The Main Advantages and Uses of Modern Technology
In the past few decades, technological advances in research, teaching, and communication have dramatically increased the speed and efficiency of modern day academics, bringing what is known as education to a hitherto unforeseen level of progress. A few decades ago no one could have seen just how far progress would stretch, how fast it would travel, or what it would do to the academic facilities that had been standing for decades beforehand.
Many people would say that all progress is moving forward, that all progress is right; yet how far would they go on progress alone? Where would they be if they didn't look back? Some people never look back; each new invention, every so-called "modern" innovation, is immediately accepted and welcomed by the people. The people that are attending American educational facilities, they are the people that are the most accepting to the mechanization of their schooling, their homes, and in essence; their lives.
Not many stop to think what might be really happening; they may complain how this new gadget won't do what they want it to do, or how their electronic widget broke and many other things. But do they stop to think? With all the technological knowledge in the world available, with every single modern "improvement" at the fingertips of the new generation. Will people be any smarter? Will their school be any better, any greater, any more knowledgeable? Technology is adhering itself to modern day academics, seems unstoppable, and no one is trying to stop it. To them there is no reason to stop it, it is helping them move forward, helping them to create something new. It is a tool that they use almost daily to help them move forward, and to create things otherwise unimaginable.
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As computers in many forms and disguises work their way into classrooms across the continent, seldom do the people in those areas, either learning or teaching, think for one moment that they are using something that may not be useful nor helpful. To the students, who either in the classroom or outside it, the computer can be a distraction, other things take priority over their work, especially during research. For some purposes computers waste time, professors and teachers spend a great deal of time trying to make their printer print or trying to get their projector configured properly. Many people know that these electronics are annoyingly fragile; both the hardware and the software are ever subjected to failure, a fall no higher than three feet can render a computer completely useless.
Cell phones, laptops, and other portable electronics are particularly at risk, often lasting no longer than a few years before the need to replace them grows urgent. While physical damage may seem the most prominent source of danger to a electronic, it is dramatically dimmer in contrast to the monumental amount of damage taken by software issues. Viruses, worms, glitches, dead data, bugs, broken files, Trojans... The list continues on and on, countless virtual enemies lurking behind every digital corner just waiting to wreak havoc on anything it can lay it's bitty electric hands on. And on top of that, those people pay hundreds of dollars for an electrical device that may not be helpful to them in the least. How useful are those things? Are they as bad as they seem, or can they be used to a great advantage?
Though electronics may be considered an epidemic to some people, most use it to their advantage, turning a master into the servant once more, beating it back into a useful tool. Many great computer masters have built empires based on technology. Great business corporations such as Microsoft, Apple, IBM-Lenovo, Nintendo, Intel, ASUS, Google, and countless others have in various ways created computer based corporate giants, providing services, jobs, and money to more or less make the world better. While not all computer controlling capitalists are trying to provide something better, some are, and a computer in the hands of a single person can make all the difference in the world. Just depending on the person using it, a computer can be one of the most useful tools of all time, or not. In education a computer can be the most versatile item of the whole school year, often used for word processing, research, e-textbooks, and much else.
While using a computer for school has many advantages, some students do not work well using a computer solely. Most do however, and many grow up using a computer first for school, then college, and afterwards for work. many other businesses use computers as well as the computer businesses themselves, and continue to do so. Computers and computer related work are in themselves, a science, an applied science that can provide countless opportunities to make things better. Even if in very small ways in very small places, the right tool can improve, and if not improve, make it easier to improve later.
Computers can be a very sketchy contraption to have in a school, but also could also be extremely useful, providing ways to learn that were not possible before. Advancement is both good and bad, and since it cannot be stopped, it must be made the best of. It is well known that the past is long gone, tomorrow is becoming now, and every day, twenty four hours worth of advancement become outdated, obsolete, a piece of history. The future is not stoppable, and the past is not returnable, the remaining option is to make something better for people later. Some still ask; "Are schools better with computers, are homes?" The answer is that computers can be the most useful, and the least useful tool ever depending on how each person uses it.
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The Main Advantages and Uses of Modern Technology. (2023, May 17). Retrieved from
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