Piggery Business Plan

Last Updated: 20 Apr 2022
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piggery University of Technology, Jamaica Introduction to Entrepreneurship Course code: ENT3001 Lecturer: Dr. Horace Williams October 4, 2012 Group Members: Garyann Robertson - 1105821 Nastassia Rowe-1101791 Adrean Dawkins-1103471 Oneika Robinson-1102703 Vancine Brown-1100550 Darain Harris -1104783 Table of Contents Content| Page| Executive Summary| | Industry Analysis| | Definition of Market| | Purpose Of the Business Plan| | Business Feasibility| | Justification Of the Business| | Organization and Management| | Human Resources| | Operational Considerations| | Marketing Arrangement| |

Financial Considerations| | Implementation of Schedule| | Appendices| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Executive Summary The name of the business will be Argyle Mountain Piggery. In Jamaica rearing of animals for sale is a common business practice; many people enter into such ventures when quests for finding alternate employment prove to be futile. Most of these entrepreneurs do not recognize the immense potential such businesses have to succeed. The entrepreneurs of the proposed business realized an opportunity to build a profitable and successful pig rearing and selling business and took advantage of it.

The decision taken to embark on such a business can prove to be most profitable; the entrepreneurs recognized an opportunity which is the demand for the product and will seek to supply the potential market with pigs and pork and collect the profits to be had. The business’s focus will be on the sale of live pigs and pork, it will be concerned with the breading and rearing of pigs for consumption. The product that the proposed business opts to sell will be live pigs, dressed pig carcasses and pig offal. The business established will be a partnership; the venture will have six co-owners all of which will be general partners.

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The finances will be shared among the partners as follows: Oneika Robinson will contribute approximately 40% of the capital needed to start the business as she possesses the collateral that is required to receive loans. She will in turn be the major shareholder of the business. The other 60% of the capital needed will be shared equally among the remaining partners Darain Harris, Nastassia Rowe, Adrean Dawkins, Vancine Brown and Gary- Ann Robertson. A lawyer will prepare a partnership deed that will outline the specifics of the contract.

The business is a small private venture and has unlimited liability, each partner is fully liable for the debts incurred or profits gained. The business will be based in the rural district of Argyle Mountain located in the parish of Westmorland. The land on which the business will be situated was acquired from one of the partners, who is owner of the property. The small house on the property will be converted to a storage unit for feed needed for pig rearing. The property also has a nearby water source; water will be pumped to the pens for the pigs from this stream. This location is also secluded with no close eighbours; public nuisance from the operation of the business will be avoided. The entrepreneurs of Argyle Mountain piggery took advantage of an opportunity that presented itself on the market; explain. this business concept was developed out of the need for pork on the market. The entrepreneurs sort to address the demands for a reliable supply of pork as the competitors fail to satisfy this demand. The business is also situated at an opportunistic location close to the target market. The business, exemplary service and products will facilitate its growth and expansion.

Once a market for a product a business produces is available the business has a good chance to succeed. What will determine the faith of the business is how it is managed and operated. Definition of Business The name of the proposed business will be Argyle Mountain Piggery. The business’ focus will be on the sale of live pigs and pork. The business will be located in the community of Argyle Mountain in the parish of Westmoreland. Argyle Mountain Piggery is proposed to start with ten pig, four pens and a small storage unit where feed and the equipment and tools will be stored.

For the first six months of operation the business will have three employees where two will be working shifts on weekdays and the other on the weekend. As the business expands more man power will be employed. The venture will start as a small farm that shall expand as the pigs reproduce. Piggery will sell primarily to restaurants, local butchers and supermarkets. As the business it will seek out more lucrative clients such as hotels, or large cooperation’s such as Grace, Eve, Lasco ect. Contracts with such entities will bring additional revenue for further expansion.

By the end of the second year of operation the business is expected to double its out. By the end of year six of operations the business is expected to accumulate enough wealth to facilitate growth in the form of opening a new branch in St. Mary Jamaica. 6. 0 Justification of the Business Entrepreneurs creates something of value by pulling together resources, and in order for the venture to be worthwhile the entrepreneur should assume the economic, social and personal satisfaction or benefits associated with venturing in the business of choice. Economic Benefits

One of the economic benefits of operating a piggery is the opportunity to contribute to the society whilst gaining recognition for the effort. Operation of a business of this kind helps to contribute to the development and growth of the society in various ways such as: creating employment especially to those members of the community where the business is located, helping to improve the well being of such employees; the payment of taxes and contributing to the Gross Development Product (GDP), whilst helping to build the community as well. Social Benefits

The social aspect of a business is very much important seeing it involves the relationship between people. There are several social benefits to be gained from operating a business. Firstly there is a close personal contact with employees and customers, which makes good personal relationships with employees and owner creating a better understanding of customer needs. Also through the promotion and transaction of business potential clients and business partners are developed. Finally there is the opportunity to sponsor community events thus developing stronger relationships.

Personal Benefits It is said that although money is not the primary force driving most entrepreneur the possible profits the business will earn is a motivating factor in the decision to start the business. Owning a business also provides entrepreneurs the independence and opportunity to achieve what is important to them, also reaping the rewards of knowing that the driving force behind the business are them. Finally any modification of the business or its products and services are easily facilitated as well as fostering easy decision making. 8. Human Resources Human resource looks at the activities undertaken by an organisation to attract, develop and maintain an effective work force within the organisation. Some of the key factors of human resource is staffing which involves the selecting, training, developing, placing and orienting new employees, where they can be most productive. The entrepreneurs of Argyle Mountain Piggery realize how crucial it is to have an effective workforce in order to be better able to meet and even exceed the ever changing demands and needs of our target market.

Therefore it is of great importance to recruit the right individuals, who are able to interact with customers, provide good customer service and are able to contribute positively to the overall growth of the business. In addition employees have to be trained in order to meet up to the standards, goal and objectives of the organisation as well as ensuring that each employee is capable of performing the assigned tasks. The positions required are designed in the organizational chart.

In recruiting members of staff a number of methods will be employed; such functions would include job advertisements through electronic or printed media especially in the Argyle District community. Persons with the required qualifications and experience will be shortlisted and screened then the most suited and fit persons will be interviewed. Those recruited will be provided with the rules and operations of the business and these principles will be outlined in a worker’s manual provided; as well as through verbal briefings with regards to their job description.

A job analysis which will be performed to determine the job specifications for each assignment and subsequently the job descriptions will be developed. 8. 1 Training and Development There will be On the Job Training (OJT) as selected individuals will gain hands on and practical knowledge as they attempt to carry out their job tasks. Also there will be weekly meetings in order to have an effective performance evaluation which will be done to evaluate the weekly activities and to identify how best to improve the worker’s skills and abilities.

This will allow employees to gain constructive feedback with regards to deficiencies if any and assist in determining if employees are have the right behaviour and attitude to complete task towards achieving the goals of the organisation. 8. 2 Compensation In compensating employees their ability, education and skills should be considered as well as the task assigned to them. Therefore full-time employees will be remunerated based on their job functions and their responsibilities as well as the hours worked. They will also benefit from special discounts.

A revision of salary will be performed based on the rate of inflation and profitability of the business and will be revised by the Human Resources Management. 9. 1 Location The Argyle Mountain Piggery prospected location is the community of Argyle District in Westmoreland. Based on the feasibility study the demands is high for pork in Argyle District, as the community of Argyle Mountain and its surroundings consume about 2,053 pigs annually, which is equivalent to approximately 350,030 pounds of pork. 9. 2 Technical Requirements 9. 2. 1 Business Processes

Argyle Mountain Piggery is proposed to start with nine sows and one boar, four pens and a small storage unit for feed and the equipment and tools. For the first six months of operation the business will have three employees where two will be working shifts on weekdays and the other on the weekend. As the business expands more man power will be employed. Butcher shops are the main market for Argyle’s Pigs, and contracts will be made with these butchers as well to slaughter animals for the organisation in order to supply carcasses to other customers such as Restaurants, Meat shops and supermarkets. . 3 Equipment Required Argyle Mountain Piggery would be considered a retail business as pigs will be reared and sold to various consumers of the product. On the farm certain equipment and supplies are needed to carry out operations including: * Pig Feeding and Watering Equipment * Waste Disposal Equipment * Pest and Disease Control Supplies * Pig house cleaning Equipment * Pig Weight and Handling Equipment 9. 4 Suppliers of Raw Material

The farm supplies and equipment will be purchased at AgroGrace farm and garden centre as well as Rapid True Value which are both located at the Fairview Shopping Centre, Bogue Montego Bay. The stores are located at approximately half an hour from Argyle Mountain. Supplies can also be ordered on a monthly basis. 9. 5 Utilities 9. 5. 1 Electricity Electricity for the farm will be supplied by the Jamaica Public Service Company (JPS Co. ). There might be possible considerations of alternatives if cheaper such as a generator or solar energy to be a part of the going green concept for protecting the environment. . 5. 2 Water Water will be obtained from the National Water Commission (NWC) as well a river is located in the community which water could be taken from, carried and stored in a tank that could be utilized in the carrying out of more domesticated processes such as cleaning pens, flushing toilet facilities, washing equipment etc. 9. 6 Opening Hours The piggery will be in operation for seven days of the week from Sunday to Sunday. Purpose of the Business Plan In order to emphasize the issues and expectations of the Argyle Mountain Piggery, this business plan was prepared.

Blurred issues such as the target market, the aims of the business, the market segment and the proper pricing strategy will be addressed. These factors will aid the competitiveness of the proposed business and allow the future success of the venture. In doing the business plan the factors mentioned previously will be harmonized as the areas of weaknesses and strengths will be identified and also the prediction of possible problems before they might occur. The business plan however, will not be definite as there maybe future changes in the proposed business so the business plan will be made to accommodate these changes.

The business plan will also outline the duties and responsibilities of the professionals of the business which will give them a chance to concentrate their efforts on their specific tasks. A clear method of operation will be outlined to further guild the members of the proposed venture. Also the business plan is to be used as a reference for loans and investment funds that will be borrowed for the purpose of the proposed business as lending agencies will seek proof and a properly expressed idea before they invest money.

Also for the purpose of borrowing money, the business plan will outline a feasible method of obtaining capital for the repayment of the loan and also for the sustainability of the proposed venture. The business plan will also be used to attract new employees as well as new partners for the future expansion of the proposed venture as this expansion will trigger a bigger revenue as well as profit. ? Marketing Arrangements The market targeted by the Argyle Mountain Piggery would generally be supermarkets/ mini marts, public butchers attached to an abattoir, meat shops, restaurants as well as jerk establishments.

These establishments are singled out because of their basic operations would require the service the proposed business would provide. The characteristics of the pork being offered by Argyle Mountain Piggery will possess: soundness, muscling, free of excess fat, width of body, frame size, general appearance. Soundness - The pig’s soundness is determined by the amount of space the pig has to move as this will determine the amount of ‘exercise’ the pig will get. This will ultimately affect the overall muscle and fat development. This is important for the soundness as well as the appearance of the pigs.

A level-topped pig will have a more correct slope to its shoulder and legs and have an advantage in ease of movement. Muscle – Our pigs will possess two important things that contribute to the evaluating of its muscle are the amount and type of muscle as the grade of the pigs would have been carefully selected and bred to yield the best results for the quality. Freedom of excess fat - Excess fat on the finished product is not a desirable feature for customers with the exception of persons in the business of jerk as the fat is used as a part of the jerking procedure; therefore, pigs with very little fat should be ideal.

This can also be linked to the grade of the pigs; however the grade that is targeted by the proposed venture will help to solve this matter. Frame Size - Frame refers to the skeletal size of the pig. Frame size is determined by the grade of pigs. The grade of pigs targeted is of the Duroc and Yorkshire breed as these pigs have the desired skeletal frame and when breaded with one another will generate good results. The prices of the produce from the piggery will vary based on the orders received from the market. The pigs will be sold as either live weight of dead weight.

The offal will also be offered. With that established, a regulated pricing strategy must be employed. Pigs sold at live weight (average weight being 240 pounds) would be sold at $170. 00/lb while pigs sold at dressing/dead weight would be sold at $185. 00/lb. The offal will be sold at a price of $100. 00/lb. Specific cuts will also be priced at the dead weight price per pound. Discounted prices may be considered when over a certain amount of meat or pigs are purchased. The penetrating pricing strategy will be used to gain access to the market as well as to gain a loyal customer base.

The distribution of the products (meat) will be done via a refrigerated bus and the live pigs will be delivered to the respective clients using an open back, two (2) ton truck. However, the appropriate preparations will be made in the case of the client having an operational vehicle to do their own transport. Argyle Mountain Piggery would be advertised on a wide scale with much emphasis being placed on popularizing the business. Argyle Mountain Piggeries would take advantage of the new and innovative social networks to promote and advertise its services.

The Jamaica Yellow pages will also be considered as a source of advertisement. Newspapers advertisements will also be utilized. This will be done on a continually until a customer base is formed. Flyers will be distributed to allow persons to become aware of the new and upcoming business. The final promotional strategy will be via word of mouth from our developing customer base. However, this method is not necessarily directly related to the members of the business as we would rely on the satisfied customers to relate their satisfaction to potential clientele. Mission Statement

Argyle Mountain piggery aims to provide the best grade of pork and pigs to the community and its clients we aim to raise the standard of Jamaican pork and find more innovative ways to advertise the versatility of pig meat. Corporate Goals * To operate a sustainable and profitable business * To rare and sell high quality pigs * To expand in accordance to the growth of the business to accommodate three butcher shop and four distribution centres * Competitiveness of the business will be maintained by continuous market research into competitors and consumer demands. To achieve a contract with Grace and five major hotels in Jamaica * To appeal to a wider and more diverse target market in the Caribbean * To maintain a healthy and profitable relationship with members of the clients. The organization chart for Argyle Mountain Priggery Financial Manager Financial Manager Managing Director Managing Director Human Resource Manager Human Resource Manager Marketing Manager Marketing Manager Administrative Manager Administrative Manager Production & Operation Manager Production & Operation Manager Auxiliary staff Auxiliary staff Oneika (Managing Director)

Vancine (Financial Manager) Adrean Dawkins (Human Resource Manager) Gary-Ann Robinson (Marketing Manager) Derain Harris (Administrative Manager) Nastassia Rowe (Production & Operation Manager) The Role and Responsibility of Each Personnel Managing Director Their main responsibility is to provide strategic direction, an operating framework and an effective management unit. * Ensuring all resources are utilised * Establish objectives with employees in support of these plans in order to achieve current year profit targets whilst ensuring sustainable longer term growth and profitability. Ensure that the sales function across the business units maintains effective and profitable relationships with existing customers * Personally participating in major negotiations/discussions as required. * Ensure that the manufacturing and site management processes of the units employ best practice techniques to achieve maximum operational efficiency * Establish consistency in production standards * Ensure that the businesses purchasing function maintains an effective/mutually beneficial relationships with suppliers. * Ensure that the local purchasing function maintains effective relationships with customers.

Financial Manager Some of the main functions of a Finance Manager include: * Setting up financial goals and planning strategies to reach these goals, * Keeping a high check on profits and loss, * Monitoring cash flows * Developing procedures in order to minimize financial risk * decide how much of the company’s profits should be returned into investment * Paying taxes * Development and Implementation of financial policies and systems * Preparation of various financial reports * Monitor employment costs and productivity levels Develop and analyse information to assess the current and future financial status of business. * Establish procedures for the control of assets, loan collateral, and securities, in order to ensure safekeeping. * Evaluate data pertaining to costs in order to plan budgets. * Network within target area to find and attract new potential customer. * Approval and rejection of, lines of credit, personal loans. Human Resource Manager Human resource managers may perform the following tasks: * determine Monetary payments or wages and/or salaries determining a cost-effective pay structure that will attract and retain competent employees * Determining the proper incentive for employees to work hard * Oversee the maintenance of personnel records * Coordinate occupational health and safety programs * make sure of compliance with law * Responsible for the hiring of employees and the dismissal employees * ensure each person is qualified to perform hisher responsibility * Provide information about policies, job duties, working conditions, wages, and employee benefits * resolve disputes administering disciplinary procedures * ensure that pay levels of all employees are perceived as fair * responsible for the evaluation of employees performance Marketing Manager * Is responsible to promoting the product to the public * Establish advertising accounts for the business with clients and advertising agencies * Develop efficient ways of advertising the company * Developing and maintaining effective continuous marketing strategies Production & Operation Manager

It is concerned with managing the process that converts inputs (in the forms of materials, labour, and energy) * Review financial statements, sales and activity reports, and other performance data to measure productivity and goal achievement and to determine areas needing cost reduction and program improvement. * Ensuring that business is operating as efficiently as possible in terms of using as few resources as needed while maintaining the products quality * Concerned with overseeing, designing, controlling the process of production * To check that the machines and equipment’s are n good working condition. * Manage staff, preparing work schedules and assigning specific duties * To maintains the machinery and plant so that it produce quality work * Provide and implement strategies for a safe working environment * Monitor the businesses so that it stays within budgetary limits * Responsible for meeting customer request * Oversee hired personnel Administrative Manager He will supervise the day-to-day operation of the farm to see to it that: * The assets are in good condition The equipment for the farm is present and accounted for * To communicated with other partners in getting work done accordingly * Approving invoices. * Maintains professional and technical knowledge by attending educational workshops * This person is responsible for all the documentation of the company. He will organised and supervisor all the work to be done by the Administrative. Appendices Tools used in the feasibility study. Questionnaire Good day. The aim of this questionnaire is to determine the market for pork in the Argyle Mountain district and surrounding area.

Your honesty is greatly appreciated as it will help in establishing the feasibility of the proposed piggery. All information you provide will be held confidential. 1. What is the nature of the business you operate? a. Restaurant b. Supermarket c. Slaughter House d. Other__________________________ 2. How long have this business been operational? e. 1-3 years f. 4-6 years g. 7-9 years h. 10 years and over 3. How frequently do you buy pork/pigs? i. Weekly j. Biweekly k. Monthly l. Quarterly 4. What quantity of meat (dead/live) would you normally require per purchase? . Between 50-100lbs n. Betweent0100-500lbs o. Between500-1000lbs p. Other__________________ 5. In what manner would you prefer the pork products to be weighed? q. Live weight only r. Dead weight only s. Dead weight with offal t. Offal only 6. Indicate by ticking in the box provided what cuts of the pork you prefer? * Shoulder square cut * Loin, back and ribs * Leg and ham trim * Middle and rack * Rump and shoulder picnic * Whole pig/carcase 7. State the price per pound that you are prepared to pay for live meat? A. 100-130 B. 130-160 C. 60-200 8. State the price per pound that you are prepared to pay for carcase? A. less than $150 B. $150-$170 C. $170-$200 9. State the price per pound that you are prepared to pay for offal? _____________________ 10. Would you buy pork from a piggery based in your community? Yes No 11. If possible what duration of contract would you be prepared to enter into with the proposed business? u. 1-2 year v. 3-4 years w. 5 years and over x. Not interested 12. Who is your current supplier of pork/live pigs? ___________________________________ 13.

Do you currently have any problems with this supplier? Yes No If yes state the problem ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14. Would you prefer the pork you order to be delivered? YesNo Profile of Management Team Name: Adrean Dawkins Age: 19 Position: Human Resource Manager Qualification/s: BSc. Environmental Health Name: Oneika Robinson Age: 20 Position: Managing Director

Qualification: BSc. Environmental Health Name: Vancine Brown Age: 20 Position: Finance manager Qualification: BSc. Environmental Health Name: Nastassia Rowe Age: 21 Position: Production & Operation Manager Qualification/s: BSc. Environmental Health Name: Derain Harris Age: 20 Position: Administrative Manager Qualification: BSc. Environmental Health Name: Gary-Ann Robinson Age: 19 Position: Marketing Manager Qualification: BSc. Environmental Health Letter of Commitment form costumer DATE: __/__/__ BUSINESS NAME: I…………………. (Name) the current ……………………. Position in business), hereby commit to a contract with Argyle mountain piggery, to receive a monthly supply of live pig/pork from the company for a period ……. year. I therefore acknowledge that argyle Mountain piggery is my one and only supplier of pig related meat. My company will be responsible for the pick-up and delivery of the product, that will be picked up at every……….. days. The business will pay Argyle Mountain Piggery for it product at the start of every month. Signature of business manager…….. …………………… Signature of representative of Argyle Mountain Piggery……. …………………. Signature of Argyle Mountain Piggery manager……. …………………… Witness signature…………………………… Letter of Commitment to Supplier DATE: __/__/__ BUSINESS NAME: We the partners of Argyle Mountain Piggery, hereby commit to a contract with HI-PO, to receive a monthly supply of pig feeding from the company for a period five year. I therefore acknowledge that HI-PO pig feeding will be our one and only supplier of pig feeding for the stated time period. My company will be responsible for the pick-up of the product that will be picked up at every weekend.

The business will pay HI-PO for it product at the start of every month. Signature of sales manager…….. …………………… Signature of Administrative Manager of Argyle Mountain Piggery……. ……………………. Signature of Argyle Mountain Piggery manager……. …………………… Witness signature………………………… Meat Cuts that will be provided by Argyle Mountain Piggeries Label of Identification For Argyle Mountain piggery Promotional campaign As a new business vigorous and aggressive promotional and advertising strategy will be employed.

The proposed business will need to build up a reliable customer base before its official opening which will be ten months after operations begin. At this point in time the business will have a constant monthly supply of pigs. The most effective ways of informing the public and prospective customers of the proposed business is via popular radio programs on various radio stations such as mellow, love 101, ZIP etc; radio is the best means to advertise the proposed business because it has a vast audience, capable of reaching the target market as well as more potential customers.

It is also more affordable and practical than television. The internet is also a good avenue for advertising, popular websites and social networks such as Facebook and twitter will also be targeted for adverts since a substantial number of potential customers frequently visit these sites; it is also a means of free advertising and promoting. Ads will be placed in the Jamaica Yellow Pages, the national directory of the island. Advertisements will be placed in the Western

Mirror, Observer and Jamaica Gleaner; these media also have a large audience and will successfully reach prospective customers. Flyers will be designed and placed at strategic central point’s such as community notice boards and Bus Parks in order to promote the business. Within Month ten of operation the business will have its official opening. This mile stone will be marked by a cook out; this cook out will be arranged with the primary intention of swaying potential customers to be official clients of the proposed business; A cook out is an ideal promotional and advertising strategy.

Prospective customers will be given the opportunity sample the product; Pigs will be prepared whether jerked, stewed-, curry pork etc. they will be able to draw their own conclusion about the quality of the product and should most likely be impressed. Live pigs will also be on show to exhibit their superior qualities. Flyers and brochures will be distributed prior to this even to enable maximum turn out. Floor plan Feeding hole Feeding hole Feeding hole Feeding hole Feeding hole Feeding hole Feeding hole Feeding hole

Industry analysis It is estimated that pig production in Jamaica accounts for less than 2. 0% to the country’s gross domestic product. The industry provides direct employment of some 5900 persons, representing 3. 1% of the total agricultural labor force. However, only eleven per cent (13%) of pig farmers depends fully on pig production as a means of subsistence and finance. Pig production and marketing contribute to indirect employment and income through linkages with the food service industries and other services.

Argyle Mountain Piggery is a potential establishment which will be dealing with the rearing and catering of pigs. It will be located in the argyle mountain area where land is owned by one of the partners, and it will be catering for the people of Jamaica especially in the parish of Westmoreland. The base for choosing this site is that it is deemed accessible to all potential consumers and will boost marketing. The business will be equip will the required equipment in order to run such an establishment.

A pen will be build which will house the pigs until they are ready to be slaughtered or sold to the public, there will also be a storage unit which the feed and other material for the lifep of the pig will be stored and kept clear from contaminates, a shed will also be built in order to keep grounds equipment safe from looting. A slaughter house will also be built and measures put in place to keep it sanitary since the pigs will be killed in this designated place.

The major competitors to the proposed business includes Butcher Livingston and Green Grosser’s Meats and also other small scale pig farmers, however this would pose a challenge in finding consumers as these other competitors would have already been familiar and have loyalty with the consumers. The advantage which the proposed business would have is being close to the region to which most of the customers are located; this would almost guarantee our share of the market, due to ease of travel, accessibility, convenience.

Even though the amount of competitors are in the area are in a mid region most of them are on small scale, therefore they are likely to have a negative respond to this business venture. Given the fact that most of the competitors are on small scale, there is inconsistence in the service and product provision also poor customer services, unreasonably high prices and weak promotional strategies, so I strongly believe that the business can complete with the competitors. The Companies Act (Act of 2004) is the major regulatory laws that stipulate the proceedings of any organization within Jamaica.

There are subsidiary regulations that guide the process of registration of a business and the consequences that are attached to any offences that may be committed. It rules for the membership proceedings of the country and all that is attached to business laws. The Public Health Act also serves as a regulatory body as it relates to food handling and meat inspection. It states that each members of the business be administered with a food handler’s permit, and also the regulation to which slaughtering of swine and also the sanitary conditions of the business should be in.

Implementation Schedule. 1st 30 days before start of the business The 1st month before for the start up of the business would see to include the conception of the idea of starting the argyle mountain piggery and also look at the partners to which would be involved in the creation the business, after the visualization of this idea is complete the commencing of a feasibility study would be done in order to gain specific information to a conclusion would be drawn if the business is feasible or if it is not .

Next 20 days before start of the business After a feasibility study is done time will be spent in order to create a business plan which will be most suitable for the proposed business to be most effective, it will include information which will discuss topics such as marketing strategies/arrangement, industrial analysis, and also the purpose of the business . Next 29 days before start of the business

This period would be used to gain funds for the start up cost of the proposed business and the main source of these funds would be in acquiring a bank loan which would be repayable over a period of time, other funds would be gain via different mediums in order to successfully have enough capital to launch the proposed business. Next 50 days before start of the business

After the granting of a loan and accumulation of other funds from different sources, construction would begin, and these constructions would include; pig pen, 2 sheds, slaughter house, any other building that will be needed will be provided by a structure which is already on the premises. All of the construction that would be taken place would be on the land which is owned by one of the partners within in the business so no time would be wasted in search and buying/leasing land for use of the piggery.

Next 53 days before start of the business The livestock (pigs) which will be grown on the farm would have to be sourced before the opening of the proposed business so this would take some time as the best quality would need to be sought after before being bought. Time would also be needed to source equipment, material, feed and other farm supplies that will be used by the business as the most economical prices would be sought after. Also the hiring of staff would also be done to facilitate the business operations.

Next 2 days before start of the business These days would be needed to sort out and set up the equipment that would be used by the business, and also to make sure that all the necessary document are in place and up to date. Next 1 day before start of the business This would be the official launch of the business, meaning the doors would be open to customers and also sales would commence on this day Next 60 days after start of the business

This would be the period in which advertisements would be sent out seeking persons to work with the proposed business doing duties assigned to them, interviews are don’t in order to select the rite persons for the job. In this same period there would be a training period for the new and existing employees to ensure productivity is at a high. Next 21 days after start of the business These next days would be for normal operations but at the same time new partners or new investors would be sought; also strategies to attract new customers would be implemented and put into place in this time period.

Next 10 days after start of the business In this period the purchasing of supplies in order to continue running the business efficiently would be done in or to replenish what was used in the 1st place, depending of well the previous product was these days would be needed to get better products to be used by the business. Next 25 days after start of the business In these next up coming days, the business will try to source and buy equipment or jus try to make the business more efficient in its operations e. . implementing the nipple system for pigs which limits to loss of water. Next 17 days after start of the business These days will be used to fine tune who does what and when who does what, this will be done in order to build efficiency and also build a stronger working relationship as people would have jus began to settle down and get comfortable with each other. Gant Chart Business Feasibility

The findings of the feasibility study showed that there is a high demand for the Argyle Mountain Piggery, so when the proposed business is actually started, it is going to be very successful. This statement is based on the fact that eighty eight percent of the respondent said they were willing to support the proposed business. Also, Another reason for the expected success of Argyle Mountain is the fact that the demand for all parts of the pig are high, with dead weight at sixty percent, live weight at thirty three percent and dead weight with offal at seven percent.

The feasibility study that was carried out also equipped the operators with the knowledge that a large number of the prospective customers would want a reasonable amount of pork on a regular basis; so the demand will be great. The study also revealed the different part of the pig that the proposed buyers would like, so in this case the operators know the specific parts that the different customers want and would be able to satisfy their needs; thus adding to the success of the business.

When entering a business, there are some risks that come along with it. The business risks of proposed Argyle Mountain Piggery are the possibility of a recession, when there is a recession most of the potential clients are likely to spend less in purchasing from the Argyle Mountain Piggery; so there is a high possibility of failure. Other market risks that the piggery might experience include sales variation, which cannot be avoided. These may occur as a result of financial situations of the prospective customer. Therefore sales may fluctuate.

A decrease in sales means difficulties in financing fixed costs such as wages, rent and other overheads. A difficulty will also be faced in maintaining the business, as the cost of the raw materials is very high. Another business risk is that of the fluctuation of currency, the Jamaican dollar is losing value on a daily basis therefore the cost to purchase most foreign currency is very high. A constraint will also be placed on the profitability of the business due to the high interest rates at which most banks in Jamaica lend money.

So borrowing money at those high interest rates will cause more strain on the business in terms of making a profit. Business risks such as technology and regulatory aspect are also present. Technology might cause changes and in this case employees will have to be retrained to the more advanced technology and this will in turn cause the business more expense. Political/regulatory aspects may also be a risk to the Argyle Mountain Piggery, since licenses and approval are necessary for the business to be legal and it is not a guarantee that these will be approved by the government.

Even though the competitors were indentified in the feasibility study, it is highly likely that a new competitor can enter the market and be stronger than Argyle Mountain Piggery. The business will then be forced to change its marketing strategy by lowering the cost and in this case the quality will definitely have to be improved. It is very important for the environment to be protected and the operators of the Argyle Mountain Piggery are aware of this so the necessary precautions will be taken to keep it safe.

So the waste materials that are generated will be treated and sold to farmers as manure/ fertilizer, as it contains nutrients that will increase crop yield and during this process appropriate storage will be done in order to minimize the amount of greenhouses gases been emitted. In the case where it is not treated a private contractor will be hired to dispose of the waste. The materials and equipment used in the production of the product, will be environmentally friendly as operators are going green in order to sustain the environment.

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Piggery Business Plan. (2017, Feb 27). Retrieved from https://phdessay.com/piggery-business-plan/

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