The dying art of Jaffna “The next generation is not keen on getting their hands dirty and they dislike hard work. They do not want to take up the field of farming. They prefer being in air conditioned offices or being doctors and lawyers. They …
Bangladesh is largely ethnically homogeneous. Indeed, its name derives from the Bengali ethno-linguistic group, which comprises 98% of the population. Bengalis, who also predominate in the West Bengal province of India, are one of the most populous ethnic groups in the world. Variations in Bengali …
Life changed dramatically between the Paleolithic and Neolithic times. Paleolithic is the early phase of the Stone Age, lasting about 2. 5 million years, when primitive stone implements were used. The Paleolithic Period was also called the Old Stone Age. Neolithic is the later part …
Abstract Mulching in agricultural provides a safe yet equally profitable method of enriching and fertilizing the soil planted with crops. Most often-used mulches are of organic composition, such as dry leaves and barks. Unlike synthetic fertilizers and herbicides, these organic mulches pose no or little …
The economy of Bhutan, one of the world’s smallest and least developed countries, is based on agriculture and forestry, which provide the main livelihood for more than 60% of the population. Agriculture is the primary source of livelihood for the majority of the people in …
Hamburger, soda, and french-fries: This fast food combo is the most powerful trinity in everyday American food. People are attracted to its reasonable price, taste, and convenience. Although most people are still not aware of the issues caused by the production and distribution process of …
ITC e-Choupal Weakness of e-choupal Although e-choupal helps eliminate the middleman and therefore allows farmers to get a better price for what they grow, it does nothing to solve the more fundamental problem of the inherent inefficiencies created by so many tiny farms. In addition, …
Television nicknamed by the Americans as ‘idiot box’; is one of the most revolutionary inventions of the twentieth century. Its vast potentialities as a powerful medium of mass communication cannot be underestimated. It is, indeed, the last world in entertainment and enlightenment. It can enlighten …
The Economy of Ancient India. Agriculture and crafts. Impact of science on economy India is an ancient country about 8 thousand years old. In its territory lived a strange people of the Indians. Which were divided into several social classes. Where priests played an important …
WTO GENESIS The General Agreement on Trade and Tariff (GATT) came into existence in 1947 It sought substantial reduction in tariff and other barriers to trade and to eliminate discriminatory treatment in international commerce. India became a signatory to GATT in 1947 along with twenty …
Long ago, people did not plant crops or raise animals for food. They relied only on nature and their surroundings. They would live in places where they could find food. Some stayed in caves and lived on fruits and animal meat. Some stayed by river …
Deforestation Deforestation is the operation of cut plants and trees because of fuel and architecture expanding and other reasons. Forests are cut down for many reasons. This essay will describe the causes and effects of deforestation, and how can we solve this problem. (more…)
The latifunda system, which established first in ancient Rome around 2nd century BC, were large farms which were owned by the wealthy classes. The latifundia became common in the Roman Empire as a result of the decline of Roman moral values and the political corruption …
Walking and Driving Walking is the motion of exerting energy. Driving is the usage of the foot to accelerate from the gas to the break or vice versa. How does walking compare to driving? Which one of the two gives a good feeling afterwards? Is …
Classification of Resources Pasts of Classification Exhaustible Ownership Class Biotic Biotic Renewable Non-renewable Individual Community National International Example Flora and fauna Minerals, Soil, Forest, Water, Wind Fossil Fuel, Metals Private land, orchard Village Pond, Park River, Mines, International Ocean Territory starts after 200 km of …
Commercial cooking oil is an enormous need of people nowadays. These days, cooking oil is becoming expensive. Commoners, or people with insufficient finance, can no longer afford this necessity. Instead, they opt for oil with lesser quality simply because it’s cheaper. It’s very ghastly to …
Both Greece and Rome made significant contributions to Western civilization. Greek knowledge was ascendant in philosophy, physics, chemistry, medicine, and mathematics for nearly two thousand years. The Romans did not have the Greek temperament for philosophy and science, but they had a genius for law …
2. INDUSTRY PROFILE 2. 1 INTRODUCTION DAIRY INDUSTRY IN INDIA Dairy enterprise is an important occupation of farmer. In India nearly 70% of the people depend on agriculture. It is the backbone of India. Dairy is linked with agriculture industry to a large extent. Animal …
Agriculture is known to be one of the most significant economic activities. It involves the production of plants, livestock, fiber, fuel and more by utilizing natural resources such as water and land. The term agriculture is broader than it is commonly anticipated to be. It …
Industry analysis Indian tea industry The tea industry in India is about 170 years old. It occupies an important place and plays a very useful part in the national economy. Robert Bruce in 1823 discovered tea plants growing wild in upper Brahmaputra Valley. In 1838 …
Himachal Pradesh (Hindi: हिमाचल प्रदेश [ɦɪmaːtʃəl prəd̪eːʃ] ( listen)) is a state in Northern India. It is spread over 21,495 sq mi (55,670 km2),[3] and is bordered by Jammu and Kashmir on the north, Punjab on the west and south-west, Haryana and Uttarakhand on the …
Alexander L. Division. In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in Science and Technology IV (Physics) October 3, 2011 Chapter 1 Problem and Its Background A. Introduction For almost three decades, farmers in the Philippines have been using chemical fertilizers, pesticides and growth regulators in their …
Thesis Statement: The continuous mining in Palawan will cause degradation of the soil, denuding of the forests and extinction of animal and plant species thus lowering its’ biodiversity. Biological diversity, or biodiversity, encompasses the variety and abundance of plants, animals, and microorganisms as well as …
Why do people build environments? In order to understand built environments, one should know how the human mind works. The human mind imposes an order on the world. The world is chaotic and disorderly, which; the human mind classifies, orders, and, onto it, imposes cognitive …
Possible ways to reduce river pollution. Use of public transport for reducing purchase of fuel. How to reduce use of electricity? Awareness in students about dangers of tobacco consumption. Hawkers along the streets: Problem or convenience? Flood control measures on bank of river Mitch. Select …
Introduction According to Tonkin (2008), low –cost housing is dwelling units whose total housing costs are deemed affordable to a group of people within a specified income range, low cost housing includes social housing and low income housing. In South Africa these houses have been …
Immigration during the Industrial Revolution Immigration was a huge part of the industrial revolution, some migrated legal, some illegal. Either way, many immigrants came to the United States searching for a dream, the American dream to be precise. This leads to the question; Why did …
In order to achieve full employment and raise its entire population above the poverty line by the year 2006-07, Pakistan needs to create additional employment for 100 million persons and raise the incomes of millions of under-employed persons. This report presents a program to achieve …
EXAMINE THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF NGO’s TO DEVELOPMENT NGO is an acronym which stands for “non-governmental organization. The UN defines an NGO as a kind of private organization that is independent from government control and is non-profit, non-criminal and simply an opposition party. According to professor …
Problem Solution Essay-3rd draft Increase of Vegetables Prices * The Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS) stated that inflation has risen to 11. 7%, an increase of 0. 2 % this year over last” (Abdel Moniem, 2010). Prices of tomatoes, green beans, cucumber …
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