Value Alignment
Starbuck's Value Alignment BUS 475 Starbuck's Value Alignment Aligning organizational values with the organization’s actual plans and actions provides a formula for success. Decisions made through the planning process are more effective if the values of the organization are a part of the process. The values of Starbucks are the core of daily operations of the organization. Oftentimes, organizational values are aligned with the personal values of the customers, defining the social responsibility of the organization.
Team C analyzes personal and workplace values, explaining how these values correlate to the actions and behaviors of the Starbucks organization. Analyzed Origins and Evolution of Personal and Workplace Values A company’s core values are the foundation for success of their business. The business does require a good product, placement, people, and promotion, but at the heart of the company are the values and principles it believes in. Starbucks formulated its Mission Statement and Guiding Principles in 1990 and are the roots of its culture and serve as the guide for its partners.
At the core is the philosophy of being truly committed to holding each other accountable for their actions. This is supported by a communication system that is designed to give everyone a voice. This provides ownership at all levels and a responsibility for all employees to be a part of the success. The six Guiding Principles outline the values that Starbucks works toward achieving. First, provide a great work environment and treat each other with respect and dignity. The second principle is to embrace diversity. Third, apply the highest standards in purchasing, roasting, and fresh delivery of coffee every day.
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The fourth principle is to develop enthusiastically satisfied customers. As a fifth principle, Starbucks contributes positively to the communities and the environment. Last, recognize that profitability is essential to success. These values are the governing elements of the workplace at Starbucks. Individual Values One’s individual values will have an influence on his or her actions and behaviors. Some values will determine why someone acts the way he or she does and how he or she would respond. For example, if a person is very determined, he or she may become a workaholic. If a person believes in integrity, he or she will probably be honest.
A company tries to find individuals who share the same commonalities. Starbucks has an ethical standpoint of trying to please the customers by providing excellent products and service. Starbucks hires friendly and hardworking employees to represent the business. Values, Actions, and Behaviors Values, actions, and behaviors all have a shared alignment. The values are what drive employees to make sound decisions that will positively affect their actions and behaviors. If an employee did not share the same values, his or her actions and behaviors may represent how the company and employee share opposing values.
For example, if an employee did not care about customer satisfaction, he or she would act irresponsible and aloof. This would make management unsatisfied because they do not share the same values. An employee who shared the same values would try to work hard and would treat customers nicely. An employee’s values can easily be interpreted by how he or she acts and responds to people. Stated Values versus Actual Actions Starbucks mission is “to inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time” (Starbucks, p1).
With more than 17,900 stores and thousands of employees, not to mention a high customer loyalty and approval Starbucks is achieving just that every day. Not only is the quality of the product important but also the conditions in which the coffee is grown, it is needs to be environmentally sound as well as good working conditions for the laborers who grow it. In the years 2007 through 2010, they were recognized as one of the “World’s Most Ethical Companies,” in the years 2009-2010 they were named the “Most Ethical Company, European Coffee Industry,” and in 2010 one of the “Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World” (Starbucks).
These awards prove that there is a direct alignment with their stated and actual values. What Starbucks values, and has been proven, is its commitment to the employees of which they call partners. By showing the commitment of a good work environment Starbucks is rewarded with a friendly and knowledgeable staff. All employees, both full and part-time alike can obtain health insurance, a benefit that is almost unheard of from a part-time standpoint.
The following awards have be given to Starbucks proving the actions of their stated values, one of “The 100 Best Companies to Work For” FORTUNE – 1998–2000, 2002–2010, one of the “Most Admired Companies in America” FORTUNE – 2003–2010, One of the “Best Places to Work for LGBT Equality” The Human Rights Campaign – 2009-2010 (Starbucks). Our Values and Organization Values Starbuck’s Coffee Company admits, every once in a while, every organization makes a bad judgment. However, what separates Starbucks from other organizations is their value-driven willingness openly to evaluate their actions.
For example: Starbuck’s President Orin Smith States, ‘The first hour after September 11, 2001 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, a Starbuck’s employee in New York sold a bottle water to paramedic. Starbuck’s meant to donate the water the employees made a mistake. When Starbuck’s president learned of the error he immediately called the paramedic and the public relation team to issue a news release apologizing and reimbursing the paramedics. He ensured that Starbuck’s employees were donating water, coffee, and other products to rescue workers and to the injured. As Team C analyzes the degree of alignment between personal values and the organization values as reflected by the organization plan and actions, Starbuck’s values are parallel to personal values. The team agrees with Starbuck’s eagerness to admit their mistake and captivating actions to correct them. This confirms that Starbucks is value-driven and stands behind their mission and values statement. Team C found no dissimilarity in personal values and Starbuck’s values because employees and customers agree with Starbuck’s providing a great work atmosphere and treating each other with dignity and respect. Conclusion
The guiding principles of Starbucks, as revealed above, outline the values of the organization. Aligning the personal values of potential employees with those of the organization, allows Starbucks to hire quality candidates that enhance the business. Starbucks calls these employees partners and continues to grow as an organization receiving rewards as being one of the best companies to work for. References Starbucks Coffee Company, (2011). Assets. Retrieved from http://assets. starbucks. com/assets Starbucks Coffee Company, (2011). Company Information. Retrieved from http://www. starbucks. com/about-us/company-information
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