Attendance Monitoring with Payroll System
- Attendance monitoring with payroll system for cyclemar callocan corporation
- Chapter I The problem and its background
- Human resource management employment and recruiting: interviewing, recruiting, testing, temporary labor coordination.
- Sales executive maintain market awareness
- Meet a bottom line
- Maintain relationships
- Manage a territory
- Negotiate contracts
- Retail salesmen sales
- Customer service
- Merchandising
- Store operations
- Management functions
- Office Staff
- Objectives of the Study
- Significance of the Study
- Company
- Personnel
- Chapter II Review of related literature and studies
- Process
- Chapter III System planning
- Anticipated Business Benefits
- Chapter IV System analysis information gathering tool and techniques
- A. Questionnaire
- B. Guide question
Attendance monitoring with payroll system for cyclemar callocan corporation
Chapter I The problem and its background
Background of the Study Cyclemar Caloocan Corporation has a current system that is accessible to all employees. Which found out that Bundy clock is used to monitor their employee’s attendance and for their payroll. The system cannot provide the convenience because of lack of organize records. The system is also not reliable for departments because it is not updated and possible to loss of data. Mr. Romeo Bautista is the owner of Cyclemar Caloocan Corporation located at 336 10th Avenue Grace Park Caloocan City. In 1962, Mr.
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Bautista started a business by selling of bicycles and spare parts with a few employees then, the number of employees increased up to present date with multiple numbers of employees and five (5) departments. In 1969, the company started selling motorcycles and spare parts, and then in 1985, they built motorcycle units with spare parts. This is the place where you can buy genuine, OEM and replacement parts for Kawasaki, Yamaha, Suzuki, Honda, China and Taiwan motorcycles and scooters and wide and secured space for repairs and installment of accessories for your motorcycle and/or scooter.
They also are accepting wholesale and retail of motorcycle spare parts. And now they are looking forward to become one of the Philippines’ leading suppliers of bikes and motorcycle. Currently, the company is successful since its establishment in 1962. Organizational directory
1. Organizational Chart Figure
1. 1 Organizational chart
1.2. Duties and Responsibility Accountant
- Prepare profit and loss statements and monthly closing and cost accounting reports.
- Compile and analyze financial information to prepare entries to accounts, such as general ledger accounts, and document business transactions. Establish, maintain, and coordinate the implementation of accounting and accounting control procedures.
- Analyze and review budgets and expenditures for local, state, federal, and private funding, contracts, and grants.
- Monitor and review accounting and related system reports for accuracy and completeness.
- Prepare and review budget, revenue, expense, payroll entries, invoices, and other accounting documents.
- Analyze revenue and expenditure trends and recommend appropriate budget levels, and ensure expenditure control.
- Explain billing invoices and accounting policies to staff, vendors and clients. Resolve accounting discrepancies.
- Recommend, develop and maintain financial data bases, computer software systems and manual filing systems.
- Supervise the input and handling of financial data and reports for the company's automated financial systems.
- Interact with internal and external auditors in completing audits.
- Other duties as assigned
Human resource management employment and recruiting: interviewing, recruiting, testing, temporary labor coordination.
- Training and Development Orientation, performance management, skills training, productivity enhancement.
- Compensation
- Wage and salary administration, job descriptions, executive compensation, incentive pay, job evaluation.
- Benefits Insurance, vacation leave administration, retirement plans, profit sharing, stock plans.
- Employee Services Employee assistance programs, relocation services, outplacement services.
- Employee and Community Relations Attitude surveys, labor relations, publications, labor law compliance, discipline
- Personnel Records Information system records.
- Health and Safety Safety inspection, drug testing, health, and wellness.
- Strategic Planning International human resources, forecasting, planning, mergers and acquisitions.
Sales executive maintain market awareness
In order to tailor their sales pitches, sales executives need to keep abreast of changes in the market that impact their target audience. They must understand dips and rises in demand for clients' products, lifetime and wear of machinery, and changes in the stock market that may hinder sales. In addition, they should be aware of the sales strategies of competitors, both for their business and their clients' businesses. The more alert a sales executive is, the more accurately the needs of customers are targeted and new market opportunities identified.
Meet a bottom line
Most sales executives have quarterly and annual sales goals that they strive to meet throughout the year. To do so, they attempt to convince existing clients to increase their purchases from the company--a process which is called "upselling"--or search for new clients. Often, sales executives operate on the idea that it takes less effort to retain current customers than to find new ones, and, therefore, focus their energy on upselling.
Maintain relationships
A sales executive is often a master of relationships with clients, vendors and employees.A good relationship can lead to new sales leads, increased purchasing and referrals. Sales executives put a great deal of time and energy into creating and nurturing their relationships, and make a point to offer value and opportunity wherever possible.
Manage a territory
Depending on the nature of a business, a sales executive may be responsible for taking care of clients in a geographic region and be the person called with problems. Managing a specific sales territory often involves travel to meet with customers and suppliers to ensure that operations are smooth and to reinforce the strength of the relationship.
Negotiate contracts
For ongoing projects or large orders, a sales executive is responsible for negotiating the terms of the sale and drawing up a contract. This ensures that both parties understand what is and is not included in the order and protects against liability. In the sale of equipment, for example, a sales executive may negotiate prices for the setup, installation and testing, in addition to the initial purchase.
Retail salesmen sales
Retail salesmen often make sales presentations to customers.
They may show customers a variety of products and explain the features and benefits of each, to help the customer make an informed decision about a purchase. They also inform the customer of any sales or promotions that are currently underway or happening in the near future. Once the customer makes a decision, the salesman may also process the transaction.
Customer service
Retail salesmen assist customers in locating store merchandise and handling product returns. Some salesmen may customize a product to meet a customer's needs, such as in a men's clothing store, where a salesman measures a customer for a suit fitting.
They may also assist customers by carrying large items, like televisions, to their cars.
When there are no customers in their department or in the store, salesmen may perform merchandising functions. This includes building product displays and rearranging products on the shelf in accordance with a predetermined layout, known as a planogram. They may also change pricing on sales and promotional items.
Store operations
In some retail establishments the salesmen will be responsible for opening or closing a store. If opening a store, the salesman must arrive in advance of the opening time to ensure that the store is ready for the day's customers. When closing, duties may include reconciling cash registers and taking the day's cash receipts to the bank for deposit.
Management functions
Some salesmen may also have the responsibility of managing a department in addition to their sales duties. This can involve ordering merchandise, making work schedules and supervising the activities of other salesmen. Department managers are usually held accountable for the profitability of their departments in addition to making sales.
- Maintenance Manager
- Build a well-operated maintenance team.
- Assist and supervise maintenance team to handle all maintenance works.
- Maintain and manage highly automated office equipment.
- Maintain efficiency levels.
- Prepare maintenance budget.
- Initiate spare parts planning and second sourcing.
- Support staff and personnel to improve output achievements.
- Review and evaluate maintenance operations.
- Improvise maintenance operations to save on costs and work time.
- Implement best practices, standards and procedures in all maintenance functionalities.
Office Staff
Capable of handling day to day office work like filing, bank related work, other domestic work. Assisting in office chores, Co-coordinating with vendors, Maintenance Staff Background
Though specialists can develop expertise in only one trade like carpentry or plumbing, maintenance workers must be skilled in several crafts so that they can work on all problems that develop in a business. Duties Maintenance workers repair and maintain machines, diagnose and repair electrical or plumbing problems, paint and fix the facility structure, and adjust computer, heating or cooling systems.
Objectives of the Study
1. General Objective. The main objective of the study is to enhance the attendance monitoring system using a barcode scanner that will improve the daily attendance as well as salary process of each employee efficient.
2. Specific Objectives
- The study aims to have user maintenance that will secure the system towards the non-trusted personnel or those people outside the office.
- The study aims to create a difference from their current when it comes to the design.
- The study aims to strengthen a module for attendance monitoring of the employees. The study aims to developed efficiently salary of each employee
- The study aims to create a module that will give a summarize list of report of the payroll of the employees.
Significance of the Study
This study will have significant effort in promoting the good work environment in workplace and motivations of its employees. This will become beneficial to the employer and employee in strategic management. By understanding the attendance monitoring and benefits of payroll processing, this research will be assured of a competitive advantage.
Moreover, this study will be helpful to the management and business practitioners in training and informing them in the area of human resources management, objectives, and strategies. It will also serve as a future reference for researchers on the subject of human resources and corporate companies. And importantly, this research will educate employee in deciding on whether an industry e. g. business industry is really fulfilling its responsibility to the community or is just showing off to promote the management.
After the implementation, the system will be able to meet all the need of the company regarding the attendance monitoring and payroll process made in the company. It also provides efficient ways on the employees’ record. MANAGEMENT Regarding the attendance monitoring with payroll made in the company, the management will also be benefited when it comes to managing and manipulating payroll process. It also provides reports that will help the management to view all records of the employee study made inside.
Personnel and staff/employee will be the only that is most important because they are the one who will used and focus the system.
They will have a clear understanding about the system because of the clear and appropriate design made by the proponents. They will also have a convenient and easy monitoring of Daily Time Record (DTR) of the employees. PROPONENTS This project helps the proponent to enhance their technical skills, communication skills, project management skills, interpersonal skills and also in programming skills. Aside from that, the proponent will have a better understanding regarding the attendance monitoring with payroll system by the management. Scope and Limitation Scope of the study
This study “Attendance Monitoring with Payroll System” will enhance the capability of the attendance in Cyclemar Corporation by changing from Bundy clock to Bar code reader monitoring device of the employee for making efficient payroll system. It includes the features that can Add Employees record, Edit Employees information, Delete Employees record, print / Save the Pay Slip of each employee and Updating Employees information as well as the Weekly Salary, Cash advance, the rate per day, overtime, Gross payment, Net pay, and Deduction such as withholding tax and SSS, adding up with a log-in log-out process for security purpose.
Limitation of the study The study, “Attendance Monitoring with Payroll System” does not cover the attendance of executive staff such as the Owner, trainees and security staff such as the security guard due to the company pays them through a security agency. Also the study does not cover the sales and inventory of the company and the Accounting department will only use the system for the salaries and wages of the employees and other accounting functions are not covered.
Also the HR department will only use to check and verify the attendance of the employees and does not cover the other functions of the HR such as hiring new employees.
- Definition of Terms Attendance: the number of employees present
- Barcode reader: Is an electronic device for reading printed barcodes. Like a flatbed scanner, it consists of a light source, a lens and a light sensor translating optical impulses into electrical ones. Additionally, nearly all barcode readers contain decoder circuitry analyzing the barcode's image data provided by the sensor and sending the barcode's content to the scanner's utput port.
- Bundy Clock: A time clock, sometimes known as a clock card machine or punch clock or time recorder.
- Computer software: Is the collection of computer programs and related data that provide the instructions telling a computer what to do.
- Database: Is an organized collection of data for one or more purposes, usually in digital form. The data are typically organized to model relevant aspects of reality.
- DTR: Daily Time Record list of the log-in / log-out record of the employee.
Employee: A person in the service of another under any contract of hire, express or implied, oral or written, where the employer has the power or right to control and direct the employee in the material details of how the work is to be performed. Lilo: Log-in and Log-out. Operating system (OS): Is a set of system software programs in a computer that regulate the ways application software programs use the computer hardware and the ways that users control the computer. Original equipment manufacturer (OEM): Refers to the company that originally manufactured the product.
When referring to automotive parts, OEM designates a replacement part made by the manufacturer of the original part. Pay slip: Is traditionally a paper document (a cheque) issued by an employer to pay an employee for services rendered. In recent times, the physical paycheck has been increasingly replaced by electronic direct deposit to bank accounts. Such employees may still receive a pay slip, but any attached cheque is marked as non-negotiable and cannot be cashed. Payroll: Is the sum of all financial records of salaries for an employee, wages, bonuses and deductions.
In accounting, payroll refers to the amount paid to employees for services they provided during a certain period of time.
SQL: (Structured Query Language) is a programming language designed for managing data in relational database management systems (RDBMS).
System: a system of elements that cross in the manner of threads in a net that are related or connected may fluctuate in quantity and value.
System Development Life Cycle (SDLC): Is the process of creating or altering systems, and the models and methodologies that people use to develop of these systems.
Visual Basic . NET (VB. NET): Is a version of Microsoft's Visual Basic that was designed, as part of the company's . NET product group, to make Web services applications easier to develop.
Chapter II Review of related literature and studies
Foreign and Local Literature Foreign Literature According to Primer (2005), for many businesses automating the collecting of employee attendance data when employees begin their shifts is still a manual process.
Even business that has automated or computerized processes such as scheduling, inventory, purchasing, general ledger and payroll processing still use manual methods such as time cards or attendance sheets to collect time and attendance data. NOVAtime (2007), the system that will give management the power to not only utilize the tools we have available to us today, but will continue to grow and evolve, giving it the capability to incorporate and utilize the tools the new millennium promises to bring us. NOVAtime has brought a system designed for growth while maintaining the maximum in flexibility.
Where the sophistication lies within the programmed mechanism of the system, allowing for a quick and simple implementation and employee training cycle. After all the true test of a system is not only in the production and wealth of reporting, but in the simplicity and ease of its operation, in conjunction with a simple and accommodating implementation program. Local Literature Aquilan (2004) made a comparable thesis on the automation of time attendance that records the time in and time out of every employee using barcode system.
It tends to eliminate the manual recording system of time and attendance and also include salary computation of each employee based on the time and attendance reports. Ramon Faloran (2005) wrote in the article “The Computer Edge of the New Employment and Opportunities “in the Philippine Daily Inquirer. He stated that computer gives you a different feeling about what is happening in the company. Business will be highly competitive and innovative because the computer provides instant information. Cantoma (2004) in her thesis entitled “Computer Library System for St.
James Academy” stated that, in manual system in retrieving, maintaining security and piling records take place because of the years gone by. Furthermore, these files were only kept in envelopes and folders in wooden rocks. There are also instances when the right information is given to a wrong person, which affect quality of service. Foreign and Local Studies Foreign Study Columbia State Community College (2006) uses computer identification account (Log In Name and Password) for access to the institutions computer usage logs occurs electrically through the individual users log in/out process.
Users are also informed that they are responsible for any computer file’s, database and/or internet sites that are accessed through their computer identification account, notwithstanding their failure to adhere to the log in/out process, on their voluntary publication of their account information to others. Local Studies Mendrez (2007) made a similar study for Vision Designer Inc. It has an identification machine aimed at verifying a person entering through the swiping of identification cards. After entering their given code number, the identification cards are swiped in the machines card reader to trigger the verification.
If access granted, the micro switch will then automatically unlock to allow enter. This will help a lot in monitoring attendances accurately and more precise. A group of computer engineers in Rebisco Biscuits Corporation proposed a thesis report for what is the same Innodata Corps is implementing right now computerized daily time record as an alternative for Bundy clock. The means of getting inside the company premises is by swiping cards into a machine that reads every record of each employee then monitor and displays the time a particular employee logs in and out.
In the 2005 annual report of the Forest Products Research and Development Institute under the Department of Science and Technology, it is said that, “The computerized database and attendance on Forest Products Research and Development Institute was designed to facilitate the Institute's data entry, processing, computation and maintenance of employee time and attendance transactions. The system allows employees to log in/out as the swipe their IDs through a barcode reader attached to a computer terminal. The processing forms include those for legal holidays, travel order, tardiness, under time, vacation and sick leave.
Pertinent Report forms have been designed for easier access to all these data. Attendance Monitoring with Payroll System Attendance Monitoring with Payroll System is the key to proficient and successful time tracking and management in your workplace. It is a software-based time and attendance system that allows the user to collect and organize employee time data simply and accurately. You can use our system to:
- Easily and efficiently track your employee time.
- Manage your time & attendance data and employee profiles.
- Reduce the headaches and time associated with payroll.
Best of all, Our Attendance Monitoring with Payroll System can quickly pay for itself in time savings, reduction of time theft and elimination of payroll errors. Methodology of the Study Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Model Employee The relevance of System Development Life Cycle to this study is that it typically provides an approach in problem solving and is made up of several phases. The SDLC approach explains that a project must have requirement analysis and how project planning begins that is essential for this research.
The proponents use a use case diagram because it describes a sequence of actions that provide something of measurable value to an actor and is drawn as a horizontal ellipse. This study need to use an Use Case Development life Cycle because it typically explain the activities performed in a software development project such as requirements description of steps or actions between a user or "actor" and a software system which leads the user towards something useful. The proponents chose this because documentation is produced at an early stage of the development.
The requirement analysis identifies and defines the need for the new system. It analyzes the information needs of the end users and creates a blueprint with the necessary specifications for the hardware, software, people and data resources. In the design phase, the proponents made a plan on how to solve the problems specified by the requirement document. It is also in this phase where the proponents identified the modules to be developed on the software to produce the desired results. The study was from the concept of Transaction Processing System (TPS). The input starts when the employee log-in and log-out through barcode reader, in which the system will automatically read each barcode ID. The process inside the system includes the process being made between the employee and accounting department. The system computes the number of hours which the employee attendance by the Daily time Record (DTR), the attendance made as well as payroll.
The system also store and display data about how employee transact with the accounting department. The attendance report by the company was recorded in the database. All process being made is recorded in the system. As a log-in and log-out being processed by the system, it is capable of generating reports like the number of hour attends; taxes, net par and gross pay as well as salary. This process will serve as a summary of information from the system as an attendance monitoring.
- Conceptual framework
The team must also have knowledge regarding Payroll system how they work and processes involved inside attendance monitoring with payroll system. - Software Requirements
These are the software requirements of the system. The proponents used Windows 7 as their Operating System and Visual Studio 9 as their programming language. In their system database, the proponents used MySQL for storing of data and information. - Hardware Requirements
There are two hardware requirements for the study. The processor of the computer must at least be Pentium IV and the RAM memory is 1GB. Barcode reader will be used to scan the barcode image printed in the employees ID.
1. System Analysis
The proponents must analyze the company's problem in order to design a system based on the needs of the company. They identified the company’s problem and specify a solution according to the problem. The proponents conducted interview and gathered information about the process under existing system of the company.
2. System Design
The proponents designed a computerized system on attendance monitoring and payroll system. The number of hours will be recorded to the computer-based log-in and log-out system database. If an employee scans his/her Identification Card (ID), the system will record his/her log-in time and when the employee logs-out, the employee will scan again his/her I. D. Then when the payday comes, the accountant will release the pay slip of the employees.
3. System Development
The proponents had six (6) months to do the research. In the first two months, the team gathered all the needed information for the study. On the third month, the team made the system’s flowchart and program flowchart. The third and fourth months, the team did the encoding of program, the making and designing of the database, connecting the barcode device to the system and database. On the fifth and sixth months, the system was evaluated and tested according to its function. The proponents expected the barcode reader was to be more or less than Php 2,000. 00
After the planning stage, gathering of relevant information, making and debugging the program and after six consecutive months of making the study, the computerized log-in and log-out was developed. The performance of this system will be tested by conducting lot of testing for trial and error. The system was evaluated by the company.
Chapter III System planning
The problem was in the Attendance Monitoring and Payroll System. The company was using a Bundy Clock for their Attendance monitoring of the employees. The Bundy clock will not run if there’s no time card. The problem occurs when the records of the Attendance is being process for their Payroll System. When the payroll was process, they will record the attendance of each employee manually. So, the attendance records of the employees save manually and it takes a lot of time consuming to do that. The other problem is the space need to store the used time cards. In the payroll system, they compute manually depend on the level of the salaries and deductions of each employee.
Anticipated Business Benefits
The company benefits to be obtained from the new system for Attendance Monitoring for Payroll System for CycleMar Caloocan Corporation are to integrate its technological component.
More immediate benefits include the following:
- Computerized attendance Monitoring System
- Reduce data redundancy
- User friendly Monitoring System for Payroll System
- Easy to identify records
- Have a database server to support the monitoring and payroll records
- Secure records and information of the entire system
- Have a data report
- Process transaction efficiency
Chapter IV System analysis information gathering tool and techniques
A. Questionnaire
This questionnaire is distributed in order to gather information regarding the role of personality questionnaire in human resource processes as well as its advantages and disadvantages. Through your participation, the study will be able to make possible recommendations that will highlight the functions of personality questionnaire and the guidelines for its appropriate utilization. The following questions that you will read below pertain to your perception on the use of personality questionnaire in recruiting and appraising applicants or employees. Kindly encircle the number of your choice in answering this questionnaire. Please answer the questions as honestly as possible. Thank you very much for your cooperation.
B. Guide question
The specific guide question is relate from the CycleMar Caloocan Corp. The question is about the company’s Attendance Monitoring for Payroll System.
Our guide question for CycleMar Caloocan Corporation is the following:
- Who is the Owner of the company?
- What was the History of the company?
- What is the Organizational Chart of the company?
- What is the existing system of the company?
- What is the problem about the existing system of the company?
- When the problem of the system happened?
- Where the problem happened?
- What is the process of their attendance monitoring and payroll system?
- Who are involved in the system?
- How many are the employees?
- How many departments are there in their company?
- What Is a Time and Attendance Tracking Method?
Description of the proposed system Cyclemar Caloocan Corporation uses a Bundy clock to record the attendance monitoring of the employees. In this reason we are urged to create a computerized attendance monitoring with payroll system that will record the attendance of the employees’ time-in and time-out of every department for also the processing of the salary. Solutions to problems Create a computerized attendance monitoring with payroll system that record fast and accurate employees’ attendance. The manual system losses its data from the previous records so the proponents were urged to create a long term archive of data that will benefit the company in the future.
Losses of materials is an everyday routine and cannot be eliminated but according to our research and own observations the losses that the company was getting for this past years can be minimize by creating a proper designation of materials to every staff, in that way each material can be properly monitored during a certain event.
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Attendance Monitoring with Payroll System. (2018, Jan 16). Retrieved from
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