Airplanes: Who Invented Them?

Last Updated: 19 Apr 2023
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Wilbur and Orville Wright were both born in Dayton, Ohio. They both grew up with a passion for science, but both never attended college. In 1889, they started a newspaper together and then in 1892 they opened a bicycle shop. Then, after a long period of studying aeronautics, they finally flew their newly invented airplane for fifty-nine seconds, soaring at around 852 feet. There their legacy became put in stone as the creators of flight. Their airplane was made out of wood, covered in fabric, and its right-wing was four inches longer than the left.

This invention has changed society as a whole today because air transportation is extremely popular and efficient. We now use airplanes for travel, shipping, and war. In fact, according to the efficient. We now use airplanes for travel, shipping, and war. In fact, according to the Federal Aviation Administration, there are 5,000 aircraft in the sky at any given time.

Commercial airplanes have become an extremely common form of transportation with around 26,530 passenger flights in the United States daily. Air shipping has also become increasingly popular with around 10.9 million freight tons shipped last year. The United States air force has over 5,000 military aircraft and around 318,000 active duty. Airplanes have changed society, all thanks to the Wright Brothers.

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Textile Troubles

The working conditions of textile factories are horrible, employees from the industrial revolution reported. Working conditions had changed from before versus after the revolution. The new weaving and spinning inventions had made weaving much more efficient and quicker, causing the production of clothes to incline at a jaw-dropping pace. This made textile factories a common workplace because now clothes were not as expensive and could be sold for cheaper.

So when families poured into the cities looking for jobs, many women found work in these factories. However, the work was tedious and the pay was extremely low. This was common during this era, in fact, many people worked around fifteen hours every day only to bring in deficient wages. However, women and children received half the amount of wages as men did for the same work.

Not only was the pay horrible, but the work was strenuous. The doors would remain locked until it was time for the break and doing anything except your job (such as talking) was not allowed in most companies. Most factories were also agonizingly hot due to improper ventilation systems and because of the cramped working conditions. Also, the spinning and weaving machines in textile factories were often extremely dangerous. Many workers were injured because the machines were unsafe. If a worker was injured from a machine at their work, the worker would just be fired, stop receiving their wages and no medical bills would be paid through the factory.

Workers also experienced a significant lack of rights and were treated unjustly. Many of the textile factory owners loved the capitalist government style because they were making a large profit from their factories. And to make a larger profit, many factory owners paid their workers much less than what they were earning. At the time, there were no minimum wage laws so owners could do whatever they wanted such as hiring children. Thus, child labor was introduced because children could be paid less than adults. Thankfully, we now have laws that regulate factories to make them more fair and safe.


The Industrial Revolution, like everything, had both positive and negative effects. While I believe that it was mostly positive, there were still many negative effects. For example, the working conditions during this time were terrible. The employers set wages ridiculously low and the workers were forced to work extremely long days. Machines in the factories were very unsafe, especially for children who were working in the factories for even less pay than their parents.

The living conditions at this time were as bad as the working conditions. Many people lived in tenement houses which were extremely cramped and very dirty. Even though tenement houses were very small, they had to hold between five to nine people so it was always very crowded. The houses did not have indoor plumbing or running water which caused them to be dirty.

In spite of all this, I still believe that the Industrial Revolution was good. The Industrial Revolution brought about lots of new technology like the steam engine, the cotton-spinning wheel, and much more. These new inventions made everyday life easier and most tasks more efficient.
The Industrial Revolution also caused the Agriculture Revolution which helped Great Britain grow as a country. New farming tools, techniques, and fertilizers were created which increased the number of crops produced.

Since the Agriculture Revolution allowed more food to be produced more quickly, the population grew rapidly. Many farming jobs were also available, which helped grow the economy.

The Industrial Revolution made people's lives better as well as longer. Better medicine was created which allowed people to live for a longer time. The life expectancy for men went up by 14 years and 15 years for women. The number of babies that died at birth went down from 65 percent to 15 percent. The reasons above are most likely the reasons why the population in Great Britain went up from 7 million to 37 million between 1750 and 1900.

As you can see, the Industrial Revolution had lots of good and lots of bad. Many people think the good was not worth the bad, but I disagree. I believe the new technology and elevated way of life that resulted from the Revolution was worth it all.

Works Cited

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  6. "Industrial Revolution Working Conditions." Industrial Revolution Working Conditions, History on the Net, 13 Apr. 2018,
  7. "International Aviation Developments Series." US International Air Passenger and Freight Statistics September 2017, U.S. Department of Transportation, Mar. 2018,
  8. Poddar, Ankur. "Working and Living Conditions." The Industrial Revolution, 2017,
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  11. "The Wright Brothers.", A;E Networks Television, 5 May 2015,
  12. "Working Conditions in the Industrial Revolution." History Crunch - History Resource for 21st Century Teachers and Learners!, History Crunch, 2018,

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