relatable struggle every person with an ethnic name faces in the American culture. Her prime example being herself, Dumas humorously and realistically depicts the trauma a person endures …

Words 572
Pages 3
A Response to Kant’s First Analogy of Experience

Leibniz, one of the famous philosophers, once wrote, “I believe that the consideration of a substance is one of the most important and fruitful points in philosophy. ” Kant expressed his agreement for this statement in the way he presented the “First Analogy of Experience”. …

Words 326
Pages 2
Biblical Injunctions against Homosexuality

Homosexuality remains one of the hottest topics in the modern society. We argue, whether homosexuality has the right to exist in society, and try to explain homosexuality notions in Biblical terms. Objectively, neither proponents, nor opponents of homosexual relations have ever suggested any single relevant …

Words 82
Pages 1
Thomas Jefferson Critique Essay

As stated in the instructions under the navigation link, “Papers/ Projects,” a historical analogy Is to “compare/contrast” two historical events. You should choose two historical events In which you compare and contrast two important historical events such as two battles, two laws, two presidential administrations, …

AnalogyThomas Jefferson
Words 936
Pages 4
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Find extra essay topics on Analogy Essay Examples by our writers.

Analogy is a cognitive process of transferring information or meaning from a particular subject to another, or a linguistic expression corresponding to such a process.


Analogy is a topic of Logical Reasoning where the two things are compared and conclusions are drawn based on their similarities. A question consists of words related to each other based on some logic will be given, and candidates will need to find a word or paid words analogous to those given in the question.


: to compare so as to find a likeness He drew/made an analogy between flying a kite and fishing.


Characteristic analogies are those analogies that check for understanding about a characteristic that forms the relationship between two words. For example, a characteristic analogy may be something like: Bird:Air::Fish:Water.

Frequently asked questions

How To Write An Analogy
EssayAn analogy essay is a type of essay that uses an analogy, or a comparison of two different things, to explain a concept or to make an argument. For example, you could compare the way two people think, or the way two animals behave.To write an analogy essay, start by finding two things that are similar in some way. Then, explain how they are similar and why this is important. Finally, use the analogy to explain your own point of view on the subject.
How To Write An Analogy Essay
In order to write an analogy essay, you need to be able to effectively compare two things that are unrelated. This can be a difficult task, as it requires you to find common ground between two things that may seem to have nothing in common. However, with a little bit of creative thinking, you can usually find a way to connect the two things that you are comparing.Once you have found a way to connect the two things, you need to start by brainstorming some points of comparison. These points of comparison will be the basis for your essay. You need to come up with at least three points of comparison, but more is always better. Once you have your points of comparison, you need to start writing your essay.Your essay should start with an introduction, in which you explain what you will be discussing in the essay. Then, you need to write a paragraph for each point of comparison. In each paragraph, you should discuss how the two things are similar

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