Paper on Summation

Category: Data, Database
Last Updated: 26 Jan 2018
Pages: 38 Views: 391

Sowmya SUMMATION A Detailed review of Summation SUMMATION Introduction The CT Summation Blaze LG product family helps you efficiently manage case information such as transcripts and documents with the benefits of full-text imaging, PDF support, electronic evidence support and comprehensive production tools. Summation to load and check DII File DII File: A DII file is a specially formatted ASCII text file that can be created within any text editor. The DII file uses a non-delimited, multiple line format. Each record ends with the image filenames themselves.

The data from the file is loaded into Summation’s Core Database and establishes the link between the database summaries and the associated images and OCR documents. DII FILE COMPONENTS @T (Image Tag) Required for each DII record. Must be used before any @C tokens for each DII record. Each instance of a line beginning with the @T token causes Summation to create a new database record or overwrite an existing one. If the value that follows the @T line does not match an existing record number in the active table (usually either the STDTABLE or the ETABLE) then a new record with that number is created.

If a record with that number already exists, Summation prompts the user to either replace that record’s existing image information or leave its image information intact. The field normally used to determine a record’s unique number is either the BEGDOC# field (for the STDTABLE) or the DOCID field (for the ETABLE). This field can be changed via OPTIONS>DEFAULTS>IMAGING>COLUMN TO HOLD IMAGE TAG but it is not recommended. If there is an input template on the database’s record number field, then the @T value must conform to the template format. Example: The case database has an input template restricting the BEGDOC# field to the format “AA000000” (i. e. alpha, alpha, numeric, numeric, numeric, numeric, numeric, numeric). A DII file with the following @T values is loaded: @T RT100556 @T 998113 The first line matches the template format and a new database record with a BEGDOC# value of “RT100556” would be created. The second line is incorrect, so no database record for this line would be created and an error message would appear on-screen and also be written to the error log. D (Default Directory) Required for each DII record that has images or OCR to be loaded. The @D token designates the location where the image file(s) for a database record is stored. The data specified after the @D is loaded into the Default Directory (DEFDIR) field of the ImgInfo table. There are 3 different ways to denote the DEFDIR. 1. @I, which refers to the default IMAGES subfolder under the case directory. For example, for a mobile installation, if the case were SMITH V. JONES, “@I” would equal “C:PROGRAM FILESSUMMATIONCASEDATASMITH V. JONESIMAGES. " 2.

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The full path to the image file(s) location. A UNC, local, or mapped drive letter path is acceptable. For example: @D SERVER1IMAGESSMITH V. JONESVOLUME1DISK1 @D C:IMAGESSMITH V. JONESVOLUME1DISK1 @D Z:IMAGESSMITH V. JONESVOLUME1DISK1 3. @V, which refers to the specific volume label of removable media. NOTE: Users of Summation LG/iBlaze can use UNC paths after the @D to specify a folder containing images. @L (Long Name Entry) Summation 5. 21 Legacy Field. @L denotes the long name or description of the image file(s). The @L value is loaded into the LONGNAME field of the ImgInfo Table.

This tag is obsolete and unnecessary on modern versions of Summation (1. 0 and higher) as they support long image file names. @C (Column to Link) 3 Optional token. @C is used to load data into specified fields in the user’s document database. This is a useful way to decrease the amount of data entry required for the database users. It is meant for use when the same value is repeated for a group of documents, such as documents that all have the same box number or author. It is not meant to replace regular data entry. For this reason, there is a limit of six (6) @C codes available for each DII record.

The syntax for using the @C token is: @C For example, to fill in the ISSUES field of the database with the value “Mental Health," the line would read: @C ISSUES Mental Health The @C line(s) should appear underneath the @T line for each database record. For consecutive DII records where these values are the same, you do not need to repeat the @C line. Instead, insert the next @C line in the next DII record where the data changes. To stop entering data in a field, insert a @C line with the field name following by nothing. @I (Image Location as in Case Customize) Used with the @D token.

The @I value refers to the image location specified in Case Customize. The @I value is loaded into the DEFDIR field of the ImgInfo table. This location must be a drive letter (or UNC path for LG/iBlaze users) and path that points to the directory where the images are stored. Summation users can select any valid location or use Summation’s default location, the IMAGES subdirectory under the case directory. In either case, the image files must be copied to this location. @V (Volume Label of Removable Media and Any Subdirectories) Used with the @D code.

The @V value refers to the volume label of the removable media holding image files. When using a volume label, the program will search a range of drive letters for the specific removable media volume. The range of drive letters to be searched can be specified in OPTIONS>DEFAULTS>IMAGING>DRIVES HOLDING IMAGES. The volume label can be obtained from any drive by using the DIR command at the command prompt or by looking at the drive properties in Windows Explorer/My Computer. When using the command prompt, the volume label will appear at the top of the directory display listing. Since most document images are now stored on either local or network hard drives Summation has provided an option to convert volume labels to directory names for existing database records with @V image paths. By selecting the option box labeled “Map Volume to Directory” under OPTIONS>DEFAULTS>IMAGING the volume name is converted to a directory name. A drive letter or letters matching the location where the images are stored must be added in the OPTIONS>DEFAULTS>IMAGING>DRIVES HOLDING IMAGES section.

For example: DEFDIR in ImgInfo Table: @VCD_00001:01 Drives Holding Images: DE Program looks in: D: or E: drive for media with a volume label of “CD_00001. ” If it finds matching media, it looks for a directory there named “001” for whichever image file or files were specified. @Fulltext (Lets the Database Know There is an OCR Document Attached to the Record or Records) Tells Summation that there are OCR documents attached to the record. The filenames must match the names of the images (not including the extension), and they must be located in the same place. Variations: @FULLTEXT DOC - One OCR text file exists for each database record. FULLTEXT PAGE - One fulltext file exists for each page of the document summary. @FULLTEXT [PAGE or DOC] is placed before the @T line. Similar to the @C token, this statement remains in effect until turned off by using the opposite designation. In other words, if you are using the “PAGE” method, turn it off by using @FULLTEXT in the record that does not contain a fulltext file. @O (Where OCR Documents Are if They Are Not in the Image Location) Used when the OCR documents are located someplace other than the image location as specified by the @D line of the DII file.

It is placed immediately below the @D line. This token can ONLY be used in conjunction with the “@FULLTEXT DOC” tag. The full path to the OCR text document must be included. Example: 5 @FULLTEXT DOC @T AB100001 @D @I @O J:docsscanned 100001. TIF This tells Summation that the fulltext document for record AB100001 is not in the default Images directory (@I) but, instead can be found in J:docsscanned. The file name must still match the image file name. In this case the image file name is 100001. TIF, therefore the OCR text file name should be named 100001. TXT. ; (Comment Lines)

Optional code for each DII record. You can make comments in the DII file for your reference. These lines do not affect the DII load. Example: ; After this Semi-colon I can make notes for my current record Image Files Required for each DII record. The last line(s) of each DII record is always the image filename(s). Backslashes in front of the filenames will direct Summation to look for the files at the root of the specified drive however, these can usually be omitted. Iterators Iterators are important optional coding methods. Iterators provide a way to use shorthand for image file names.

This allows for less text per DII record, thereby producing a DII file that loads more quickly. If your image files use a number sequence, you can use iterators to indicate a range of numbers, rather than listing each image file separately. Ranges are only valid when the lower number and the higher number are the same number of digits. Files Listed Separately Example: IM00001. TIF IM00002. TIF IM00003. TIF IM00004. TIF IM00005. TIF Files Iterated Example: 6 IM000{1-5}. TIF If iterating records with attached full text (OCR) documents in PAGE format, be careful not to exceed powers of 10 in the iteration.

Example: IM0000{01-09}. TIF IM0000{10-99}. TIF IM000{100-999}. TIF The example above will properly load all 999 images and their corresponding OCR full-text documents. This rule applies to the @FULLTEXT PAGE format only. Tokens Used in Summation’s DII File Token @APPLICATION Field Populated APPLICAT @ATTACH ATTCHIDS (Field selected for related attachment Doc IDs in Link Fields defaults) @ATTACHRANGE ATTRANGE Description The application used to view the electronic document. For example: @APPLICATION Word IDs of attached documents. Appending the value allows the DII to populate multiple values in the ATTCHIDS field.

For example: @ATTACH EML0001; EML0002 The document number range of all attachments if more than one attachment exists. Each attachment, along with the e-mail message, will be loaded into Summation as its own record. The attachment 7 @ATTMSG @BATESBEG @BATESEND @BCC @C range would be populated with the document number of the first attachment and the last number of the last attachment. For example: @ATTACHRANGE WGH000008 – WGH0000010 N/A Relative or full path and file name of the e-mail attachment that is an email message itself. The file will be copied to the MSF folder.

The Media field will be populated with the term eMail and the FOLDERID field is coded with the session name assigned during the load of DII. BATESRNG Beginning Bates number, used with @BATESEND. For example: @BATESBEG SGD00001 BATESRNG Ending Bates number, used with @BATESBEG. For example: @BATESEND SGD00055 BCC Anyone sent a blind copy on an e-mail message. For example: @BCC Nick Thomas Optional code used to load data into specified fields in the user’s document database. This helps decrease the amount of data entry required for the database users.

It is meant for use when the same value is repeated for a group of documents, such as documents that all have the same box number or author. The syntax of using the @C token is: @C For example, to fill in the ISSUES field of the database with the value Mental Health, the line would read: 8 @C ISSUES Mental Health For consecutive DII records where these values are the same, you do not need to repeat the @C line. Instead, insert the next @C line in the next DII record where the data changes. To stop entering data in a field, insert an @C line with the field name following by nothing. @CC CC @D DEFDIR @DATECREATED DATECRTD @DATERCVD DATERCVD @DATESENT @DATESAVED DATESENT DATESVD Anyone copied on an email message. For example: @CC John Ace Required token for each DII record that has an image associated with it and designates the directory location of the image file(s). The data specified after the @D goes into the Default Directory (DEFDIR) field of the ImgInfo table. There are three different ways to denote the DEFDIR: 1. @I (to refer to the Case Customize Image Location) 2. The hard coded drive letter and path into the DEFDIR field 3. V (to refer to the specified volume label of the CD-ROM) For example: @D @V CD-101:Box_34 Note: Users of Summation iBlaze/LG can use UNC paths after the @D to specify a folder containing images. The date that the file was created, if applicable. For example: @DATECREATED 01/04/2003 Date that the file was received. For example: @DATERCVD 01/04/2003 Date that the file was sent. For example: @DATESENT 01/04/2003 When the file was saved, if applicable. For example: 10 @DOCID DOCID @EATTACH DOCLINK (Field selected for Linked Documents in Link Fields defaults. ) @EDOC DOCLINK DATESAVED 01/04/2003 Document ID of a full-text document, e-mail message, or electronic document. If the DII includes full-text files, then the DOCID value (instead of the @T value) is used to load and associate ocrBase documents with the appropriate summary. For example: @DOCID EML00017 Relative or full path and file name of the attachment. The file will be copied to the eMail directory and the relative path of the file will be placed in the DOCLINK field. The MEDIA field will be populated with the term Attachment. For example: @EATTACHServerFiles Flood Damages. ls Relative or full path and file name of the electronic document. The file will be copied into the eFiles directory and the relative path of the file will be placed in the DOCLINK field. The MEDIA field will be populated with the term eDoc. For example: @EDOC D:eDocWordDoc. doc 11 @EDOCIDSEP DOCID @EMAIL-BODY BODY @FOLDERNAME FOLDER This token is intended for service bureaus that use their own tracking numbers (for example, TRACK001_Doc001. txt). This token allows Summation to remove the tracking ID (TRACK001) from the file so that it can be replaced with a Summation naming convention.

The token uses a onecharacter string a value to indicate the demarcation in the file name. In the example above, the underscore character separates the tracking number from the file name, so the token should be followed by the underscore character. Use this character at the top of the DII file above the individual records. For example: @EDOCIDSEP _ Body of an e-mail message. Must be a string of text contained between @EMAIL-BODY and @EMAIL-END. The @EMAIL-END token must be on its own line. For example: @EMAIL-BODY @EMAIL-END The name of the folder that the e-mail message came from. For example: @FOLDERNAME Conner-Stevens –

MailboxCStevensInbox 12 @FROM @FULLTEXT FROM From field in an e-mail message. For example: @FROM Kelly Morris Indicates that there are OCR documents attached to the record. The file names must match the names of the images (not including the extension), and they must be located in the same place. Variations: @FULLTEXT DOC - One full-text file exists for each database record. @FULLTEXT PAGE - One full-text file exists for each page of the document summary. These tokens should be placed before any @T tokens. Similar to the @C token, this statement remains in effect until turned off by using the opposite designation.

In other words, if you are using the PAGE method, turn it off by using @FULLTEXT in the record that does not contain a full-text file. The @FULLTEXTDIR token is a partner to the @FULLTEXT token. This token provides more flexibility to both the service bureau and the client when loading a DII file that includes full-text files. The @FULLTEXTDIR token allows the service bureau to specify a directory from which the full-text files will be copied during the load. Therefore, the full-text files do not have to be located in the same directory as the images at the time of load.

The @FULLTEXTDIR token gives users the flexibility to load the DII file and full-text without requiring them to copy the fulltext to the network first. An example of the syntax used with the @FULLTEXTDIR token is: @FULLTEXTDIR Vol001Box001ocrFiles The above example shows a relative path, which indicates to Summation that 13 @FULLTEXTDIR @HEADER HEADER @I DEFDIR @INTMSGID INTMSGID it should search for the full-text files in the same location as the DII file that is being loaded and follow any subdirectories in the @FULLTEXTDIR argument.

The relative path works whether the DII file is on a network drive or on a CD as a sibling of the Vol001 folder. Just as @FULLTEXT PAGE and @FULLTEXT DOC apply to all subsequent records in the DII file until they are turned off (by adding the token after the last record that includes fulltext), the @FULLTEXTDIR argument applies to all subsequent records in the DII file until it is changed or turned off (by including the token with a blank argument). E-mail header content. The @HEADER-END token must be on its own line. For example: @HEADER @HEADER-END This token is used with the @D token.

The @I token refers to the image location specified in Case Customize. This location must be a drive letter (or UNC path for iBlaze/LG users) and path that points to the directory where the images are stored. Summation users can select any valid location or use Summation’s default location, the IMAGES subdirectory under the Case Directory. In either case, the image files must be copied to this location. Internet message ID. For example: 14 @L LONGNAME @INTMSGID This token is optional code and denotes the long name or description of the image file(s). The data after @L goes into the LONGNAME field of the ImgInfo table.

Note: This applies to Summation Blaze Version 5. 21 and earlier, and is used in the IMGINGO table. For example: @L Patient History Form @MEDIA MEDIA @MSGID MSGID Populates the Media field with the designated value (for example, eDoc, eMail or Attachment). If the value indicated in the token differs from the Summation default, or an entry exists in the field, then the most recent process wins and an entry is made in the error log. Because of this, use this token with care an only if you have a compelling reason. For example: @MEDIA eDoc E-mail message ID generated by Microsoft Outlook or Lotus Notes.

For example: @MSGID 00000000E8324B3A0A80 0F4E954B8AB427196A13 04012000 15 @MULTILINE Any field specified @NOPAGECOUNT DOCID Allows carriage returns and multiple lines of text to populate the specified field. Text must be between @MULTILINE and @MULTILINE-END. The @MULTILINE-END token must be on its own line. For example: @MULTILINE NOTEFIELD Here is the first line. Here is the second line. Here is the last line. @MULTILINE-END For consecutive DII records where these values are the same, you do not need to repeat the @MULTILINE line. Instead, insert the next @MULTILINE line in the next DII record where the data changes.

To stop entering data in a field, insert an @MULTILINE line with the field name following by nothing Turns off automatically using a number after a space in the Document ID as the number of pages. Allows Document IDs to contain spaces. Must be entered at the beginning of the DII file and applies to all records for the entire DII file. @NOPAGECOUNT @FULLTEXT page @TGHSPLT 3602 Q00555 @D @I Box011Dir01GHSPLT 3602 Q00555. tif 16 @OCR @OCR-END @O Some service bureaus and clients prefer a different approach to loading full-text than the traditional Summation method of requiring the full-text to be loaded from separate ASCII text files.

Some clients prefer including the full-text in the DII file itself. The @OCR and @OCREND tokens give service bureaus the flexibility to include the full-text (including carriage returns) in the DII file. This method of loading full-text significantly improves the speed of the DII load, by eliminating the need for the system to search for and locate each text file and open it to copy the text into the ocrBase. The @OCR-END token must appear on a separate line. Note: When using the @OCR and @OCR-END tokens and including the full-text in the DII file, service bureaus cannot apply page breaks at specific locations in the full-text document.

An example of the syntax used with the @OCR and @OCR-END tokens is: @OCR @OCR-END There are two uses for the @O token. This token is used when the full-text documents are located someplace other than the image location as specified by the @D line of the DII file. It tells Summation that there are full-text documents at this location. It is placed immediately below the @D line. There can be only one text file for the record, and it must have the name of the 1st TIFF image with a . TXT extension. The full or relative path to the full-text document must be included. For example: @O J:docsscanned 17 @PARENTID

PARENTID (Field selected for Parent ID in Link Fields defaults. ) Parent document ID of an attachment. For example: @PARENTID WGH000003 @PSTCOMMENT @PSTCOMMENT-END Users may want to record information about a . PST file that is loaded into a Summation case. For example, a user may want to identify where a specific . PST file came from and what it relates to (for example, client e-mail messages related to flat space and received on April 26, 2004). The comments are associated with the . PST file designated by the @PSTFILE token that follows. The comments can be viewed from the e-mail and attachment records generated from the .

PST file designated in the @PSTFILE token. The @PSTCOMMENT token is used in conjunction with @PSTFILE. It should be followed by the @PSTCOMMENT-END token and must appear before the @PSTFILE token it applies to. The @PSTCOMMENT-END token must appear on its own line. For example: @PSTCOMMENT @PSTCOMMENT-END @PSTFILE EMAIL001Pfranc. pst, Pfranc_04April_2004 Note: The comments will not be written to the Core Database record in Summation, but users can review the comments by right-clicking an e-mail record and selecting the Show PST Info option. 18 @PSTFILE The @PSTFILE token is used to process the .

PST file by designating: 1) the location of the . PST file at the time of load, and 2) the unique ID of the . PST file. The path to the . PST file can either be hard-coded or relative to the location of the DII file at the time of load. The unique ID should be the same value assigned by the user to the . PST file when processing using Summation’s eDiscovery Console. If either necessary value is missing, the DII load will record an error and the . PST file that corresponds to the record with the missing information will not be processed. An example of the use of @PSTFILE: @PSTFILE EMAIL001PFranc. st, PFranc_04April_2004 Summation gathers this information but does not process the . PST file until the DII load is complete. The PSTID (the second value) is populated into the PSTID field as designated on the eMail tab in the Defaults dialog box (accessed from the Options menu) in Summation. The PSTID argument assigned by the @PSTFILE token is assigned to the record it appears in and will apply to all subsequent e-mail records. The argument is applied until either the @PSTFILE token is turned off by setting it to a blank argument (such as: @PSTFILE), or the argument changes.

The @PSTFILE token can occur multiple times in a single DII file and assign a different argument each time. This allows the service bureau to process multiple . PST files and present the data for all . PST files in a single DII file. For example, a service bureau can process five . PST files and include five instances of @PSTFILE tokens with five different arguments, all in the same DII file. 19 @READ READ @RELATED OTHERIDS (Field selected for Related Document IDs in Link Fields defaults. ) STOREID Notes whether the e-mail message was read.

For example: @READ Y The document IDs of related documents. @RELATED WGH000006 @STOREID @SUBJECT SUBJECT The . PST identifier. Should not be used if @PSTFILE is used. For example: @STOREID The subject of an e-mail message. For example: @SUBJECT Town Issues 20 @T IMGTAG This token is required for each DII record and designates the ImageTag. It must be the first item listed for each database record. This data specified after the @T goes into both the Image Tag (IMGTAG) field in the ImgInfo table and the Column to Hold ImageTag in the Document Database.

The image tags must be unique values. For this reason, many users choose the document number as the image tag. The image tags establish the link between the document database table and the ImgInfo table. When a user is in a document database record that has a corresponding image file and they want to view the image, Summation looks at the value in the Column to Hold Image Tag field in the database and reads the image file location from the ImgInfo table record with the matching value in the Image Tag field.

For example: @T CR00293 1 Note: If there is a template on the Column to Hold Image Tag field of the user’s document database, then the Image Tag must conform to the template format. For example, if the template 21 forces the field to contain a certain number of digits, any image tag values that are comprised of fewer digits must be appropriately zero filled. @TIMERCVD TIMERCVD @TIMESENT TIMESENT @TO @TRANS TO DEPOIDS (Field selected for Transcript Zoom in Link Fields defaults. Time that the e-mail message was received. For example: @TIMERCVD 11:00 a. m. Time that the e-mail message was sent.

For example: @TIMESENT 10:59 a. m. To field in an e-mail message. For example: @TO Conner Stevens The transcript description. The value populates the Transcript Zoom field. For example: @TRANS conner stevens v1. txt 22 @V This token is used with the @D token and refers to the volume label of the image location. By using a volume label instead of a drive letter, the user does not have to use the same drive letter designation for their media as had been used by the service bureau. The @V token is used most often with the images that are being burnt onto CD ROMs.

Substitute the volume label for the drive letter in the @D line, still including the path leading up to and including the directory in which the images are located. The Summation user must set up the Drives Holding Images in the case Imaging Defaults so that Summation knows on which drive(s) to look for the specified volume(s). The volume label can be obtained from any drive by using the DIR command at the command prompt or by looking at the drive properties in Microsoft Windows Explorer/My Computer. When using the command prompt, the volume label will appear at the top of the directory display listing.

Use the Map Volume to Directory option in imaging defaults if your images are on CD-ROM, you have used the @V (volume label) code in your DII file, and the volume label of the CD(s) is also the first subdirectory. Enabling this option tells Summation to map the volume label indicated after the @V in the DEFDIR line of the ImgInfo table to the drive letter(s) set in your Drives Holding Images: @Vol:=>A:vol. Example: DEFDIR in ImgInfo Table: @VCD_00001: Drives Holding Images: D Maps to: D:CD_00001 This option is commonly used when the CDs are stored on a Meridian tower, or 3 when the volumes have been copied to a fixed drive from a CD ROM and t BENEFITS OF USING A DII FILE TO LOAD IMAGE SUMMARY INFORMATION The DII file is a formatted ASCII text file that is used to load large batches of images. The DII file is loaded in Summation from Imaging Defaults, using the Read DII utility. DII data is added to Summations Image Information (ImgInfo) Table and serves as the link between your document database data and the images and/or ocrBase documents. The Image Tag is the unique identifier for each image and/or ocrBase document.

When you load the DII file, Summation will alert you if any of the Image Tags (document IDs) already exist in the ImgInfo Table and give you the option to overwrite the existing record(s). When used correctly, a DII file can significantly reduce data entry time. 24 Batch Loading of Image Summary Information The major advantage of using a DII file is the ability to load summary information for thousands of images at a time. The summary information is encoded within the DII file and the summary records for each designated image are automatically updated as the file loads.

In this way, thousands of summary records can be updated, giving users easy access to thousands of associated images. Reduced Coding Coding and typing can be reduced by using the @C (Column to Link) designator. @C is meant for use with documents that are categorized into groups and therefore contain repetitive data (not to replace data entry! ). It is meant for use by imaging service bureaus that are supplying you with a DII file before you begin coding, thereby creating new database records. Each record is limited to 6 @C lines.

For example, suppose the service bureau is scanning and coding numerous medical records pertaining to various doctors. The records to be scanned are already sorted by doctor, and due to the nature of medical records, they are also sorted by patient. If you want to have fields filled in within the database as linked records are created, the doctor name and patient names need not be entered repeatedly. Summation assumes that the preceding doctor and patient names are to be used again in the current record if no new names are entered.

Error Checking Summation will check to see if duplicates of the new records already exist within the Summation database. When a duplicate is encountered, the Summation user is prompted to either overwrite the existing record or ignore the new record. When the program encounters errors with a particular record during loading, they are documented in an error file. The error file is created in the directory of the case where the DII file is being loaded and has the same name as the DII file except with a “. LOG” extension instead of “. DII. " This error file lists the type of problem and its location (by line number) within the DII file.

This log file is written in simple ASCII text format and can be opened with any text editor including Windows Notepad, Wordpad, and Microsoft Word. Example: A DII file named “DISK1LOAD. DII” is loaded into the “SMITH V. JONES” case. If errors are encountered during loading, they would be written to a file titled “DISK1LOAD. LOG” in the Summation program folder under the CASEDATASMITH V. JONES subfolder. 25 Simultaneous Data Entry and Scanning If users coordinate with either an outside vendor or an internal department to scan their documents, they can begin the work of summarizing the documents while they are being scanned. The customer and the scanning group must coordinate the document numbers and names to be used in advance. ) When scanning is complete, the vendor or scanning department can deliver the scanned image files and/or full-text documents to the customer on any removable media the customer’s system is compatible with. Can replace previous entries for tags There are times when organized coordination of document image tags between you and the imaging service bureau is not possible. In this case, it is easier for you to summarize the documents after receiving the files and matching DII file from the service bureau.

When the DII file is loaded, it creates database records as it fills the ImgInfo Table. The only information in such a database record is the image tag. The DII data is loaded into the ImgInfo Table and the Image Tags are loaded in the Column to Hold Image Tag (The field in the document database containing the unique image tags for each image in the case. This is often the field that contains the beginning document number, although it may be a special field created for this purpose. The Column to Hold Image Tag cannot be a multientry field; it must be an integer, text or note type field. field of the database table. It is also possible to have additional fields filled in as the linked records are being created. These are linked through the use of the optional @C designator. STARTING WITH SUMMATION Starting A New Case To begin loading evidence into a case, you must start a new case that does not contain information. To start a new case: 1. From the Case menu, select New. 26 2. Assign a name to your case and click OK. 3. When prompted click Yes to assign a password to your case or No to create a case that is not password protected.

BACKING UP AND RESTORING DATABASES Both the Core Database and the Notes Database should be backed up regularly to protect against loss of data in the event of database corruption. If you are operating on a network, you may still wish to create an independent backup of these two key components. After backing up the Notes and Core Databases, you should consider running additional utilities to keep the databases "tuned up". To Backup the Core and Notes Databases: 27 1. Click once on the case name in the Case Explorer window so that it is selected. 2. Access the Backup utility by: ? Opening the CASE menu and electing Tools OR ? Right-clicking on Core Database in the Case Explorer and selecting Core Database Utilities Select Backup Database... The backup window opens with both the Database and the Notes database options checked. Leave both options checked. Click on Backup. You will be advised when the databases have been successfully backed up. Click OK. LOADING IMAGES WITH A DII FILE A DII (Document Image Information) file is a text file formatted to batch load summaries with images into a Summation database. Loading database summaries and image information using a DII file is more efficient.

Preliminary Steps To help ensure the successful load of images using a DII file, the following steps should be taken prior to loading: ? Open the case into which you want to load the images. ? Back up your database. (From the Case menu, select Tools, Backup Database, and Backup. ) ? Verify the location that Summation has designated for images for this case (the @I value for this case). (From the Case menu, select Customize to open 28 the Case Directory Customization dialog box. ) Note the value in the Image Location field. The default value for this field is a single folder name (such as IMAGES).

If the Image Location field contains a folder or folders without a drive letter, then this location is relative to the path in the Case Directory field. However, if the field contains a drive letter followed by a path, then this is the absolute value of Summation’s image path for this case. Most of the time, the Image Location is relative to the Case Directory path. To verify the complete path, simply connect the Image Location value to the end of the Case Directory path. You may want to copy and paste these values to a Notepad document to keep track of them.

Example: ? Case Directory field - :PROGRAM FILESSUMMATIONBLAZECASEDATAMY NEW CASE ? Image Location field - IMAGES ? Complete image path - C:PROGRAM FILESSUMMATIONBLAZECASEDATAMY NEW CASEIMAGES The image path is the location that Summation has designated for the images for this case (the @I value for this case. ) ? Verify the images path in the DII file by opening a text editor and locating the image path after the @D token. Example: Sample DII-01 shows the following value: @D @I @D is the default directory of the image files. I is a value that works in conjunction with the @D token to load the image path into Summation’s database. Using the previous case image path example, the @D line would be converted by Summation as C:PROGRAM FILESSUMMATIONBLAZECASEDATAMY NEW CASEIMAGES @I is used to specify the image location. Alternatively, @V or a hardcoded path can be used to designate the Images directory. This tutorial assumes that the DII file is using @I, since that is the most common syntax. The image path can be extended by appending additional subdirectories after the @I value.

Example: @D @I estdata1 29 Continuing with the previous example, this @D line would be converted by Summation as C:PROGRAM FILESSUMMATIONBLAZECASEDATAMY NEW CASEIMAGESTESTDATA1 @V Designations. Reading about @V is only necessary if your DII file uses the @V value to designate the image path. If your DII file uses the @I value, skip ahead Step 5. The @V value is a legacy format designation that allows Summation to locate and display image files stored on removable media (such as CD-ROM, DVD, etc. ) by volume name (the disc label).

Vendors will typically supply two versions of a DII file: one that uses the @I value and one that uses @V. In almost all cases the preferred version to load is @I. Hard-Coded Path Designations. Reading this section is only necessary if your DII file uses a complete path including computer name or drive letter to designate the image path. If your DII file uses the @I value, skip ahead to Step 5. Summation will accept a complete path value following the @D token, but in order for Summation to display the document images, this path must be valid from the workstation accessing the case in question.

Example: @D R:IMAGESDISC101 If a workstation accessing the case in which this DII file was loaded did not have an “R:” drive correctly mapped to the image file location attempting to view the image(s) would fail. ? Copy the images to the correct directory. ? Before copying IMAGES directory structure, merge all the OCR’s . txt files with the corresponding tiffs. To copy the images: 1. Open Windows Explorer (right-click Start and select Explore) and note the image path you verified in Step 3. NOTE: You can browse to this path quickly by copying and pasting the path from Step 3 into the Address field and pressing Enter.

This is the directory that you will copy the images to. 2. Browse to the images that need to be loaded. These images might arrive to you on a CD, a DVD, or an external hard drive. In any case, browse to the images and prepare to copy them to the image location on your computer’s hard drive. 3. Copy the images from the CD, DVD, or external hard drive to the images location. 30 NOTE: It's important to copy the correct folder and subfolders. Verify this first by copying the first directory after the @I token in Step 4 above.

Example: (A) @I value from the DII file: @I estdata1 (B) Folder to copy from the CD: D: estdata After verifying the correct folder containing images, copy it to the image path from Step 3 above. After the folders containing images have been copied to the correct image path directory, you are ready to load the DII file. This will populate Summation's database and will allow you to view and manage these images through the Summation interface. Loading the DII File 1. From the Options menu, select Defaults, and click the Imaging tab. 2. Verify the Column to Hold Image Tag.

If you are currently using the standard form/table (STDTABLE), the Column to Hold Image Tag field should be set to BEGDOC#. If you are currently using the e-form/table (ETABLE), the Column to Hold Image tag field should be set to DOCID. NOTE: Documents are added or updated by a DII file based on the values in the field selected in the Column to Hold Image Tag. If a value listed after the @T token does not exist in this field for any record, a new record with this value is created. If the value does not exist, then this record's image information is updated. Click OK to save your settings.

From the Options menu, select Defaults, and click the Imaging tab, and click Load DII File button. Browse to and select the DII file, and click Open. Click OK. The DII file is loaded into Summation's database and your images can now be viewed and managed through the Summation interface. 3. 4. 5. 6. CHECKING DII FIELDS 1. Right-click on core database in case explorer. 2. Select “set view to open” option, and check for Column view, Form view, Image viewer, ocrBase viewer and eDocs viewer. Select required view in “View in focus when opened” window and click ok. 3. Right click on core database and open. 31 . Dialog box appears as below opening in all the formats that are checked in the step 2. 5. Select column view by clicking on that label. 32 6. Before editing anything, change the database to edit mode from display mode. ( right-click on the column and check edit option). 7. Double click on the fields label. 8. You will find a small field list table containing all the available fields. 33 9. Double click on any field to bring it to view or to hide it from the view. This way we can add or remove required fields and can check whether all the fields have generated correctly in the loaded dii file. 10.

Once all the required fields are selected, right click on any of the label and check display to come back to display mode. 11. Click on eDocs, Image, ocrBase or form in the lower toolbar to view in the respective format. ADDING FIELDS TO DATABASE 1. Fields are added through the Form Editor. To access the Form Editor, select "Options --> Utilities", then select the "Create or Modify Forms " options. This will launch a separate window called the Form Editor. Now you will want to decide where you want your new field to reside. 34 Figure: Form editor 2. You may need to reorganize the form to fit the custom field.

The Form may be resizable just like any window, by dragging the cursor near the corners to bring into view the resize cursor (the thin black line with arrows on either end). Click and drag to resize the form if necessary. 3. A light line around fields denotes a frame grouping of selected fields on the form. To resize the frame, click your cursor on the line until small black squares surround the frame, then click and drag them. 4. On the small floating toolbar, click on the button denoted with an 'ab'. 5. Click on the form where you want to place the new field.

A small dialog box will open, listing the currently available fields in the selected form. 6. Click on the "New" button to create a new field. 7. Assign a name and data type to the new field. 35 A field NAME must not contain any special characters or spaces, and must be less than 8 characters long, because Summation references the field name internally. The field label may be customized to the users preference. 8. Once you have assigned a name and label, you need to select a data type. It is important to put some thought into selecting a field data type, since you cannot change the data type on a field once it has been created.

If you are unsure of which data type to assign to your field, click on the radio button next to each option to view a brief description in the bottom portion of the dialog box. 9. Click "Create New Column". When prompted that the column was created successfully, click "OK". 10. Click ”Close" to return to the Field List dialog. If you should need to create multiple fields follow steps 7 through 9 until all fields have been created. 11. The new field should be one of the choices and will be selected by default. Click "OK" to select the new field and place it on the form.

To adjust the field's position on the form, click and drag it to a different location. To adjust the field label and the field box individually, click anywhere on the form to unselect them. Then click back on the item you want to resize or reposition. 12. When you have successfully created, sized and positioned all custom fields, click on the "Save" icon in the toolbars. If your database contains data in it, you will be prompted to copy data to new table structure, click "OK". 13. Close the Form Editor by selecting "Exit" from the "File" menu. 14. Click "Close" to close the Utilities dialog.

To Load ocrBase Documents Using the Load Full-Text Documents Dialog: 36 Double-click on ocrBase in Case Explorer OR select ocrBase from the VIEW menu. Make sure ocrBase is in the active view. 1. From the FILE menu, select Load ocrBase Documents. 2. Select the Choose Files tab. 3. The default directory shown is the current case directory or the last directory selected using the Browse button. If the documents are located in another directory, click on Browse to navigate to that folder. 4. Select the files you want to load using any of the following techniques: ?

Hold Ctrl and click on the document files one at a time ? Hold Shift, click on the first document file, then click on the last document file ? Click on the first document file, then hold the left mouse button down as you drag to the last document file you wish to load ? Select the Select All option to load all document files in the files window ? To cancel the selection of a file, click on the filename again 5. If you want Summation to verify the document numbers against any templates associated with the Column to Hold Image Tag field (BEGDOC# or other field, as needed), leave Check Templates selected.

If you do not want the document numbers verified against any existing templates, clear the Check Templates selection. 6. Select one of the options in the Document ID (BEGDOC#) section: ? Ask Me (default): During the loading process, you will be prompted to enter a Document ID number for each document file being loaded. ? Use Filename: The document filename will be used during the loading process as the Document ID. 7. Click Load Documents. Summation loads the documents into the ocrBase. SEARCHING (Before doing any kind of search, make sure Core Database box is checked in case explorer) 37 . Check on the core Database in the case explorer. 2. Open the database in the column view. 3. Double click on “Searches” under the Core Database Views in case explorer. 38 4. Core Database Query dialog box appears. 5. Select the required field in “Search one of these Fields”. Click on “More fields Choices” to choose from more number of fields. Double click on the required field and see that Query appears on the query box below. 6. Same way give the required values in the section 2 & 3. 7. Execute the query. For example, Consider searching for docDates. Steps: 1.

Click on docDate box under “Search one of these fields” (section1). 2. Scroll down on the drop down list, “in this manner” (section2) section and select the required field. 3. Enter the date in “For this value” (section3). 4. Full Query appears on the query box. 39 5. Click Ok to execute the query. 6. All the documents that match with the query will be listed. 7. To retrieve back all the documents, Go to Search-;Retrieve all summaries. QUICK SEARCH USING CASE EXPLORER When you use the Case Explorer to search the Core Database, the results appear in the Search Results format.

The search results can be printed in the stacked format directly from the Search Results View. To Quick Search using the Case Explorer 1. Make the Case Explorer window the focus. 2. Click the check boxes next to the components you wish to search (e. g. Core Database, Transcripts, Transcript Notes, ocrBase). ? ? ? ? ? Core Database Transcript Notes eDocs & eMail ocrBase Notes ocrBase 40 ? Chronology of Events ? People ? Pleadings 4. Click in the Quick Search box. Depending on what combination of case elements you have selected, the Search dialog appears.

Here you can change your search results Sort Order and/or specify running a Standard or HotFacts only search. 4. Type the search term or phrase in the white Quick Search box. You can use wildcards and compound operators (AND/OR connectors) in your search. ? Multi-character wildcard = an asterisk (*) ? Single-character wildcard = a question mark (? ) ? AND connector = & or AND (there must be spaces between the AND and the words) ? OR connector = (a backwards slash usually located above the Enter key on your keyboard) or OR (there must be spaces between the OR and the words) ?

You can also use Intelli-Parse if you wish to conduct field-specific searches Click the Search button to run the search. The search results will appear in a new Search Results window. COMPOUND SEARCHES CONNECTORS IN THE DATABASE: 41 Connectors make it easy to search for document summaries where varying conditions are to be used, for example, to find document summaries where a name is in a summary field and where a certain type of document is involved. Connectors can also widen the search to include summaries of several sorts; such as, summaries concerning documents dated in the current year or any documents mentioning the defendant.

As a general rule, using the connector AND narrow the search, while using the connector OR widens the search. Up to 10 connectors can be used in a search of the document summaries. Search Connectors Connector AND Definition A summary contains both values Summaries contain either of the values Example DOCDATE EQ 5/15/90 AND DOCTYPE OR DOCDATE EQ 6/15/90 OR DOCDATE EQ 7/12/90 AND NOT This excludes a NAME EQ "Smith, J. " AND NOT DOCTYPE EQ summary that Memo meets the connected value This requests NAME EQ "Smith, J. " OR NOT DOCTYPE EQ OR NOT 42 ocument summaries where the Name equals "Smith, J. " or the Doctype field does not equal Memo Memo You can create a more complex Quick Search by combining search clauses. To narrow the search, use the AND connector, designated by the ampersand (&). To broaden the search, connect your search clauses using the backslash () to represent the OR connector. You may use a total of ten clauses (i. e. , any combination of up to nine AND and/or OR connectors). Use parentheses to denote precedence or relationships between clauses within the search phrase.

Sample 'OR' Search: bill presley Sample 'AND' Search: fire & terminate It makes no difference whether or not you put spaces between the words and the connectors. DRILL DOWN SEARCHING If you're reviewing a transcript on screen and come across a term of interest, you can search for other occurrences of that term without losing your focus by using Summation's Drill Down Searching function. Simply highlight the term of interest, right mouse click, and select "Search for 'term'" from the menu that appears. Summation will take you to the next occurrence of the term. 43 How to Run a Drill Down Search 1.

Open a transcript. 2. Right click on the text for which you want to search. 3. From the right click context menu that appears, select "Search for 'text'. " Summation goes to the next occurrence of the term in the open transcript USING WILDCARDS IN SEARCHES Searches in Summation are done on a whole-word basis: a search for agree will find just that, not words including “agree” like “agreement. ” Sometimes you need to search for more than just whole words. To accomplish this Summation Blaze supports wildcards in searches. The asterisk (*) designates a wildcard, which can represent any portion of a word.

Using wildcards widens the field of possible hits generated by the search. Wildcards are used to find all words that have your search phrase embedded within them. If you run a Quick Search for TERM*, the search is expanded to encompass any word with “term” as the base, for example, “term,” “terminate,” “termination,” etc. Your placement of the asterisk (either preceding or following the word, or embedded within letters) determines the hits that result. You can use wildcards in any type of search within Summation. 44 Type This agree [no wildcard needed] agree* *gree *agree*

To Find AGREE Words beginning with AGREE-, such as agreement or agreeable Words ending with -GREE, such as disagree, pedigree Words with -AGREE- as the root, such as disagreement Words beginning with A- and ending with -EEP, such as asleep a*eep USING SEARCH CONNECTORS The Summation system provides you with means to perform both simple and complex searches. You can search all fields in the document database (using the Quick Search Box) or select specific fields to search (using the Full Boolean Search dialog). This Tutorial walks you through setting up and performing both simple and complex searches.

When you enter a search term or phrase in the Quick Search box, Summation conducts an Anytext search and searches for the specified text in all fields in all summaries in the database. If you want to refine your search to multiple terms and/or phrases, then you can use "connectors". You can further refine your search to specific fields in the database, by performing a Full Boolean search (as opposed to a search from Quick Search box). The available connectors in Summation are AND, OR, AND NOT, and OR NOT. You can connect up to ten search clauses in one Boolean search using nine connectors.

The Full Boolean search provides a list of operators specific to each field, which you can use (in conjunction with connectors) to further refine your search to terms in designated database fields. Search Connectors Using An Anytext Search 1. Launch Summation. 45 2. Open the Core Database, by double-clicking on its corresponding item in the Case Explorer tree. 3. Put the focus on the Form or Column View, by clicking on the respective view. 4. Type a search term in the Quick Search Box (the field above the Core Database view with the phrase Enter Search Phrase populated in it). 5.

Link words or phrases with a connector to search on multiple terms or phrases. (For example, Smith AND taxes OR court. ) Note: A space must lead and follow each connector. The connectors should always be in capital letters. 6. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you complete entering all desired search terms/phrases and connectors. Note: If you search string includes more than 5 terms, you may find it more efficient to use the Full Boolean search setup dialog. 7. Click the Search button on the Toolbar, to the left of the Quick Search Box, to process the search. Searching Using The Full Boolean Dialog Box 1. Launch Summation. . Open the Core Database, by double-clicking on its corresponding item in the Case Explorer tree. 3. Put the focus on the Form or Column View, by clicking on the respective view. 4. Click the Boolean button in the Toolbar. 5. In Section 1 of the Full Boolean dialog, choose the Anytext icon (or other default icon) or choose "More Field Choices" to select fields from the active table. 6. In Section 2 of the Full Boolean dialog, use the default connector (e. g. contains) or select a connector from the drop-down list. 7. In Section 3 of the Full Boolean dialog, type the search term or phrase you want to search on. 6 8. Click the Connector button to add another search string (field, connector and term/phrase). 9. Repeat Steps 2 through 5 until all search strings have been entered. 10. Click the Display Results button to process the search. Using HotFacts with ocrBase just as u can identify a transcript note, a core database record or an ocrbase note as a hot fact, you can also use the hotfact “flag” to identify key ocrbase documents in your case. to mark an ocrbase document as a hotfact: ? Click on the ? Click on the so that it becomes again to unmark the document. SEARCHING HOTFACTS

You can search only database records flagged as HotFacts when you check the Document Database folder at the Case Folder – Main Window. The Search Document DB dialog appears, consisting of 2 sections: Sort Order and Search Type. The first 2 Sort Order field options are Date (DOCDATE) and Issue (ISSUES). The third sort order field option is taken from the first field set in your Sort Order tab, found under the Query tab in the document database. If there is no sort order set there, the third option will read “Unsorted Doc DB”. The Search Type section determines what set of document database summaries you want to search.

To search all HotFacts, select Only HotFacts and then Everyone’s. To search only your own HotFacts, select Only HotFacts and then My HotFacts. 47 Searching Document Database Records Flagged as HotFacts 1. From the Case Folder – Main Window, check the Document Database folder. 2. The Search Document DB dialog appears. 3. In the Sort Order section, select the field by which you want to sort your search results. You can choose Date, Issue, or the first field you have selected in your Document Database Sort Order. 4. In the Search Type section, select the record set in which you want to search: only HotFacts (all HotFacts), or My HotFacts. . Type the phrase for which you want to search into the Quick Search Box on the toolbar. 6. Click on the search binoculars to display the Search Results. SEARCHING CASE OUTLINES "You can search the case outline. For example, in the figure below, you see a search for 'damage,' showing the first hit found in the Case Outline: the word 'damages. ' Because the search algorithm here provides for a simple string search, it will find any phrase containing the same characters (e. g. a search for 'damage' will find 'damaged' 'damages' and 'damaged'. Subsequent hits can be found by clicking again on the OK button.

Summation indicates the line with the hit by outlining it in black. " 48 FILTERED FUZZY SEARCHING The Fuzzy Search is a variation on the Quick Search that allows you to search for a specific word and words spelled similarly to it. This tool can be used in a variety of circumstances, for example when working with documents that have been processed by optical character recognition software, since certain characters are often mistaken for similarly-shaped ones during that process. You can also use the fuzzy search to look for words that may have been misspelled, or for words with British spellings (such as “flavour” and “flavor”).

The Fuzzy Search finds near-matches to your search requirements. It is available for searching your transcripts and/or full text (ocrBase) documents. When used to search transcripts and/or full text documents from the Case Folder - Main Window, the words found are displayed in a list of approximate matches. Filtered fuzzy searching lets you search transcripts and/or ocrBase documents for nearmatches of a single word, without having to wade through numerous false 49 positives. This allows you to select only the words in which you are interested and run another search by clicking on the Search button.

A standard search for these words is then launched, displaying the hits in the regular Search Results Window, from which you can print them, write them to file, mark them as HotFacts, or drag them into the Case Organizer. The List of Approximate Matches for a Filtered Fuzzy Search 1. From the Case Folder - Main Window, check the ocrBase and/or transcript folders you wish to search. 2. Enter the term for which you want to search into the Quick Search Box. 3. Click the Fuzzy Search button on the toolbar. 50 4. A list of approximate matches appears, with the original word(s) preselected.

To narrow your search, enter a higher percentage similar and click on Refind. To broaden your search, enter a lower % similar, and click on Refind. (You can select percentages between 65% and 99%. ) 5. When you're satisfied with your list of matches, select the ones for which you wish to search by clicking on them; choose all words by clicking on Select ALL words. (You can deselect words by clicking on them. ) 6. Click the Search button. Your hits are displayed in the Search Results Window. SORTING By default, contents of fields are sorted in standard A to Z, 0 to 9 sequence.

You can designate descending sort (Turn this option on from the Sort Order tab of the Query page of the Document Database folder. This option forces the contents of the field to be sorted in reverse order, Z to A and 9 to 0. Ascending sort order is the default when a field is included in the sort order) using the Sort Order tab of the Document Database folder. You can also have your note hits sorted in reverse-chronological order. 1. Open the database in column view. 2. Right-Click on the column label, Click sort by “label” option. 51 To change the default order: ? Double-click on icon on the toolbar. ? Check the box in the “Sort by” table. Give OK. 52 Conclusion This concludes the detailed discussion with reference to the application of Summation to facilitate the QC process. While there are more uses and applications of Summation in EDD these have been omitted to focus the reference of the context under discussion. If you have any queries / suggestion please feel free to contact me at sowmya@sysinformation. net. In case you need specific detailed references please feel free to use the links below: References: http://www. summation. com/Support/tutorials. aspx http://info. summation. com/products/pdfs/ http://support. summation. com/knowbase/technotes 53

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