Online Classes: Good Or Bad?

Last Updated: 23 Mar 2023
Pages: 3 Views: 409

This online class has helped me in some ways as In learning new techniques of how to explain In more detail of what I am trying to write about. I have struggled with this online class too and think I would have benefited more going to actual class. I believe I struggled with learning many of things because I learn better when I am one on one with a teacher. The Argumentation paper was fairly simple, but hard to explain many details. I believe I learned many of things and struggled with many of things from online classes, but overall I believe I did k with most of the papers.

I learned many of techniques of explaining In detail of what I was writing about. However, I have always struggled with explaining In good detail with many of things in my life. It's something I will continue to work on so I can become a better writer. I use to love to write when I was younger and I have high hopes I will love it again. I tried to use grammar in a more proficient way this time around. I believe I Just lost touch with writing and I am Just playing catch up togged that good technique back. I believe I need to keep working on better details of what I am trying to write about.

I ill have It all In my head and when I go to type It; I usually don't get It to come out the correct way. I wish I could have been able to actually go to classes in the college instead of online classes, but it doesn't suit my life at this time. I believe I would have strives in a classroom and wrote many of wonderful things. In my house there are Just to many distractions and it makes it difficult to type a good paper. I try to teach my daughter how Important quiet time Is when you have to read or write. She comes to me and says all the time she understands how hard It Is to think and have a clear mind with castrations.

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In a classroom setting there seem to be fewer distractions than at a home setting. One on one attention from a teacher would have been great to learn even more things to help me to become a better writer. The Argumentation paper was somewhat difficult to me to get the words out on paper as I wanted them. I found it difficult to explain in details once again. It was also somewhat difficult to argue what you're talking about. I want to learn how to write a good Argumentation paper with good details. The grammar and punctuation don't get me as bad as the explaining in details in my Essays.

Once again I believe most of that comes from distractions at home. If I would have had more time I probably would have found somewhere quiet to type my papers. When there are many of things going on in your life it is a great distraction in one's work and accomplishments. I really enjoyed learning new things In this online class. I had many of ups and downs throughout class, but overall I feel I had more positive outcomes. I learned how to become a better writer. I learned how to type a better Argumentation Paper and get the points across better. Pop one day I can set aside distractions and find a calm place to read and write.

I really enjoyed the ups and downs throughout class because it taught me many of deferent techniques and how to become a better writer. This online class has helped me in some ways as in learning new techniques of how to explain in more detail of what I am trying to write about. I have struggled I learned many of techniques of explaining in detail of what I was writing about. However, I have always struggled with explaining in good detail with many of things ouch with writing and I am Just playing catch up to get that good technique back.

I will have it all in my head and when I go to type it; I usually don't get it to come out how important quiet time is when you have to read or write. She comes to me and says all the time she understands how hard it is to think and have a clear mind with I really enjoyed learning new things in this online class. I had many of ups and and get the points across better. I hope one day I can set aside distractions and find because it taught me many of different techniques and how to become a better.

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Online Classes: Good Or Bad?. (2018, Oct 09). Retrieved from

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