The Causes, Effects, and Solutions to the Issue of Global Warming
"Most of this warming has occurred since the 1970s, with the 20 warmest years having occurred since 1981 and with all 10 of the warmest years occurring in the past 12 years. Even though the 2000s witnessed a solar output decline resulting in an unusually deep solar minimum in 2007-2009, surface temperatures continue to increase." (NASA)
"Global Warming is the increase of Earth's average surface temperature due to effect of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels or from deforestation, which trap heat that would otherwise escape from Earth.", shortly and most accurately described by the members of the New Mexico Solar Energy Association. It is one of the biggest issues the world is facing nowadays. It is a problem that people need to start looking at more seriously because it brings the world's society a lot of problems in the long term. It is a problem which relevance increases every day, and it gets discussed more and more often.
Though, there are reasons for that. Causes, effects and solutions are discussed by scientists daily, so the rates of global warming can be decreased, and eventually even stopped. According to the official website of NASA, "ninety-seven percent of climate scientists agree that climate-warming trends over the past century are very likely due to human activities, and most of the leading scientific organizations worldwide have issued public statements endorsing this position." That is a good reason to believe that us people and our actions, are what harms the nature that surrounds us the most. There are multiple other reasons that would prove that, but also prove there is lack of extreme measures and actions needed to be taken so global warming decreases, and why taking those actions will accomplish the goal of the climate change decrease.
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The first and, in my opinion, the most important reason for the global warming's occurrence is the carbon emission. It can definitely be decreased in the near future. Though, unite actions and resources will be needed. According to the Environmental Protection Aagency, "Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the primary greenhouse gas emitted through human activities. In 2014, CO2 accounted for about 80.9% of all U.S. greenhouse gas emissions from human activities." We use fossil fuels to generate energy and create more comfortable kinds of transportation in our daily lives.
Carbon emissions effect the Earth so negatively that they keep the excess of heat get away from the atmosphere. That way the Earth gets warmer than it needs to be, and that contributes negatively to most areas. The density of CO2 in the atmosphere leads to warmer temperatures, and warmer temperatures lead to droughts in some areas, and excess rain in others. Both disasters contribute to the loss of agriculture simply because some areas are only suitable for specific kinds of crops and plants. The decrease in production or lack of those crops and plants, is such a big deal, that it can put the beginning of an economic crisis. Also, droughts and excess rain can provoke producers to cheat while growing products.
They start modifying their foods genetically so they can increase the amount and the speed of their production. That way they get back to their rates before the effects of global warming, but that doesn't do any good to anybody who consumes their products, instead it harms their body a lot.
Except for the negative contributions to agriculture, global warming contributes negatively to the life of the animals too. Animals display the evolution of the world, and the different stages it has gone through, starting from its creation until today's modern days. They are a part of the world's history, and by losing those species we lose parts of our history. I watched the National Geographic Channel the other day, and there was an infographic that showed that the Polar Bear got very close extinction because of the climate change and the decrease of sea ice.
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The Causes, Effects, and Solutions to the Issue of Global Warming. (2023, May 28). Retrieved from
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