Role of Young Minds in Shaping India’s Path Towards
Essay Title Role of Young Minds in shaping India’s path towards becoming a Superpower Name : Dhruv Tripathi College Name : University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun Course : B. A. LL. B. 3rd Semester E-mail : dhruv28tripathi@gmail. com Introduction Young generation now has a lot of responsibility in making India a Super Power. We have done well in certain aspects; however, we need to go a very long way still. The growth in GDP, growth in Exports, employment opportunities, increase in literacy, reduction in poverty etc. itself cannot make India a Super Power. Many would agree that India is rich, but, Indians are poor.
We need to manage the growth properly and we need to ensure that all Indians prosper and Human Rights are protected. The increasing gap between rich and poor is not good for the country and it results in revolution one-day and system will get affected if people resort to extremism. It is very important to concentrate on infrastructure development in the Country in order to attract FDI and in order to support Industry which creates plenty of employment opportunities. But, there won’t be any meaning for the development unless we are able to provide certain basic things to the citizens of this country.
In India, with cast playing a big role and with lot of poverty and as every citizen has a right to vote, there is scope for muscle power and money power in politics rather ability and commitment to serve the people. The younger generation can not stay away from politics just because politics are corrupt and they should be mature enough to understand things and to serve the people. There are many issues we need to concentrate and it is the responsibility of younger generation to take the challenge and to act in a matured way rather resorting to extremism or pessimism.
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I would like to express my views on few challenging issues in this country : Youth into Politics: Many people criticize politicians so easily and we talk about political corruption very frequently rather thinking towards the solution. I do believe that great people in this country did think about the ways to reform our politics. We have brought some reforms to Peoples Representative Act, we are discussing about the tendency of buying votes, not allowing people with criminal background in contesting elections and also about State funding.
I have heard a discussion on public funding of political parties, but, I know that it is very difficult to deal with this issue too and even drafting a regulation providing public funding will not be any easy issue and it will lead to so many other complications. Great people have concluded that the public funding will not solve the problem of election expenditure. Many also opine that spending lot of money in elections and buying votes may not guarantee success, however, not spending money in elections can guarantee defeat. This is a fact.
As such, I we need not think too much about this issues and Election Commission is there to enforce its regulations and it will be doing its job. Media: Media is no more independent now and the people are not in a position to rely on media reports unless the issues is disused clearly. Media can do so many things really and it can reform this society. However, they are very busy with their issues and keeping their TRP ratings intact. They say that they need not have a responsibility and they can not do charity. There is a merit in the argument of media too, but, public interest is above all.
However, it is very difficult to regulate media and there should be awareness among the people that what media says need not be correct. The issue is very important and we need to find ways as to how to prevent the media in damaging society and as to whether it is possible to regulate the media. Education & Health Care: Today many software engineers and other educated employed in good companies taking good remuneration. Many of these did study in Government Schools and colleges and they did struggle with poverty.
Despite the poverty and other issues, they could grow and achieve positions in life now. However, now, these software engineers employed in good companies and taking good remuneration finding it difficult to get their children educated. If this is the situation for the educated and employed, then, what about people living below poverty line? Still, in this country, substantial number of people lives Below Poverty Line. I strongly believe that we can not get away with this Education and Health Care through Schemes and Privatization.
State Governments have a big role to play in imparting education and in providing Health Care. Our Governments have lot of money in their hands now with industrial and overall growth, but, they spend all the money towards achieving their political agenda. If this country can not provide education to the people Below Poverty Line at free of cost, then, we may have to pay a very heavy price for that and we will also see internal revolution. It is such a sensitive issue now and we can not ignore this. Agriculture Farmers do face lot of difficulties with the middlemen.
The problems of our farmers to be understood and State Governments should give utmost priority as to how to protect our Agriculture. We can not ignore our Agriculture which provides livelihood to majority of Indians even now either directly or indirectly. Our State Government Agri Departments should function efficiently addressing the problems of the farmers from time to time. We need to maintain a modest Agri growth while focusing on the Industrial Growth. We need to concentrate on both. Legal System There is a lot of talk about our legal system.
How come we claim that we are developed unless our rights are duly protected with due process of law? We need not look at the role of Police, the investigation, the corruption in Police Department and other issues while we talk about legal system. Yes, we need good police men, investigators and we need to have a mechanism where the orders of the Court are implemented effectively and speedily. The role of Police and connected issues need not necessarily be merged while talk about legal reforms. Because, the police reforms are directly connected to politics and political leadership.
That’s a bigger issue. We need to have a serious look at our court infrastructure, the quality of judges, the work culture, and the quality of legal professionals, the procedural issues and other connected things. We can not ignore our legal system anymore. I know that there are complications in bringing reforms in our legal system. There can be resistance from the legal professionals when the Government or the authorities push forward certain reforms. But, we need not have a clear plan as to how to go ahead and we must be able to effectively deal with the resistance too.
Youth of this country should not be scared at the problems and we need to find solutions in order make our country a Super Power. There is no problem without solution and we need to find the solutions. Industrial Growth and the ‘Sustainable Development’ Environment is most important for the society and that is why even the developed countries talk so much about protection of environment. Industrial growth will have a define impact on environment; however, we cannot ignore the industrial growth if India needs to compete with the rest of the world and if India needs to reduce the rate of poverty.
It is also true that there can be people with vested interests who will always try to hamper the industrial growth. A careful balance is to be made in this regard. Youth of this Country should also be concerned at our environment and it’s the responsibility of any Government to protect the environment. There can be public pressure in the right direction and at the same time, people should be aware of the vested interest groups hampering the growth referring to environment. Transparency in all Government Departments
There is some change when it comes to functioning of Government Departments now. With technological revolution and with e-governance, many departments are computerized and we do not know as to whether the effort is sincere or an ‘eye-wash’. But, there is a change and we can know about the government, rules and regulations etc. through Internet now. This is a welcome change and Right to Information Act forces the public servants now to be transparent and to maintain the records properly, as otherwise, they will be fixed one day.
The corrupt officials in various Government Departments find various ways hampering the reform process. Many Government Departments are supposed to provide the vital information and information about complaining authority. However, we may not find this information and no one talks at the responsibility. The intention with which a provision is made to form Trade Unions is also being misused often leading to blackmailing Governments. Governments should be in a position to deal with any contingency of this kind and every department should have a clear plan as to how to counter these kinds of problems.
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