Essays on Business Law

Essays on Business Law

Feeling stuck when writing an essay on Business Law? If you are unable to get started on your task and need some inspiration, then you are in the right place. Business Law essays require a range of skills including understanding, interpretation and analysis, planning, research and writing. To write an effective essay on Business Law, you need to examine the question, understand its focus and needs, obtain information and evidence through research, then build a clear and organized answer. Browse our samples and select the most compelling topic as an example for your own!

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We've found 196 essays on Business Law

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Business Law. Hire Purchase

Sam is a successful second-hand dealer. He decides to reward his staff buys buying a fridge and a microwave oven for their use. He wants to enter into a hire purchase agreement to help him finance the two goods. Advise Sam whether these goods will …

Business LawContractGoodsHire Purchase
Words 1826
Pages 7
Misrepresentation Case

A misrepresentation is distinct from a statement of opinion which may render a valid contract void or voidable. There is a difference between innocent, negligent and fraudulent misrepresentations. An innocent misrepresentation would affect a contract. A negligent misrepresentation may result in liability for negligence; whereas, …

Business LawContractJustice
Words 1705
Pages 7
Business Law. TUTORIAL 2 1: Ali and Abu

TUTORIAL 2 1. Ali and Abu were neighbours. Ali had to go to Singapore for a business seminar. Before he left, he told Abu “Please look after my house”. After two weeks of being away, Ali’s house caught fire and Abu could only save a …

Business LawContractJustice
Words 1367
Pages 5
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The Doctrine Of Separate Legal Entity: A Case Of Salomon Vs Salomon & Co Ltd

Abstract The doctrine of separate legal entity is a doctrine which has gained increasing importance in the analysis of company law. The importance of this doctrine and its relevance in the analysis of laws relating to companies is evident in the case of Salomon v …

Business LawCorporationsLaw
Words 2484
Pages 10
Business Law in Accounting

Accounting is the system of recording, reporting and verifying financial information for individuals and businesses, including income, expenses, value of assets, and so on. However, Business Law I, takes what is normally known of accounting and moves into another arena, one which includes civil and …

AccountingBusinessBusiness Law
Words 744
Pages 3
Business Law Cases Summary

Offer ( Topic 3) Is a proposal the acceptance of which establishes the existence of an agreement. It shows a promissory intent. In other words, it is a promise to do or refrain from doing something. – Usually upon condition that the other party agrees …

Business LawContractJustice
Words 4212
Pages 16
Essay on Music Censorship

Censorship in Music When listening to the radio, most people come across a song that has been changed from its original version, whether certain words are beeped out, or a string of lyrics are replaced altogether. This is censorship, and it is very common on …

Business LawCensorshipEntertainmentMusic
Words 2477
Pages 10
Pros and Cons of Forming an LLC

Among the foremost choice an individual might encounter as a business owner might be, if at all or not to register his business or set up a limited liability company – LLC. (Evaluating Incorporating a Business or Forming a Limited Liability Company (LLC)) Setting up …

Business LawGovernmentTax
Words 1764
Pages 7
Overview of Intention to Create Legal Relations in Contract Law

Introduction Contract law is primarily concerned with the enforcement of promises and is regulated largely by the common law. In order for any contract to be binding between the parties, there must be an intention to create legal relations as shown in the case of …

Business LawContractContract Law
Words 2284
Pages 9
Legal Considerations for Entering into Property Contracts

Turner has decided to start her own business running a private day nursery. It is necessary for her to find appropriate premises. She sees a detached house, which would be appropriate, on the market for 200. 000. After having viewed the property she decides to …

Business LawContractJusticeTax
Words 3294
Pages 12
A Bill Of Exchange Defenition

The endorsed is the person to whom the bill is endorsed. The endorsed can obtain the payment form the drawer. A bill of exchange is generally used in international trade and aims at binding one party to pay a fixed amount of money to another …

Business LawMoneyPayment
Words 791
Pages 3
Introduction to Business Law and Ethics

Introduction to Business Law and Ethics Susana Silvestri Grand Canyon University BUS-340 October 17, 2010 Introduction to Business Law and Ethics Statutory interpretation was critical to the Supreme Court of Colorado’s resolution of a 2007 case, Pringle v. Valdez. Using an online source or sources, …

Business LawEvidenceJustice
Words 1412
Pages 6
Provisions in the Bond Indenture

For businesses, commercial banks also provide specialized cash management and credit enhancement services. Cash management services are designed to allow businesses to make efficient use of their cash. For example, under normal circumstances a business would sell its product to a customer and send the …

Business LawContractLaw
Words 925
Pages 4
Current Issues in Business Law

Business law really tends to describe an extensive body of bylaws that tend to govern the business transactions. Business law also includes every major aspect of trade together with the advertising as well as marketing collection plus the bankruptcy, contracts, banking, secured transactions, negotiable instruments …

Business LawCurrent IssuesJusticeTrade
Words 51
Pages 1
Treibacher Industrie

Treibacher Industrie, A. G. v Allegheny Technologies, Inc (2006) Facts: The case proceeded to a bench trial, where TDY and Treibacher disputed the meaning of the term “consignment”-the delivery term contained in both contracts. ? TDY introduced experts in the metal industry who testified that …

Business LawContractGovernment
Words 934
Pages 4
Business Law Ethics And Business Decision Making

The need for an organization to embrace ethical approach in conducting its business into competitive and dynamic business environment is an approach for managing high risk involve in contemporary business. Decisions that are vital and adequate in the business to reach its organizations goals are …

Business LawDecision MakingEthics
Words 1493
Pages 6
Business law Reflective

Abstract Reflective writing provides “evidence of reflective thinking” (Thorpe, 2010, p. 2) and generally involves the writer looking at back at tasks that have been undertaken and considering what improvements need to be made. In order to conduct a reflective statement for a presentation that …

Business LawConfidenceWriter
Words 1867
Pages 7
Strict Liability in Business Law

The American common law adopted the concept of strict liability in early 1960’s. They began to adopt the view that the sellers should bear the cost of injuries or defects in their products as they are in the best position to distinguish the risks associated …

Business LawLiability
Words 4319
Pages 16
Informative Essay on Negotiable Instrument

The article was about a transportable, marked document that assures to pay the holder or the owner a sum of money at a future date or on demand like checks, bills of exchange and promissory notes (“Negotiable Instrument,”).  Those negotiable instruments must follow the requirements …

Business LawJusticeLaw
Words 592
Pages 3
Corporate groups or controlling shareholders

Introduction In order to render controllers of corporate groups or controlling shareholders individually accountable for the debts of the company, the courts are empowered to lift the veil of incorporation. However, this is drastic and has to be resorted to only under extreme circumstances. As …

BusinessBusiness LawCorporation
Words 124
Pages 1
Business Law Answer Key

Business Law Answer Key This is a comprehensive key to all the questions, including some chapters which we did not cover. You are responsible only for chapters on the syllabus. Ch. 1 A. 3 B. 5 C. 1 D. 2 E. 4 1. F 2. …

Business LawContractJustice
Words 1047
Pages 4
Business Law Critical Analysis

The term police powers encompasses just the enforcement of criminal laws. False, they are the state regulatory powers; they give state governments broad rights to regulate private activities . Under the U. S. Constitution, the judicial branch interprets the laws.  The states can establish laws …

Business Law
Words 714
Pages 3
Informative Essay on Business Law

Resolving Ethical Business Challenges Chapter One 1. What are the potential ethical issues faced by Acme Corporation? Acme is essentially bribing buyers to purchase their products. This could backfire on them if the buyers company gets wind of it. The reaction of the company may …

BriberyBusiness LawReputation
Words 757
Pages 3
Introduction to Business Law

Mary operates an information service known as “Mary’s PR Notes “ which she emails to clients who subscribe to her service. Mary’s PR Notes provides subscribers with abstracts of articles on public relations. The articles come from a variety of newspapers and magazines. The abstract …

Business LawCrimeJustice
Words 1691
Pages 7
Facts about Business Law Narrative Essay

False, both parties are released from it 5. A request or invitation to negotiate is an offer. False, an offer is a promise to do or refrain from doing something 6. An acceptance can impose new conditions or change the terms of the original offer …

Business LawContractJustice
Words 543
Pages 2
Business Law I Case Study Arthur Andersen Llp V. United States

Arthur Andersen LLP v. United States The parties: In Arthur Andersen LLP v. United States, the plaintiff was the United States. The United States was also the Appellee. Arthur Andersen is the defendant as well as the appellant. The history: Arthur Andersen was found guilty …

Business LawCase StudyUnited States
Words 514
Pages 2
Business Law Practice Questions

MULTIPLE CHOICE (answers at bottom of page) 1. Paul filed a lawsuit for false imprisonment against Dan’s Bookstore. During a visit to Dan’s Bookstore, Dan stopped Paul as he left the store. Dan accused Paul of stealing a book from the store. After briefly looking …

Business LawContractJusticeMoney
Words 1657
Pages 7
Federal Regulations and Business Stakeholders: Inspections, Power Limits, and Social Responsibility

Question 1 2. 5 out of 2. 5 points TECO Coal Corporation mines and ships more than six million tons of coal annually. TECO is comprehensively regulated by the U. S. Bureau of Mines. The U. S. Bureau of Mines may conduct a surprise inspection …

Business LawCourtCrimeJustice
Words 1702
Pages 7
Contemporary Canadian Business Law: Principles and Cases Tenth Edition Cases

Contemporary Canadian Business Law: Principles and Cases Tenth Edition Chapter 15: Case 9 Case 9 deals with a homeowner (the principle) who lists her property for sale and enters into an agreement with an agent to facilitate a sale with a third party. Over the …

Business LawContractJusticeMarriage
Words 2150
Pages 8
Essential Elements of a Valid Contract and Their Importance in Law, with Relevant Legal Principles

Contract is a part of the business transaction Contract is an agreement between two or more parties each of whom has the intention to create a legal relation to have a lawful object between them. Contract is more used in the partnership business where each …

Business LawContractDuty of Care
Words 3452
Pages 13
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Corporate law is the body of law governing the rights, relations, and conduct of persons, companies, organizations and businesses. The term refers to the legal practice of law relating to corporations, or to the theory of corporations.

Frequently asked questions

How do you write a business law essay?
To write a business law essay, you need to research and understand the topic you are writing about. You also need to be able to articulate your thoughts in a clear and concise manner. Business law essays can be challenging, but if you take the time to prepare and plan your essay, you will be able to write a successful one.
Why is business law so important?
Business law is so important because it provides a framework for businesses to operate within. It sets out the rules and regulations that businesses must follow in order to stay within the law. Business law also helps to protect businesses from unfair competition and ensures that they are treated fairly by the law.
How would you define business law?
Business law can be defined in a variety of ways, depending on the perspective from which it is being viewed. Generally speaking, business law can be understood as the body of law that governs the formation and operation of businesses. This includes the laws relating to the formation of businesses (such as incorporation and partnership law), the laws governing contracts and other commercial transactions, as well as the laws governing the operation of businesses (such as employment law and bankruptcy law).
What are topics in business law?
These can include things like contract law, employment law, intellectual property law, and many others. Depending on the specific business and the industry it is in, the topics that are most relevant will vary. However, understanding the basics of all of these different areas is important for any business owner or manager.

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