Western Civilization and the Greeks

Last Updated: 19 Apr 2023
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There were many contributions to western civilization from the Ancient Greeks. Many roots of the civilization we have today can be traced back to the Ancient Greeks. They made long lasting contributions in the areas of art, architecture, philosophy, math, drama, and science. If the intelligent thinkers of the Ancient Greeks such as, Socrates, Aristotle,and Hippocrates never challenged the way Greeks lived many of the ideas we have today would have never been established. The Greeks made contributions in modern day art, architecture and philosophy. ”The unexamined life is not worth living. (Document #1) This was a quote spoken by Socrates, an Ancient Greek philosopher. He was suggesting by this quote that if you don’t look at life in a different perspective why bother living it. “Since human reason is the most godlike part of human nature... ” (Document #2) This was a quote spoken by Aristotle, and Ancient Greek Philosopher. He believed about human nature that making deals or reasoning was the best human quality and separated us from others. “Nor do I think your orders were so strong that you, a mortal man, could overrun the gods‘ unwritten and unfailing laws... (Document #6) This was an except from Sophocles‘ play Antigone. The values expressed in this play are that the gods are more powerful then humans and that the gods law are not written down but overpower written human law. The picture of the Parthenon in document #7 shows how specific features of that building influenced Western Civilization. The pillars and the shape of the building showed a sense of power and the actual architecture used in the Parthenon is still used today in places like the White House and Lincoln Monument.

The picture of The Discus Thrower sculpture in document #8 reveals things about Greek values and shows an olympic event that is still used in modern times. This statue shows that the Greeks were very athletic people. The olympics sill influence p[people today by bring a competition throughout the countries of the world like a peaceful war. The Greeks also made contributions in modern day science, math, and government. “As for social standing, advancement is open to everyone, according to ability. ” (Document #3) This was an excerpt from Pericles‘ Funeral Oration. In this, Pericles is describing the perks and benefits of aving a Democracy. He was hoping for all citizens to prosper because of this new government. “I will give no deadly medicine to anyone if asked, nor suggest any such [advice]... ” (Document #4) This was a excerpt from Hypocrites, an Ancient Greek doctor and philosopher, Hippocratic Oath. In this he was promising to always give the best treatment to anyone that seeks help. This is still used by doctors today. “Proposition 15, THEOREM: If two straight lines cut one another, the vertical, or opposite, angles shall be equal. ” (Document #5) This was an excerpt from Euclid’s Elements. Euclid was an Ancient Greek Mathematician.

His impact on modern day is that his ideas are the basis for our geometry/math. There were many contributions to western civilization from the Ancient Greeks. The Greeks have made contributions in many areas such as art architecture, philosophy, science, math, and government. Many roots of modern day ideas can be traced back to the Ancient Greeks. Mainly back to the philosophers such as Socrates, Aristotle and the mathematician Euclid. If these people never would have though differently and looked at life from a different perspective then many ideas we live by today may not be present.

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Western Civilization and the Greeks. (2017, Dec 30). Retrieved from https://phdessay.com/western-civilization-and-the-greeks/

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