Making “Maus” Into a Graphic Novel

Category: Adolescence, Culture, Maus
Last Updated: 25 Apr 2023
Pages: 5 Views: 194

“Maus” is a graphic novel of the story of the survivor at world war two. It shows a very serious topic through graphics, Some people criticized that Spiegelman, the author, shouldn’t use graphics to explain such a solemn story to the readers when at that time all the graphic book readers are teenagers and the measures of standard of literacy attainment is novel. However, I will agree that the author uses a form of graphics to introduce the story in this anyway. “Mans" was first published as a serialized comic strip“I which allows more teenagers who don't interested in this type of serious event as survivors of the holocaust to read and understand. “Maus” publishing elevated graphic novels' status into a higher standard. It finished serializing in the year 1991, in 1992, immediately it 2 won prices.

After awarding, people know that comic books are not only a way of pastime but also take on social study for the next generation. What‘s more, Art Spiegelman's composition is so exquisite that the reader’s imaginative thinking develops, his paintings make people feel touched. From these terms, we can say the author‘s decision to create “Maus” as a graphic novel is the best option. In the first place, “Maus” used graphics to show the teens a cruel but true story while some of the teenagers won't choose this category to read, it helps them better understand the severity of events. Some old don’t want to mention the past in the war to their next and next generation, they think it is cruel to let their grandchildren know how enormous can humanity crisis be.

They used to protect their offspring by hiding facts, the crimes they did fade away from the memory, thus teenagers always won’t get interested in the history of war, just like Vladek said on page 14 “and no one wants to hear such stories." However, by the form of strips, teenagers are easy to reap knowledge about World War even if adults hide it from them. On one hand, “Maus” can change their point of view about war and the people who struggle at wartime. On the other hand, teenagers have the chance to face the serious scene because the graphics are on the book; despite sometimes their knowledge doesn‘t enough to support their structured imagines, the form of graphics, however, teenagers have easier chance to understand the content and willing to know what ‘5 coming next to the characteristic.

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As time goes by, young readers really learned the knowledge about the events happened in history. It is precise because of its important significance in education that it proves the status of the graphic novel. Different from other graphic novels, “Maus” describes a serious story with vivacious graphs, which shows how big the courage of art can be too, the result attracted much attention to this type of artistic creation, It is rare to see this type of comic story to tell some serious topic relates to Nazi, which no one wants to mention this dark history when the frivolous illusion is given to all the people on the world at that period. There are seldom people who believed that being a comic book author is a profession till now, not to mention in the 20th century, especially when the warjust ended. 0n pgl106, when Art and Anja are talking about his works, Artie said, “he doesn’t even look at my work when I stick it under his nose."‘21 The scares of war still remaining in all people '5 mind, they more or less choose to avoid topics related to the war.

When everybody believes the twilight of the new world is coming, notwithstanding Art Spiegelman used his sketching to show us the “reality" which has the probability of never appeared in the world again That influenced more than the same category novels posted in the magazine, Some professionals even claim Maus's influence in the New York cartooning community“. It bravely becomes a pioneer in the field of the graphic novel, additionally, it elevated the whole field into a serious realm. Likewise, “Maus” won many literary awards at one year, which affirmed Art Spiegelman’s achievements in profile. Moreover, “Maus” is a graphic novel that changes the view of people about the graphic novel, it is such a breathtaking graphic novel with such a resume full of honor, An Spiegelman originally can write it into a common fiction. Conversely, he chose to used graphic to confide the information of his lather and himself.

Therefore, he got the prizes that are meaningful to everybody — “Pulitzer prize special citations and rewards (1992)" and “American book awards (1992)" 1992 is an unusual year in which Maus got two rewards from the public media, it serialized from 1980 to 1991, when all the sections finished in 1992. The deserved price immediately is given to Art to award his creature. There isn't any other graphic novel like “Maus” won awards so quickly and effectively. The reason for “Maus” not only because of the story which the author appears to us but also because of the amazing usage of graphic features. Nevertheless, Art Spiegelman proficient used of different graphic features that enhance the style of work, Unlike other graphic novels, the unique pan of “Maus” in the form of narration. With the flashback of war, the version that Vladek told stories about himself is inserted with the reality of the chatting between father and son.

The narration focus and perspective of different directions, Art Spiegelman took a great place to create the composition of different panels. For example, in p90, Vladek has three panels to finish what he has to say. During this period, Vladek's posture and expression did not change at all, but the camera of that panel was zoom in with Vladek's face was enlarged in the frame, which was intended to create a visual impact as an emphasis. The same technique is repeated on page 103‘“, the scene after Art knew his mother's suicide, there is no facial expression on Artie’s face, only tears are going out of his eyes, which creates a visual impact.

Additionally, on page 90'", there is a classic editing technique often used in the film: from a vista of the square to a panoramic view of the crowded crowd to a mid-shot of the lower half of the barbed wire (a close-up of two passports outside the frame). Spiegelman did a great picture» Connection conforms to people‘s psychological expectations, from the background of a large scene to the specific story plot, making the narrative story fluency and complete. One panel of Art Spiegelman can show the readers strong emotions, that is not easy for the author to write an emotional paragraph. Success of “Maus” is not only because of graphic form is easy to receive people’s favor, but also the author put in a lot of effort to make this novel perfect and get such high praise.

In the form of the graphic novel, what Artie is willing to show to the teens is clearly show off. Various types of people admit “Maus” through the device of graphic, which shows got the original value of this work future more. People approve the features of authors, moved by the scene he painted, is where the value would be. The feeling the readers get can’t be standard by rules, not to mentions, the feelings that readers get are what Art Spiegelman expects; he exactly describes what he thought he needs to describe. The best form of telling this story is the way of author used consequently, which is An Spiegelman's decision, to create “Maus” as a graphic novel.

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