Plato biography

Last Updated: 27 Jul 2020
Pages: 2 Views: 366

Greece had given to us many ideas, inventions and genial persons, and now days it is difficult to imagine our world without them. One of the most famous names of that age was Plato. He was philosopher, mathematic and teacher. Never the less, a few persons know why actually he was so famous. So, do you know where words "Academy' and В«BenefitВ» came from or who created "Metaphysics" as field of science?

Unfortunately, the extant data, which showed dates and place of Plat's definitely were sweep away by wind of history, but sorority of historians and sources indicate what it was in period between 429 to 423 BC in Athens. As well as we know, Athens was city-state in Ancient Greece, also many historians calling it "Heart of Greece" or "Cradle of knowledge". We can conclude that place of born play an important role at formation of Plat's personality, along with his family was rich and very influential.

High social status of his family gave to him opportunity to have best education. As Plato said lately: quickness of mind and modesty as a boy, and the "first fruits of his youth infused with hard work and love of duty", and he had learned grammar, music, gymnastic and philosophy. Until 409 BC, Plato was studying at his teacher Socrates; moreover Socrates had big influence at his views of life. Plato was loyal follower and disciple of his teacher, also he created all main ideas with Socratic help. From 409 BC to 404 BC, Plato was in military service.

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In 403 BC, he returned to Athens, and he was trying himself at political career. Unfortunately, In 399 BC his teacher and friend Socrates had died. It was as knife to Palates back. After this tragic event, Plato disappointed In politics, he and there follower of Socrates left Athens and started to travel. As well as we can see from historical sources Plato travel was from 399 BC to 387 BC, during his travel he visited Italy, Libya, Serene and Egypt, while he was writing and exchanging of knowledge with other great scientists and philosopher.

In the year 387 BC, then he came back to Athens, Plato founded his school and called Academy. This Academy gave to us a lot of great people, and one of them was Aristotle. In 367 BC, Plato arrived to Syracuse and become a personal tutor of Dionysus II. Furthermore, Plato reamed about state where Philosophers will have reins of government, but not bowl with poison. Unfortunately, the war broke his utopians dreams In 360 BC, after that he came back to Athens and stayed there until his dead In 347 BC.

Plato biography By Tossing-Too career. Unfortunately, in 399 BC his teacher and friend Socrates had died. It was as knife to Plat's back. After this tragic event, Plato disappointed in politics, he and In 367 SC, Plato with poison. Unfortunately, the war broke his utopians dreams in 360 BC, after that he came back to Athens and stayed there until his dead in 347 BC.

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Plato biography. (2018, Sep 28). Retrieved from

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