Stages of Development Argumentative Essay
Unit 2: Development From Conception To Age 16 years. Task 1: Page 345 Sensory Development P2. 1) During my placement I had set out an activity which helped promote the children aged 4-5’s Sensory Development, by getting them involved in making a Dragon Mask. My role in this activity was to cut out pieces of materials of different colours so the children can use different kinds to make their mask and it also involved me getting the children introduced to a different culture, and to use different types of materials to make the Dragon Mask.
P2. 2) I encouraged the children to get involved by making a mask myself and showing them how to do it, so that they could see what kind of different materials I used to make it. Plus when one child got involved the other children would watch, this made them want to get involved too. P2. 3) During this activity the children involved were developing their fine motor skills by moving their hands and arms whilst they were sticking and gluing onto the mask template.
The activity was very effective as the children got to feel the different textures of the different materials and by the smile and the involvement I could tell the children had enjoyed this activity as most of them asked if they could make another. From this experience I have gained more knowledge and this has showed me how my chosen method worked well with the children. The activity was very effective as most the children enjoyed it; from this I had acknowledged that future activities should be more like this.
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Physical Development P2. 1) During my placement I had helped set up a physical activity which was centred upon children of the age 4-5, during the children’s P. E session. I helped out by planning how to set the benches and mats out in the hall. My role in this activity was to actually place the benches in different ways so the children can travel along the benches, my role also involved helped the children change from their school uniforms to their P.
E clothes. The activity involved the children to go across from one side of the bench to the other by not just walking, e. g. sliding their bottoms across, and once they got off the benches they would land on a mat which is placed on each sides of the benches (for safety reasons) and do a somersault to show off their physical skills. But before I had let the children do this I had got the children to form an orderly queue so they each have a turn. P2. ) During my placement I encouraged all the children to get involved by showing them what kind of ways they could travel across the benches. I also praised each individual child on how well they travelled along the benches; this made the children feel they’d want to do it again and again. P2. 3) During this activity the children learnt to use their gross motor skills a lot and develop their gross motor skills as they were using their muscles to move across the benches and also by doing some sort of forward somersault or jump etc. Task 2: Page 345 P2. ) During my placement I have been working with children aged 4-5 and have dealt with the children’s behaviour, as one of the child’s I have come across in my setting comes in everyday with a different attitude. I had told this child to get ready to line up for dinner time but she was not listening, and during registration time she had not been listening either as she was shouting out. So to deal with the child’s behaviour I had not let her go for lunch and told the child that until she was ready to sit down quietly and listen she will not be allowed to go for lunch.
After 5 minutes she had eventually calmed down and then apologised for her behaviour. P2. 5) From this situation I had learnt to deal with these types of behaviour in a calm attitude. By ignoring the child till the child realises that he/she is doing something wrong. Write a reflective account of how you gave positive and sensitive support P2. 4) Reflect on how you supported the child/children P2. 5) Evaluate your person learning from giving support
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