Businessmen transformed economic activities by learning to take advantage of market conditions by alluding efficient networks of transportation and communication and by creating a system of regulating the price of a product based on supply and demand. 4. The institutions that supported early capitalism were …
Today, people around the world are more connected than ever before. In 2012, there were only 2.7 billion people on the internet. By 2018, that number is expected to be 3.82 billion– a growth of over 40%. And last year, more than 900 million people …
Experiencing success as an entrepreneur is one of the most satisfying feelings in the world. Once you and your team have been directly responsible for building something that provides value to customers and stakeholders alike, you want to stay in that place forever. And that's understandable.Related: However, anyone …
Entrepreneurs often spend most of their time managing their businesses online. But sooner or later you will be required to visit clients, attend conferences, and map out new markets in-person. The right travel card can either make travel into a necessary sacrifice or an effective …
The following excerpt is from Entrepreneur's book . Buy it now from | | The majority of startups are founded without capital injection from venture capitalists or angel investors. The real numbers are eye-opening: Venture capitalists (VCs) fund only 0.05 percent of startups, and angel investors are responsible …
In a first for the Middle East region, a conference aiming to “educate, equip, and empower” attendees to achieve their professional and personal goals, comes to Dubai this year. Organized by and Success Resources, the Congress will be held on November 18-19, 2016 at Festival …
Whether you are in the early 20s or late 30s, a lot of things change without a doubt but what doesn’t change is the way we look at ourselves. We consider scrutinizing ourselves every now and then little realizing that there is so much to …
The global start-up buzz to fuel innovation-led future has got world economies putting onus on technology, talent, infrastructure, policy, and capital. The third largest start-up ecosystem – India (where technology impact is now getting visible on existing businesses like education) too has its line of sight clear though internally there are technology clusters like Hyderabad looking …
The millennial generation of today not only seeks loans for big-cheque properties like real estate, jewellery and vehicles, but they also tend to make smaller purchases including like gadgets, holiday packages, home decor on credit or EMI basis. To facilitate this bracket of people, we …
Inrroduction Business growth is a good goal for most firms in general and is given great weight by the society. This could be seen with the list conjured up by the media, such as ‘Forbes Fast-Growing Companies’ and ‘Inc Fastest Growing Companies’ lists. The reason …
How do you generally plan your trip? In all likelihood, you usually go to a travel agent to book tickets and prepare an itinerary for you. Am I right? Aurvind Lama, founder of Travelyaari also did the same when he was on a trip. He …
Two Indian startups secured investments worth almost Rs 2 crore in less than 30 minutes. Sounds unbelievable, doesn’t it? Astonishing as it might appear, this is exactly what is happening at “The Vault”, a one-of-its-kind Indian reality show. The Vault, which can well be called …
Real estate startups picked up late but looks like they are here to stay with co-working offices becoming most sought after workspaces in Indian metros where new startups are created every day.When Shesh Rao Paplikar was hunting for office-space for a New York startup , …
Mr. Lee Shih Nan carries on the work of improving production procedure, while Mr.. Lee Shih Tang was responsible for sales and marketing. However, because of the disagreement in business, Lee Shih Nan buying out of Lee Shih Tang with the help of Lee Wanda, …
“College Entrepreneurs Do Good and Make Money,” (Nickels, McHugh, & McHugh, 2010, p. 26). They are really business and success story. True college entrepreneurs will do anything possible to reach their goals by being original and innovative. They pick an idea based on the customer …
It has become a symbol of success when your startup opens its first office across an ocean. But the difference between crushing it and getting crushed abroad is knowing when you're ready to make the leap.Harry Kargman is bracing himself for the busiest part of …
The Internet is amazing and has become something that we rely on for almost everything. Imagine going 24 hours without jumping online. No sitting down to surf your favorite websites, no pulling out your smartphone to look something up, no checking social media. Related: Not only …
MENA’s creative entrepreneurs talk on what it’s like to turn a passion project into a business venture, and share their insights for pursuing creative ambitions in the MENA region. Ever since his debut collection came out in 2012, Lebanese fashion designer has been steadily climbing up the …
The hardest things in life can often be the most rewarding. And in Steve Case’s view, expressed on the sidelines of the in Kansas City, the next cycle of internet disruption is going to get both tough and rewarding in the coming years. Related: Opportunities will abound for entrepreneurs, said …
In January 2015, the French cookie sensation dispatched a scout to New York. His mission: to begin to replicate the company’s considerable Gallic success in the United States. “We wanted trendsetting stores, where we know buyers, important people, go to get the future,” says the …
Over the past few years, the ‘Startup Industry’ has witnessed the arrival of massive investment opportunities. Any fledgling business venture, irrespective of which industry it belongs to, requires a substantial investment in the form of business capital to help it get off the ground, and …
Being an entrepreneur is not at all an easy task, though it seems to be. Entrepreneurship comes along with the new struggles, its own set of challenges and pressure almost every day. So, it becomes all the more important to not get carried away with …
Once known as a fount of prosperity, wealth and knowledge around the world, India is once again rising and shining. Opportunities today abound in the country for anyone enterprising enough to identify and capitalise on them. This renaissance has largely been helmed by the digital …
As the saying goes — “Different strokes for different folks.” This is just as true for seemingly mundane preferences — like one’s favorite birthday cake — as it is for major career decisions, like what type of business you prefer to open. To the latter …
The terms entrepreneur, manager and owner are very much in meaning yet exhibit different representations of business people who are present at the top management. Entrepreneur is a person who sets up a new organization or enterprise and accounts for accountability on his part of …
A New Business Venture Going into business is not as easy as a snap of a finger. If it were, more people would have one and be successful at it. However that is not the case. There are many steps you must take and the …
For starting any new business, a great source of information about product research, manufacturing methods, market conditions and demand for new product in the market and whether the new business would be appealing to customers as well to the entrepreneur are some of the basic …
The word ‘entrepreneur’ is derived from the French word ‘enterprendre’ which means ‘to undertake’. Around 17th century, this term was used for architects and contractors for public works. Later it was applied to the function of engaging labor and buying materials and selling the resultant …
The end of a great love is never easy. But there are still material issues to resolve.Related:Yes, we're going there: Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie: As the whole world gawks at the dissolution of perhaps this most iconic of Hollywood marriages, we are once more reminded …
T-Hub, one of the largest startup ecosystem builders in India announces the launch of ‘AgriTech Accelerator Program’ in partnership with ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid-Tropics), powered by RViP (Riverbridge Ventures Innovations Platform).The program will begin on 15th February 2017. During the three-month acceleration …
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