Certain Ideas Especially in Criminology

Category: Crime, Criminology
Last Updated: 24 Nov 2022
Pages: 3 Views: 194

Lombroso was one of the early classical and the positive school, who believe in Darwinism and other theory of the evolution, and we can see his ideas and theory of criminality focus on a certain group of individuals in which he described as 'inferior' according to him this is a group of people who tend or expose to commit more crimes. This theoretical framework for so many years has led many criminologists to establish another class of individual as 'superior', but this article or the study has demonstrated no evidence of any sign of aggression and violence associated with any biological or genetic effect.

On the Introduction Mill expressed his opinion on the exchange of ideas, even though the other party arguments may prove to be insensitive or baseless, therefore no opinion is superior because in one point or another it may be confronted to another set of ideas and it can be revised or debated. Therefore, the ideas of an open dialogue is something that Mill was advocating, and as the saying goes 'enlightenment comes when ideas collide' and this is a fundamental to our democracy, our public or private school this ideas is one of the pillar if not in the center of our democracy.

The article also talks about the Miseducation of criminologists went on explaining that certain criminologist holds liberal views as related to a crime which definitely reject biological theory, research has found that several unfair practices within the government and the criminal justice system were to blame for the certain cause of crime, such as unfair economic system where the wealth is not fairly distributed, lack of employment and most importantly profiling criminal justice system.

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Another researcher also regardless of their political affiliation in the same article believe that 'a lack of supervision, poor discipline practices and an unstable family life' are also contributing factor as related to causation of crime. the article recognized the certain ideas especially in criminology has been label as 'dangerous' and severely criticized, the article mention the Darwin evolution theory, and the universe and all form of life being created by God, the article showed that some of the theory were meant to be offensive to a particular group of people or religion in this scenario toward the religion who believe completely the opposite.

The discussion part of the article talks more about the implications for Criminal Justice Education, it was noted that Criminal justice student in many cases have not been properly trained in biological or genetic sciences, one of the reason why student find themselves in a difficult position trying to understand the basic concepts of biological and how they can relate to a crime. Many student spending times learning themselves, it is important to note that the absence of biology concepts in the criminology field and the lack of training program available in criminology programs, makes many students who sincerely have the interest in biological concepts theory to moving to another discipline such as 'psychology'.

In conclusion, I believe that there is not any bio-sociological method that can prove with accuracy the future or a pattern that an individual life course will take as related of engaging in a deviant behavior or criminality. But I believe rather than talking about predetermining method to predict crime, we need to consider certain factor and motivation in the life of the individual such as lack of employment, poverty and motivation such as religion, racial profiling, bitterness, angriness to the society all of these factors make this individual an eligible to commit crime, but since other people have low-self-control and can adapt to any situation therefore I do not think bio-sociology to be an accurate theory of defining and solving a crime commission. As far as the 3 questions; who can predict the future of 3 babies and tell with accuracy which one is going to be a lawyer, President and a thief? There is not such information in anybody DNA. I do no believe in socio-bio super-predator.

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Certain Ideas Especially in Criminology. (2022, Nov 24). Retrieved from https://phdessay.com/certain-ideas-especially-in-criminology/

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