Sacrifice, Love, and the Purpose of Life in The Five People You Meet in Heaven
Have you ever wondered what heaven looks like? "The Five People You Meet In Heaven" is an extraordinary novel about a man named Eddie and his journey through heaven. During the beginning of the novel Eddie is a maintenance man at an amusement park called Ruby Pier. He believed his whole life that his job was useless and he wanted to leave. When Eddie arrives in heaven he learns five extremely important lessons. The three most valuable lessons that Eddie learned in heaven were, Sacrifice we all make them, Love you don't lose it, it just takes a new form, and everyone's life has a purpose.
To begin, Eddie learned the lesson that everyone makes sacrifices, from his captain in the war. Eddie learns this lesson through a story about how the Captain lost his life to get the rest of the group out alive. The Captain made the biggest sacrifice of all by giving his life. If it wasn't for his sacrifice they all would have died that day. In the same fashion, parents make sacrifices by putting their kids into sports. Many sports require driving to get to the activity so many parents have to take time out of their day to drive their kids to practices or games rather than do something they want to do. Not only does Eddie learn that sacrifice is a virtue from the Captain but he also learns that love is never lost from Marguerite.
In addition to Captain Eddie learned that you don't lose love it just takes another form from the love of his life Marguerite. When Eddie arrives at his fourth person Marguerite, she tells him something he would never forget. "Lost love is still love. It just takes another form". What she means in this quote is that if you lose a loved one the love you had for them is still there in memories. Furthermore, this logic applies to the real world as well. Many people think that if they lose a loved one the love and connection they had with them is broken, but it's not broken it's still there with you in memories that you will never forget. Subsequently, Eddie learned that everyone's life has a purpose from Tala.
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The fifth and final lesson that Eddie learned in heaven, which is the most important,is that everyone has a purpose. When Eddie meets his fifth person Tala she tells him that his job at Ruby Pier wasn't pointless, it was very important. If it wasn't for Eddie maintaining those rides and keeping them running smoothly thousands of people would have died. Furthermore many people forget about the importance of garbage collectors or garbage men. There are various jobs that are looked down upon as bad or unimportant but if it wasn't for them our society would be a mess. Everyone has a purpose is the fifth and most important lesson that Eddie leams in heaven
"All endings are also beginnings" is a wonderful quote in the novel "The Five People You Meet In Heaven". We all make sacrifices, love is never lost but instead turns into memories, and we are all have a purpose are all immensely valuable lessons that Eddie learns in heaven.
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Sacrifice, Love, and the Purpose of Life in The Five People You Meet in Heaven. (2023, Feb 21). Retrieved from
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