Role of Human Capital Development in Service Delivery
Baja, and their responses were used for data analysis using the Pearson Product Movement Correlation at 99% confidence level. It was concluded that there is a significant positive relationship between human capital development and quality of service delivery in the telecommunication industry. In order to ensure effective human capital development, it was recommended that organizations should set meaningful training programmers, skills and quality service delivery systems.
Before any production of goods and or services can commence, four (4) important monuments must be put in place, I. E. Humans, finances, materials and machines. Out of these four (4) components, human capital is the only active factor without which all the others cannot function. The historical experience of the development of countries of the world has shown that people are the most important and promising source of economic development due to their involvement in quality service delivery.
Equipments and technology are products of the human mind and can be made productive only by the people. The success of any development programmer depends on human innovative ideas and creativity. Most economists as well as human resource experts would probably agree that it is the human resources of a firm, and not its capital nor its material resources that ultimately determine the character and face of its social economic development. According to Harrison (1962), human resources constitute the ultimate basis for the wealth of nations.
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The goals of management are the maximum possible utilization of human beings in productive activities and the fullest possible development of skills, knowledge and capacities of the labor force. Therefore, capital and natural resources are passive factors of reduction, and human beings are the active agents who accumulate capital, exploit natural resources, build social, economic and political organizations and carry forward national development.
Clearly, a company which is unable to develop skills and knowledge of its people and utilize them effectively in service delivery will be unable to develop anything else. Thus, human capital development is now regarded as the primary determinant of a company's standard of its service delivery because its development determines how well a company succeeds. Indeed, effective and efficient human capital is very crucial to the development and growth of organizations and the economy as a whole.
This paper is to sketch a variegated role of human capital development in service delivery in the telecommunications industry, using MAT Nigeria as a case study. Specifically, the paper is packaged with the following objective; To discuss ethical issues in human capital development and make recommendations on the best human capital development practice for improved service delivery and sustainable development. This work is structured based on theoretical views of management experts and writers, and on practical realities that are bound in domestic and international economies.
In order to achieve the objectives of the study, the following hypothesis are formulated and stated in null form. HOI There is no significant relationship between human capital development and training in service delivery. HUH There is no significant relationship between human capital development and quality of service delivery HUH There is no significant relationship between human capital development and customer satisfaction. 2. 0 A BRIEF HISTORY OF MAT NIGERIA. MAT Nigeria is part of the MAT Group, Africans leading cellular telecommunications company.
On May 16, 2001, MAT became the first GSM Company to make a call allowing the globally lauded Nigerian GSM auction conducted by the Nigerian Communications Commission earlier in the year. Thereafter, the company launched full commercial operations beginning with Lagos, Baja and Port Harcourt. MAT paid US$million for one of four (4) GSM licenses in Nigeria in January 2001. To date, in excess of IIS$I . Billion has been invested building mobile telecommunications infrastructure in Nigeria. Since launch in August 2001, MAT has steadily deployed its services across Nigeria.
It now provides services in 223 cities and towns, more than 0,000 villages and communities and a growing number of highways across the country, pning the 36 states of Nigeria and the Federal Capital Territory (FACT), Baja. Many of these villages and communities are being connected to the world of telecommunications for the first time ever. The company's digital microwave backbone, the 3,400 kilometer Yellowish" was commissioned by President Ligneous Bassoon in January, 2003 and is reputed to be the most extensive digital microwave transmission in the whole of Africa.
The Yellowish" significantly helped to enhance call quality on the MAT network. The company subsists on the core brand values of leadership, relationship, integrity, innovation and 'can do'. It prides itself on its ability to make the impossible possible, connecting people with friends, family and opportunities. MAT Nigeria also recently expanded its network capacity to include a new numbering range with the prefix - 0806, making MAT the first GSM network in Nigeria to adopt an additional numbering system, having exhausted its initial subscriber numbering range - 0803.
In its resolve to enhance quality customer service, MAT Nigeria has also introduced a self-help toll-free 181 customer-care line which subscribers can resolve their frequently asked questions (FAQ) free of charge. Mint's overriding mission is to be a catalyst for Insignia's economic growth and development, helping to unleash Insignia's strong development potential not only through the provision of world class communications but also through innovative and sustainable corporate social responsibility initiatives.
Literature review
Human Capital Development is a framework for the expansion of human resource Walton an organization. Human capital Development Is a accommodation AT Railing ND Education that ensures the continual improvement and growth of both the individual and the organization. Adam Smith states, "The capacities of individuals depended on their access to education". (Kelly, 2001). Human Capital Development is the medium that drives the process between training and learning.
Human Resources Development is not a defined object, but a series of organized processes, "with a specific learning objective" (Needle, 1984) Human Resources Development is the structure that allows for individual development, potentially satisfying the organization's goals. The development of the individual will benefit both the individual and the organization. Human Capital Development framework views employees, as an asset to the enterprise whose value will be enhanced by development, "Its primary focus is on growth and employee development... T emphasizes developing individual potential and skills" (Elwood, Hilton and Trot, 1996) Human Capital Development can be in-room group training, tertiary or vocational courses or mentoring and coaching by senior employees with the aim for a desired outcome that will develop the individual's performance. An apprentice will step through the development process to become a tradesman in their field as will a white-collar trainee to become a professional in their field.
Training will allow the individual to complete a task within their field today. Guttering and Hutchison maintain that, "Training provides maintains and enhances skills to perform the job" (Needle, 1984) Education and training will develop the individual to become a tradesman or a professional in the future. A successful Human Capital Development program will prepare the individual to undertake a higher level of work, "organized learning over a given period of time, to provide the possibility of performance change" (Needle 1984).
Human Resources Development is the framework that focuses on the organizations competencies at the first stage, training, and then developing the employee, through education, to satisfy the organizations long-term needs and the individuals' career goals and employee value to their present and future employers. Human Resources Development can be defined simply as developing the most important section of any business, its human resource, by "attaining or upgrading the skills and attitudes of employees at all levels in order to maximize the effectiveness of the enterprise" (Kelly 2001).
The people within an organization are its unman resource. Human Capital Development from a business perspective is not entirely focused on the individual's growth and development, "development occurs to enhance the organization's value, not solely for individual improvement. Individual education and development is a tool and a means to an end, not the end goal itself". (Elwood F. Hilton II, James W. Trot Jar. ) According to Dough S. L. (2007), Effective Human Capital Development has the following advantages to; The Organization: Improved quality product/services Improved services to customers Increased motivation amongst employees
Maintenance of sufficient and suitable range of skills among employees The development of knowledge and skills in the workplace The harnessing of work experience and other forms of on-the-Job development in a planned way Achievement of improved Job performance and productivity (competitive advantages) I en Uninominal: Increase in personal repertoire skills Increase in Job satisfaction Increase value of employee in the labor market Improved prospects of internal promotion.
Service delivery
This includes those activities associated with the direct provision of a service which meets the needs of an individual customer.
The quality of service delivery of a firm is tested at each service encounter. Customers form service expectations from many sources, such as past experiences, word of mouth, and advertising. In general, customers compare the perceived service with the expected service quality level. If the perceived service quality falls below the expected service quality level, customers are disappointed. However, if it meets or exceeds the customer's expectations he will opt to use the same service provider again.
Successful companies add benefits to their offerings that not only satisfy customers but surprise and delight them. Delighting customers is a matter of exceeding their expectations. Pursuant, Eightieth and Berry, formulated a service-quality model that highlights the main requirements for delivering high service quality. The model shows:
- The gap between customer expectation and the management perception. Management does not always correctly perceive what customers want.
- Gap between management perception and service delivery specification. Management might correctly perceive customers' wants but not set a performance standard.
- Gap between service quality specification and service delivery. Personnel might be roll trained or incapable of or unwilling to meet the standards or they may be held to conflicting standards, such as taking time to listen to customers and serving them fast.
- Gap between delivery and external communications. Customer expectations are affected by statements made by company representatives.
- Gap between perceived service and expected service.
This gap occurs when the customer wrongfully perceives the service quality. Based on this service quality model, the researchers identified the following five (5) determinants of quality service delivery in order of importance:
- Reliability - the ability to perform the promised service delivery, and accurately.
- Responsiveness - the willingness to help customers and to provide prompt service.
- Assurance - the knowledge and courtesy of employees and their ability to convey trust and confidence
- Empathy - the provision of caring individualized attention to each customer.
- Tangibles - the appearance of physical facilities, equipment, personnel and communication materials.
The survey research design was adopted for this study. The design was suitable because the study seeks to determine the relationships between the independent ND the dependent variables; human resource development (independent variable) and service delivery (dependent variables). Management staff of MAT Nigeria, Baja makes up ten population wanly 25 Because ten population AT ten study Is small, It was adopted as a sample size.
That is, N = n = 25 The study was carried out with the use of a four-point Liker-type questionnaire. The dependent variable (service delivery) was divided into quality of service delivery, customer satisfaction. Respondents were expected to indicate by ticking the extent to which they agreed or disagreed to statements that were simply stated. These responses were measured by means of a four category rating system as follows; AS-4 (strongly agree), A-3 (agree), D-4 (disagree) and SD-I (strongly disagree).
Efforts were made to ensure clarity and brevity in item construction. Altogether, there were 16 items on the questionnaire; 4 on each of the variables. A total of 25 questionnaires were issued to the Management staff of MAT Nigeria and all were retrieved. Secondary data were also used for this study, including from textbooks, Journals, internet materials, MAT Nigeria office in Baja.
Testing of hypothesis
In order to test the hypothesis formulated by the researcher, the Pearson Product Movement Correlation was used as a tool for data analysis.
All data analysis was done using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPAS 14. 0) computer programmer. Hypothesis One HOI: There is no significant relationship between human capital development and training in service delivery In order to establish the relationship between human capital development and training in service delivery, the Pearson Movement Correlation was performed on scores of items measuring human capital development and those measuring training n service delivery. Hence, the null hypothesis is rejected. This implies that there is a significant relationship between human resource development and training in revive delivery.
Hypothesis Two HUH: There is no significant relationship between human capital development and quality in service delivery. In an attempt to establish the relationship between human capital development and quality in service delivery, the Pearson Movement Correlation was performed on scores of items measuring human capital development and those measuring quality in service delivery. The analysis is shown in Table 1. 2 below; TABLE 1. 2: Pearson Development and Quality in Service Delivery. Quality in Service Delivery . 745 From the table above, the correlation coefficient is 0. 745, which shows a high sleeve correlation.
Hence, ten null nepotisms Is rejected. I Nils Implies Tanat tenure Is a significant relationship between human capital development and training in service delivery. Hypothesis Three HUH: There is no significant relationship between human capital development and customer satisfaction, the Pearson Product Movement Correlation was performed on scores of items measuring human capital development and those measuring customer satisfactions. From the above, the correlation coefficient is 0. 36 which shows a high positive correlation. Hence, the null hypothesis is rejected. This implies that there is a significant relationship between human capital development and customer satisfaction.
Discussions of research findings
The test of the first hypothesis revealed that there is a significant relationship between human capital development and training in service delivery in the telecommunications industry. It has shown that training is an essential part of the human capital development process. Hypothesis two revealed that there is a significant relationship between human AP tall development Ana quality AT service delivery.
I en services approval Day ten company are undeniably of top international standard, it is obviously the Nigerian telecommunications industry leader and its parent company (MAT Group), rated as the one of the leader in the African telecommunications industry, indicated by the numerous acknowledgements in Africa and the world, Just to name a few; its winning the award for 'Best Telecommunication Company in Africa', at the maiden edition of the Mobile World Telecoms Africa Awards in 2009; being named as the as the 'The African Business of the Year' by the Common Wealth Business Council (CB) for two years running (2008 and 2009).
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Role of Human Capital Development in Service Delivery. (2018, May 29). Retrieved from
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